Nophos: Memories of Cadleigh

By ElaraLumina

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"The dawn of a new era is drawing near And with the coming tides, another ruckus shall arise For that, she ha... More

A/N: 20+ Besties Wanted Me to Publish This
Chapter 1 - Cold - Mister Spirit Wooroohee Sir
Chapter 2 - Cold - Drowned By A Shadow, Saved By A Feather
Chapter 3 - Mel - I Work Alone
Chapter 4 - Mel - A War That Ceased to End
Chapter 5 - Kristen - Solla
Chapter 6 - Kristen - Playing With Fire
Chapter 7 - Kura - Antrinita's Entrance
Chapter 8 - Kura - Queen Arianne
Chapter 9 - Kura - Change in Leon
Chapter 10 - Mel - Nox
Chapter 11 - Kristen - Love or Hatred?
Chapter 13 - Cold - Looks Like a Bird, But- Oh, an Assassin

Chapter 12 - Kristen - The Nian

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By ElaraLumina

Huohua just didn't know the word 'no'.

No matter how many times Kristen told her to stay with her tribe, Huohua always argued back and stubbornly followed their group.

"You're my best friend, Minjie. And I'm not leaving you to go fight this legendary beast without me," she smiled as Kristen sighed. Jieshi was right about family knowing how to stick together.

The group searched for a wide, deserted space to lure the Nian to. It wasn't that hard since every tribe kept to themselves in this trying time.

Kura had suggested that they devised a plan beforehand so that they'd be prepared to face the Nian. But then Mel argued that they don't know how to prepare for the Nian if they don't know anything about it. Everyone agreed that Mel wasn't wrong,

Kristen and Huohua made a massive light show, using Huohua's fire magic and shooting it into the sky with Kristen's gun. Solla had assisted the mechanics to make sure that nobody got injured in the process.

It was a beautiful sight, but Kristen knew it was to lure something dangerous. Yet she can't help but admire the picture of a sun shining its rays. It looked new yet it felt familiar. Like the sun that used to shine down on Kristen, but gave a different kind of warmth.

The light quickly died as the breeze picked up and the storm clouds moved in.

"It's coming," Rayn announced before pointing at something in the distance.

Sure enough, something bright and big was racing in their direction. After a while, Kristen could make out most of its features.

The beast looked like a regular Liatrezan lion but more powerful. Its fur wasn't just orange but mixed with gold, red, and green too. From its mane, two long flame-like things ran to its back. Its tail and paws were also orange like a regular lion, however, the ends were gold and razor-sharp.

Most of all, its face was the most distinctive feature. Like a regular lion, it had sharp teeth, the Nian's gold instead of a regular tooth. Gold and red decorated its orange front and a single horn sticking out of its forehead. The horn wasn't anything flashy nor big, but it still looked deadly.

"Scales," Mel announced, "covered under the fur."

"Scales? I've never heard anything about the Nian having scales," Huohua commented.

"Maybe that's why no one has ever beaten it before," Cold remarked.

"Huohua, was it ever noted in history if the Nian was ever defeated?" Kura asked.

"Once, the Great Elders of Liatrez sealed it away in a giant mountain around the Faguang territory. That was over a thousand years ago," Huohua replied, "Maybe over two thousand."

"So we're charging in blindly," Kristen concluded.

"Solla, Huohua," Mel called hurriedly, "what primary entities live in Nophos?"

"Uh, Mortals, Spirits, and Dragons," Solla quickly exclaimed.

"Mel, this is not the time for pop quizzes!" Kristen hissed, but Mel blatantly ignored her.

"What is the most powerful out of the three?"

"They say it's Dragons because they were the first to be created and they shape Nophos' structure," Huohua replied.

"What kinds of Dragons are there?"

Solla and Huohua went quiet.

"Major and minor Dragons," Rayn replied, "Major dragons create and reshape. Minor Dragons simply exist and destroy." He then scrunched his eyebrows. "Do you think...?"

"Name another ancient and powerful entity that has scales," Mel crossed her arms, "Go on."

"So this thing is a minor Dragon?" Cold asked, "How does that info help us?"

"I don't think that is a minor Dragon," Huohua said, "Some legends say that the Nian assisted in the prosperity of Liatrez and brought its mountains to life. It even colored our grass a golden shade to show how prominent Liatrez is."

