By Oldsoulwithapencil

14.4K 457 423

Mari is living an ordinary life, with an extraordinary gift. Somewhere along the sky, the stars crossed for... More

Sign Of The Times
She lives in daydreams with me
50 ways to leave your lover
To London
Where we going?
Silky Pajamas
Do we tell her?
Pub Hopping
A pair
Beautiful Hands
Slob Fest
confused bisexual
Adore You (Pt. 1)


249 11 2
By Oldsoulwithapencil

Aw, man please don't be mad at me! I've been so busy trying to catch up with work from uni. I wish I can just write stories and go to sleep. But exciting news, Winter break is coming up meaning more frequent updates! I have finals and I need to slay this shit or this shit will slay me


Good note, WE HAVE HIT 7K READS?!?!? Are you shitting me right now? 

You guys keep me going. Thank you for reading.

muchos besitos


"Good morning you fucking ogre." A voice whispers in my ear. I stir to my right, and keep my body balanced on the hard surface my ass is on.

"Are you shitting me right now?" Another voice speaks but sounds much more soothing. I guess my mind really enjoyed that soothing that I moaned a bit.

"Don't fucking wake her up like that." The same voice whispers harshly.

"We have been trying to wake her up for the past 10 minutes. When she told me she was a heavy sleeper; I didn't think she was a hibernator." I finally put a face to the voice that is waking me from my slumber.

"Hibernator isn't even a word you dirt-neck." I mumble. I sit up and realize that my back is stiff.

"So you wake up just to correct me. If I would have known, I would have started quoting mathematical equations." Sylvia mumbles.

"So you wake up just to correct me- Shut up" I mock her voice as I yawn. I open my eyes a bit and realize I am outside. The same spot I was in last night. I look and see Harry in the same spot he was in as well.

I come out of my dazed spell, and notice the mugs from last night were still sitting on the table. I look at my watch and notice that it's 9 a.m. What type of people wake up at this fucking time. Scientifically our brains start absorbing information and just functioning at 11 a.m. This is absolutely unjust.

"Someone is grouchy? What happened to good morning. Or even the endearing names." Harry said to me. I squinted my eyes at him as I slouched.

"Good Morning Harry darling." I smiled at him. The way we sat there just smiled at each other lazily.

"Uh, so uhm... Mari, would you mind staying here till Harry and I finish some business?" Sylvia spoke up. I looked at her and nodded.

I got up and I followed both of them inside the house that had a pungent lemon scent but with a mixture of coffee. I never noticed the scent of the house until now. The exposure to the smell of coffee has me extremely eager to drink some. I slid to the counter where the coffee maker is and poured myself some.

A hand slid a creamer to the side, and I smiled at Harry whose hand was passing me the necessities for a strong coffee. I usually tend towards straight Black coffee because I am very much dead inside, but recently I have been preferring a more sweet flavor in my coffee.

I swallow the coffee and sigh afterwards. I fucking love coffee.

"You really like coffee. I never heard someone so satisfied." Harry laughs from across the marble island.

"We literally stayed up all night. Let me have a break and enjoy my coffee. I have never talked so much in my life before." I chuckle before taking a sip of my coffee with an itching sensation to just chug this bitch down.

"Oh wow, is it a problem?" He sat his mug down with sass. I take him in, in his entirety and it is quite comical.

Harry is there with a pink robe and it is loosely tied around his pajamas. The same pajamas as last night; wrinkled and scrunched up around his waist from sitting and sleeping all night on the metal chairs.

"You don't like talking to me? Was it that bad?" He crosses his arms around his chest that pops forward.

"Yes, I hated it. It was the worst time of my life. I would have rather eaten yellow snow." I say with a flat face. My smile slowly breaks out on my face, as his smile does as well.

"Yellow snow? Do you like friends?" He nudges his head to the side as he leans on his hand.

"I love friends. My mom loves it. It's our comfort show." I lean in on the island as well.

"No fucking way, that's my comfort show!" Harry smiles intently, as he plays with his cup. I do the same.

"They were not on a break." I point at him.

"They were most definitely on a break. End of discussion." Harry argues back. My jaw drops.

"Your aquarius is showing sweets." I say as I shake my head in disappointment. Something in Harry's entire demeanor changes with what I said. Harry picks himself up from the island, adjusting his robe.

"I have no clue what you are on about." He softly chuckles. Instead of leaning himself on the island, he is now leaning across the kitchen against his refrigerator. This distance made the conversation a bit spacious. I clear my throat at the sudden change of demeanor.

"It is just a silly thing." I finished my coffee. "A very awesome silly thing, you are definitely missing out on." I laugh. I twiddle my thumbs together as a pastime of the sudden silence that is speaking for the both of us.

Thankfully, fee fi fo fum came down the stairs with brutal force. In her formal attire that I kind of miss. I have only seen Sylvia in regular clothes. Every time we hung out back home she would be in this form of attire. It's really funny because Sylvia outside of work is an absolute child. Her shit is just torn up graphic T-shirts a 12 year old kid would wear, paired with jeans; same ones every time. I admire her sense of personality outside of her professional life. She can just throw it all out; nothing personal about even if she is working with her literal family.

If it were up to me, I would have been cursing out any cousin that tries to boss me around because they have talent and good looks. Patience. That's what it is. The patience to tolerate living a double life.

"Harry, bloody hell. We have 15 minutes to get there and you are just standing there like a fucking idiot. Get on then." She swats her hand at Harry, who like me was staring into oblivion completely spaced out. As his feet fade away upstairs, Sylvia takes a sip out of his coffee.

"Where are you going exactly. I need a time frame." I say walking around the island to stand next to Sylvia.

"Well, I don't quite know exactly. These particular meetings are more casual. So, Harry tends to get carried away with the chill-ness of it and just talks for hours." She mumbles and pinches the bridge of her nose by the idea of Harry stretching this meeting.

"I just need to know so I know when to kick everyone out of the party I am throwing while y'all are away." I smile like a goof at her. Wide and toothy with my eyes shut.

"Fuck no. You will just watch telly or read a book. Maybe clean or something." Before I can answer she puts her hand up. "No, do not make a cleaning lady joke. You will not make me look like a prat."

I laughed a bit and it came out sounding like Seth Rogans laugh but nonetheless satisfactory. I smile at her and she steps back eyeing me suspiciously.

"What?" She says putting on her jacket.

"Just happy I have an amazing friend who remembers my silly jokes. I can't be happy." I throw my hands up.

"No you can't. I am happy you are my friend too." She laughs and as if on cue Harry is rushing her out the door as if he wasn't the one making them late. I wave at them from the door and watch them speed off in the car that Harry picked us up in from the airport.

I turn around with my hands on my hips. I look around to find a form of a distraction.

Now, what shall I do to this man's home?

Call the paparazzi? No, that's rude.

Throw a fucking rager? Half of the shit in this house cost more than my existence, so no.

Post a picture on his couch? And then post it? I will become the most hated person of all time so I shall not.

Fuck, for a rich man there is quite literally nothing for me to do in a rich mans house.

I sit on the couch, and I see a stack of VHS tapes in a small cubby underneath the TV. I shuffle my feet on the cold floor. I move them to the floor.

'Gemma's 1st'

'Harry's school concert'

'First fight'


I push one of them in and hit play.

"Say hello to the camera, Harry."


Say Hiiiii lol 

I don't know about you but that was a tad bit awkieeeee

But aren't Sylvia and Mari just so cute! Such great FRIENDS! NO BETRAYAL NO LIES NO NOTHING !!!!!!!!

hahaha bueno I'll leave y'all with that 

muchos besitos 

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