Bat & Iron Isekai: Suits Of W...

By IronGodAuthor

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Here are the animes involved in the world the 4 of them got isekai'd. 1.) Infinite Stratos 2.) Hundred 3.) Ma... More

Iron Man Bio Part 1
Iron Man Bio Part 2
Iron Man Bio Part 3
Iron Man Bio Part 4
War Machine Bio Part 1
War Machine Bio Part 2
War Machine Bio Part 3
War Machine Bio Part 4
Batman Bio Part 1
Batman Bio Part 2
Batman Bio Part 3
Batman Bio Part 4
Green Lantern Bio Part 1
Green Lantern Bio Part 2
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: University & Military
Chapter 3: Savages
Chapter 4: Foreignor or Kaiju?
Chapter 5: War Monarch
Chapter 6: Green Lantern's Light
Chapter 7: Hanging Out With Friends In Tengu City
Chapter 8: The Media
Chapter 9: Chimera
Chapter 10: Physical Education
Chapter 11: Scarlet Licorice vs Iron Patriot 2.0
War Machine's 4 New Additions To His Arsenal
Chapter 13: New Life
Chapter 14: Ultron
Chapter 15: Ultron's Origin
Chapter 16: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 1
Chapter 17: 1 Hell Of An Arsenal Part 2
Chapter 18: Iron Destroyer
Chapter 19: Iron Commander
Chapter 20: Mystic Iron Man
Chapter 21: Winter Battle
Chapter 22: Halloween
Chapter 23: Thanksgiving
Chapter 24: Grace Synclavia
Chapter 25: 1 Iron Man Army
Chapter 26: Christmas
Chapter 27: New Year
Chapter 28: Human Again
Chapter 29: Ultron's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 30: Ultron's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 31: War Machine's Invasion Part 1
Chapter 32: War Machine's Invasion Part 2
Chapter 33: War Machine's Invasion Part 3
Chapter 34: War Machine's Invasion Part 4
Chapter 35: War Machine's Invasion Part 5
Chapter 36: The Final Battle
Chapter 37: Thanoseid
Chapter 38: Upgrade
Chapter 39: Thanoseid's Invasion
Chapter 40: Doomsday
Chapter 41: Aftermath
Chapter 42: 3rd Wave
Chapter 43: Kurumi Tokisaki
Chapter 44: Last Wave
Chapter 45: Endgame

Chapter 12: Playing Human

13 1 0
By IronGodAuthor

It has been a whole month since Jessica fought Iron Patriot 2.0 as now Vatlantis hasn't been making any moves lately which made the commanders wonder what they're up to while the students just ended up having fun in peace. Meanwhile Tony finally puts Captain America Shields on 2 of Rhodey's Iron Patriot Suits while Rhodey is training again as he successfully mastered using his Thor Machine Suit & its weapons as he can now do what both Iron Man, Monarch, & Thor can do as he can now wield, control, & use Mjolnir as long as he wears the Thor Machine suit while Stormbreaker is also the same. Meanwhile Bruce & John just arrived back to the mansion as they all have fun for now as it's been months since they've been invaded as they've spent their days having fun & even taking down criminals & terrorists. When we mean have fun means all 4 of them went to have some fun at the city as they all look around & even played some games because Thank God it's Saturday. They even met up with some others as they too are having fun aswell. So basically it's like Earth & Vatlantis made a truce considering they never officially did but the feeling is kinda like that. After having some as it's now 7:00 PM Tony & the rest headed back to the mansion as atleast they made a bridge for their Island & Japan so that way they can just drive or walk their way insead of using a speedboat. Also, they've returned home thanks to Rhodey's Roadster Car (AKA The Ultimate War Machine Suit in car form. He used this car just for an emergency as this car has always been parking in the school). As they arrived they all went back to their mansion's underground lair as they not only try to find out why Vatlantis hasn't made a move yet but Tony is actually upgrading something. Until... Bruce had a vision as now he knows what will happen in the next day.

>Bruce Wayne:
All of you gather around now.

>Tony Stark:
(Walks to Bruce) What is it Bruce? Visions again?

>Bruce Wayne:
I now know what will happen tomorrow so I hope you all prepare as this is about saving the world now.

