Forever With You (ForthBeam)

By Thibha16

31.3K 1.6K 171

Have you ever felt like you know more about certain things which are not your specialty? Have you ever had a... More

Chap 1
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Not an update!!!
Chap 6
Chap 7
Chap 8
Chap 9
Chap 10
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 13
Chap 14
Chap 15
Chap 16
Chap 17
Chap 18
Chap 19
Chap 20

Chap 2

1.4K 90 7
By Thibha16

"How long are you going to space out? Don't we have to go back and pack up for tomorrow?" asked Leo to engage Beam in any conversation.

The said guy has been sitting still with a frown on his face since they both left Beam's parent's mansion after the small argument with his parents.

"Yeah, we should," was his only reply.

"Don't be too sad, meng. You know your dad didn't mean it. They must have some reasons for this," Leo tried to cheer him up.

"What reason?! How could he say that he did rather have me away from Thailand than have me beside him in Thailand? I'm their only child, and they don't want me here. What could the damn reason be?" asked Beam, upset and angry.

"All right, all right. I understand that you're upset. But you being upset doesn't change anything. At least this time, your grandpa didn't team up with your parents," added Leo.

"Yeah, sure," replied Beam with sarcasm.

"Cheer up, Beam. We are going to Phuket tomorrow, and your upset face is spoiling my happy mood. I'll get you a refill, and you better stay here when I return," urged Leo.

"Hmm. I'll try," said Beam lazily.

"Beam, I mean it. Don't walk around when you're in a daze and spacing out. You might cause an accident," warned Leo.

"Were you that worried about me? I wouldn't die in any accidents," stated Beam, uninterested.

"I said you might cause an accident. It means that you could be a danger to others. Not the other way. Now stay here, will you?" taunted Leo.

"Whatever, get my refill quickly," stated Beam, annoyed by Leo's taunting.

Leo left their table as he shook his head, unamused by Beam's attitude. Whenever he gets upset, his crazing for something sweet and his whole grumpy attitude takes control of him.

They are at a cafe near their new university. Both Beam and Leo went to the campus to get some documents related to their departure to the camp tomorrow, and Leo bought him here to cheer him up with some sweet drinks.

As Leo walked away, Beam was once again get engulfed by his dad's word.

His dad was quiet and didn't question him about anything for a whole week since he returned to Thailand with Leo, only to start an argument today.

He thought Beam would go back after the camp he mentioned and the study holidays. But, his father lost it when Beam announced his return to the family. That this time he was back for good, and he will continue his remaining studies in Thailand.

His grandpa didn't say anything. He didn't approve or oppose Beam's return.

Then his dad said that he would rather have Beam away from Thailand than have him in Thailand.

If there is a reasonable excuse for their doings and if they have explained to him why they don't want him in Thailand, Beam could reconsider.

But, no.

None of Beam's family members explains anything to him. He is not a kid anymore. He could handle whatever the damn secret they hide Or if they don't love him anymore.

If they care and love him, they won't let him go through the same heartache he feels every time he has a nightmare about the unknown engineer in the ship.

They won't let him feel sad and scared of losing someone when he doesn't even know who the hell that someone is.

All these thoughts only cause him headaches, and he hates it. He wanted some fresh air, and he decided to wait for Leo by the garden outside the cafe.

Beam saw that all the chairs in the small garden got filled by students.

Therefore, he changed his mind to walk around the fountain.

"If you make one more mistake in this Phuket project, I'll dip you in the sea."

As he walked around the fountain, he heard a man shouting through his phone.


"If you make one more mistake in this Phuket project, I'll dip you in the sea and leave you there," shouted Forth on the phone as he walked past the fountain into the cafe near the University.

"Owh..., P'Forth. It was an accident. I only forget to mention the dessert part of the menu ordering for tomorrow's breakfast. You blame me like I forgot the whole menu," argued Fiat from the other line.

"Then, what about the delay in the submission of the documents on transportation? And the official announcement on the campus page? Don't make me list down everything you missed out by accident in this project, Nong Fiat," warned Forth with a glare, even though Fiat can't see him now.

", P'Forth. Those are minor mistakes," argued back Nong Fiat, and Forth could hear his friends scolding him through the call as well.

"Whatever, One more mistake, and I'm taking you out of the secretary post of engineering first year's committee. I don't mind adding work on myself. I would rather get stressed than prepare a half-assed project," scolded Forth one last time before he ended the call.

When he put away his phone, almost all the people at the counter was looking at him. It seems like he was talking/shouting at the call way louder than he thought.

"Excuse me, Sir. You have to wait for your order a bit more. The cake you ordered is getting restocked right now," informed the cafe waitress to the previously waiting customer.

"Hi, I'm Forth from the engineering department. We ordered our breakfast for our tomorrow's faculty project here. I called a while ago about the menu Changement," informed Forth to the sales assistant behind the counter.