"Then it's a Major Dragon," Mel concluded, "That has somehow turned chaotic."

"But my intel isn't trustable!" Huohua exclaimed.

"Cold, do you have the artifact spell?"

Cold handed Mel the piece of paper from the acting queen of Antrinita.

"Rayn, do you have most of your memories back?" Huohua asked.

"Maybe. There's this old man in my head that keeps telling me random things," he replied, "Why?"

"Your clothes look like you're from Claudatya where the Dragons live," Huohua replied, "Maybe you can help Mel do whatever she needs to do."

"While I figure this out, I need the rest of you to draw its attention," Mel said before turning to face Cold, "make sure nobody dies."

"On it," he replied as Kristen clenched her guns tighter.

"The Nian is swift and strong, letting it easily move around the battlefield while still creating mass destruction," Kristen repeated what Jieshi had said.

"In that case, we'll use the hit-and-run tactic," Cold decided, "Kura, Solla, and Huohua will have fixed temporal positions while Kristen and I will flank around the Nian."

Though Kristen knew that she's going to be closest to the danger, she didn't feel nervous. She felt angry instead. Heck, Kristen hasn't even met her family again, but she felt angry that her mom and sister were now gone, just like that.

Deep down, Kristen felt warmth whenever she tried to remember her family's faces. And when she saw Jieshi, she felt better. But the memory of that day made her confused. Was she supposed to hate them or love them?

"Hey," Cold grabbed her elbow, "you good?"

"The Nian killed my mom and sister," Kristen took a deep breath.

"Didn't you not care about them?"

"...Jieshi said that one thing Liatrezans know is that family looks out for each other," Kristen turned to face Cold, "and I knew that they had my back. They kicked me out of the tribe to protect me."

"Then in that case," Cold smiled as he released her arm, "focus on stopping the Nian from taking more."

Kristen smiled slightly. "Thanks, Blockhead," she playfully elbowed him.

Soon enough, the Nian arrived and Kristen and her friends sprang into action.

Easily running through the grassy plains, Kristen made sure to stay out of the Nian's view. The plan was that Kura gets the first strike, then Huohua from the other side. Afterward, it's Solla's turn if everything goes according to plan. If not, Kristen will jump in.

For the first two parts of the plan, the Nian did as they had predicted. But the third time, it didn't fall for the trick again.

"Huohua, look out!" Solla exclaimed as the Nian continued to charge at Huohua.

Waving her arms, Huohua created a wall of flame in front of her. At first, Kristen didn't think it'd do anything, but the Nian stopped as if the wall was blocking it.

But then, the Nian shook its head and charged at Huohua. At the last minute, Kristen managed to knock her friend out of the way as the Nian charged past, missing both of them.

"You good?" Kristen asked as the two got up.

"Yeah, thanks."

Quickly, the beast regained its focus and turned back to the group. Cold came in from the side and leaped over the Nian's head, thrusting his spear at its eye before landing.

Though it should've done some kind of damage, the Nian was only momentarily stunned before it swung its claws at Cold. Luckily, Kura thrust her hands upwards and a wall of earth shielded Cold, giving him enough time to move. Unfortunately, the swing was powerful enough to crumble the shield.

"Come on!" Cold cried as Kristen charged at the Nian who roared.

Kristen shot air bullets at the Nian as she swiftly dodged its swings. Kura assisted by giving her floating platforms to move around. Huohua and Solla too tried their best to confuse the Nian, throwing fire at its eyes.

"Tail!" she heard Cold cry as Kristen was nearing the Nian's rear. She saw the tail move to hit her, but Kristen was in no position to dodge. Her head was facing downwards and she had just jumped off a platform.

Then, Cold's spear whizzed past her ear, knocking back the Nian's tail just enough so that she could dodge it.

Rolling backward on the ground, Kristen immediately jumped out of the way before the tail could hit her again.

"Mel! Rayn!" Cold called as Kristen jumped away from the beast so that Kura could trap it behind an earth wall.

"Almost done!" Rayn shouted back.

"Tie it down! I need it secure!" Mel added.

"Minjie!" Huohua called as she tossed Kristen some ropes. The ropes felt warm when they came into contact with her skin.

Acting quickly, Kristen clipped her guns to the cincture around her waist, an upgrade by Solla. Using the platforms Kura made, Kristen hopped around the beast accompanied by Cold.

