Chapter 5

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(Clint's pov)

As the plane landed, me and Natasha refused any more questions and turned towards the now open door. Tony and Steve complained about not wearing their suits but I told them they all had to wear black, much like an agent on an undercover mission would do.

We all went round to the back of the building and Nat searched the wall for the hidden entrance to the vents we had used years ago because, as you can already guess, we are back in Budapest.

"Uh, what are you actually looking for, Nat?" Steve asked.

"One second..." Nat responded. "There! Clint, can you grab the other side for me?"

I nodded and we both pulled up the cover to a small shaft with a ladder leading up.

"We're all supposed to fit in there?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well not all at once, idiot!" I snapped back at him. "You'll be fine, its bigger than it looks."

I was right, when I said the space was bigger on the inside because we all easily fit in there one by one. Once we had all climbed into the vents, we began crawling through them, me and Nat a lot faster than everyone else.

We then got to an open space in the vents, presumably connecting them all together. We could all sit straight up in here with a little more head room.

Nat immediately opened a hidden box to reveal all the food we had stashed here last time, just in case we ever needed to come up here again. I never knew it would be with these guys though.

"How did you know they would be there?" Tony said.

Nat just looked at him and muttered, "Pass." Before chucking two snack bars to everyone, but giving me and herself three.

"Hey, why does he get more?" Tony complained and Steve frowned but Nat just glared at them and Tony shut up. I just smiled to myself, glad she was on my side and not theirs.

About half an hour later, Tony and Steve looked quite bored and, I have to admit, I was as well.

"God, isn't there anything to do here?" Tony moaned to pretty much himself but I perked up at the suggestion.

"We could carve stuff on the walls." I suggested and I felt Nat sit up a bit at the thought that all our carvings could still be there.

"Yeah, but what with?" Tony asked and me, Nat and Bucky and brought knives out of out pockets. Tony and Steve's eyes widened and they looked around, startled.

"Hold up," Tony cried, "Nobody told me we had to bring knives!"

Nat sighed at threw one at him, which he dodged and picked up off of the ground, glaring at her as he did so. Bucky then passed Steve one and they all got close to the wall me and Nat were leaning on.

"Tic tac toe?" Tony asked and I shrugged and he raised his knife to carve into the wall but Nat stopped him.

"Tony!" She cried and he jumped back in shock.

"What?! What did I do?" He asked.

"Don't let them know we're here. You have to carve it on the panels behind these ones and then cover it up when you're gone." Nat said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I'll just take this panel off then." I said and pulled at the edges of the panel until it came off completely. Behind, the entire wall was filled with games of tic tac toe and writing stories of missions we had been on, and both of our names, written in massive letters in the middle (my idea of course).

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