(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhu...

By YonderBlue

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Hiraeth: A long for a home you never had... The world has fallen. It was called, The Day. Most people are a... More



313 4 15
By YonderBlue

Rome flailed slightly, a tear coming to his eye. He couldn't breathe enough to speak.

"Ah- Ahk- Haah..." He chokes out some small noises. It takes a few seconds, but the person behind him seems to notice the familiar dragonish look.

" Rome? " the voice asks quietly.

"B-Britain... L-... Let go..." Britain did so. Rome gasps and falls onto the floor. " I-I... W-Why d-did you hurt m-me...?" he coughs on the ground looking up at Britain in slight fear. The Brit doesn't respond, he just pulls Rome up and walks the state further away from the door.

Britain was gentle when picking him up and carrying him, but walked in a quick manner refusing to talk to him. The country looked almost like a soldier, his face was plastered in a mix of anger and fear. Rome fought back slightly, mildly upset at what he has been hiding from him. His trust in the group was slowly crumbling.

Suddenly, Rome has that same dread feeling... He felt almost... Angry... and alone, but not a fearful alone. He heard a mild...

Come... Help... Come... Help...

It echoed in his head over and over and over again. Rome felt like he was going crazy.

Rome felt Britain slowly come to a stop. He looks up. Britain had a shocked and concerned look. He heard it too. Rome stops flailing and stares at the country wearily. "Brit... What was that?"

Child... Dragon... Italy?

Britain clenches. Digging his semi-claws into Rome. He whimpers in pain and jumps out of Britain's grip. He stands up straight and looks at Britain while the voice keeps whispering, with what seemed to be random words.

Child...! Child...! Rome...

Britain places a hand over his ears but stares straight at Rome. The startled country takes a step back and runs into a wall. The older dragon felt trapped.

Kill... Him... Rome... Dead... The voice repeated, over and over and over.

Britain growls deeply. Rome hasn't heard Britain growl. He was much larger and scarier the more Rome watched.

Britain pants, like he's getting tired of fighting what or whoever is talking.

"B-Britain...?" Rome quakes in fear.

Britain looks at Rome while still growling and his pupils slowly go thin. They glowed a bright purple and Rome felt in danger.

Then, He takes a deep breath and leaves the hallway, leaving Rome behind. Rome looks around, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. Something bad was happening, he didn't know who or what was doing it but it was bad. He catches sight of the country and chases after him.

Rome follows until they get back into the main room. Some countries were chilling and doing as they pleased, others were playing a small game of cards. Britain walks to the front of the room, then falls on the floor clawing at his head. Everyone seemed to quickly notice and pause what they were doing to watch the dragons.

The younger hybrid following was still so confused and wanted answers.

Rome touches Britain's shoulder. "Brit-"

"Leave me alone! " The country yells, almost in pain. Then his looks went from slightly pained to pure anger. "You. Never. Leave me alone." He said coldly. The dragon gets up and slowly walks in Rome's direction. "You follow me around like some lost puppy! Do I look like I can handle a kid? I can't even handle myself! " He yells, looking half psychotic. "I can't... Control..." Britain seemed to fade.

His eyes looked blank, like his brain went dead.

Then he loudly roars at Rome, who was backing away. Britain charges at Rome with his claws extended at him. Rome yelps and starts to run the opposite way.

Ireland was the first to act because he was familiar with Britain's behavior. He tackles Britain away and pushes Rome out of the middle of the fight. The two wrestle around for control of the situation. Britain responds by biting Ireland's shoulder and digging his claws into his back.

Ireland doesn't let himself scream and just continues as his adrenaline helps him and also blocks the pain. A few other countries scrambled up, running to the aid of Ireland, trying to control the dragon.

He holds Britain down and other countries help contain him.

Rome was whimpering and still running while this was happening but Romania held him and kept him in one spot. With the help of words, he calms Rome down enough to where he won't run, but the European couldn't calm him down all the way. Not when Britain's still growling.

Britain continues to growl and thrash around on the floor. Rome leers at the country in utter fear.

Slowly Britain gave up and his dragon side left.

"Stay away from the door! " Britain yells.


France gave Rome what he wanted so he would calm down after almost an hour of crying. Rome wanted cuddles and the French women added in some head pets. She had her fair amount of experience with dragons.


France shushes him. "It wasn't him. "

Rome whimpers and wipes his tears. "But... He's so n-nice... I-I haven't seen him like this b-before."

France lets out a long breath. Rome was too soft for his own good, he would have to toughen up one time or another. She looked down, brushing Rome's hair away from his face. The tiny dragon reminded her so much of her Britain. France thinks for a second. Britain was never like this before the war, he had so much more control over his dragon side. But after The Day he just snapped. He had been fighting for power against his dragon side ever since. France was starting to become worried.

Rome makes little whines and mumbles. The older country looked down at the state in her lap. " It's alright Rome, he wouldn't hurt you. What even happened? " she questioned.

"I-I was going to go to your room and surprise you... But I wandered down a hall and... and there was this... this door... B-Britain... Hurt me... Then the voices came in... He covered his ears... " Rome chokes out, refusing to get out of his curled-up position.

France lightly tightened her grip on the Dragon's shoulders. Rome looks up and she looks concerned. " Rome... That door. You can never go near that door again. You don't understand what's behind it..."

Rome sniffs a couple of times while thinking. They were hiding something from him, but he no longer wanted to know what it was. If it could do this to Britain then he didn't want any part in it. He nods and looks back at the floor.

So much for a warm welcome.


Andorra watched as Ireland tackled her Papa. But that wasn't her papa, whatever it was, scared her.

