Paradise (MikaYuu)

By Ivemissedyou

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I did say Ending A left room for a sequel. So in this lovely other life Mika spoke so fondly of, Yuu finds hi... More



174 6 18
By Ivemissedyou

🎶 We could be alone together. Fuck your friends, I'll stay with you forever 🎶


"Babe, baby, babe, baby, babe, baby, babe, baby, babe," Mika kept lightly tapping me on the side of my face. I was refusing the move out  of the comfortable position I was in for these light taps. Mika sighed and I felt my entire life flash before my eyes as I heard, "Wake up, Lieutenant!"

I somehow managed to grab his hand in the nick of time, eyes blown wide as hell. Mika was laughing hysterically at my panicked fear.

"I love that you got that!" He chuckled harder.

"You're like a walking shitpost." I cringed.

"Ohh, I know, I know. The doctor will be here soon, I'd say about 40 minutes," he cheeked his watch, "maybe 45. Is there anything you want to do before she arrives? Maybe shower, have something to eat?" He sat right next to me on the bed, staring at me like an impatient parent.

"What? Why is there a doctor coming?" I asked.

"Hmm, truly a wonder," he brought up a gloved finger to my neck and stated tracing a line around the side of my neck, "it's almost as if someone needs a wellness check after undergoing some physical trauma."

"It's really ironic hearing that from you." I pointed out.

"I didn't say it wasn't, mon amour." He practically purred as he ran his finger up from my neck to tilt my chin up.

"Someone's in a good mood." I raised an eyebrow at him. The confidence in him dropped for a split second. In that moment I could see the doubt, the hatred, every shattered piece of him. It was gone before I saw it all though, replaced by a self conscious, tired imitation of his usual over the top facade.

"I am, thank you for noticing," Mika gave me a slow, nearly sensual kiss on the lips, "I'm thrilled with how well things are going, and I'm glad that you seem to be feeling better." He kept eye contact with me as he cupped my face in both hands, staring down at me.

"I'm not feeling better. Are you feeling ok?" I asked.

Mika chuckled slightly, kissing me again, "I'm genuinely fantastic. I love you, I love seeing you, I love being with you." There was something else held in the sigh he let out, almost this irritation. He was looking at me in ways I didn't understand. I felt unsafe.

If he was going to try to hide, I would too, "I love you too, sweetheart." I grabbed onto his good hand and squeezed gently. I saw his lip twitch.

"Yuu." He whispered, a rasp to his voice that I felt too familiar with, his hand pressed on my chest.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I'm fuckin' obsessed with you," there were no more playful tones in his voice, his hand came further up around my throat. I met his eyes as his hands shook, hesitating. He looked at me with pure disgust. He was getting progressively more ballsy with how hard he grabbed my throat, "and it's making me hate you."

Before I knew it my hand shot up to his wrist, I wasn't pulling back yet, just held it there.

"Do you think they would be able to tell the difference between rope marks and my hands?" He asked.

I went to choke out a yes, but my throat was too dry.

"I wouldn't do that to you again." He just kept staring down into my eyes as I stared back with what I can only imagine was the face of a deer in headlights, "You look so much different up close," he took his thumb and ran it across my jawline, "sharper, sturdier, surer."

I was starting to not be able to handle this. I tapped his wrist but he just stared daggers into me as I started to struggle. He watched so intently as my need for air became more and more evident by the second. He let out a final sigh and released me.

I gasped for air, "WHAT. THE. FUCK." I looked up ay him and I could feel the tension of our eye contact weighing down on me. He looked at me like I was nothing, and I could tell he felt that way feel to his core, "snap out of it, asshole." When I finally had enough energy I stood in front of him, he stared back like an uninterested child. I gave him one hard slap across the face, "I fucking dare you to pull that shit again."

"I should've known better," his words were wasted, he didn't mean them and I didn't believe them, "maybe stop me sooner next time, love."

"Are you out of your fucking mind?! There's not going to be a next time, Mikaela! I'm not staying with your psycho ass after that! Have you gone fucking mental?!" I shouted at him.

