Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of W...

By IronGodAuthor

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Here are the animes involved in the world the 4 of them got isekai'd. 1.) Infinite Stratos 2.) Hundred 3.) Ma... More

Iron Man Bio Part 1
Iron Man Bio Part 2
Iron Man Bio Part 3
Iron Man Bio Part 4
War Machine Bio Part 1
War Machine Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio Part 3
War Machine Bio Part 4
Batman Bio Part 1
Batman Bio Part 2
Batman Bio Part 3
Batman Bio Part 4
Green Lantern Bio Part 1
Green Lantern Bio Part 2
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: University & Military
Chapter 3: Savages
Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?
Chapter 5: War Monarch
Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light
Chapter 7: Hanging Out With Friends In Tengu City
Chapter 8: The Media
Chapter 9: Chimera
Chapter 10: Physical Education
Chapter 11: Scarlet Licorice vs Iron Patriot 2.0
War Machine's 4 New Additions To His Arsenal
Chapter 12: Playing Human
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Ultron
Chapter 15: Ultron's Origin
Chapter 17: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 2
Chapter 18: Iron Destroyer
Chapter 19: Iron Commander
Chapter 20: Mystic Iron Man
Chapter 21: Winter Battle
Chapter 22: Halloween
Chapter 23: Thanksgiving
Chapter 24: Grace Synclavia
Chapter 25: 1 Iron Man Army
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: New Year
Chapter 28: Human Again
Chapter 29: Ultron's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 30: Ultron's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 31: War Machine's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 32: War Machine's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 33: War Machine's Invasion Part 3
Chapter 34: War Machine's Invasion Part 4
Chapter 35: War Machine's Invasion Part 5
Chapter 36: The Final Battle
Chapter 37: Thanoseid
Chapter 38: Upgrade
Chapter 39: Thanoseid's Invasion
Chapter 40: Doomsday
Chapter 41: Aftermath
Chapter 42: 3rd Wave
Chapter 43: Kurumi Tokisaki
Chapter 44: Last Wave
Chapter 45: Endgame

Chapter 16: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 1

8 1 0
By IronGodAuthor

It was a sunny day as a new Saturday has now began. At the base War Machine is test pilotting his newly upgraded Manticore vehicle as soldiers, ship-girls, & others look at it as even 6 fighter jets are following it like they're making a show.

So cool. I bet the Iron Commander is having fun up there.

Of course he is, I mean he's an expert pilot afterall. (Looks at Green Lantern helping Vestal) And atleast the Green Commander over there is always helping out with the repairs & fortifications.

Meanwhile in the skies War Machine pilots his Manticore as he does both a barrel roll & an aerial roll while the jets followed. After the test flight for as the Manticore was faster than before War Machine then lands it as it turned to ground mode (Also, The Manticore reminds me of SC2's Viking but with Steroids as it has both ground mode, sea mode, & air mode as it has every weapon for every terrain & it can turn into a mech). As War Machine gets off the Manticore he was actually happy as now the upgrade made it way more better than it already was. And then AST Soldiers were clapping at him as now he can pilot something besides his suit while still having the suit on as before War Machine had to take the suit off when riding the Manticore but now he can pilot it without having the problem to take off the suit. And then Iron Man arrived wearing his Model Prime Armor as he lands on the ground as he asked War Machine of what he thinks.

>War Machine:
This baby is awesome now thanks to you Tony, Especially when I might be able to surprise my enemies once this thing ever gets destroyed as they won't even know I'm even wearing the suit.

>Iron Man:
Of course it does Rhodey, Of course it does.

And then the Batwing shows up as Batman was also impressed of his improvements as he & Iron Man both worked on it. And now the Quartet were then assembled when Green Lantern showed up to their location after the repairs as Green Lantern & Iron Man were proud of the Batman & War Machine. Then Illustrious, Kaga, & Akagi arrived as they ask the Quartet to join them for tea & they all agreed to it. And so they all drank tea as they even talked about what they wanna once they get home.

>Iron Man:
If I get home then the 1st thing I'll do is meet Pepper & Morgan again.

Once I get home then what I'll do stop crime at Gotham.

>War Machine:
I'd probably meet Carol again.

