Born, Hated and Found (The Va...

By FangsandVeins

217K 4.1K 804

(Editing) As much as she'd love to have humanity in her she doesn't; she never did. As infuriating as it i... More

Born with Fangs
Damon and Mystic Falls
Tomb vampires
My only exeption
The not so fearful
Don't Mess With Me
Road trip
Moon Stone
Masquerade ball
Did I Ruin it
Last hope
Dumb Kidnappers
Night in a cabin...
How many times does this happen till It gets boring again?
Another NORMAL day
A Tale
The ferocious and the little
Dinner parties are friendly...
Kill and Die
A cure
A dance at the falls is never just a dance
A little Drama hurts everyone
Death is Long Overdue
Roadtrips can go in many directions
Revenge is sweet.....but under certain circumstances
The Truth to the Tale
Not me
A Little More Than Confused
You're Gonna Here Me Roar
Wrecking Ball
Drunk with Damon
Suprise Visit
Damon, get out of my shower
The Threat of Worry Lines
To Bash a Birthday
One Ends, The Other Begins
Made A Deal With The Devil

Wolf much

5.5K 103 5
By FangsandVeins

Kayla POV

I panicked as both wolves lunged at us at the same time! If I was going to die, I was going, to put up a good fight.

I pushed the air around us making the wolves scramble back. Damon and I stood back to back turning around in a circle, anticipating the next attack.

We had to fight them. "Damon don't let them bite you." I whispered.

"Not on my agenda either." Damon said. Wow, even under attack he can be so cocky and annoying. Like I am...sometimes.

The wolves stalked towards us circling us. The two wolves lunged at Damon, and I moved my position to help. Battling one wolf, I kicked it in the stomach making it go flying into a large tree. The wolf quickly regained itself. I wish I could use my powers, but they require some focus and I was panicky right now. Mostly for Damon though, knowing he would die if he got bitten.

I lunged at the wolf this time. Breaking it's leg in the process. He just fell down for a few seconds before regaining its posture.

I saw Damon fighting the other wolf, I had to take care of this one.

The wolf came at me knocking me down. I knew the bite may kill me too, because it can affect the Cullen's so it may affect me too.

The wolf hovered above me just as a car pulled up. Damon was struggling with his wolf too. He couldn't help me. Caroline came out of the car at vampire speed and threw the wolf off of me. The wolf landed somewhere in the woods. "Thanks." I said before quickly helping Damon.

I threw the wolf away from Damon. Making the wolf go in the same direction as the other wolf.

All three of stood in a line facing the woods with a deadly look in our eyes. I anticipated the next attack, and just as I expected the wolves lunged at us out of nowhere. One jumped at me and the other on Caroline.

I strangled my werewolf changing positions, so I have the upper hand. Damon saw that I was okay and helped Caroline.

I ran into the forest making the wolf follow. I ran back just as quick and the wolf was steps away from me. I stood in front of Elena's house again and just as it jumped towards me, I moved out of his way making the wolf fall and growl. Just as it stood up, I jumped on it's back sticking my hand in and pulling out a very bloody heart.

I looked over to Damon and Caroline who were still struggling with there wolf. I jumped on the wolf knocking it down and holding it while Damon shoved his hand in through the furry skin and pulled out the heart.

We all wiped our bloody hands on our jeans and went inside. I was exhausted. Stefan came down the stairs. Since I'm young, my stamina is less then the other vampires, which means I basically get tired faster than most other vampire I know.

"Stefan.... Is Jeremy..." I asked.

"He's alive, he had the Gilbert ring, but Katherine didn't know that...." He was continuing but I bud in.

"Which means she's not afraid to kill anyone." I said turning around to face them. Then I remembered something, "You guys didn't get bit by the wolf, did you?" I asked. Thy both shook there heads.

I sighed in relief.

"We need to find out why Katherine is here?" Damon said putting his thinking face on while Stefan was pacing.

"If she asks, Jeremy was bought alive by a witch." I said.

"She'll think us as a threat and try harder." Stefan said, stopping his pacing and facing me.

"No, it'll lure her to us and we will expect it. The way Katherine thinks, she will think it's Bonnie. Bonnie can protect herself. That way Katherine backs off from the normal people." I state.

"That's not bad. I'll let Bonnie know." Caroline said and walked into the hall, probably to call Bonnie.

"Well what are we going to do with Katherine?" Damon asks just as Elena came down,

"We wait to lure her out to see what she wants." Stefan says.

