Budapest But With The Rest Of...

By RedCorvette084

4.2K 164 122

Natasha and Clint took down the Red Room and killed Dreykov in Budapest years ago Or did they? ... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

746 20 29
By RedCorvette084

(No one's pov)

Natasha walked into the Avengers Tower penthouse and looked around for her team. No one was around, which is strange because, by this time of day, they're all usually lounging about on the sofas and chairs. Clint was usually upside down on a chair in the corner. All the blood rushed to his head and and once he started hallucinating and saying some random stuff.

Nat laughed at the memory before asking FRIDAY where everyone was.

"The avengers are all in a emergency meeting with Fury." FRIDAY answered and Nat frowned. Why wasn't she told about this meeting? What could it possibly be about?

Nat walked down to the meeting room and walked in, to see the entire team (minus Thor) in front of Fury, who looked as if he was in the middle of a sentence.

"Romanoff, sit down please, as I guess you're here now." Fury mumbled and Nat sat down next to Clint.

"Why wasn't I told about this meeting?" Nat asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was going to ask Barton to tell you but I guess we'll do it this way." Fury sighed and turned back to the group.

Nat frowned again. What was so important Fury didn't want to tell her face to face? She just nodded and let him continue.

"Your mission is to completely obliterate an organisation that was partnered with Hydra." Fury paused.

Bucky tensed next to Steve but he didn't notice, only Nat and possibly Clint did.

Fury carried on, "It was believed to be destroyed a... few years back, but a man who was supposed to be dead isn't."

"So, what does this 'organisation' do?" Tony asked skeptically.

"They target young girls-" Fury began, but Clint cut him off.

"No." Clint said and Nat looked up beside him, knowing exactly what he meant. "That's not true..."

"Agent Barton, I'm sorry but please calm down. For the sake of the mission." Fury replied, slightly less calm and collected as he usually was.

"I hate to disagree with you, Fury, but he's right," Nat said, "They're gone. And they're never coming back."

"I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Stark rolled his eyes and folded his arms, looking at the three of them with an annoyed expression.

Fury ignored him and carried on, "Believe whatever helps you sleep at night, but The Red Room is back."

The whole room caught Natasha flinch at the words and then get up and leave the room, Clint right behind her.

"I'm sorry, what just happened?" Steve spoke up, breaking the silence.

"The Red Room was an organisation, like Hydra, that targeted little girls and made them assassins. They were also involved with... The Winter Soldier project." Bucky said, not looking up from an unknown spot on the floor.

"Barton and Romanoff were sent on a very... traumatising mission to bring down The Red Room, and they thought they succeeded. Until a week ago, I did too." Fury said.

"A week?" Bucky said quietly, dragging his eyes up to meet Fury's, "That's how long you knew this was still going on before you did something about it? You knew that they were treating girls like that for a week, before you did something? Huh?" He stood up and faced Fury.

"I did what I had to do. And how do you know so much about The Red Room?"

"I said they were involved in the Winter Soldier project. So I saw. Everything." Bucky then turned and walked out of the room, leaving the table in silence.

(Clint's pov)

I had got up and followed Nat out of the room, just a second behind. I watched Nat go into her room and begin pacing around, muttering to herself in Russian. I leaned against the door frame, listening.

"Нет, пожалуйста, не позволяйте этому повторяться снова. Я думал, мы его убили. Дрейков мертв!" (No, please don't let this be happening again. I thought we killed him. Dreykov is dead!) Natasha muttered, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Nat. Nat!" I called, trying to get her attention. "Наталья!" (Natalia) Nat's head snapped up at the mention of her Russian name.

She then rushed towards me, pulling me inside the room and shutting the door.

She turned to face me and wrapped me in a giant hug. At first, I was surprised but then I hugged her back, wrapping my arms around her.

"Не говори никому, что я сделал это. Если ты это сделаешь, я убью тебя." (Don't tell anyone I did this. If you do I will kill you.)

I gulped, knowing that she wasn't lying. Well, I knew she wouldn't actually kill me but still...

