Write your Way into my Heart

By Wrenchxoxo

26.8K 1.5K 274

Haikyu!! Timeskip AU! M/n Mitsuru is a newly promoted employee of a famous sports magazine company, he was in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Christmas Special! Hanamaki + Matsukawa
Christmas Special! Meian + Inunaki
Christmas Special! Tobio + Shoyo
Christmas Special! Iwaizumi + Oikawa
Christmas Special! Akaashi +Bokuto
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Discontinued, sorry ;(

Chapter 13

865 48 2
By Wrenchxoxo


It was mid noon when the boy woke up from his impromptu slumber. He rubbed his eyelid as his free hand grabbed his phone to check messages.

His phone was blowing with messages from different people.

Akaashi, The mystery guy, Iwaizumi, Ushijima- wait. Ushijima? What? When did he? nevermind, m/n threw his phone on the couch and scratched his head in annoyance.

He stretched his limbs before trudging his way towards the kitchen to make a coffee for himself, before he starts the day.

His mind was still processing his surroundings as he idly waited for the coffee maker to finish.

"I feel like im forgetting something...." He mumbled, rubbing his chin as he stared into nothingness, his unintrested eyes widened at the realisation.

"HOLY FUCK! I FORGOT PEOPLE MESSAGED ME" He screamed, in a panic he ran towards the living room, almost tripping from his rug.

He quickly grab ahold of it and opened the phone, opening up the message app but before he could open one of the messages, his phone started ringing in an obnoxious way.

The caller id displayed "haji <3" m/n took a deep breath and gulped his saliva before accepting the call.

"Heyyyyy haha...! hajiii! wassup?"

M/n internally cringed as he resist the urge to bash his head on the wall.

"Don't you wassup wassup me you little fucker, why did you answer my call just now?"

Anger seethed through the man's voice on the other line, it was more than enough to sent shivers down the h/c-nette's spine. He can already imagine what kind of beating he'd receive.

"Uh...how do i say this, i got super tired and i ended up falling asleep on the spot? and i woke up at midnight and i fell asleep again...hehe"

His explanation was only greeted with a deep sigh from iwaizumi, he felt his heart beat slow down.

"I see...i hope you're doing fine now, you have work today right?"

M/n who was celebrating his escape from death suddenly froze. Holy. Smokes....He forgot he's a functioning member of the society now.

"Y-yeah...! hahaha what about it?"

"Shouldn't you be in your work right now?"

Iwaizumi replied, in a matter-of-fact tone. M/n can already imagine iwaizumi's face judging him up and down.

"Y-yeah i'm about to go now...hahaha! bye!"

"Hey! wait-"

Before iwaizumi could finish his words, m/n already had cut the line off. Releasing a heavy sigh before leaning as he slowly droop against the wall of his kitchen he ponders what kind of excuse would he say to his boss for being late AND not being able to grab one of his assigned athlete.

He rubbed his forehead in a rough manner, groaning as he struggled to think of an valid excuse but before he got absorb with the eternal struggle he will face later, he remembered the unread messages.

He stayed in his position as he opened his phone once more, but more sickly looking than before.

He clicked the first one, it was from ushijima.

Dear Mitsuru M/N,

Good Morning, how have you been? I am reaching out to you, to ask for forgiveness. I have realised my actions and words towards you last time we met was uncalled for. I hope you find in your heart to forgive me, and i heard from iwaizumi that this interview is rather important to you, and that it could cost you, your job; if the offer's up, i'd be willing to give the interview another try.

Sincerely, Ushijima Wakatoshi.

As much as m/n would hate to admit it, he found ushijima's message nice. Maybe because for once he wasn't the first one to apologize after a fight, or maybe because of the format of the message. He has never seen an millenial to use such format in a text message and he found it hilarious. But no matter the reason, it brought a smile to his face.

He typed out a quick reply, deciding to ride on the man's format of messaging, once satisfied he stared an reread his reply to make sure he didn't made any grammatical error before hitting send.

Dear Wakatoshi Ushijima,

I have been well, thank you for asking. Regarding about the interview; Yes. I would like to have a restart of our interview, would you like to come over today? I decided to take a leave on my work for today. And i would like to formally apologize for my rash behaviour towards your answer. It was very unprofessional of me, and i would like for us to forget about it and move on. Thank you.