>James Rhodes:
Go on.

>Bruce Wayne:
Vatlantis is actually bolstering their forces this whole time as tomorrow they have enough troops to attack the wholw world from 3 sections. These sections have continents connected to each 1 as here they are. There will be an attack on Australia in the 1st section. 2nd section are gonna be Asia, Europe, & Africa as these 3 continents are connected. While the 3rd 1 are on North & South America.

>John Stewart:
If that's so then where will each portal spawn?

>Bruce Wayne:
In the middle of these 3 sections. And these portals are gonna be big so we'll be expecting a big force to arrive.

>Tony Stark:
Well in that case we should all prepare immediately.

>John Stewart:
He's right we should.

>James Rhodes:

And so they all finally prepare for the worst as they not only trained but they had to do some shit as Iron Man prepped the suits he'll need for battle. As they all finally prepare it's now the next day & they only have an hour left to prepare so luckily Iron Man flew all around the world as he used his Extremis powers to hack into so many alarms in all military bases around the world as people have been warned. Batman was then able to globally hack into all military computers as he shows them what's gonna happen & what will arrive to attack. Now they got the coordinates so they all prepared their entire forces while every United Savior University Universities prepared the students for battle. When War Machine & Green Lantern arrived to assist the Military in North & South America so many of were amazed of War Machine's Thor Machine suit as not only it looks impressive but it can also control lightning & theoretically the weather as Azur Lane Characters & the AST were all amaze by this. But what's more amazing was when not only War Machine called all his drones but Green Lantern constructed his own army of Marines wearing flight packs. Meanwhile Batman arrives in Australia as all Dragons, Dragonauts, & Logicalists (Except Tsurugi Yoshichika) were all in 1 place as they saw Batman arrived in his Batmobile & turned into Mecha Form as he is gonna assist them & Commander Sakaki granted this. Sakaki also looks at his daughter, Laura, in Dragon Form as he's worried for her (I finished Dragonaut: The Resonance so I know mostly so many about the show & its plot). Then finally Iron Man showed up with the Iron Legion as Infinite Stratos, Hundred, Masou Gakuen HXH, & War On Geminar Characters alongside Shido, Shido's harem, & Ratatoskr see him wearinf his Anti-Transformer Armor as they see him not only looking like a Magi-Tech Robot but he brought an army to help out. And luckily he is given permission to assist them in protecting Asia, Europe, & Africa. It's been 45 minutes since they've all waited as some even ask the others if was Batman correct while they answered yes as Batman's future vision is always accurate until seconds later enemy hostiles arrived as so many enemy Starhips & enemy forces arrived being led by commanders. Babalun & Cordaline leads the ones on Asia, Europe, & Africa. Grabel, Aldea, & Ellen leads the ones on North & South America. While finally Alexis leads the ones on Australia as a global attack/invasion finally begins. All forces from each sections opened fire as everyone is locked on combat as so many forces sprays their bullets & other projectiles as what is seen is basically a rain of range projectiles making some explosions aswell. There were so much explosions that everything looks like the battle was both directed & masterminded by Michael Bay. In Batman's section he, the Gillard Army, & the Dragons fights back as there all outnumbered but atleast they have enough firepower to keep on fighting as Batman even called upon the Batplane as it automatically shoots bullets & missiles while Batman in his Mecha Batmobile uses its weapons to keep on fighting as it fired projectiles & he did some martial arts pilotting it. Alexis on the otherhannd was finally kicking ass as he starts slashing through Gillard Army Soldiers & Combat Vehicles as he even Saitama Punched an MBT. Batman notices this so he pilotted his Mecha & kicked Alexis so hard that Alexis was knocked back sending him flying straight to a building. As Alexis stood up he then increased his size to Mecha size so he can equal the odds with Batman.

>Alexis • Kerib:
You may have that toy of yours but you're not the only 1 who's big.

Then let's see what you've got.

And so the 2 then charges at each other as they're about to punch at each other. Meanwhile at Thor Machine & Green Lantern's section Green Lantern is stuck in combat against Ellen Mathers as the 2 flies & attacks as Green Lantern created alot of Green Lantern constructs while his constructed army is still there but as for Thor Machine he ends up fighting 2 people, Grabel & Aldea.

