Chapter 2

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(Tony's pov)

The next moring, we were all gathered in a conference room with the pirate, who would be going over the basics of this mission. For once, I was there on time and I got a raised eyebrow from Fury.

"I have my reasons," I responded when he asked. The reasons being that I wanted to see if I was right and see Nat's reaction to things.

Fury snorted and a moment later Nat and Clint walked in, both with grim faces. Nat's eyes were a little red and blotchy, but you could only tell if you looked close.

"Where's Barnes?" Fury asked Steve.

"He said he would go on the mission wasn't coming now. Didn't give a reason. I'll tell him what he needs to know, it's fine." Cap said and Fury nodded, turning back to a small screen at the front.

"Uh, I actually did some digging last night into the Red Room's past and I found out about a girl by the name of Natalia." I saw Nat, Clint and surprisingly Bucky stiffen at the mention of the name. Even Fury looked lost for words for a split second before continuing.

"That's irrelevant, Stark." He said and looked around the room. No one else seemed to connect the dots. "Now, the Red Room is a terrible place. No doubt about it. The plan is to get in there, set up bombs, and get out before they go off. Ok? Everyone understand? Great. Now get outta here we go tomorrow."

Everyone groaned and left the room.

"Romanoff, Barton! Come here a second." Fury shouted at them and Nat and Clint turned and came back. I hung back and listened from the outside of the door.

"Yeah, Fury?" Clint asked.

"I just want to say that I didn't want to put you two on this mission. It wasn't my idea. I know you've had trouble with the Red Room in the past, but I know you can do it." Fury's voice changed from angry and emotionless to calm and... nice? It didn't suit him.

"But we failed the first time." Nat whispered. "I don't wanna go back there." Nat seemed so vulnerable. I almost felt sorry for her.

"I'm sorry Natasha. I know-" Fury began but Clint cut him off.

"No." He said in a voice I had never heard him use before. It was kinda scary. "You don't know. But I do. I don't want her going anywhere near that place. But you're making her."

"I'm sorry Clint, but how would you know more than me?" Fury folded his arms.

"You know that mission you sent me on when I was about sixteen (in this story, Clint was made a SHIELD agent as a kid idk around fifteen maybe) and I didn't come back for about a month? You sent me to steal some files from the Red Room and they caught me. I was kidnapped and tortured for information and, when they gave up, I was put in a cell. That's when I first met Natahsa. She was about eleven or twelve and she helped me get out. I begged her to come with me but she told me 'no, the Red Room is my home' and she left. Years later, we met again in Budapest and I knew immediately it was her. I didn't think she remembered me though. But yeah, I saw girls bundled in trucks, made to dance, kill, fight, shoot. It was horrible. And if something happens to Nat on this mission I will never forgive you, ok? So I'll go on this mission and I'll do what you want me to but I will never have anything to do with that place again."

Clint turned around and walked out the door, leaving the room in silence.

I held my breath and pressed myself against the wall, hoping Clint wouldn't see me listening. He looked around a bit before carrying on down the hallway. I looked back to see Nat nod at Fury and follow Clint out of the door.

'Well damn!' I thought, sauntering off down a different corridor, dreading the mission we would have to do tomorrow.

(Steve's pov)

I was sitting on the sofa with Bucky and Bruce (we had both already told Bucky about the mission) when Clint stormed though the room towards the elevator, looking very pissed off!

"Clint, where are you going?" I asked, worried for my friend.

"Upstairs." He replied and stepped into the elevator a moment later Nat cane through and joined him, neither of them saying a word. The doors shut and I frowned, turing back to some random disney movie playing on the TV. I noticed Bucky was humming along and I mentally laughed. I could not believe it when I heard he loved disney movies, especially the cartoons. Bruce didn't notice and just sipped his coffee.

Tony then came through, looking like he had just seen a ghost.

"Are you alright, Tony?" I asked, and he turned to look at me.

A moment later he smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

He didn't seem fine. He seemed worried.

"Uh, Capsicle, can I talk to you for a sec?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, sure." I muttered, standing up slowly. I followed him into the kitchen and he turned to face me. "What's up?"

"Did you see Nat and Clint anywhere?" Tony asked, not knowing they had just come through.

"Uh, yeah, they just came through and went upstairs. Why?" I asked, wondering why he was so worried.

"Well, I overheard a conversation between them and Fury and... just tell me if they're acting a little... off. Ok?"

"Um, yeah sure." I frowned as Tony nodded and then went back to his lab. I shook it off and went back to the sofa, to see Bucky almost crying at the genie being set free on Aladdin. He's such a softie.



Hey, thanks for reading chapter two x

I hope you liked it x

Any ideas or ships u wanna see then I will be happy to do so x

See you in chapter three x

I love you 3000 ❤

Words: 1000

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