Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of W...

By IronGodAuthor

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Here are the animes involved in the world the 4 of them got isekai'd. 1.) Infinite Stratos 2.) Hundred 3.) Ma... More

Iron Man Bio Part 1
Iron Man Bio Part 2
Iron Man Bio Part 3
Iron Man Bio Part 4
War Machine Bio Part 1
War Machine Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio Part 3
War Machine Bio Part 4
Batman Bio Part 1
Batman Bio Part 2
Batman Bio Part 3
Batman Bio Part 4
Green Lantern Bio Part 1
Green Lantern Bio Part 2
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: University & Military
Chapter 3: Savages
Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?
Chapter 5: War Monarch
Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light
Chapter 7: Hanging Out With Friends In Tengu City
Chapter 8: The Media
Chapter 9: Chimera
Chapter 10: Physical Education
Chapter 11: Scarlet Licorice vs Iron Patriot 2.0
War Machine's 4 New Additions To His Arsenal
Chapter 12: Playing Human
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Ultron
Chapter 15: Ultron's Origin
Chapter 16: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 1
Chapter 18: Iron Destroyer
Chapter 19: Iron Commander
Chapter 20: Mystic Iron Man
Chapter 21: Winter Battle
Chapter 22: Halloween
Chapter 23: Thanksgiving
Chapter 24: Grace Synclavia
Chapter 25: 1 Iron Man Army
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: New Year
Chapter 28: Human Again
Chapter 29: Ultron's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 30: Ultron's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 31: War Machine's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 32: War Machine's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 33: War Machine's Invasion Part 3
Chapter 34: War Machine's Invasion Part 4
Chapter 35: War Machine's Invasion Part 5
Chapter 36: The Final Battle
Chapter 37: Thanoseid
Chapter 38: Upgrade
Chapter 39: Thanoseid's Invasion
Chapter 40: Doomsday
Chapter 41: Aftermath
Chapter 42: 3rd Wave
Chapter 43: Kurumi Tokisaki
Chapter 44: Last Wave
Chapter 45: Endgame

Chapter 17: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 2

7 1 0
By IronGodAuthor

After the battle Rhodes was now in a military hospital bed as Bruce, Tony, & John runs to the med bay. When they made it they then joined & helped out the medics as they have the needed parts & materials to bring Rhodey back as it may not be easy nor will Rhodey like it as this is the only thing they could do for now. And so they did the procedure as they were lucky that they made it or else Rhodey could've died. 7 days later Rhodey wakes up from his coma as he sees a bright light as he realized his in the med bay. He sees Vestal sleeping to her chair next to his bed as when she woke up she then called the others as Rhodey is back. As everyone gathers around they were then relieved to see Rhodey back from the dead.

>Ichika Orimura:
Thank God you're alive man.

>James Rhodes:
(Still laying down tired) What happened? What about the battle?

The battle is a victory, although it almost cost you & your life.

And so Rhodey asked them some more questions & they all answered just until Rhodey asked them of how is he still alive. Tony told him that he won't like it as Garnet hands a mirror to him as now half of Rhodey's face is a cyborg as it happened again but this time he didn't scream nor anything as he kinda got used to it the 1st time but it still gave him horror. After all that Tony explained to Rhodey of what happened to him after the battle as now he needs to rest for 7 more days as he can't fully go to combat yet. But that didn't mean he can't walk around the base as the only rest Rhodey needs is to not work for now. Tony then told Rhodey of his new improvements as thanks to Extremis he can hack technology like Tony & he has the power of Magnetism now (Go check Stanetech War Machine's wiki & then you guys will see). As Rhodey is told about this everyone left the room so that way Rhodey can finally rest. After everyone left & before Rhodey could rest he though of what happened in the battle as now he looks at his palms as now he vows to protect everyone & become stronger so that the same mistake that happened to him never happens again (Also, he's basically still wearing the suit so he could live). 

>James Rhodes:
(Looks at his palms) I can't let this mistake ever happen again. I will become stronger & that way I could keep up with the other 3 & protect those I care.