"Well, you don't have much of a choice," he was still mumbling, "so stop screaming, you're only gonna hurt your throat."

"What do you mean I don't have a choice?" I asked.

"Well, Yuu, you're still on suicide watch. And I can see how you're still so unstable. If you left, I don't know what I would do. I'd have to talk to your family, I guess. If I can't watch you, someone has to." He sighed.

"What the- what the fuck are you trying to do?" I asked defensively. He was threatening me.

"What do you mean?" He asked, he looked confused but I knew that was bullshit.

"No, don't give me that!" I snapped, "You promised this was going to be different! What the fuck are you trying?"

Mika looked taken aback, like I had said something completely out of character, "Yuu, calm down. You're overreacting."

Frustration burned within me like a wildfire, "That's bullshit."

"Baby-" I would succeed in my attempts before I let this asshole gaslight me.

"No! That's not the answer!" I shouted.

Mika's face dropped, but not in the way that I was used to. Not in the way it did when he was tired of pretending, he looked like he had no clue what to do, and if what just happened hadn't happened, I would've believed him. I was positive everyone else would, "I-I really am sorry, I don't know what else you want me to say. I really didn't realize this would affect you so much or else I wouldn't have even suggested it. You're so much worse than I thought, I should've been more careful with how I treated you."

"Oh. My. God. Get out," I hissed, "You're not going to gaslight me. And I'm not going to take this."

He looked so hurt, dejected, "Um... ok, I guess. I'll be downstairs if you need anything. I'll let you know when the doctor comes."

Was I really overreacting? No. Not a chance in hell I would let that asshole make me think I was the problem. The way I saw it, 1 of 3 things was happening here, maybe even a combo of them:
1. He was trying to get my confidence down so I'd agree to something.
2: He did something very bad, and was trying to not so subtly let me know he was my only choice.
3. He's somehow lost it even further.

On god that fucker was so cocky. I was certain he did something he doesn't want me to know about.

Was it possible that he had done something to me that I hadn't realized yet? That would explain why he was being overly caring towards me.

"Aw fuck." I mumbled to myself as I began I search my body for anything unusual— and then it hit me. The way that I reacted to whatever we ate last night, how knocked out Mika was despite his chronic insomnia, how frantically he was apologizing and how the things he said didn't fully fit to the situation.

He drugged our fucking food!

I needed to think very carefully about how I wanted to go about this. Was confronting him about it upfront really my best option? I doubted it. I knew I couldn't trust the food he made anymore but he would get suspicious if I didn't eat, which would in turn lead to him knowing that I figured it out. Why the hell would he even do that? And the food tasted fine, actually, it was one of the best meats I'd ever tasted. It was juicy and tender and oh my good the flavor was to die for. So what could he have done to it to cause that kind of reaction?

I hadn't touched my phone since I woke up here, I didn't want to deal with my friends and family asking me where I was, that was just too much for me. But Mika promised me that I could use my phone and looking this up in secret from him seemed like a good enough excuse as any to see who contacted me. The only problem was I had no idea where my phone was. Hopefully he would still play pretend and give it to me.

"Mika!" I shouted, I noticed just how tender my throat was as soon as I shouted, it hurt.

"Yes, love!?" He shouted back.

"Where's my phone?!" I asked. No response, "MIKAELA!"

"What!?" He asked. On god, I felt the frustration rise. I knew his bitch ass could hear me.

"WHERE! IS! MY! PHONE!?" I shouted.


"Ohhhhhhh," I barely heard him say to himself, "It's in the drawer down here, but it's dead!"

"Can you plug it in for me!?" I asked.

"Yep!" He responded and I heard some shuffling.

He was so casual with me after literally snapping on me and drugging me. Well, if getting unknowingly drugged and being manipulated by crazy people wasn't a blast from the past I don't know what is.

🎶 Cuz I don't like your friends, I don't like your friends, I don't like you me friends at all~ 🎶

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