A Promise To Keep (Completed)

By shinyjaiswal

60.4K 3.6K 577

Everyone knows Gulf Kanawut as a playboy who doesn't like to commit to a relationship. He had string of love... More

Break Up
Desperate Indeed
Foolish Mistake
Lurking in the Shadow
Breaking Point
Falling For Him
Turn of Events
Faking It
Start of Something
Charity Event
Park Jimin
Domestic Violence
Healing in Silence
Euphoria Masquerade
Lies after Lies
Can I Die?
Turning Into Dust
Passionate Embrace
Glimmer Of Hope
Mind Hacking
City Of Love
A Little Crush

Tharn Type

1.9K 124 22
By shinyjaiswal

Mew contacted Sarawat asked him for help. He didn't disclose the fact that Gulf was getting abused because it was just personal matter. It wasn't upto Mew to tell others.

"Hey Wat, I need your help."

"What's up? "

"One of my friend is victim of domestic violence."

"Are you serious? Who is it?"

"I'm serious but I can't tell you who it is."

"Mew, this is serious. Who is abusing them? Boyfriend/girlfriend?"

"I don't know. I have absolutely no idea what's actually going on. "

"Mew, talk to them. We may have to involve police. It's not a small matter."

"I know. I will talk to him. How should I approach the subject? He never even indicated he was getting abused. I think he wants to hide it."

"Most of the victims are scared to tell others or seel help. They at times blame themselves for the abuse or try to rationalize the abuse. It's a sensitive matter and we can't make any mistakes. First of all we need to know who is abusing him."

"Yes, I'll have to get professional help. What if it's his family? "

"Mew, that would hell lot worse. It would be quite difficult to prove the abuse if the guy refuses to press charges. He must be an adult by now, right? "

"Yeah, he is."

"So he doesn't have to stay with his family. He's legally adult so getting him out of that environment can work."

"Wat, I'm scared. I don't want to make things worse for him. I want to protect him but I'm unable to do so."

"I know it's hard but let's not give up yet. First try to coax him in telling you about his family. And there's possibility it's his bf or gf."

"He's gay."

"Okay then maybe we should look into his boyfriend."

Mew suddenly remembered he was the boyfriend in question, "He is single right now."

"Then it could be an ex."

"I think so too."

"Get the names. I'll run a background check."

"Wat, you don't have to. I'll manage."

"Mew, I don't know who the guy is but he's in trouble and must be scared as hell. He needs help and we are going to help him. That's it."

"Thanks Wat for making it so simple."

"Sometimes it is as simple as that. Someone needs your help, you help them. "

"You know that I love you, don't you?"

Sarawat chuckled at that, "I love you too, bro."

Gulf was chilling at home when he got a call from Jimin.

"Hi, Gulf. How are you? "

"I'm good. What about you? "

"I'm okay too. Did you confront Mew?"

"No I didn't. Look Jimin, I don't think. Mew would do anything like that. He genuinely cares about me."

"I'm not saying he doesn't care about you. He does. It's so obvious."

"Then why would he lie to me?"

"To Mew his pride is everything. He would never let anyone hurt his pride. Getting you to confess to him is about his ego."

"I still don't believe it-"

"Don't worry, Gulf. I'll give you proof. I'll show you true colors of Mew."

"Why are you helping me? "

"No reason."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later. "


Gulf was uneasy after talking to Jimin. He saw how worried Mew was over a little bruise. How can he lie to Gulf just for a bet? Mew he knew wasn't too egoistic or prideful."

His doorbell rang. He got up and saw it was Mew through peephole. He quickly darted to bathroom and made sure he looked respectable. He had been just lying since morning. He was too lazy to brush his hair or wear proper clothes. In his haste he slipped and banged his hand on the chair.

He cursed his clumsiness and went to open the door. Mew was looking so handsome in casual shirt and trouser. Gulf gulped at such delicious sight in front of him. He wished he could nibble at him.

"Gulf? "

"Oh, come inside. What brings you here? "

"Nothing particular. Was bored at home."


"What were you doing? "

"I was watching series. "

"Which one? " Mew went to the open laptop on Gulf's bed.

"Well..... Um... I don't think you'll like it."

"First tell me which one it is."

"Nothing great...... Just boring stuff." Gulf tried to close the laptop but Mew was fast. He snatched it away from him.

"Come on Gulf, were you watching porn? "


"Then are you blushing so much?"

Mew hit play and two guys on screen were kissing.

"What's the name of the show? "

"Tharn Type."

"Looks pretty intense."

"It's not like that.... It's a love story-"

"Yeah, I can see lots of love." Mew teased Gulf.

"Close it. "

"Why? I'm enjoying the episode. Let me watch it."

Gulf reluctantly sat on the bed beside Mew. The episode was of first time between Tharn and Type when they got intimate. Gulf could feel himself getting red. He wanted to close the laptop but Mew wouldn't let him.

"So you enjoy these type of shows? "

Gulf wasn't sure how he should answer that, "Yeah."

"What are they called? Boys Love, right? "

"Yeah, BL shows. "

"So you are gay? "

"I'm bisexual."


"What about you? "

"What about me? "

"Are you gay? "

"Do I look like one? "

"No one looks gay or straight. It's not written on your face."

"Oh really? What do you think I'm? "

"I have never seen you dating a guy."

"I'm dating one right now."

"I don't count. It's fake relationship."