Nat broke off the hug and sat down on the bed then motioned for me to sit next to her.

"Как вы думаете, они придут за мной?" (Do you think they'll come for me?) Natasha looked up at me and I knew I had to reassure her. I don't think there's anyone else she would be this vulnerable with.

"Раньше они этого не делали, поэтому не будут сейчас." (They didn't before, so they won't now.) I smiled at her and she tried a smile back, wiping the tears off of her face. Nat believed tears were a sign of weakness. Well, whether she actually believed that or had been told that, I didn't know.

"Это просто..." (It's just...) Nat sighed then carried on, "Half of my life was spent in The Red Room. And then I met you and we took it down and killed Dreykov. But now I find out that we didn't and... I'm scared. You're the only one on the team that knows where I come from and I'd like to keep it that way. Except that I don't know how if we have to go on this mission." Nat paused and took a shaky breath. I put my hand on her shoulder and she relaxed sightly before carrying on, "The whole team, except for you, thinks I never cry, never get scared, but I do. I'm just a person. I just act like I'm tough. I bet if they saw the real me, they wouldn't want me here at all..."

"Hey!" I cut her off sharply and she turned her head towards me. "I know the real you. I've seen the best and the worst of you. And I wouldn't want anything different from my best friend. We will get through this. And if we have to tell the others then so be it. And if they don't accept you then screw them! We'll be our own team: Black Widow and Hawkeye. We could have matching outfits and dance moves and... What?"

Nat was full scale laughing at me, rolling around the bed. Just like I wanted her to be doing at the end of my little speech thing.

"You're... getting... way too... into this!" She struggled out between gasps of laughter. She composed herself a little and sat up a bit straighter. "But yeah. If they wanna be dicks about it then to hell with them!"

"To hell with them!" I repeated as we clashed imaginary glasses together in the air. I looked at her and smiled. Thankfully, she smiled back.

(Tony's pov)

I watched as Barnes walked out the room, leaving us in silence. The tension could be cut with a knife.

Steve suddenly stood up and walked after his friend.

There was just me, Bruce and the pirate left.

"Well, that was... interesting." I said, rolling my eyes while Bruce just sighed.

"I think I'm gonna head down to the science labs and finish some work. Uh, see you guys." Bruce stuttered and he left in the elevator.



"I expect you to be here for the mission, when I tell you, on time."

"What you should expect is for me to be late." With that I stood up and strolled out of the room, a smug look on my face.

Two hours of work in my lab later, I heard a knock on the door. I turned around to see Pepper standing there, looking exhausted.

"Hey, Pep." I said rushing over to her. "Weren't you meant to be in Paris for another two weeks?"

"They sent me home early. Something about taxes and I didn't really listen." Pepper sighed.

"You? Not listening?" I raised an eyebrow. "Damn, you've lost your touch!"

"I have not!" She swatted my arm. "I was just coming to see how you were and tell you that I'm going to bed."

"Alright, honey, see you tomorrow." I waved Pepper goodbye as she went upstairs. I asked FRIDAY to make me another cup of coffee and continued with my work. About half an hour later, I decided to search some more stuff up about this Red Room that Fury was talking about. After searching what seemed like thousands of websites, I finally found a trustworthy source. Well, as trustworthy as an encrypted website on the dark web can be.

Most of the articles were about how the organisation focused on young girls, then trained them up to be assassins, but one story was on a girl that was the youngest and best in her class every time. I read things that she had been, through. Past experiences and family issues. I read she was targeted from a very young age and had her first kill at five years old.

Then right at the bottom was a picture of a 14 (about) year old girl with red hair and green eyes. She had headphones on and held a gun in front of her. Beneath the picture was a name.

Natalia Alianovna Romanova

Huh, that kinda sounded like Nat's name.




Hello, I hope you enjoyed my story (chapter one) x

I have really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it x

Also, updated will be once or twice a week, usually evenly spread out x

I love you 3000 ❤

Words: 1600

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