By deb-iwrite

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When she was done, she handed our different assignments to us. It was a list of names, people who were yet to... More



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By deb-iwrite

                                                                  PASTOR ADRIAN

          Brenda was sitting outside the front porch when I got home. She looked radiant with her ever warming smile.

          "Welcome dear." She greeted, her hands raised to give me a hug. I quickly ran into them for warmth against the cold that was about to come. To Emass, She gave a nod.

    Upstairs, She sat in her wheelchair, waiting for me to exit the bathroom. Still smiling, She urged me to sit next to her. After downloading her delicious fufu and okra soup, I waited to be crucified.

          Grabbing both of my hands, she sent her emotional connection to me. The flood of peace filled my heart and a soothing voice calmed me.

        "There is a cleanse coming, we need to be ready." She said. I didn't blink as I focused on her, waiting for the scolding part.

        "What happened today was a warning, which I know you acknowledged." She paused and searched my face for a sec.

         "Do you understand what I am saying?"

My head shook in response. And honestly, I had no idea what she was talking about. But Brenda, an empath, I knew she had my emotions checked already. And the truth won't be hidden from her for long.

Her eyes narrowed as she glanced at me. As if she was trying to find the right words to say. "Is there anything I need to know?"

I peeled my gaze away from her. I hated her open ended questions and I was too tired to go through with this interrogation.

When my eyes rested back on her, I answered her question with a simple shake of head.
We sat in silence a while longer before she spoke again.

         "Something is coming, I don't know if its good or bad. But it's coming. I just thought we should align completely with God, so our covering would stay intact.

Her head gently bowed before she spoke again.  "We just can't keep running from the power of God. I understand running a church isn't easy, but we must not be carried away by our own desires.

        "Hmm," I heard myself saying.

Even though I had become uncomfortable with what she was talking about, I just had to chip in my piece or she would think I wasn't paying attention.

        "And there is Jacob, his pure and effective vessel whom he had strategically placed in our lives. There's definitely a reason why God placed him here. She paused again. "Adrian, I think we must repent."

My head lifted in shock! Pulling my hands away from hers, my gaze mirrored the uncertainty on her face.

        "Repent from what exactly?" My voice rose.

        "From our sins!"

        "I don't have sins!" I blurted out, rising to my feet.

        "Adrian....." Her hands rose to pull me back to my seating spot. I flung them off, storming into the bathroom without remorse. It was rising in me again.

This thing that I had no definition for was pushing itself forward in my mind. I'd become agitated, angry and cursing off in the bathroom.

         "Adrian honey, are you alright?" Her voice called from behind the bathroom door.

At this point I was too gone to hear her pleas. I was struggling to keep my temper in check.

         "Adrian, please open the door!"

          "Go away Brenda, this isn't a good time!" The force at which the words growled out of my mouth terrified me.

I was in between the line of self consciousness and spirit possession.
Her sobs reached me from the bathroom door. She was still there hoping that I would open the door.

But, my mind was thorn between compassion and hate. I also knew I couldn't behold Brenda's face like this. And she hadn't even said anything wrong, yet I was steaming.

       "Babe, please." Her plea burned into my mind but something brushed it off quickly.

        "Go away!" I growled again.

The room was quiet when I released myself from my self made prison. Brenda was gone and a note was on the bed.

         "I am sorry," It read.

I held it to my chest, fighting away tears. I was normal again, whatever it was had left me.
I thought it would go away after a while but its been happening more than often. I shook the fog off my mind, my head was clear again.

       'How would I tell people that I felt like two person's in one. How do I begin to explain my astral Travels or Being in places I'd never been to physically. Running missions for entities beyond human knowledge. How?' I shivered as  trepidation washed over me. No one would understand. No one should know!

       Recently, my dreams have been laced with violence and me being the perpetrator. I felt as though I was  part of a cult outside my own being.  At first, I thought it was just random dreams.

But, when I began to experience the spiritual event's  in the physical, I knew I had been compromised. I realized, I had become a portal for negative spiritual channeling.

Flustered, I sat on my bed, my hands supporting my head.

        'Beep, beep,' my phone chimed. it was an email from the media department. I ignored it, I knew what was on it.

The beep came again, this time from Brenda. A video of me coming fiercely under power was circulating in the media.

While most people were astonished at how God was using father and son to uplift the church, others called on stronger men of God to rain Holy ghost fire on me. Just to deliver me from very strange spirits they observed me manifest.

I sucked my teeth at their foolishness. Nobody would be laying hands on me. I lay hands on people!

     Infuriated, I grabbed my phone off the bedside table. Bolaji's number was the first thing I dialed.  It rang out . I dialed again, he picked the second time, his voice a hush.

          "Hello?" His voice came through the phone.

         "Get those videos circulating off the internet. I don't care how long it takes you, just get them off. If you need to report them for violation, report them for violation. I don't care what you do. Just take them and the people who posted them offline! Will send you some cash." I hung up without waiting for him to say a thing.

    I slumped on my bed, my head heavy from too many activities surfacing in one day. I fought the urge to turn on the TV. I needed my peace and quiet so I closed my eyes.

    Suddenly, Jacob's full frame was at the door, his height intimidating from where I laid.

        "You doing okay Dad?" He asked, a pleasant smile on his face.

I raised my head from my pillow and watched him approach. I didn't know if I wanted him here and who knows what news he brought with him.

      "My apologies Dad. The door was open, so, I assumed you were awake."

       " I am awake." I managed a fake smile.

I lifted my weight to a sitting position, my eyes groggy. I haven't slept a wink all night.
I lifted my gaze at him. "I'm alright son. Here, sit." I signaled, patting a spot on the bed.

Jacob and I had very good relationship in the past, until his gift of prophecy began to manifest, so I distanced myself from him. I knew I had  cobwebs, I just didn't need a prying eye.

      "You left before the end of service," He pointed out.

      "Yeah, I needed to get some rest." I answered.  He glanced at me but decided not to pursue the matter.

      "Well, I Just wanted to remind you that God loves you and wants you re-dedicated to him."

  My eye brows involuntarily raised and shot him a doubtful glance. "Oh yeah? Did he just tell you that one this morning? And by the way, how many messages do you even receive in a day?"

He smiled. "Really Dad, He loves you." His hand had found my accessible hand, stroking it gently.. ..Dramatically, he got up and made his way to the door.
       "Lord help me." I muttered." I haven't had a quiet time with you for years. I had prepared sermons I heard from other preachers, nothing from you to the congregation. My hunger and fire had depleted.  Please help me."  

The church took all my time. By the time I get home each day, I would be completely tired. And yes, I ignored the voice that urged me to pray, to the point it spoke no more.

That same voice started rising in me like a little flicker of light, urging me to pray again.
My knees hit the floor, my mouth too heavy, unable to utter a word.

I just knelt down there.

My years of cold Christian life had become frozen, freezing even my mouth and heart.

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