Elena shakes her head, "We did that once and that resulted in Jeremy almost getting killed."

"I vote we kill her." I state and Damon smirks.

"I'm with Jazzy, we should kill her." Damon states using my nickname.

"If we do that, we will never find out what Katherine is after." Stefan states.

Elena nods.

"Ugh. Fiinne." I say dragging the word out more than I should. "I'll play nice, but I get to rip the girls heart out!" I said.

"No way! I spent over a hundred years looking for her, I'm gonna be the one to drive a stake through her black heart!" Damon yelled.

"Ugh! Fine." I said.


The whole gang was gathered at my house the next afternoon. It was a very beautiful and sunny day. Which meant I was staying inside. Let's just say the sun is not considered my friend. I told Stefan to let me mess with the weather, but he just said something about mother nature and endangering how the world is supposed to work.

"Caroline, I am not going to let you dress me up!" I said for the fiftieth time. She wanted to dress me up for this ball that's coming up, but I'm pretty capable on dressing up myself.

Damon thankfully walks in to the living room then joining the game. "Kayla how strongly opposed are you to Grand theft Auto?" He asked.

My mouth formed a smirk as if to say 'game on!'

"She's totally game." Jeremy said.

"Yep. I'm ready to whoop your arse!" I yelled and joined Damon on the coach. Apparently no one beat him yet. Well... That's about to change.

"After I beat you, it's me, you and Black opps!" I yelled grabbing the controller.

Damon scoffed, "As if."

"You'll see." I stated.

Then the games begin. After a long time of playing and everyone cheering me on, I beat his sorry butt.

"Yeah! I just opened a can of whoop arse on you!" I yelled.

He scoffed, "Yeah right! I was going easy on you!"

"Whatever gets you through the day Damon." I said patting his back sympathetically.

After beating Damon on plenty of video games, he finally called quits. He was just pissed a girl won.


I turned around to see Elena. Wait, why would she be in the woods. I was standing in the middle of the woods enjoying the greenness and quietness when she decided to appear. Then it clicked.

"What do you want?" I snarled at her, crossing my arms over my chest.

She smirked, "I like you. Your a lot like me, feisty, strong, and you catch the eye of every guy... even Damon." What the hell! Damon and I are just friends, and I liked him before or thought I did, but I know it's just mixed feelings.

I growled, "I am nothing like you! You are a selfish, manipulative, emotionless slut!" I yelled.

Katherine smirked again and disappeared. I growled and followed her scent. She didn't leave much, but left enough for me to find a car by a lake, with Katherine and... Tyler's Uncle Mason, who was also a werewolf. I knew she didn't notice me because I was being quiet.

They kissed passionately. I waited.

"So, do you have it?" She asked Mason.

"No.... But I'm working on it. I'll find the stone and I'll give it to you.... And then there will be no more sun and moon curse." He said. "I won't have to turn into a werewolf every full moon."

Hmmm... I have some research to do and knowing Katherine, I knew she didn't actually like Mason. So that means the werewolf is part of it, or is a lead to the stone...... Or both.

I searched the internet on the subject which gave me results to some books and library's. The closest and most trustable one was in north virginia. I headed to an old library in North of Virginia in a small town.

I left a small text to tell the salvatore brothers,

'I found a lead to why Katherine is here and I just need to make sure it's right. I'm doing some research be back tomorrow.' I texted to them both.

They both just said stay safe and stuff.

I got to the library and went into the mythical non-fiction section. It had six books, I needed. Three were on curses, two were on were wolves, and one was on Ancestors before the 1700's.

I put one curse book away because it had nothing on a curse about the sun and moon.

After going through the second book, I found a small paragraph on 'The Sun and Moon curse'

It said,

'The Sun and Moon Curse is a curse a great shaman cast 1000 years ago, and from then on, the werewolves can only be able to transform on a full moon and the vampires are weakened by the sun, making the werewolves "servants of the moon" and the vampires "slaves to the sun." '

I took that book and shoved it in my purse. That's all it had on it. I looked through the other book to find that it said most of what the other book said plus this.

'If Vampires undo the Sun Curse, they would be able to safely roam during the day, leaving Werewolves able to turn only on a Full Moon. But if the Werewolves succeed at breaking the Moon Curse, then they would be able to turn whenever they want, while Vampires are left in the nocturnal world.

A witch is needed to cast a spell to break the curse. A vampire and a werewolf are needed to be sacrificed and have their blood spilled over the moonstone in order to break the curse...' It said something more but the rest of the pages looked as if someone tore them out.