Yours truly, Mitsuru M/N.

After sending the message, he moved on to the next, this time it was akaashi's.

He skimmed through the messages he sent.

:Ah, my apologies, m/n-san. I just woke up, but i do remember what happened once we got out of the cafe

:When we're about to walk towards your condo, the cashier from the cafe stopped us, holding a bag of treats, and he bumped into you, making you lose grasp on your phone and both of you picked it up and after that he apologized and gave you the box of treats, saying it's on the house.

:We walked towards your condo after that, and that's it. You offered me to come inside your condo, but i refused. Hope that helps :)

:Also, have you had breakfast? if you want we can meet up and have breakfast? or lunch. If it's okay.

M/n mumbled a thank to the higher ups, as he read over and over the message. Thinking of a reply to akaashi.

Hi akaashi! Thanks for telling me, my mind was a bit hazy and was worrying i did something embarrassing, anyways. About your offer, i would love to, but i have to decline. I have a meeting today. Maybe we can reschedule? Thanks for the offer tho!

M/n felt a bubble of guilt rise in his chest, chewing his lip as he contemplated to write another reply to not sound mean.

Have a great day btw! sorry i replied late, i just woke up haha.

M/n immediately regretted writing the reply, he felt his laugh at the end sounded sarcastic, or mean. Gripping his locks as he set his phone to his lap.

Before he could move on to another message, akaashi had swiftly replied.

:Oh is that so, i understand. Perhaps tomorrow? would that be good then?

M/n replied with a yes, making a mental note to free his schedule for tomorrow.

After their agreement, he proceeded to open the last one pending. It was from the mystery person.

M/n knew better than to associate himself with random people, but one's curiousity cannot rest until satisfied.

:It's too early for you to know who i am, but let's just say i'm someone you don't know, and i don't know you, personally. But one thing's for sure...i wanna know more about you ;)

M/n looked at the message in disgust, most specifically on the winky part. Who the fuck flirt anonymously? Bitch have some balls.

M/n overridden by his emotions, decided to type in a feisty message.

I see, but let's make things clear, im gay. Hella gay. I found no interest in the opposite gender, and i hope you know that. Also, even if you turn out to be a man, i don't think i'd entertain a coward like you.

His brows furrowed as he typed out his reply, tapping the screen of his phone harder than normal.

throwing his phone across the table, before looking at his coffee maker, to see if it was finished. And it was, so he grabbed a mug and inserted a desired proportion of sugar before the caffeine itself.

He heard his phone rang, but he did not bother picking it up, assuming it was that mystery guy. Ruining his day.

He walked upstairs with a huge scowl on his face, as he made himself look presentable for ushijima.

After taking a steamy shower, he opened his closet to look for something that screams professional.

He wore a charcoal turtleneck, harris tweed jacket, khakis and a collegiate cordovan loafers.

He stood infront of the mirror, fixing his hair as he felt something's incomplete with his outfit. He snapped his finger as he walked towards his drawers to find his reading glasses. There, his look is complete. Albeit looking like someone who's going to teach in a university.

He looked scholarly nonetheless.

M/n was busy inspecting his outfit that he didn't heard his phone rang. It was till the second time it rang did he heard it. His walk turned into a jog as he went downstairs to grab his phone.


"Is this mitsuru m/n?"

Ah...it's ushijima, a sigh of relief was released from his mouth as he fixed his posture.

"Yes, this is m/n speaking"

"About your offer of me coming over, does the offer still stands?"

"of course, would you like to have lunch here before we start too?"

"Yes that'd be nice, since i'm on my way to your condo."

M/n was surprised that ushijima knew his condominium, he didn't remember telling them his condominium, right?

"I asked iwaizumi for your address, if you're wondering how i know."

"A-ah...i see, well, see you soon."

He only heard a hum from him before he ended the call, now he has another task to do. Prepare a meal for the two of them. His offer for lunch wasn't really planned. It just came out of his mouth, now he has to cater. Goddamn it.

