By tyasrint

138K 4.8K 431

This story tells how Fumiko lived her life. How the girl without a childhood had to stand tall and strong as... More

Dua belas
Tiga belas
Empat belas
Lima belas
Enam belas
Tujuh belas
Delapan belas
Sembilan belas
Dua puluh
Dua puluh satu
Dua puluh dua
Dua puluh tiga
Dua puluh empat
Dua puluh lima
Dua puluh enam
Dua puluh tujuh
Dua puluh delapan
Dua puluh sembilan
Tiga puluh
Tiga puluh satu
Tiga puluh dua
Tiga puluh tiga
Tiga puluh empat
Tiga puluh enam
Tiga puluh tujuh
Tiga Puluh Delapan - Finale

Tiga puluh lima

1.8K 82 8
By tyasrint

Chapter 35


aruto ran as fast as he could with Fumiko resting on his back. Killer Bee was not that far from him. That was until he felt a familiar chakra nearby.

He halted immediately, almost throwing Fumiko off his back.

“Uzumaki… Naruto?” The read headed man mumbled. His arm was around a ninja that Naruto never seen before.

“Nagato.” Naruto exclaimed. “You’re reincarnated!”

“I noticed.” The red head replied.

“Who’s he?” Naruto asked, looking down to a teenager that looked a year or two younger than him.

“This is—”

The male beside Nagato froze as his attention was solely on Naruto’s shoulder where Fumiko was still knocked out.

“It can’t be….” The teenager’s eyes widened. “Fumiko?”

Getting defensive, Naruto took a few steps back. “Temme, how do you know Fumiko-san?”

Instead of being offended by Naruto’s growl, the teenager smiled softly. He scanned the Uchiha headclan slowly when he noticed how skinny and pale she was. Even her breathing was uneven and short.

“What happened?” His brows furrowed, making Naruto made the same gesture.

“What do you mean what happened?”

“He’s asking why is she dying.” Nagato blinked, explaining it expressionlessly.

“She is?!” Naruto shrieked, shaking his whole body to wake the girl up.

“Fumiko-san, don’t die on me!!!!”

“Baka yarou, kono yarou~, you might kill her for sure if you keep shaking on her like that.”

That, calmed the Uzumaki right away.
“Oh. I—”

“Naruto, watch out!” Nagato exclaimed as his body moved on its own to attack them.

Naruto backed away immediately, however, the raven haired teenager suddenly appeared before him and in a swift move, took Fumiko away from him.

“Hey!” Naruto protested.

“I’m not under the reincarnation spell.” The teenager explained while looking down at the girl in his embrace. “Me, however, have things to do together with Fumiko. Can I entrust Nagato to you?”

Naruto was about to say no, but something in the raven haired teenager’s eyes shut him up. He nodded once, and in a serious manner, asked, “I will take care of things here. But can I entrust Fumiko-san to you?”

The raven haired teenager closed his eyes and smiled. “Of course. I’d even die for Fumiko-chan.”

The boy adjusted his grip on Fumiko and about to body flickered away when Naruto asked, “What’s your name?”

“Oh, it's Shisui. Uchiha Shisui.” The boy looked back at Naruto with his mangekyo sharingan on before vanished right away.

“Uchiha Shisui, huh?” Naruto hummed as he threw his fist with Nagato.



hisui jumped from a branch to another branch. He just gathered information about the reincarnation jutsu just before Naruto came in their way. It was clear what his mission was—to find and defeat Kabuto.

Suddenly, an electrocuted katana was thrown to him in a high speed. Shisui dodged it immediately, making sure Fumiko was safe from the danger.

Mangekyo sharingan clashed with another mangekyo sharingan.

“Sasuke-kun?” He mumbled.

Sasuke looked confused for a second before recognizing who the teenager was. “Shisui?”

“What do you think you’re doing, you almost killed Fumiko!” The older Uchiha scolded.

Sasuke’s cold stare turned to the female on Shisui’s back before scoffing. “She’s dying already, anyway.”

“Why, you—”

“What are you doing here, Shisui?” Sasuke cut him off, his eyes were still on his sister. “What’s your plan?”

Shisui looked contemplated for a second before decided to open up his mouth.


Fumiko’s eye fluttered open. It was blurry at first as she saw three figures standing in front of her. When she finally sobered up, her eye widened up and dilated right away.

Her gasp made two figured looked down at her, one figure was smiling from ear to ear. “Fumiko-chan, you’re awake.”

“S-Shisui?” Her voice was barely a whisper, but both males could her the crack in it.

“Yeah,” His smile turned into a sad one as he scrunched in front of her and gently combing her hair out of her face. “it’s been a while, huh?”

The girl reached out, and with her only arm, she tightly held the smaller Uchiha in her embrace. Her arm kept grasping on the older Uchiha’s back, trying to make him as close as possible. She was shaken and traumatized, Sasuke noticed on his standing spot. There was no tears in her eye, but the younger sibling could notice how broken she actually was.

Fumiko that Sasuke knew was a cold hearted bitch that he hated so much. But this broken childlike woman that started to sob hard was not her. His eyes could not believe what he was seeing right now—as Fumiko now looked like a normal teenager, not a killer robot of Konoha.

“Sshhh, it’s alright.” Shisui hummed as he patted her back and tightened their embrace. “You’ve been strong for so long, huh? You did well, Fumiko-chan. I’m so proud of you.”

And that was what really mattered for her.

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