Now I understand why she had Mason Lockwood. She was using him for the curse. No surprise there.

I took the two curse books, the ancestor's book and one of the werewolf books. I compelled the librarian to erase it from the files and say it never was here. I decided to do a little more research afterwards before going home.

After I got home, I learnt that Damon found out about Mason and that Damon killed Mason because he was a liability and he was working with Katherine. I didn't really care, while Stefan and Damon were giving him a hard time about it.

Once I got the whole gang there, I begin explaining. Everyone was here besides Tyler. I showed them the book with more information.

"How do you know that the stone is what she's after?" Damon questioned.

"I chased her silently and heard her talking to Mason about it." I stated simply shrugging my shoulders. "So you know what this means guys, right?"

"Yeah. Operation find the stone." Jeremy states.

I smirk. "and since she was using a Lockwood, the Lockwood's might have a relation to the stone." I state. Everyone agreed.

Then Stefan spoke, "If the werewolves get there hands on the stone..."

"We are dead meat." Damon finished glaring into the fire place.

"What do we do?" Caroline asked.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" I asked.

"Because since you did all this," Damom said pointing to the books and little research I found, "and you always seem to handle whatever is thrown at you pretty well, we are assuming that you have a good plan."

I groaned but proceeded to tell my awesome plan anyways.

"There can't exactly be a plan till we find the moon stone and until we find out the remainder of the sacrifice and what was on the missing pages." I took a deep breath and continued, "Even though we still don't have the moon stone, number one, don't tell anyone about the curse, don't let Katherine know we know. Also, Jeremy, Matt and Caroline, since you guys seem to be fairly close to this mutt, You will have to find it from him. Just do anything, tell him you are looking for it for an assignment or something. Bonnie do some spell stuff, and since the locator spell seems to be part of my power, I will try too. Katherine will surely run out of ideas of where to get it from since it looks like who ever hid it, hid it pretty well so Katherine will fess up soon. Meanwhile Alaric, you should check out Isobel's research, Stefan and Elena, look through old ancestors journals and I will do a bit of everything." I say. They all seem to agree with the plan.


After a long day of researching through the books at City hall and finding nothing I returned back to the boarding house.

It had been two weeks and everyone seemed to be normal, but we found nothing on the moon stone. Even Katherine seemed to have disappeared.

I parked my car, at the boarding house and entered. I immediately found my way to the basement and drank two blood bags dry.

I licked my lips and brushed the back of my hand over my mouth. The house seemed surprisingly empty.

Damon was probably annoying someone or hooking up with a girl, and Stefan was probably hunting, with Elena or being his broody self.

I made my way towards the living room and heard a noise. I turned around fast. Nothing. The noises came again and I felt a presence.

"Show yourself!" I yelled.

I turned around again and smacked the person to the wall.


"What do you want?!" I spat.

"Have you seen a clear oval stone, shines, a little bit?" She asks. Ah, the moon stone. Only of she knew.

"Do you think I would tell you even if I had seem it?" I asked.

"Yes, because the sooner I get it the sooner I leave." She states. I roll my eyes

"Whatever. Why do you want it though?" I ask crossing my hands over my chest.

She smirks and then she disappears. Ugh! I hate that girl with all of my heart.


I got to school and hopped out of my car. I immediately noticed Stefan with Elena and hugged Stefan.

"Stefan! I missed you!" I said.

He chuckles while Elena gives me a weird look, "I saw you yesterday morning Kayla." He states.

"I know but where were you last night and what the hell were you doing?" I asked. He gave me a wary look and then I realized the question I asked.

"Never mind, don't answer either of that." I state and walk away.

I walked into a extremely hot guy. I think his name was Ryan, he was in my english class.

He had messy, sandy blonde hair and very deep green eyes. I could get lost in his eyes.

"Sorry," I stated and held out my hand, "Makayla Salvatore." Now I'm going as Makayla Salvatore, I just tell people since all my family is dead it's easier for it to be this way.

"Riley Green." He states. Well my guess was close enough.

He was cute.


Authors note:

First off, I want to thank everyone for reading. i really appreciate it, especially since I have over 500 reads! Thank you sooo much.

And since you can vote for every chapter, i will really appreciate it, if you guys would just click the vote button after reading! Thanks soo much.

Looks like Makayla is getting over her Damon crush! 0_O whats with the riley kid? You think he will last long? What happened to Damon?

You think this is the end of Dayla? Your wrong! Ooops I spoiled a little! Oh well! Have fun reading!







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