Chapter 1

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(No one's pov)

Natasha walked into the Avengers Tower penthouse and looked around for her team. No one was around, which is strange because, by this time of day, they're all usually lounging about on the sofas and chairs. Clint was usually upside down on a chair in the corner. All the blood rushed to his head and and once he started hallucinating and saying some random stuff.

Nat laughed at the memory before asking FRIDAY where everyone was.

"The avengers are all in a emergency meeting with Fury." FRIDAY answered and Nat frowned. Why wasn't she told about this meeting? What could it possibly be about?

Nat walked down to the meeting room and walked in, to see the entire team (minus Thor) in front of Fury, who looked as if he was in the middle of a sentence.

"Romanoff, sit down please, as I guess you're here now." Fury mumbled and Nat sat down next to Clint.

"Why wasn't I told about this meeting?" Nat asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I was going to ask Barton to tell you but I guess we'll do it this way." Fury sighed and turned back to the group.

Nat frowned again. What was so important Fury didn't want to tell her face to face? She just nodded and let him continue.

"Your mission is to completely obliterate an organisation that was partnered with Hydra." Fury paused.

Bucky tensed next to Steve but he didn't notice, only Nat and possibly Clint did.

Fury carried on, "It was believed to be destroyed a... few years back, but a man who was supposed to be dead isn't."

"So, what does this 'organisation' do?" Tony asked skeptically.

"They target young girls-" Fury began, but Clint cut him off.

"No." Clint said and Nat looked up beside him, knowing exactly what he meant. "That's not true..."

"Agent Barton, I'm sorry but please calm down. For the sake of the mission." Fury replied, slightly less calm and collected as he usually was.

"I hate to disagree with you, Fury, but he's right," Nat said, "They're gone. And they're never coming back."

"I'm sorry, what's going on here?" Stark rolled his eyes and folded his arms, looking at the three of them with an annoyed expression.

Fury ignored him and carried on, "Believe whatever helps you sleep at night, but The Red Room is back."

The whole room caught Natasha flinch at the words and then get up and leave the room, Clint right behind her.

"I'm sorry, what just happened?" Steve spoke up, breaking the silence.

"The Red Room was an organisation, like Hydra, that targeted little girls and made them assassins. They were also involved with... The Winter Soldier project." Bucky said, not looking up from an unknown spot on the floor.

"Barton and Romanoff were sent on a very... traumatising mission to bring down The Red Room, and they thought they succeeded. Until a week ago, I did too." Fury said.

"A week?" Bucky said quietly, dragging his eyes up to meet Fury's, "That's how long you knew this was still going on before you did something about it? You knew that they were treating girls like that for a week, before you did something? Huh?" He stood up and faced Fury.

"I did what I had to do. And how do you know so much about The Red Room?"

"I said they were involved in the Winter Soldier project. So I saw. Everything." Bucky then turned and walked out of the room, leaving the table in silence.

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