"Oh yes, Our manager asked us to show you the dessert menu and let you choose from there. Since we were restocking our desserts from the other branch today, all of them are fresh and ready to go. You may collect them together with your other orders tomorrow," she explained in details.

"That would be awesome," replied Forth happily with the outcome.

"You may refer to the menu at the waiting area, Nong. Inform me once you get set with the menu," she let him know before she moved to other customers in line.

Forth moved to the waiting table with the desserts menu. There were different pieces of bread, cakes, pies, etc.

'Custard Fruit Cake'

Oddly, Forth's hand stopped on the page with custard fruit cake. It's the cake he recently saw in his dream. We saw the same boy with thick eyebrows and a doctor coat fighting for it from him.

He still can't see the whole face of the boy, but there's an improvement. Because now he is sure that the boy was his boyfriend and they live together.

"You like that cake too?" asked someone from his side.

Forth's dream-thoughts ends there as he turns to meet the person who asked that question. He noticed that it was the customer previous to him at the counter just now.

"Not exactly. It is the first time I'm seeing it in my life," commented Forth with a friendly smile.

"You sure about that, dude. Because the smile you had while looking at it was so lovestruck," kidded the person.

"You can say that,"

"Owh, I assume that's your faen's favourite then," added the stranger again.

"You seem to know more about this than I do. Perhaps, it's your faen's favourite," stated Forth playfully.

"Nope. It's my best friend's favourite dessert. In fact, I'm waiting for it to get restocked at the moment,"

"Oh really? So any comment on this dessert then?" asked Forth.

Suddenly, his favourite chocolate cake was not appealing to his eyes. He is all set to buy this new dessert, and he needs a recommendation for backup.

"Well, if you love fruits and want something sweet but not so sugary, you may go for this."

"That's so textbook-like comment, dude," teased Forth as he laughed a little.

"No, no, no, if you need a detailed more textbook-like comment, you should personally ask my best friend. He would go all detail that he would even explain the biochemistries terms of the glucose used in this," replied the stranger as he laughed along.

"Oh man, then I would pass that. By the way, I'm Forth," Forth offered a handshake to the stranger.

"I'm Leo. Nice meeting you, Forth. If you are planning to go with this dessert, I suggest you get the mini version. It's in the right size for breakfast," recommended Leo.

"Thanks for the tip, Leo," replied Forth as both Leo and Forth walked to the counter. One was placing the order while the other was collecting his order.

After placing the order, they both left the counter together, only for Loe to get worried.

Leo couldn't spot Beam at the place he left him a while ago.

He quickly walked out of the shop to look around tensely.

He heaved a sigh as he saw Beam sitting by the fountain playing with something in his hands.

"You okay? You left while the waitress calls you to pass the drink," asked Forth as he saw Leo outside the shop looking at the far fountain.

"Yeah, I'm good. I couldn't spot my friend at the place I left him a while ago. It's okay now that I found him there," said Leo as he pointed at Beam.

Forth couldn't see Beam's face as he was facing the other side. He nods understandingly at Leo as he passes the drink to him before bidding his goodbyes.

Leo walked towards Beam as he said his byes as well.


"What took you so long, and who were you talking to?" questioned Beam as soon as Leo reached his side.

"I told you to wait inside, Beam. Why did you get out here?" asked Leo without answering Beam's questions.

"I wanted some fresh air. Hye..., you got me my favourite dessert," stated Beam happily as he jumped a little as the desserts caught his eyes.

"Now that I got you your favourite cake, you better stop being upset and cheer up," replied Leo fake-scolding Beam.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," answered Beam, but his eyes were not on the desserts or Leo.

Somehow, he finds the back view of the retreating figure of the person who was talking to Leo a while ago so familiar. He keeps looking at it until Leo shake him a little to get back his attention.

"Have you seen him before, Beam?" asked Leo in doubt.

"Maybe ~ (in my dreams)," Beam didn't say the last part out loud tho.

He pulls Leo towards his car as they need to return home and start to pack things for tomorrow's camp.


Forth turned around to catch the front view of the best friend that Leo mentioned.

He doesn't know why he wanted to see the face of a complete stranger so bad out of a sudden and doesn't know why, but the little jump that the stranger did when he noticed the dessert felt cute and familiar.

Where does he see it before? He doesn't know where but he is sure and felt like that he used to watch it a lot.

"Where exactly?" he asked himself as he reached his bike and drove back to the engineering faculty.


End of Chap 2.



My fellow cupcakes, I'm so sorry for the very late update. I seriously don't know if this story has readers or if anybody actually waiting for this. But still, I'm sorry for being MIA and the absence of updates.

And I can't guarantee when I'll get to update again. My schedule got so packed with studies and life. Luckily I find some time in between to update this small chapter. For now, enjoy this update and let me know what you think about it in the comment session below. Don't forget to vote and comment as well.

Until we meet again, buh bye cupcakes.


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