And so he goes back to sleep as he needed rest. A day later he now walks to the base as when everyone saw him they weren't afraid nor disgusted but rather they felt pity on him & they hoped that he'd get well sooner. By this they still accepted him as this is a sort of symbol of his experience. Luckily War Machine can still eat as he was welcomed into the mess hall as they all say welcome back. And so he was happy as atleast so many were still okay & in good shape. Meanwhile at the school Tony spars with Kizuna as when Tony lets Kizuna make the 1st move when he summoned Eros Kizuna then turned into Zeros Mode as he charges at Tony. But just when Kizuna punched Tony what he can see is an Iron Man suit but this 1 was different as it didn't look like it was made of metal as it then became invisible when Kizuna wasn't touching it. Until Tony gave the command to make it visible as now the 2 of them fights in the arena. Kizuna was actually doing great considering he's using so many modes all at once but Iron Man's Virtual Armor was so versatile that Iron Man just thought of what weapon & then the suit made it for him (Considering that The Virtual Armor can create anything Tony can think of. By this I mean that it not only can create any weapons from other armors but it can theoretically turn into other modes including Iron Man Buster Armors). Kizuna starts using Taros as he created a hammer out of nowhere but Iron Man was prepared as he created a virtual shield & then he uppercutted Kizuna with a powerful virtual repulsor powered gauntlet which he created from his mind/thoughts/imagination. They kept fighting until Iron Man was able to take Kizuna down with a non-lethal Unibeam as it knocked him out cold causing Eros to disappear. As Kizuna wakes up seconds later what he sees is Iron Man giving him a hand & he grabbed it so he can stand up.

>Kizuna Hida:
(After getting up) Man, that's 1 awesome suit Tony, what is it called?

>Iron Man:
It's my virtual armor. It's made of an entire universe, The eScape, hard solid holograms that its only limit: My Imagination. And besides, I'm a futurist afterall.

>Kizuna Hida:
To be honest, I'm a bit jealous considering your suits are way more safer than HHGs.

>Iron Man:
Don't worry, I understand. (Turns his Virtual Armor invisible).

And so everyone gets down to the arena as they were amazed of Tony's suit as even smart students were so impressed that they wanted some experiments & shit. But Tony told them that he only has 1 of these suits & if the suit those break then it will automatically comeback to him in good shape if he wants it too (But it takes around 30 Minutes before he can use it again). Later at the canteen Bruce & Tony eats while they wonder if Rhodey is gonna be okay as the last time he fought Alexis was brutal. Tony even had to repair both the Iron Patriot Suit & recreate the shield. Some even joined them as they also wonder of how's Rhodey's condition after the battle. (When I recently checked Kizuna's wiki it turns out that Aldea's HHG, Zeel, can manipulate space). Back in the base everyone were in awe as they see War Machine not only using Extremis but Magnetism aswell for as he used his powers to disassemble & reassamble some vehicles. He even assimilated with some vehicles & weapons too before deciding to go back to normal. This made everyone impressed as War Machine told them of his experience as a Cyborg back then. When he mentioned the part that he fought Ares they were then amazed. After all of that Enterprise & Belfast shows up as they too are impressed of his new powers as she compliments him.

>Stanetech War Machine:
Why thank you ma'am, I'm just testing my powers.

I hope you can fight again so that way we can save our world & restore peace.

>Stanetech War Machine:
I wouldn't agree more.

And then an alarm sounded as an invasion force will occur at Osaka. Luckily the civillians were then notified so they all evacuated. War Machine wants to help but Belfast told him not to as he still can't go yet considering that Tony told him to rest for now because it isn't even 7 days yet.

Look I know you wanna help War Machine but Belfast has a point, you need rest. But don't worry we'll take care of everything. I'll have Green Lantern deployed for battle.

>Stanetech War Machine:
I understand.

