Her Silent Killer

Par Nongogo

66.3K 4.1K 118

They both have a traumatic past that haunts them but together they find the will to live. Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 14

1.1K 82 0
Par Nongogo

Kumkani: "Your friend is stupid little beauty." He said before I could ask him what the hell just happened there.
Me: "What do you mean my friend? Which friend...." I trailed off and gasped putting my hand over my mouth... "Anga!" I shouted.
Kumkani: "His lackeys tried to bug my place." What?
Me: "What? I-I don't understand. What do you mean h-his lackeys?" He said nothing... "w-what do you mean King? And how do you know it was Anga?"
Kumkani: "Those turds sang his name before I could kill them." He told me... "damn amateurs!" He spat... "really wasn't in the mood to kill anyone today. But they had to go force my hand." Oh my God! Oh my God!  So that's what the phone call had been about. 'There's 3 of them' meant 3 bodies and 'Take care of them' meant clean up the bodies.
Me: "King..." That's all I could say to all that he said. His name.
Kumkani: "Don't worry little beauty. Won't kill your friend. He's nothing but an insect under my shoe. The death of his lackeys should be a warning enough for him." Jesus Christ! What have I gotten myself into?
Me: "King..."
Kumkani: "I'm sorry little beauty. Really didn't want to show you this side of me so soon. But it couldn't be helped. Nobody messes with my territory and lives to see the day." He told me... "your friend is lucky. He should thank you because if it wasn't for you, he would be dead." I literally had no words bethuna! I mean, what would you guys have said if you were in my shoes? I was shocked and terrified at the same time, to the point of where I didn't even know what to do with myself. And the way he was so calm and composed you wouldn't say he just killed 3 people. When we got to his other place which was a replica of the previous one even down to the furniture, I quickly rushed to the bathroom and closed myself in locking the door. I had my back pressed to the door as I hyperventilated. I was huffing and puffing while gasping and gulping for breath. What was I going to do? A hard knock came on the other side of the door. I jumped and moved away from it. It was the king of course. He knocked harder this time jiggling the door handle.
Kumkani: "Open the door little beauty."
Me: "J-just give me a few minutes. I-I want to be alone." My back was to the sink now.
Kumkani: "This is your last chance little beauty. Open the door." He ordered... "or do you want me to break down this door?" Gosh! I went to unlock the latch and then I backed away again. He opened the door and there he stood looking like a warrior king.
Me: "D-d-don't come any closer please." He didn't listen to my plea of course. He walked slowly towards me. I was stuck and cornered with no where else to run to. When he got to me, he suddenly grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up on the sink and forced my legs to part so that he could get in between them.
Me: "W-w-hat-."
Kumkani: "I get that you're terrified beautiful..." He said close to my face looking at me with those eyes of his... "but as I said I would never hurt you." At the rapid rate I was breathing, my chest was moving in an up and down motion.
Me: "K-king-."
Kumkani: "Don't give up on me little beauty." Oh!... "please. I need you." The desperation in his voice pulled at my heart strings. I found myself touching his face wanting to give him comfort. At my touch he closed his eyes. He was relishing at my touch like I did at his. God! Lendoda! What was I going to with him? This is the second time he has told me that he needed me. And I wasn't about to run away from that. I couldn't. Okay so he killed people, and he enjoyed killing them but at least he said he only killed bad people...people who deserved it. I mean, I couldn't judge his work since it was his same work that had saved me from those men. That would be very hypocritical of me. He opened his eyes and I was sucked into them. I swear his eyes had been black a minute ago but now they appeared to be gray somehow. Crazy ish I tell you.
Me: "Your eyes-." Then he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back because firstly, I was surprised as hell and secondly, I didn't know how to...to kiss, that is. Believe it or not bethu, I had never been kissed before. So this was my first kiss. He pulled back.
Kumkani: "So innocent." He whispered brushing my lower lip with his thumb... "follow my lead little beauty." Then he kissed me again. I should've been pushing him away right? But why then, were my lips  moving along with his and replicating what they were doing? I didn't know. Stupid stupid stupid! Sick sick sick! He deepened the kiss and my whole body zapped and lit up like a Christmas tree with arousal. I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped my lips against his and a guttural sound vibrated from his chest and I swear, it was the sexist thing ever. He pulled me closer to his chest causing my breasts to be pressed against him. He groaned and roughly pulled away from my lips. He put his forehead against mine with his eyes closed. His brows were in a frown like was in pain and the hands that were holding my waist were squeezing me tightly. I could feel his member hard between my thighs. The way my breaths were coming out of me in quick and tiny gasps you would swear I had asthma. I touched my tingling lips with my fingers. I can't believe he kissed me and that I enjoyed it. Well, I more than enjoyed it. He blew away my freakin mind with that kiss. And I don't think I was ever going to recover from it. He opened his eyes, which were now back to being black, craziest ish I tell you, and he set me on my feet, down from the sink ... "let's go."He pulled me along with him before I could ask him any questions, to God knows where.