(Stops for awhile) I see you have a new suit War Machine.

>Thor Machine:
(Stops for awhile) Thanks for the compliment, it was made from Asgard. And some modifications thanks to Iron Man.

(Stops for awhile) Then in that case I'll steal its core before Autumn could.

(1 thing you guys should know that Tony upgraded the Thor Machine Suit as not only it's made of Uru but with both Adamantium & Vibranium). And so they all fough their opponents as Green Lantern makes constructs to fight while Thor Machine uses his guns but were infused with Magic & has a Lightning fast movement that is not only fast but extremely lethal aswell.

>Ellen Mathers:
(While fighting Green Lantern) I may have been defeated by you back then but I've learned from that mistake so I'll end you here.

>Green Lantern:
(While fighting Green Lantern) Well you're the only 1 who trained befoe this battle even began.

And so the fight in their section goes on as Thor Machine then suddenly called upon both Mjolnir & Stormbreaker which made Grabel & Aldea amazed but still keeping their focus. Meanwhile at Iron Man's section he was actually doing well as thanks to him upgrading the Anti-Transformer Armor which not only removed the drawbacks it had when he previously used it against the Decepticons but now it's 24 feet tall & both Repulsors & Unibeam are more powerful as he & Kenshi's Mecha are actually a perfect duo in the fight as the 2 used their mecha sized weapons to battle. Ichika, Hayato, Kizuna, & Tsurugi are also doing good as they took out many but not as many as Kenshi's & Iron Man's. As the battle rages on Babalun then showed up as he easily took down Ichika in 1 bitch slap while Hayato was punched. Luckily Kizuna used his Zeros Mode & punched Babalun so hard his head blew up but regenated anyways. And so he grabs Kizuna's leg & does a Hulk on him (He did the same thing Hulk did to Loki). Babalun even fought Tsurugi but he was challenging among the 3 as he was not only using his powers & weapon but he was fighting him Captain America style. Although he was then kicked really hard which sent him flying to his teammates.

How pathetic. I'am the 1 true form of Gaia, & I will not be--

He was then cutted off mid sentence when Iron Man fired a repulsor blast which scratched his face.

>Iron Man:
(Land slowly) Seriously, why do villains talk too much anyways?

And after Iron Man landed Kenshi then landed besides him as they both ready themselves for battle. And so the battle begins as in all 3 sections there are fights between heroes & villains from different worlds. Batman does some martial arts which was too much for Alexis but not that much as thanks to him being all powerful & stuff he us able to last. Thor Machine then fights Aldea as he used Mjolnir & broke her floating panels which she uses for shields while parrying Grabel's attacks with Stormbreaker. Green Lantern then became even more serious as he constructed so many guns that Ellen is able to dodge the projectiles but it was all too much for her as when she's been finally shot multiple times it caused her to be down for the count as she can't fight anymore. Kenshi & Iron Man on the otherhand does a Cap & Bucky on Babalun as they both punched him, shot him, slashed him, etc as Babalun tries to fight back & which he did as he fights the 2 of them while withstanding alot of attacks. As everyone fights the military didn't seem like they're doing great for as this is where things become messy as there were too many enemy hostiles which kept coming & coming as some of Earth's military are even trying to do their best. Although some were actually getting their ass handed to them as Alexis starts to break the Mecha Batmobile's armor as Alexis even sliced its arms. Meanwhile Thor Machine then gets surround by enemy hostiles as this made him a little overwhelmed as this gave Aldea the chance to manipulate rocks & then wrapped him around as Thor Machine is now trapped. Aldea did the same for Green Lantern thanks ti Grabel's help & some forces as they overwhelmed him too while the military struggles. And then Iron Man does get some help from not only Kenshi but from Ichika, Hayato, Kizuna, & Tsurugi as they tried their best but Iron Man decided to save the 5 of them which caused his armor being almost destroyed as he now breaks it 1 by 1 & then stomps on the suit's chest which made its limbs & helmet fly off as when he know walks he stepped on the helmet. This made the others mad as now they're gonna avenge Iron Man. This mostly made Kenshi so angry that his mecha turned into its dark form. Shido tries to help but he also got his ass kicked from Babalun but still got up to help (Also, sorry for not mentioning him back then).

