Chapter 4

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(Steve's pov)

The whole team gathered in a room, waiting for Fury, who was apparently, running late. Nat and Clint had walked out of the room as soon as we had got there and they hadn't come back yet.

"So... what exactly are we waiting for now?" Bruce asked, breaking the silence.

"Um, I guess we're waiting for Nat, Clint and Fury." I replied.

"I swear I've only seen them for two minutes after the meeting yesterday." Tony mumbled, looking up from his phone slightly. "Where could they possibly be? I know every room in this tower and I cannot find security feed of them anywhere."

"You sure you looked everywhere?" I asked, honestly wondering where they had gone. I was just about to ask again when Fury walked into the room, a grim expression on his face. It meant that he didn't want any trouble, any problems and it even made Tony shut up.

Nat and Clint then came in behind him, matching their faces to Fury's. I wondered what they had just been talking about but I knew better than to ask.

"Banner, I want you in the lab making more of a solution that breaks people out of mind control. The rest of you will all go in, plant the explosives and meet at a certain location that Barton and Romanoff will tell you. They are the only ones that know the full goal of the mission, you are not to question them, ask them about the mission or advise them against decisions in any way. They know something that you don't and they deserve to do something. They also know where you're going so you have no reason to not follow them, ok?" Fury said, a look of fury (get it?) on his cold face.

"Wha-" Tony began to speak but he was cut off.

"I said, no questions!" Fury shouted. "Now, get on the Quinjet. Good luck." The last bit was directed at Nat and Clint, who nodded in return. He then walked away. Nothing much happened for a few moments after that.

"You heard the man, lets go." Clint mumbled as he walked out of the room, Natasha right behind him. She stopped just before going out of the door and spoke.

"Also, Fury said don't ask, so don't ask." She snapped and walked out the door.

"I guess we'd better go." I said, slowly standing up. Tony stood up after me and me and Bucky followed him out of the door, leaving Bruce to work on whatever Fury wanted him to.

(Tony's pov)

Once we were all on the Quinjet, Clint set a course on the GPS and we all sat down. No one said a word, afraid to break the silence that hung over us like a blanket. The tension could be cut with a knife. Clint suddenly said something in Russian, but I had no clue what he was saying.

"Могу я поговорить с вами на секунду?" (Can I talk to you for a second?) He said.

"Почему не здесь?" (Why not here?) Nat responded.

"Барнс тоже знает русский язык." (Barnes knows Russian too.) Clint glanced over at Bucky after this and Nat nodded before they walked to a different part of the jet.

"Well?" I asked, my eyes scanning the room. Steve raised his head.

"Well, what?" He asked. Seriously? He actually couldn't tell something was off?

"Seriously?" I rolled my eyes. "We've got to ask them what the hell is going on!"

"Fury said not to and so did Nat. We should follow orders." Steve replied.

"Come on! They're our team mates! We have to know." I decided to tell them about what I heard yesterday. "I overheard a conversation between them and Fury yesterday about the Red Room."

Bucky looked up at this and said, "What did you hear?"

"I didn't-" I was cut off.

"You don't want to go asking about that place so maybe it's best if we just follow our orders." Bucky sat back and looked away again.

"Jeez, I was only asking." I muttered.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't." Steve snapped. Oh, he went there!

"Well, maybe you should-"

"Maybe I should what?" He cut me off. Now I'm pissed off!

"Did you just cut me off?"

"Yeah, I did, what you gonna do about it?"

"Wow, I didn't know you were such a bad boy Capsicle. Where did you learn to talk like that."

"Oh, grow up Tony!"

"Maybe you're the one that needs to grow up."

"Guys!" I only then noticed that Clint and Natasha had come back in when he shouted across the room. "Calm down. We are willing to answer some of your questions but not all."

"Basically we'll say what we're comfortable with saying and pass on the others." Nat spoke up.

"Ok then." I took my chance to ask what I had been wanting to know since Fury brought it up. "What is the Red Room?"

"The Red Room is an organisation partnered with Hydra in experimenting on and torturing young girls. They would make them exactly what they wanted to be, and kill the ones that didn't meet their standards. They were made to dance ballet, fight, shoot, kill, spy, hide, blend in, basically be the perfect agent. They had the idea to mind control and brain wash people and that is how they make the girls do what they want. They were involved in the Winter Soldier project, having been the ones to come up with the idea of mind control. They stuck with the way they used where as Hydra 'perfected' it." Clint said, and I noticed Nat zoning out a bit.

"Ok then," I carried on, "Why are you connected to the Red Room?" I already had a bit of an answer but I needed confirmation.

"Well, uh..." Clint trailed off.

"Pass." Natasha said slowly and I nodded, also slowly.

"Alright," I thought to what I had found out a few nights ago and I remembered how tense they had both been when I asked so I decided to again, "Who is Natalia?"

They both froze up again. Nat spoke first.

"Natalia was a girl in the Red Room." She said quietly, then looked up, a new-found confidence in her eyes. "Apart from that, a hard pass from us."

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere.

"How do you both know where to go?" Steve asked.

"Fury trusted us with maps and information and he knew we wouldn't abuse that trust so he gave us the full layout of what we have to do. There is a man, the one in charge, called Dreykov." Nat shuddered as Clint said the name. "We need to make sure he dies. For our own reasons."

"Wait, Fury never said anything about killing anyone." Steve exclaimed, most likely to himself.

"What are your reasons?" I asked, already knowing what they would say.

"Pass." (Knew it!) They both spoke at the same time.

FRIDAY then announced that the jet was landing so we got ready to go infiltrate a secret organisation base.

This is going to be fun!



Hi guys x

Thanks so much for reading chapter four x

It has been so much fun writing it x

By the way, the picture at the start of each part has nothing to do with the story, it's just cute fan art of Nat and Clint and the Avengers that I thought you'd enjoy x

Anyway, bye x

I love you 3000 ❤

Words: 1200

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