We were at the cinema. You heard me right. At the cinema. The king had taken me to a cinema to watch a movie. This was so unexpected of him. He let me choose the movie that I wanted, and he got me popcorns and everything else that I wanted and he got nothing for himself. We were now inside, we were sitting at the very back and deep in the corner. The cinema was quite empty which was a bit surprising since it was the weekend and it was usually full here during the weekends. Maybe I chose an unpopular movie? Maybe.
Me: "Why didn't you get anything for yourself?" I whispered to him. I don't know why I was whispering since it was just the both of us... "you don't like popcorns?" Nothing. I guess he was back to being Mr. Silent... "don't for a second think that I'll be sharing my popcorns with you buddy." I told him... "all of this is... " I said indicating to the things on my lap... "is mine." He watched me. The corner of his mouth was lifted slightly... "capiche?" I said wiggling my finger to him. He said nothing. But what he did was to grab my finger and kiss it. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. God! I stuffed my mouth with popcorns to stop myself from doing what I was very much tempted to do which was to climb him and have my way with him. So mental right? I agree with you guys. I have completely gone mental. I gulped my soda to try and cool myself down. When I stole a glance at him, I saw that he was laughing at me with his eyes. Damn him! I ignored him and tried to focus on the screen in front of us, which was a very hard thing to do. But fortunately the movie I had chosen ended up being very nice and funny as hell so my attention was captured by it. When the movie came to an end, we moved out... "did you enjoy the movie?" I asked him. While I had laughed my guts out next to him, he hadn't. Every time I took a glance at him during the movie, I would find his eyes already on me. Which gave me a lot of goosebumps. Yeesh!
Kumkani: "I enjoyed watching you enjoy the movie beautiful." Lendoda! I looked away from him blushing as my heart did crazy things inside my chest.
Me: "A-Are we going home?" He said nothing and just pulled me along with him. I realized that he did that a lot. He liked being in control a lot this king of mine.

We didn't go home. He took me to this other restaurant and we had a late dinner there. And then after that we went to a game arcade where we played so many games there. No lies. He beat me in every game that we played, to which I had sulked but forgave him because he won me a lot of prizes. The way I was so giddy and happy the whole time, you guys had no idea. I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun with the king. Even though he didn't laugh or smile, I knew that he was also having fun. For some reason, I knew how to read him now. He talked more with his eyes and actions than he did with his mouth. He was surprised to see that I was quite good at bowling, not as good as him of course but yeah I could hold mine own against him. Every time I hit the mark I would shout and jump up and down happily like a small kid, and he would just shake his head at me with his eyes shining. Even though the game arcade was pretty full of people, it felt like it was just the two of us. I paid no mind to the other people around us. Even though his attention was also on me, I had the feeling that he was very aware of the people and what was happening around us. Nothing missed him. It had come to my mind only later on that, that the cinema, restaurant and game arcade had actually been a date. Our very first date. In a way, it made this thing between us official. I never thought that the king would be this romantic. Taking a woman out on dates didn't seem like a thing that he would do. And I had a feeling that I was the only woman that he had ever taken to a date. Call me stupid or whatever. But that's the feeling I had. And to me that just made it much more special that he had gone out of his comfort zone to make me happy, because I had been very very happy with him the whole time. I had smiled the biggest and had laughed the hardest I've ever had in my life that I even forgot all about my struggles and worries. When we finally decided to back home, I was dead meat and my stomach was stuffed up as hell. I had eaten a lot bethu. The way I was so exhausted, the king had to even carry me to bed when we arrived. He helped me changed out of my clothes to one of his t-shirts. I flopped in bed while he changed out his, then he joined me pulling me into his arms.
Kumkani: "Sleep little beauty." He ordered and I did just that.

I was 7 years old again. Somebody was crying. It was the good man. I don't know why he was crying. I was in the good man's car. After he had come for me, he had put me in the backseat of the car. I was happy that he was taking me to my mommy but I was also sad that he was crying. I wanted to ask him but I couldn't. He kept whispering "I'm so sorry little beauty" over and over again. Why was he sorry?

I woke up and just lied there trying to make sense of the dream I just had. This was the first dream out of all the dreams I've had during these past 5 days that I could actually recall the details after waking up. I looked at the king. He was still sleeping. It was still kind of dark outside. I wonder why he had been crying that time in the car. What had happened? Why was he sorry to me? I stared at him for quite a while, then I went back to sleep.

