same as in the past

بواسطة scthompson

6.8K 85 0

Angeline Beaufort and Klay Thompson dated when they were young, but Angeline had to return to her hometown, P... المزيد

1. the new girl
2.the game
3. I hate goodbyes
4. apparently time has passed
5. I thought I would never see her again
6. do you want to like, hang out?
7. the date
8. Independence Day
9. do we go to the curry house???
10.I want spend all the time with u
11. u and me under of the moonlight
12. acting work
13. Can we talk?
14. Paris is the city of love, isn't it?
15. I hurt myself
16.The night of gala
17. What are you afraid of?
19. Moons
20. the beginning of a new chapter
21. epilogue

18. wedding plans

108 1 0
بواسطة scthompson

  Angel loved the fact that she was engaged, it was amazing every day to look at her hand and see the ring there, and to remember the amazing trip she had had with Klay.

 But, if there was one thing Angel hated about being engaged, it was getting everything ready. She could ask someone else to handle the wedding and forget about it, but she felt that wouldn't make the day any more special.

 Klay and she had started the season of looking for a location. They had thought about the countryside, a church, a more ballad venue, or even the shore of the Bay (Klay had loved this idea).

-I say we get married on the boat. -Klay said, preparing dinner.

-Love. -Angel said laughing. -We can't get married on a boat.

-Why not? The place is big.

-We can think about it then. (She wouldn't think about it)

 As it turned out, Angel was walking downtown with Milena, and saw an ad warning of some kind of "farm" located on the west side of the bay, overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. And so they decided, luckily they got a date for the beginning of the year, when the temperature would be better.

If the only thing to do was to sort out the place, the couple would be at peace. Actually, for Klay everything was fine, the only concern (besides the games) was to decide the color of his suit, and even then he was still undecided.

-Stephen. -Called his friend, who was practicing some throws.


-I don't know what suit to wear.

-At your wedding?


Stephen laughed a little.

-What? -Klay asked.

-Klay Thompson with doubts about his wedding suit, I never thought I would see this.

-Stop teasing me and help me.

-Let's go to the store after practice, we'll call the guys to help.

-That won't work. -Klay laughed.

-Trust me, my friend.

 And so it went, literally the whole team to a suit rental store. And when I say the whole team, I'm not being exaggerated, it was really everyone.

 Klay ended up choosing the color suit...

 Hey, did you really think I was going to tell you the color of the suit just now? It's not funny this way.


 The wedding plans had slowed down, which gave the couple space to deal with other things, such as "Thanksgiving".

 The end of the year was always Angel's favorite time of year, and she was very excited for this year, since her father was coming to town and she was moving in with Klay.

 Oh there was that too, the two of them had been thinking about it for some time. Angel spent more time at Klay's house than in her college room, and only went to campus to study, so moving in with him was the best option.

-I think it's over. -Klay spoke amidst the boxes in his room.


-You have too much stuff love. -The boy laughed.

-I was surprised too, at least now we're definitely living together.

-That's amazing.

-I agree. -Angel sat down next to Klay, placing her legs on top of Klay's thighs. - Do you remember the first time you saw me?

-Of course I remember, how could I forget the day I met love?

-You'd think so. -the girl laughed. - You looked at me with an angry face.

-In my defense, I wanted to practice. -He returned the laughter. -But I saw you and was sure that would be better than practice.

-If I didn't leave, would we still be here?

-I don't think so. The fact that you left made me miss you, and with that, I could see that I really loved you, that it wasn't a teenage crush. I spent all these years thinking about you Angel, every time I saw couples, it was you that I thought of. Every time I went out with someone I didn't make it last, because it wasn't you. And When you showed up, I thought I was dreaming, I couldn't believe you were back.

-I don't regret that I once went to college here, and this is really crazy because I had no idea you were playing here. I hadn't heard from you in years, and when I found out it was fate, it was for me to move, to find you.

-You know that I love you very much?

-I love you more.

 Their night ended after they were tired and slept on the sofa, with some boxes lying on the floor. They could have gone to sleep in bed, but Klay's embrace, for Angel, was the most comfortable thing in the world.


- What time is your father coming? -Milena and Angel were downtown buying some things to get ready for Thanksgiving.

-At 8:00, Klay will pick him up while I prepare the food.

-He'll have a nice talk with his father-in-law. -Milena laughed.

-I have no doubt, Klay and my father have a good relationship. And your parents? When will they meet Jordan?

-Probably at Christmas. They will spend a few days here. But it will be difficult for them to communicate, they don't know a word of English and now Jordan is determined to learn Portuguese.

-I take it you're not succeeding. -Angel laughs.

-You're right, he's terrible at Portuguese, but he's trying.

-He loves you very much.

-I know, and I love him too.

-Who would have thought that?

-People change. -The two laugh together.

The couple's evening was spent shopping for fall decorations, tablecloths, dishes, and a few other things to make the vacation the best it can be. 

 Angel and Klay had called the whole team, and their children and wives. Since this was their first holiday in the house, their first practically as husband and wife, they could not fail to do something special.

 Klay went to pick up her father-in-law an hour before the plane arrived. Yes, seeing his father-in-law still caused a chill down the spine. Angel's father was a very good man, charismatic and always treated Klay in the best possible way, he had nothing to worry about.

-Welcome Vicenzo. -Klay said, taking the gentleman's bags and putting them in the trunk.

-Hello Klay, how are you?

 Angel's father, because he worked in a company and talked with high-level people every day, always had a different vocabulary. He spoke formally all the time, but was still a loving and kind person.

-I'm fine, how are you? -The two got into the car to drive to Klay's house.

-I'm fine too. Is Angel in the dorm?