The Nian roared as Kristen and Cold tried their best to wrap the ropes around it. Kura tried her best to assist by holding it down with earth, but their progress was still slow.

Then, the Nian did something none of them were expecting. It stomped its front paws on the ground and bolts of flame lurched above the ground. The ropes broke and burned as the Nian reared, causing more flames to erupt.

Kristen tried her best to dodge the flames, but she was too close to the Nian. Some of the fire singed her skin, causing a cry of pain to escape her lips.

Her ears tingled. Cold must be crying out her name. But she couldn't hear his voice. Instead, she heard the cries and screams of people she didn't recognize.

Closing her eyes, Kristen tried to tune out the sounds. But instead, she saw flames atop straw huts. Bodies littering the golden grass. Claw marks signing the dirt.

When she opened her eyes, the Nian was staring at her, approaching her slowly like a wolf about to feast on its prey.


Kristen tried to get up as her lungs filled with smoke.


"Hah?!" Kristen exclaimed before lurching into a flurry of coughs.

Kristen stared at the Nian in shock. She recognized the voice very well. It was the voice of Qiangdu, the chief of the Shimen tribe and Kristen's dad.

"W-What?" Kristen stuttered as she froze there, unsure whether to get away or find out more.

"Kristen!" Cold's voice was louder.


Kristen felt herself get picked up and carried away from the Nian. She quickly recognized Cold's armor as he brought her out of the wall of flames.

"Minjie!" Huohua exclaimed as Cold set her someplace safe, "What happened?!"

Panting, Kristen tried to focus. Her vision was still kinda blurry, but it was much better than in that blazing cage.

"The Nian," Kristen coughed, "talked in my dad's voice."

Huohua's eyes widened as Kristen noticed her burned leg and arm. Though her wounds looked pretty bad, Kristen refused to believe that she's out of the fight just yet. She wants to know why the Nian had said those things in Qiangdu's voice.

"What do you know, Huohua?!" Kristen exclaimed when her friend stayed silent.

"When you were exiled, it was rumored that the chief of Shimen received a message from the Nian."

"Wasn't the Nian evil back then?"

"The Nian was never evil," Rayn interrupted, "but corrupted."

"That's what the Elders of Liatrez sealed away," Huohua gasped.

"Mel's still trying to figure a few things out," Rayn explained, "But she thinks that you've done something to make it this way."

"Me?!" Kristen exclaimed as she looked back at the sight of Solla, Cold, and Kura stationing themselves for a fight.

"You said that the Nian spoke to you in your dad's voice?" Rayn checked and Kristen confirmed.

"We have two theories. One, your dad asked it to do him a favor. Or two, the Nian is trying to tell you something."

The Nian roared as it charged towards Kristen and her friends. Solla, Cold, and Kura were thrown back, too far to protect them.

"Get back!" Rayn exclaimed as he threw his knives at the Nian. The little blades flew around the beast as lines tried to entangle it, but they proved futile against it.

"Hey!" Huohua called and waved her arms, trails of flame leaving her palms.

The Nian's attention moved to Huohua as she did some kind of slow dance. Luckily and for some reason, the Nian was entranced by her dance, causing it to stop and stare.

"How is this stopping you two from doing whatever you need to do?!" Kristen exclaimed.

"Because the Nian doesn't want to let go of the chaos," Mel replied, "My guess is because it won't have any energy left to deliver the message."

"Help me up," Kristen held an arm out to Rayn who slung it over his shoulder.

Limping on one leg, Rayn helped Kristen approach the fiery beast.

As she got closer, Huohua backed away and the Nian noticed Kristen approaching. With a great stomp, the wall of flame burst bright once more.

Kristen pulled herself away from Rayn and the wall of fire opened itself.


"What are you trying to tell me?" Kristen asked, her question sounded more like a demand than an inquiry.


"Okay, he forgives me, big deal, what's your point?" Kristen asked.


Kristen was confused. What did the Nian mean? "I forgive me"?

The realization hit her as that day played in her head again. The memory was clearer now. Her feelings were much more vivid.

"How could you do this to me?! I'm your daughter!" Kristen had shouted at her dad after he officiated her exile.

"You are no daughter of mine," Qiangdu had retaliated, "You are a disgrace! Shameful!"

The anger boiled in her heart. She was his daughter, yet he was ashamed of her. Now Kristen knew that he had exiled her to protect her, but those words lived on in her heart.