>Green Lantern:
And I'd go home & rest for now as a Lantern's job is not easy.

I see, well I hope good luck to you all.

I agree with her gentlemen.

And so they all had tea & chat. Iron Man then remembered something.

>Iron Man:
Oh I almost forgot, Rhodey I've made some upgrades on your Iron Patriot Drones as they now have the same weapons & firepower your Iron Patriot suit has, minus the shield.

>War Machine:
That's good enough for me.

And so they just enjoyed their day. Later that night Rhodey was in his room at the Barracks sleeping but this time something was different as Rhodey didn't look like he was dreaming well as he saw Ultron in his nightmare. He even saw Alexis killing so many people too as he then stabbed Batman to death. And then he got a blade on his back as it looks like Grabel's Gunsword as it then sliced him in half. After all that Rhodey then woke up in fear as it was all just a nightmare & it took him 3 hours to go back to sleep. Later that day Batman & Iron Man can be seen having a sword duel as Batman uses his Katana while Iron Man is in Samurai Mode as the 2 clashed swords together. Meanwhile Rhodey is wearing his Iron Patriot Suit as he's testing the shield as he threw it like a disk & then he used it hand to hand as he also pulls out his War Hammer. Green Lantern us actually helping him spar as the 2 of them train. Later at lunch time everyone were eating as Iron Patriot then sits down at the table as he fully opens his suit's faceplate to eat his lunch. Green Lantern then compliments Rhodey of his skills with the shield as he might be able to attack & defend at the same time. Rhodey thanked him until Rhodey had a thought as he remembered his nightmare. Luckily Green Lantern snapped him back into reality as he notices Rhodey being a bit off. Rhodey then told him everything after struggling to keep it to himself. Green Lantern understood & told him not to worry too much as no matter who comes against them they can take it. After lunch was over as it's now 15:00 PM everything was going great until an alarm sounded as an invasion force is coming & it's gonna be on Mumbai. And so the civillians were notified as they all evacuated Date-A-Live Style. Batman, Iron Man, Green Lantern, & Iron Patriot were called as the invasion force is actually huge as Alexis & Grabel are leading them alongside Aldea, Ellen, Tracker, Ragrus, Lan, & Sir Dagmyer. They all understood the mission as they now have to prepare for the worst as the invasion force is reinforced thanks to Ultron's Robots assisting them. Luckily Ultron was nowhere to be seen. The plan was then explained as Iron Patriot understood as he not only calls his Iron Patriot Drones & Sentinel Drones but he might need to use the Manticore for the battle. And so they all got their orders as they deploy to battle. Enterprise, Ryouko, & Garnet readied their forces aswell as they'll be meeting at Mumbai. Meanwhile at Mumbai Lan is actually just stealing when she got off her Mecha Worker & then Ragrus showed up to boss her around but she told her right after she's done. Alexis on the other hand is actually just standing ontop of Grabel's flagship as he waits. As this goes on Iron Man & the others arrived with a large force as they're ready for battle. Lan quickly then boards & pilots her Mecha Worker while Ragrus is already ready. Batman & Iron Man arrived as Batman wears his Man Of Steel Armor while Iron Man wears his Model 44 Armor full of guns.

>Iron Man:
Hey bats, you take care of the Hulkbuster rip-off & I'll take care of that mechanical insect.

(Agrees to Iron Man) You don't have to tell me twice.

And so the 2 of then did their thing while Green Lantern is stuck fighting Ellen & Sir Dagmyer as he is lucky to have his ring fully charged. Meanwhile Enterprise & her fleet fights Tracker & her fleet. As Aldea & Grabel deploys into battle they see Iron Patriot Drones taking down their Magi-Tech robots as they assist their robots.

(While fighting seriously) Don't let your guard down Aldea because 1 of these is War Machine.

(While fighting joyfully) You got it.