And so they smiled & nodded to him before leaving as War Machine goes somewhere where he might be able to sit down. As War Machine sits down he is able to see the battle from afar away thanks to his suit's HUD as he was able to hack to the military's computers so he can see the battle. Luckily no 1 knows that he hacked into the computers. And so Green Lantern was deployed as he & Enterprise deploys into battle as Batman & Iron Man follows them. (Also, to be honest I'm a fan of both Iron Man & War Machine so just to tell you guys that I think War Machine deserves better like Iron Man as not only War Machine has experience alot of shit but there are times when he gets little screen time. Also, if only his arch-nemesis was either Ares or Firepower instead of Sunset Bain as she doesn't really fit as his arch-enemy while Ares or Firepower are good for him. Now back to the story). And so Alexis, Grabel, Aldea, Tester Beta, & Sir Dagmyer arrives as they all attack the city. Alexis on the otherhand is just watching while Grabel is actually focus on fighting but she wonders if War Machine died as she feels like things won't be the same without him. And then Iron Man & the others arrives as they all fight them. Iron Man focuses on both Aldea & Alexis while Green Lantern fights Grabel this time while Batman fights Dagmyer as the military fights off the enemy forces as Enterprise leads them. And so the battle heats up as Iron Man (Wearing his Thorbuster Armor) fights off Alexis & Aldea as he had enough strength to match. Meanwhile Green Lantern fights Grabel as she even asked him a question when her Gunsword locks on Green Lantern's constructed shield.

(While locking her sword) So tell me Green Lantern, what is War Machine to you?

>Green Lantern:
(While his constructed shield locks with Grabel's blade) I don't know why you're asking but to answer your question he's not only a comrade but a brother-in-arms. (He then breaks the lock by pushing the shield further as Grabel ends up getting pushed).

And then Grabel breaks the shield as she fires her particle cannons but Green Lantern blocked them & constructed alot of guns as he fires all of them at once. Batman on the other hand fughts off Dagmyer as this time Batman pilots his Batmobile & turns it into Mecha Form as they both fight. Dagmyer starts acting cocky which led to his downfall as thanks to Batman's pilotting skills & martial arts skills he was able to beat Dagmyer too easily in the fight as he broke the Mecha's limbs 1 by 1 & then he went for the Mecha's head only leaving the now limbless & headless torso. Meanwhile Enterprise fights of Tester Beta's fleet as she fights really good as fuck. Meanwhile Alexis then went serious for as just when Aldea was about to be taken out Alexis rushed in as he fights the Thorbuster in a 1 on 1. And so Iron Man fights Alexis as the 2 were able to be on par on strength but when Alexis got tired of fighting too much so he just ripped the suit's armor. Iron Man's Thorbuster Armor starts to break down as all weapons are also down so he fire a Unibeam but he wasn't able to as Alexis rips its Arc Reactor. And now the Thorbuster is down while Iron Man is pinned as now Alexis was about to finish the job. Meanwhile War Machine could see all this so he decided to get up from the bench & then he used the suit's Chameleon Mode as he sneaks into a military building filled with vehicles & weapons. As he goes inside the place was empty when he phased through the door as all he can see are a crate of high caliber guns, heavy guns, & an MBT as he decides to do his thing. And so he did his thing as he assimilated with the MBT & he assimilated with the guns aswell as now he looks like a heavily armed version of Super Mecha Death Christ (And for some reason Super Mecha Death Christ looked like Stanetech War Machine if you guys hadn't notice). And now War Machine is ready.

>Stanetech War Machine:
Look out evil invaders, because War Machine is comin' at ya.

Meanwhile Iron Man is pinned down as Alexis is still slashing the Thorbuster but it was taking him long until Batman showed as he punches Alexis & then they both fought. Alexis did destroy the Mecha Batmobile but Batman was able to eject wearing his Augmentation suit as he grabs & flies Alexis up & then threw him. And so Batman fights Alexis as the 2 of them duke it out. Batman landed so many punches as he fights but when Aldea intervened Batman had to fight 2 villains at once while Green Lantern & Grabel are still busy in their fight. & so the fight continues as Batman fights both villains. Just when Batman broke Aldea's shields he was about to punch her until Alexis was now 3 meters behind Batman as he is about to slash Batman. And then suddenly... Gunfire is heard as Alexis was met with so much bullets that he had to evade so many while some even blinded him while also being hit by some explosives. And then the guns stopped as Alexis tries to wonder who did that.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Just who did that?!