It was now another 5 days later. I never asked the king about the dream I had. I don't know why. But I had a feeling that I shouldn't. So I didn't. But I did tell my therapist about the dream. She didn't really say anything about it but she did suggest that I record every dream I can remember in a journal. She did though share her worries with me. She worried that now since the Pandora's box seemed to be opened in my brain, that I would start remembering stuff that happened 13 years ago. She told me to prepare myself. I don't want to lie, I was terrified. I don't know what it meant for my sanity because I didn't think I would be able to handle recalling all my lost memories. She also mentioned something that really made me think. She pointed out that I started to have dreams about some of things that happened to me only when the king entered my life so maybe my memories of that time were all tied to him. What she said made sense because I really only started to remember stuff when he entered my life. But why would memories be tied to the king? Was it because he had saved me or was there another reason I didn't know about? I tried not to think about that reason a lot. Knowing that my memories were going to come back to me one by one was troubling enough for me.

It was now Saturday evening and we just came from another visit from my parents' house. My phone rang. It was my friend Tasha who had also been my roommate before I had moved back with my parents. I smiled a little and answered.
Me: "Tasha hey."
Tasha: "Don't Tasha me you bitch. When are you going to come back to school? The year is almost over."
Me: "I know I know, I'll come back don't worry. And why are you calling me a bitch you bitch?"
Tasha: "Because you're a bitch!"
Me: "No you're the bitch, bitch!" She laughed.
Tasha: "Damn I've missed you girl. We should go out sometime. The girls also miss you too." I kinda missed them too. Even though they didn't really know the real me, they were still my friends. Honestly without them, I wouldn't have survived some of my darkest days. Partying with them had helped.
Me: "I also miss you guys. We'll have to set up a date."
Tasha: "Good. There's this new club that has opened up, so we should go and check it out."
Me: "Um...for a while I won't be able to do any clubs or parties." I said softly to the phone.
Tasha: "Why the hell not? I know you all about getting down and having a good time girl. So what's up?"
Me: "Um...I'm just not in a good space right now Tash...so..."
Tasha: "Girl we need to have a talk because even that time when you came with your Dad to pick up your stuff, I could see that something was wrong." I kept quiet... "you should drop by the apartment tomorrow or I could swing by your parents' it's no issue."
Me: "Tasha-."
Tasha: "I won't take no for an answer. And anyways, there's a package for you here, that's one of the reasons why I called you."
Me: "A package?" I frowned.
Tasha: "Yes. It's a box that has no return address on it but just your name." She told me... "I almost opened it out of curiosity but I stopped myself. It's freakish as hell."
Me: "But I don't remember ordering anything."
Tasha: "That's weird but you should come by and pick-." The phone was suddenly snatch away from me.
Kumkani: "We're on our way there now." He said to the phone and the he hung up. He turned the car so fast that the tires even did the screeching sound on the road. I couldn't control the surprised yelp that came out of my mouth. What the hell?
Me: "King! What the hell?" I said in a very high voice. He said nothing and just sped the car up... "where are you going? What's going on?" Nothing. He just carried on driving like a maniac towards the direction of Tasha's apartment. I wasn't even surprised that he knew where the apartment was. The second we arrived there, before I could say anything, he was already out the car going inside the building. Yeesh! Lendoda! What was his problem? But I could feel from the way he was that something was really and horribly wrong and it had to do with the package Tasha had called me about. I got out and ran after him. He didn't even take the lift. No, he went up the stairs taking three of them at the same time. Oh my gosh! He was so fast! Why had I followed him? I should've taken the lift. When I finally caught up with him, he was already banging on the door. Tasha opened the door, and her eyes widened when she saw the king which was kind of funny since nothing ever surprised her. The king pushed her aside and entered.
Kumkani: "Where is it?" He barked at her. Tasha turned her wide opened eyes to me... "where the hell is that package?" He barked out angrily again. Tasha pointed to the kitchen counter where the black box was sitting. It really looked freakish as Tasha had said. The king marched up to it and took out a knife that was strapped to his leg. Swear to God! Tasha mouthed "what the fuck?" to me. He cut the box opened and stared and stared at was inside for a while and then he released the most dangerous sound I've ever heard from him... "don't fucken come any closer!" He yelled angrily at me when I moved towards him to see what was in the box.
Me: "W-why-."
Kumkani: "Just stay back! You don't need to see this!" The way he was acting was all the more reason for me to want to see what was inside that box. So I ignored him and went to see... "little beauty-." He tried to stop me from seeing but it was too late. I had seen. All of it. In the box there was white paper with letters pasted on it. The person had cut out letters from a magazine and had formed words with them. But these letters were not those big ones. No. They were small. Meaning the person spent a lot of time cutting them and pasting them on the paper. And also there next to the paper sat a pink panty...a panty that you could see was in the size of a child's.

The note read as follows: "Hello little one. Remember me? I left you a small gift. It was high time I returned those to you. Don't you think? Anyway you've grown into a beautiful woman. Say hi to Kumkani for me. See you soon.".............

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