"Forgive me, Minjie," something Kristen never remembered played in her mind, "May the Great Goddess Lumina watch over your days."

"By not explaining it to her, you have created a rift in Liatrez, Qiangdu," said a man in red and gold clothing. He had black hair and golden eyes and a golden headband was tied around his forehead.

"It's too late, Great One," her dad said, "I sent her off already."

The man took a deep breath.

"Oh Great One, if you could spare me some of your strength-"

"You have everything you need to bring your tribe forward, Qiangdu," the man raised his hand to stop the chief from continuing, "If I do meet her, I will tell her everything."

The vision faded as Kristen was once again met with those golden eyes. They seemed to hold a lot of memories; a lot of sadness, happiness, and satisfaction.

"But one thing that all Liatrezans know is that whatever happens, we've got family to back us up," Jieshi's words rang in her head.

Confused and fed up, Kristen hugged her knees to her chest. She wanted to forget everything again. Family drama's too complicated. It was much better back when they were just fighting for their lives.


Those words made Kristen stare into the Nian's eyes again. This time, they didn't reflect her appearance, but a little Shimen girl.

In those beady eyes, Kristen noticed the resemblance. Though it's been a long time since she got a good look at her dad, Kristen could tell that she got her eye shape from him. And from those eyes, she saw that the one trait that Shimen warriors share was resilience.

But the one thing she and her dad shared was vulnerability. When it comes to those they love, both of them would blindly charge in to protect them. And her dad had learned to overcome that flaw.

Her real reason for wanting to defeat the Nian was to show her dad what she was. Kristen wasn't too close with her mom or sister, but she did remember having mixed feelings towards her dad.

Shedding a tear, Kristen smiled. It's not every day you see a stonewall crumble.

The fire died down all around Kristen as she heard her friends' footsteps approaching her.

Kura immediately bent down to check on Kristen who nodded, telling her that she was okay.

Mel approached the Nian, but instead of doing the expected arm waves, she held a hand out to the legendary beast who nudged it before turning around and fading into golden dust.

"What happened?" Cold asked.

"Its job is done," Mel announced as she turned to face the crowd, "and it will continue to keep the chaos inside it at bay."

"Then what were the two of you doing all this time?" Kura asked.

"Trying to reduce the chaos inside it. However, we can't exactly get rid of it," Rayn explained, "If we did, we'd get rid of the Nian too."

"And since the Nian created the lands of Liatrez, it became Liatrez's protector as well. Taking it away could cause disunity and destruction," Mel added before glancing at Kristen.


Mel promptly ignored her as she tossed Kristen something small. Catching it with her good hand, Kristen examined its curved bottom and pointed tip. When she held it out into the sunlight, the thing glowed a soft shade of gold.

"What is this?" Huohua asked, also scanning it with interest.

"Golden Seed," Rayn replied, "The Nian wanted you to have that."

Since she had no pockets, Kristen decided to entrust it to Rayn.

"Anything else the Nian mentioned, Mel?" Kura asked as Rayn stowed the seed away safely.

"I managed to ask if the Nian knew anything about the Kingdom of Lumina, but unfortunately, nothing. Although, it did mention we should head to Claudatya to find out. Maybe Dragons more ancient than it should have an idea of what it is," Mel explained.

"Hold on," Cold said, "wasn't the Nian a male?"

Mel raised an eyebrow.


"We should get going to Cadleigh," Kristen said and tried to get up.

"You're not in fighting shape," Cold argued.

"I can heal her on the way to Cadleigh," Mel argued before turning to Huohua. Everyone followed her gaze as the Huoshan girl smiled at them.

"This is goodbye," Huohua said sadly, "I have to stay with my family."

"It's not goodbye, Huohua," Kristen hugged her best friend, "It's a see you next time."

Huohua laughed as she returned the hug. "Stay safe, all of you. And thank you so much!"

As they walked eastward, Kristen told Cold what had happened.

"You don't seem like someone who'd forgive so easily," Cold commented, "No offense."

"You're right," Kristen agreed, "It took me years to finally accept that he did it to protect me."

"Do you think that's what the Nian's duty is?" Cold asked, "Mending the family ties of Liatrez?"

Mel sighed.


"She's mentioned that already," Kristen translated.

"She implied it."

"Same thing."

Cold sighed in defeat as Mel smiled in satisfaction. 

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