I have killed this Iron Fool now you will die with him.

As Batman got out of the mecha as he's now crawling Alexis then shrinks into his normal size as he is now about to kill Batman as he sees him pathetically crawl.

>Alexis • Kerib:
Look at you a man in a costume. No matter how martially skilled you were you're still nothign more than a regular man. And by that you're finished. (Stomps Batman but doesn't fully crush him yet).

Batman watches both the Dragons being back to human form while the Dragonauts were getting them to safety as he can even see Commander Sakaki carrying his daughter out of the battle while some Gillard Army Soldiers retreats while firing. This made Batman angry while feeling pain from being crushed. Until...

(While feeling pain) You're right. I'am just a man. However I'am no mere man. Because I'm Batman! (While he was talking the Hellbat Armor started forming around his body as Alexis watched in confusion until when Batman became the Hellbat he then turned his suit's wings into a swarm of bats which not only blinded Alexis but his forces aswell).

And so Hellbat stands up as he was so fast that he killed all of Alexis' forces. And as the swarm of bats goes on Hellbat then fights Alexis as the 2 of them fights in a DBZ Style fight. As the 2 of them fight Alexis uses his swords but Hellbat quickly destroyed them & he then used The Devastator.

(Activates The Devastator) Slice This. (Then punches Alexis so hard that Alexis is now badly damaged).

This forced Alexis to fire his beam while Hellbat did the same as he fired his bat-shaped laser beam as both beams collided. Sakaki's forces where in shock & they were even more shocked when Hellbat's beam overpowered Alexis' beam which of course damaged Alexis extremly badly as now Alexis retreated when Hellbat walks to him. After that Hellbat became Batman again but since he used the suit for long but not too long he was now on the ground as he groans in so much pain but especially his heart. When a DEM Wizard approached Batman she was about to stab him but she ended up getting consumed by the Hellbat as it consumed both her & her bio-mass for fuel. Luckily Tamaki came in to heal him up after the DEM Wizard was consumed while the others got him up as they thanked him too. Batman explained to the others of what they saw. Meanwhile Thor Machine & Green Lantern are now trapped while Enterprise's forces are now being forced to retreat until the whole weather became even much worse as Thor Machine had no other options left but this. He ended uo causing a powerful storm which killed so many enemy forces with big ass lightnings. 1 even striked Aldea which knocked her out badly as both Thor Machine & Green Lantern are now free. This made Enterprise amazed when she found out that Thor Machine is the source of the storm. And now back to Thor Machine.

>Green Lantern:
Do you need help with her?

>Thor Machine:
No, she's mine.

And so Grabel & Thor Machine fights each other as the 2 traded blows with their melee weapons & even fired at each other as everyone sees the fight while still fighting as now Enterprise's forces finally has a chance to take down the enemy's forces with the help from Green Lantern of course. As Thor Machine & Grabel fights Thor Machine broke her sword so she summoned her Gunsword. And so she starts firing a beam but Thor Machine was more than ready as he then fires a Unibeam & then Grabel fires her beam as the 2 beams collided. Thor Machine increased his Unibeam's power as thanks to Mjolnir & Stormbreaker he generated enough lightning to increase his power & it did as now Grabel's beam was overwhelmed as when it hit her she was now defeated as she only has 5% power left on her HHG. When she got up all she can see is Thor Machine, Green Lantern, & Enterprise point their weapons at her but she was saved by Observer who just came out of nowhere & got both Aldea, Grabel, & Ellen out of the battle. Even when they got away it was still a victory in their section. Meanwhile Babalun has now taken down the others while Kenshi's mecha broke most of its limbs as it now only has its right arm & left leg left.

You foolish brats, you thought that I wouldn't attack without an upgrade? Well you were all wrong. I'am the 1 true form of Gaia, & the Iron Fool was nothing more than someone who plays god. But only I play that role.

And then suddenly a building at his left broke as something just punched him so hard that it sent him flying front. Everyone tries to see of who it could've been until they heard this as a music starts playing (The same music when Bumblebee changed into a new car from Transformers 1 Movie).