-Well... -Didn't Angel tell you that he had moved out and was living with Klay? Now the boy was in a kind of difficult situation to get out of.

 Let's see, Mr. Vicenzo was a liberal man, he always let Angel do whatever he wanted. But, telling your father-in-law that his only daughter is living with you is not that easy.

-Actually, she has moved out.

-Really? Maybe you forgot to tell me.


-Where is she living?

-At my place. -Klay swallowed dryly.

-Wow, well... I wish you both well, of course. -Vicenzo coughed weakly and remained quiet the rest of the way.

If shame could kill, Klay Thompson would drop dead on the spot.


-Father! -Angel ran out of the house towards the car, giving the gentleman a hug.

-Hey honey. -Vicenzo returned the hug. 

-How was the trip?

-It was good. Klay said you're living here, is that true?

-She did? -Klay whispered as he picked up his bags and carried them inside.

-It's true, Dad, I just moved here. -Angel smiled. -Let's go inside, you must be hungry.

 Angel prepared dinner for her father, since she moved and started cooking more, she got passionate about it, and when she was busy with college stuff, Klay cooked.

 Vicenzo went to sleep soon after, he was very tired from the long trip and wanted to be rested for the "thanksgiving".

 Klay was helping Angel with the dishes and tidying up so that they could rest as well.

-Did your father ever want to kill me?

-Why do you ask? -Angel says laughing, putting some dishes away in the cupboard.

-Curiosity. -Klay returned the laughter. -When I told him about you living here, he was silent, and I could have sworn he was going to make me crash my car on the spot.

-Love. -Angel puts her arms around Klay's shoulder. -My father loves you. He couldn't have a better son-in-law.

-It's nice that my fiancée's father likes me.

-I love being called my fiancée.

-I'd like to call you my wife soon. -Klay smiles.

... The preparations for the "thanksgiving" started early. Klay and Vicenzo went downtown to buy some things that were missing, some ingredients and dishes.

 Meanwhile, Angel was at home starting to prepare the food. Milena had also arrived to help and now both of them were venturing into the kitchen, and amazingly, the results were positive.

-The meat is ready, now it's time for pasta and salads. -Milena said as she finished putting the dishes away.

-I can't stand cooking anymore. -Angel laughs.

-Neither can I.

 Milena's speech was interrupted by the sound of the intercom.

-I'll get it. -Angel said, wiping her hand with a napkin, and going to open the door. -Ayesha!-Hi, beautiful. -The girl smiled. -I'm here to help.

-Thank you.

 Now, with three people, the work was less. They finished quickly and used the free time to clear the table.

 After a while, everything was properly set. The table was beautiful, with plates and candles all over the table.

 Dinner was scheduled to start at eight, so around five, the girls left to get ready, and so did Angel and Klay.

 Angel put on a dress that was shin-length, in light shades, like beige. Klay put on a suit in the same color as the dress and a white shirt underneath. They had this thing about always going out together, which was very cute.

 Little by little the friends were arriving, everyone was loving talking to Vincenzo and learning some French words, the gentleman was loving teaching.

-Your father is amazing. -Sara said.

 Their baby was born a few scenes ago, and today was the first time the friends were seeing little Levi.

-He is beautiful. -Klay looked at the baby, who gave him a toothless smile.

-He looks like his father. -Juan came in laughing.

-Surely. -Klay joined in the fun.

 The other people arrived and they were able to start the party. Angel served champagne, and juice for Sara, of course.

Everyone complimented the food, and Angel was very happy about this, because it wasn't something she was used to doing much.

 After everyone had eaten the main meal and dessert, they sat down in the back of the house. The couple had made a recreation area with some armchairs and a speaker to set the perfect mood.

-I'm going to tell you something that happened last week at practice. -Stephen started laughing before he even thought about it.

-Not coming Curry. -Klay intervened.

-Now tell it. -Juan said.

-Stephen was still laughing. -Stephen was still laughing. -We were in the locker room, normal.

 Then, out of nowhere, Klay goes to call Juan, but the thing is, Juan wasn't in the locker room. And he kept saying that he was. But now, the funny thing, he was thinking that Juan was Jordan.

-We are twins. -Juan says laughing.

-In my defense, they look alike. -Klay laughs.

-You need glasses, honey. -Angel said.

 They kept laughing and talking about stories that happened in the locker room or even stories from when they were kids. Angel kept watching the scene and thanking for having such great friends.

-Look guys, today is Thanksgiving, right? So, let's do the tradition. I'll start. -Angel raised her glass of champagne. -I am thankful to have amazing friends like you, and of course, to have Klay.

-Cute. -Milena smiled. -Okay, I'm thankful that I started college here, and that I met Jordan.

-What a sweet talk from you guys. -Juan said. -I'm thankful for Levi.

-Me too. -Sara added. -This wonderful little thing has changed our lives.

-I'm thankful for Angel, of course. That this woman has made me a better person, changed my life. And I'm also thankful that I'm healthy and playing.

-I'm in this with you, Klay. -Jordan says. -This season has been amazing, and even more so because I have Milena.

The girl smiled at the phrase.

-I'm thankful for my kids, because they are my happiness, and my beautiful husband. -Ayesha said.

-I love you, baby. -Stephen replied. -I'm thankful to my kids, my wife, and Golden State, who made me win the MVP award.

Everyone applauded.

-And now you dad.

-Well, I am thankful that my family has found such amazing friends like you, it's good to know that they are safe here in San Francisco. And yes, I am grateful to Klay, for taking such good care of my daughter.

Klay smiled and whispered a "thank you".

That had been the best thanksgiving if everyone, they were happy and most importantly, they were family.

Now the plans for the wedding were coming to an end, and the day was closer than ever.

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