>Stanetech War Machine:
I did you European alien bastard.

And as the smoke clears it reveals War Machine more heavily armed than before while having an MBT as his lower half while Iron Man Anime Opening Theme plays for the most part.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Oh my, pardon me but quite an abomination you've become.

Grabel then notices War Machine as he looks at him with confusion.

(Looks at War Machine & speaks in a low tone) War Machine? What happened to you?

>Stanetech War Machine:
Disfigure me alk you want Alexis but you won't break my will to protect this world. And I will even risk my life to kill beings like you.

And so Alexis decides to fight War Machine as he charges but however this War Machine was so heavily armed that even overwhelmed Alexis as he tries getting close but was met with bullets & explosives so he tried long range but War Machine's MBT lower half had great mobility as thanks to some rocket thrusters he added to it he can not only move fast but can also help him fly as he even ran Alexis over with his tank tracks. However when Alexis got the chance he rips off some of War Machine's guns & then sliced his right arm off & when he was about to slash War Machine he then ejected as now he flies legless for as he left his right arm & both his legs at the base. As War Machine flies Green Lantern was able to provide support when he saw a crashing A10 Warthog & a crashing F35 Lightning Mark 2 as he uses arm constructs & then threw them at War Machine as War Machine then disassembled the parts & then reassembled them into limbs with Magentism. As he got the parts needed he then puts them on as he as 1 hell of an arsenal as he fights Alexis but thanks to a jet turbine attached to his back he was then more faster than before as he overwhelmed Alexis even more. He even learned from the last time he fought him so round 2 was basically execution time. And so he fought with everything he can as he ends it with both his Proton Cannon & a Unibeam as before Alexis could do anything he was met with a big blast. And after that Alexis immediately teleported away from the battle while War Machine flies so fast that he grabbed Grabel as he pushes her far from the battlefield & then threw her in none populated island to settle something. Grabel was actually impressed of War Machine's return despite his looks but she wasn't judging but rather she was actually just surprised to see someone too heavily injured & too heavily scarred fighting. And so they both fought in a 1 on 1 as the 2 of them uses their firepower.

(A music plays on their fight located at the title screen)
(Credits to: SSSS. Dynazenon - All This Metal)

And so they both fought to their hearts content as they used up all their weapons as War Machine was the superior fighter in this battle as Grabel was struggling to keep up but she & War Machine fights brutally while having fun as they kinda enjoy fighting. War Machine even tells her of his nightmares while fighting & she actually listens as she even understood him. War Machine even mentioned his PTSD & she understood that too so she told him her backstory & so did he as they battle each other. As they battle they both realize they're the same but different in some ways. And so they ended it with a beam lock as Grabel fires her Sword Gatling while War Machine fires his Proton Cannon & Unibeam. War Machine's beam overpowered Grabel's as Grabel is met with a powerful beam. After the battle ends War Machine offered his hand to Grabel as they can both talk as Grabel's HHG is now at 5% but she's lucky that War Machine is sparing her as they both talk. She even wanted to see his face & when he did show his face she wasn't scared nor disgusted rather she accepted the fellow soldier. And then just that moment as no 1 was around Grabel suddenly kissed Rhodey to his lips as he ended up getting into the feeling. After the kiss she even told him her feelings as she now has feelings for War Machine aswell.

>Stanetech War Machine:
It's Rhodes, James Rhodes, but my friends call me Rhodey.

Very well then Rhodey.

Even though her HHG got some energy because of the kiss the 2 then separated right after telling each other "until we meet again" as War Machine closes his faceplate & flies off while she finds a way to get back to the portal. As War Machine got back to battle he was able to take Grabel down before she could use her powers on Batman as it only took some missiles to do the job. And so the enemy force retreats as they all went back home. After the rest retreated Grabel was the last person to get into the portal. Meanwhile as Tony finally got out of the Thorbuster he then suddenly saw a pink haired girl & then she just disappeared when a news paper flew in. After the battle War Machine did get scolded for leaving the base but he was still praised for what he's done.

To Be Continued

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