I don't know about that Gaia I mean I'm the most smartest capable persob on the planet. (Babalun then stands up as when the smoke clears a bit everyone can see something familiar but with some glowing gems on its body parts) I'm not even playing God, because all this time... I've been playing human.

And then the smoke clears as they see Iron Man wearing his Godbuster Armor with infinity stones on it & the color is the same color as the Uru Armor.

(Gets up) I may not know how you're even alive but I'm a god & you are nothing.

You're a god? Then say hello to the Godbuster.

(MKAliez starts playing in the background)
(Credits to: Aldnoah Zero - MKAliez)

And so half of Babalun's forces starts attacking on Godbuster but Godbuster just flies forward to charge at Babalun taking no damage as not only he used the Reality Stone but the Soul Stone aswell as he turned robots into either stone or paper mache while the living ones got their souls stolen fron them. As Godbuster finally reaches Babalun the 2 then started trading punches Jojo vs Dio style as the 2 kept going but not long as when Babalun was punching Godbuster's fist meant that he's only destroying his arms which he did. And so Godbuster starts punching & kicking Babalun everywhere while using the stones on not only Babalun but on his forces too as Godbuster then fired a laser from the Mind Stone. As Babalun gets up Godbuster fired Repulsor Blasts rapidly while shooting a laser out of its forehead thanks to the Mind Stone but Babalun then fired a powerful laser which caused an explosion. But when the smoke clears out Godbuster then charged & successfully punched Babalun as thanks to the Power Stone it was a powerful punch. However most of the Godbuster's helmet was now broken (The Mind Stone is still in there as only most of the helmet was broken) revealing himself which made everyone shocked to see Tony Stark is actually Iron Man. But when Babalun got up Tony then says the Green Lantern oath which turned his suit's color into Green as Tony made some contructs powered by the stones. When Babalun had enough he was now ready to fire his beam from his mouth at full power which made Tony prepare his Godbuster's back cannon to fire his own beam.

>Tony Stark:
(Leans forward at a 90° angle) Alright then Megatron, here comes the big 1!!!

And so both fired their beams but when it collided Tony's beam just immediately overpowered Babalun's as its now damaging Babalun. Tony decided to amp it up a notch as he used the Power Stone to generate power to the back cannon's beam which ultimately destroyed not only Babalun whole but also his core crystal fully. When enemy forces fired at Tony it was all ineffective & then Tony leans backwards at a 45° angle then he as his beam was still firing & he then redirects the beam to not only Babalun's forces but also leaned back at a 0° angle & destroyed every single 1 of the enemy forces including Cordaline as because of the Power Stone it was more catastrophic but luckily Tony turned the beam off. After all of that he then sat down as it was finally over. Everyone gathers to him as they cheer for Tony. When the others arrived Batman & the others then went to him as Thor Machine opened his face plate. After Tony explained everything the commanders of both the university & the military arrived as they not only congratulated the 4 but they had their suspicions on them as now their mystery has been solved & they were right. They did promise 1 thing as due to no civillians being in the vicinity both the university & the military promises not to tell the people their secret indentities as their secret is safe with them. They then trust them. After all of that Hida Nayuta & Isaac Westcott arrived out of nowhere after clapping as they both want to talk to Iron Man.

>Isaac Westcott:
With such destructive weapon you could even become a god. So why waste it fighting for this world?

>Hida Nayuta:
Join us & you won't ever re--

She was cutted off mid sentence as Tony fired non-lethal repulsor blasts on the 2 of them without hesitations.

>Tony Stark:
(Looks at Nayuta) So what? So you could toss your son aside again, use my suit to destroy innocent people, & use me as a test subject? All of this list already makes you the worst mother in history Sindel. (Looks at Westcott) And you, go back to your sister & sell weapons with her Kasper Hekmatyar.

And so not only he insults them but he told them to leave Earth alone forever or they'll regret it. And so the 2 then leaves while still feeling pain from the repulsor blast. Everyone did cheer as they were actually proud of Tony. Although this made Kizuna question him if that was necessary but he wants answers later so everyone celebrated for their victory.

To Be Continued

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