As they fight they took out half of the drones while there are still some as almost none of the drones is Iron Patriot until they were met with bullets as what they saw is the Manticore. The Manticore then flies & fights them off as the 2 ladies pursues it. Meanwhile Ellen & Dagmyer fights Green Lantern but because of Sir Dagmyer (To be honest I hate this guy so much) started attacking recklessly while Ellen fights with anger. Green Lantern was lucky to create constructs he needs for the fight as he even constructed his own robot & it's none other than Optimus Prime as he takes them both out as he uses both Blaster & Axe as he even transformed it into truck mode when he charged at Dagmyer which caused Dagmyer's Mecha to take damage. Ellen on the other hand was fast but Green Lantern was able to fight her off taking her down. Meanwhile Iron Man fights Lan as Lan uses her Mecha Worker's firepower to fight Iron Man but thanks to Iron Man's Model 44 he also had more guns as sure he was separated from Batman but his suit was able to take out Lan & Dagmyer's men & then he destroyed Lan's Mecha Worker right after she got out of it when she sees the Unibeam. She lives for now but her Mecha Worker is trashed. Meanwhile Batman was actually doing great as thanks to his suit (Which was made to combat Superman) he was able to fight Ragrus as thanks to some upgrades he can fight even mecha size opponents. As the fight goes on Batman was able to take down Ragrus as he finishes it by blinding her with a Kryptonite Smoke Grenade launched from his launcher & then he uses the EMP Rifle as Ragrus is now grounded. Just when Batman was about to get her arrested Alexis then arrived as the 2 fights. Meanwhile Garnet & Ryouko takes ot some enemy forces while Enterprise figths Tracker as Tracker struggles in the fight as she was taken down. Meanwhile Green Lantern then joins the Manticore as the 2 of them fights Grabel & Aldea in a 2 v 2 battle. As Aldea fights Green Lantern Grabel then figths the Manticore as she's impressed of its firepower so she started going serious as she pulls out her Sword Gatling & before the Manticore could fly & dodge she hits it which caused it to crash. And so Grabel lands to where it crashed & just when she closes in something came out of its cockpit as Iron Patriot ejected & flew at Grabel so fast that she used her as a meat shield as he flies forward making her hit some debris. Iron Patriot did threw her up but when he did she regained her balance as the of them fights. She was even impressed of both his Warhammer & his Adamantium-Vibranium Shield as the 2 of them fought so hard that they might even be equally match. Meanwhile Aldea was able to lock Green Lantern by gripping him using rocks as he struggles to get out. Just when she charges at him Green Lantern as able to make an explosion all around him as he summoned a force field & then constructs a big metal safe which locked Aldea inside. Just when Aldea tries to get out the safe then used an electrical shock which made Aldea's HHG percentage drop to 7%. Meanwhile Iron Patriot & Grabel then decided to use their beams as Iron Patriot fired his Proton Cannon while Grabel fires her Sword Gatling. Although Iron Patriot's Proton Cannon overwhelmed Grabel's beam as it then made contact with Grabel as the pain is excruciating as now her HHG is at 7%. As Iron Patriot tells her to surrender he then saw Batman getting his ass kick by Alexis as Alexis broke most of Batman's suit as now Batman is also too injured. Alexis did admit that when they fought the suit dealt alot of damage to Alexis. And so Iron Patriot remembered his nightmare so insesd he left Grabel alone & flies to Alexis. Just when Alexis was about to stab Batman Iron Patriot then started shooting bullets & explosive at Alexis as now Alexis fights Iron Patriot. As the fight goes Alexis was struggling as he wasn't able to easily break the shield until when he went serious he just straight up destroyed the shield by dodging the shield then when it ricochetted he caught it & he had to break it with his bare hands as he broke it successfully but it was hard. And so Iron Patriot keeps shooting & shooting until just when Alexis got really close he just suddenly appeared from the back as he grabs Iron Patriot's arms & then rips them off. This caused him to scream in pain but kept fighting until his legs were then severed as now Iron Patriot is limbless while still having only few guns left. As he fired his shoulder minigun Alexis then slashes it with both swords & when he did he also slashed off half of Rhodey's face as now he's in alot of pain. Alexis was about to finish the job until Garnet in human form & Iron Man then showed up as they both fought Alexis as now Alexis was left with no choice but to retreat when he saw his forces retreating too. Alexis then grabs his subordinates aswell. Meanwhile everyone gathers to where Rhodey is as now they're all in sadness. Luckily FRIDAY confirmed that his vitals are still a bit good but if they don't treat him fast then he'll die in just 30 Minutes.

To Be Continued

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