He decided that he's just going to order and have ur delivered here. Seeing that he's already dressed and all, he couldn't afford changing nor, making a mess with the outfit.

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

Throughout of the waiting phase, m/n did not bother replying to the unknown number, until he completely forgot their existence.

Fortunately, the food arrived before ushijima; m/n was in a panic setting things up that the sound of his doorbell ringing made him jolt in shock.

He hurried towards the door, greeting the tall olive haired man outside his door. His trademark look displayed on his face, m/n gave him the kindest smile he can muster as he let him in.

Ushijima nodded and went in he was holding some kind of box.

"I brought this as compensation for having to interview me in your home, it must've been a hassle to clear your schedule for me."

Ushijima explained, handing the box of fried chicken with his two hands as he bowed in apology; M/n seemingly not use to the ushijima infront of him, carefully took the box and thanked him.

"It's fine, i had nothing to do today anyways"

He told him, reassuring the tall male as he guided him towards the kitchen.

"I just ordered something, since if i try and make it myself it might prolong your stay here and become a hassle."

M/n explained, putting the box of chicken alongside the various dishes he ordered for him and ushijima to satiate their hunger.

"No no, it's fine. I was actually craving for this kind of food. But tasting your home cooking is an honor tho"

"Aw shucks, stop smooth talking me and take a seat"

Ushijima looked at him like he had grown two pair of heads.

"I am not smooth talking you, m/n. I am simply being honest, i have heard alot about you from iwaizumi."

Ushijima explained, taking a seat as he politely wait for m/n to take his seat as well.

Once m/n sat, they both started eating, it was rather quiet. Only the sound of the plates and utensils clanging to one another can be heard.

"So, may i know what happened after i walked out?"

Ushijima who had his mouth full looked at m/n with big eyes, for a moment, m/n felt the urge to laugh at him. He looked like a kid who got asked if he ate the last piece of cookie.

Ushijima needed a moment to swallow everything inside his cheek before speaking.

"Uhm...it was awkward, and tense...everyone was looking solemn. Some even looked at me disappointed."

M/n watch as ushijima plays with his food, his eyes show a hint of sadness and guilt. And for some reason, m/n felt bad for him.

"But it was in the past, i asked them how to make it up to you, and they suggested me a bunch despite not knowing much about you...."

After that, a fond smile took shelter on ushijima's lips. He was gently poking the chicken as he remembers the tips and information about the boy infront of him.

"I see...i didn't know that my sudden outburst impacted you guys alot..."

A bubble of guilt emerged inside m/n's chest. Ushijima took note of it and immediately tried to save the mood into turning sour.

"No no, it's fine. I'm...not good with words, some say i'm blunt, or ignorant...but despite that, i'm trying, and sometimes people like you are what i need to knock some sense onto me."

He explained putting his utensils down and grabbed his glass of water. M/n swore that for a moment, ushijima looked attractive. Not to say he wasn't before but, he became even more attractive?

"E-enough about it, past is past, what's important we're both okay with one another, aight?"

M/n flashed a charming smile towards ushijima, making the boy stunned in his seat. How can someone be kind and charming at the same time?

── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

The whole day, they spent talking about things,. and gradually got a bit closer with one another. After that, they finished their interview and it went more smoothly than they thought it would be.

After a long time it was time for him to go, ushijima bid farewell and thanked m/n for the warm accommodation, and m/n waved off his thanks.

"Text me when you get home, okay? I don't wanna hear from someone you got into an accident on the way home"

M/n joked, yes. He jokes with the ushijima wakatoshi. Whilst the olive haired man only smiled and nodded before entering the elevator that's going down.

The man was left in the comfort of his abode, sighing deeply but not because he was stressed but rather relaxed. He hadn't had to worry about anything more.

Feeling the itch to change, he went upstairs to change into something more comfortable.

Picking his phone up, deciding whether to scroll through his social medias or to play a game to pass the time.

He opened his socials and the first thing in his feed made his brow perched up in curiousity.

A famous libero who plays for the russian team arrived in japan, and nobody knows why.

It certainly intrigued m/n. Taking note of it, for the upcoming board meeting. He'd try to pitch in the idea of interviewing the athlete.


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