"Hmmmn. So you think I'm straight? "

"I don't judge people. Whether you are straight, gay or bisexual, I won't know until you tell me. I don't draw up my own conclusion regarding anyone's sexual orientation. It's none of my business."

"I don't know what I'm."


"I thought I was straight but I'm not sure anymore."


"That's all you have to say? "

"What else am I supposed to say? "

"How many boyfriend you had in past?"

"Huh? Why do you need to know that?"

"Just curious. "

"I don't wanna tell you."

"Why? I have right to know."

"No, you don't. I had 5 boyfriends till now excluding you. "

"Wow, that's an impressive number. "

"I fall in love easily and out of it too."

"How many girlfriends? "


"You sure are something else Gulf."


"They all treated you nicely? "

"Yeah, almost. "

Mew perked up at that, "What do you mean by almost? "

"They made fuss when I wanted to break up."

"Messy break up? "


"You really are a playboy."

"Believe whatever you want. I broke up them because of legitimate reason."

"Like what? "

"My first boyfriend cheated on me, second was with me just to make his ex jealous, third wanted to get closer to Tine that's why he got in relationship with me, fourth was too controlling and manipulative and fifth was after my money.

What did I do so wrong by breaking up with them? Or do people expect me to never date again because I met a jerk? Why shouldn't I date again? What was my fault in a this? I had rotten luck when it came to romance. I always picked up wrong guy."

"What about your girlfriends? "

"They were worse if possible."

"Why? "

"My first girlfriend was lesbian, second was disgusted to know I liked guys too, third one wasn't really my girlfriend we had agreed for a fling but then she got upset with me when I refused to buy her a dress.

Why should I buy her anything? It's not like she is poor. If she wants something then she should buy it on her own. I bought her few stuffs but her demands won't stop. It irked me so much."

"It's not like you are a millionaire. "

"Even if I was, why should I spend money like water on useless stuff? "

"True. Your exes sound like nightmare. "

"Yeah, I'm just glad I left them."

"That's all they did? Nothing more? "

"What else do you want them to do? Is this not enough? "

"No, I meant nothing major? "

Gulf scoffed at that, "This all wasn't major for you? What more do you want them to do? Hit me? "

Mew quickly lost his temper, "Did they? Any of them? Tell me the name. Who was the guy?"

"What? No. You are so weird, Mew. I don't get you at times."

Mew took Gulf's arm and he winced. Mew's eyes widened at that. He quickly pulled back the sleeves and saw big purple bruise on his arm.

"What is this, Gulf? "

"Oh this, I fell today-"

"Stop lying. "

"Why would I lie? "

"Why won't you just say it? Don't you trust me? I'll protect you. You don't have to be worried about anything. I'll handle it all."

"What are talking about? I don't understand. "

"Don't pretend anymore. Please. I'm here for you."

"Mew, I seriously don't understand what you are talking about. I'm not lying about anything."

"How long has it been going on? How many times did this happen?"

"What? Falling? I fall all the time. I'm quite clumsy."

"Still with excuses? When will you stop? It's a serious matter Gulf. You can't hide forever. You need help. I'll help you. I'm right here for you. You just have to take the name, I'll manage everything else. No one will be able to even touch you."

"Mew, I think you are misunderstanding something."

"I'm not. Are you afraid? You don't have to be. Is it your family? Don't worry, I'll support you. You don't have to be worried about anything. I'll take care of you. You can live with me. I'll take care of your education. I'll get you a job. It will be all okay. "

"My family? Mew, tell me what do you think I'm hiding? "

"You are being abused. Physically and maybe-"

Gulf couldn't control his laughter. He laughed so much there were tears in his eyes.

"Oh my God, Mew. You really have wild imagination."

"It's not funny, Gulf."

"Trust me it is. If were in my place you would be laughing too. I'm not getting abused. "

"Don't lie, Gulf. I saw that card in your wallet for domestic violence victims."

"What card? I don't have-" Gulf suddenly remembered Dr. Pha giving him that card, "Mew, when you took me to hospital yesterday, the doctor in charge thought you were physically abusing me. My wounds and bruises made him think that you had hit me. I told him that wasn't the case but I don't think he believed me. He gave me that card."

Mew was dumbstruck. Everything made sense now. He had jumped to the conclusion on his own.

"But, this bruise? "

"You came out of blue and I wasn't dressed appropriately so in haste I slipped and hit the chair. I'm perfectly fine. No one is beating me up. Like hell I would let anyone. Did you really think my family was abusing me? "

"I'm sorry Gulf. I was confused and scared for you."

"That's why you asked all those questions yesterday. Now I understand your interest in my love life. "

"I'm so damn stupid. I should have just asked you. "

"Why didn't you? "

"I thought maybe you were too afraid to tell me. Oh wait, let me call and tell Sarawat to not search anything."

"Search what? "

"I asked him to check all the information regarding lawsuit in domestic violence case."

"Did you tell him I was being abused?"

"I didn't take your name. I told him one of my friend was."

"Mew, why are you so kind? "

"Huh? "

"I think I fell for you again today. I can't believe you were so worried about something that's not even true."

"Yeah.... I... "

"Sleep with me. "

"What? "

"I meant stay tonight. Literally just sleep with me. I want to cuddle with you. "

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Please? " Gulf pouted adorably at Mew.

"I guess I could. We are friends after all. Friends so sleepover all the time. No big deal."

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