She saw Rome run but Romania grabbed him. What was happening? She felt nervous and scared. So much was happening and she couldn't tell what. People were talking, but her ears rang, she couldn't understand what anyone was saying. She felt a deep vibration in the ground. She looks and sees her Dad, fighting with Ireland on the floor. He was growling and thrashing around. Andorra's senses froze up and she backed up a few steps.

She didn't like it. She didn't like what was happening.

So, she ran away from it, and no one saw her leave.

Andorra was going to get to her Mama's room but she felt something in the ground. Another vibration. Like from the piano her Mama and Papa played all the time. It sent a wave through the ground, and Andorra watched in fascination. Another wave sprung through the floor, making her shiver. She hadn't ever felt this before, the wave was cold and empty. It made her feel even more upset in a way.

Maybe France is playing the piano, but the piano wasn't anywhere near where she was. It also didnt explain the feelings she was randomly having. She follows it anyway. The further she walks, the stronger the waves become. She takes another sharp left, watching as the colors on the wall change.

Andorra noticed that the hall she was going down was dark. She felt alone, but her mom was on the other side. She had to be there. After wandering for another few seconds she stops abruptly, and stares upwards.

There's a large wooden door. She could see it through the darkness. Heightened senses can really help. She reaches up, and touches the doorknob. The door was locked.

She frowns but remembers the bobby pin in her hair. She does what France taught her on opening locks. She turns the pin around and then, it clicks.

The door opens with a loud creaaaaaaak.

Andorra slowly pokes her head in.

It was still dark, but there was a small square window. It only gave a small amount of light. The room looked generally empty from what she could see. She scrunches up her face and sneezes at the weird smell. It was cold and even though she couldn't hear, it sounded unusual.

Andorra takes a step in, and can feel the vibration, but it was all around. She looks back into the hall but takes another step in. It was a large room, but it was half-filled with dust and cobwebs.

Why would everyone discard this room? They needed as much space as possible, so why waste this room?

Andorra watches for any movement. Nothing happens.

Then, she feels another sudden vibration. She spins around and the door slams shut.

She whimpers and goes to try and open it, but it wouldn't. It was locked from the outside. She bangs on the door as hard as she could, and yells as loud as she could. She tries for what seems like forever, and continues to yelp until her throat becomes raw. Finally, the country gave up. She slid to the floor in defeat and whimpers slightly. But no one came.

Suddenly, a terrible feeling hits her. She feels sick, and becomes dizzy.

"Who are you?" The voice pauses. "Who has come to finally visit me? A child? No... I know you."

Andorra couldn't hear them speak but could feel someone walking up to her from behind. She slowly turns around and looks up.

She only saw a silhouette. A chained-up silhouette.

Then, a hand grabs her mouth and an arm grabs her body.

Andorra tries to scream and wriggle out of the person's grasp, but it was no use.

She felt the vibration of happiness but it had an evil intention.

It clicked in the child's brain. This person could talk through vibrations. But. How?

The person chuckles. "Shhhhh... Don't want to ruin the fun~"

Andorra screamed as loud as she could, but it was completely muffled. "Ama!" She called for France.


France was getting Rome food while Rome was clinging to her. He just wouldn't let go of her leg. She shuffles back and forth, dragging the dragon around. She eventually lets out an aggravated breath and looks down at the state.

" Rome I can't do everything with you attached to my leg. Did Andorra teach you this?"

Rome chuckles. "No..."

France stops and thinks for a brief moment. " Have you happened to see her?"

Rome shook his head no. He explains how he hadn't seen her since he was kicked out. France hums a confused sound. She was with Ireland before Britain had his episode. It wasn't uncommon for Andorra to run off. She was so small no one ever seemed to notice. But France was still always concerned, especially with her lack of hearing.

France shuffled out into the main living room with Rome still attached to her leg. Everyone had gone back to their business, except for Britain who sat with his head down at the wooden table, a bottle of whiskey in hand. As much as France hated him to drink, the hybrid needed his space, and she was almost tempted to join him.

France places a hand on her hip. " Ireland, where is my daughter? " she quickly catches the country's attention. Ireland opens his mouth to speak, but looks around and closes it. France grumbled and rubbed her face.

" Please don't tell me I have to rip this place to shreds trying to find her "

Ireland laughed anxiously. " She was right with me, but then the whole dragon situation happened " he ran a hand through his multicolored hair. France shook her head, but her worry kept her from killing him.

She goes out and looks around but after some time of searching, she starts to panic. She had never just disappeared like this before. Something was wrong, France could feel it. She hated the feeling of being helpless but needed to make sure Andorra was alright.

She asked everyone and some helped her try to find her, but nobody had even seen her for a few hours.

Rome slowly lets go of France once it gets serious and France gives him to Romania. She stops and quickly takes a seat next to Britain at the table. The poor hybrid was half passed out on the table by now.

"Fr... France?" He asks tiredly. "What is it?

"Nothing... It's..."

"It isn't nothing!" Britain lifts his head up, staring at the country with inquisitive eyes. "Tell me what it is!" Yep, angry and drunk senseless.

France sighs and places her head on the table. "Andorra's just... gone. I can't find her anywhere and not even Romanina can track her down. It's so unlike her Britain, she doesn't just run away. "

Britain was confused. "Where is she?"

"I don't know-"

"Well, let's search for her!" Drunk Britain took her hand and stood up. The female raised an eyebrow and contemplated walking away, but followed the dragon slowly. She needed all the help she could get, and Britain was her father. But after a few quick minutes, she was done with him stumbling around everywhere and running into walls. She comes to a halt, jerking Britain's hand back.

" Alright sir, it's time to get you to bed. You're going to have a nice hangover tomorrow " she starts pulling Britain towards his room. The dragon blinks a few times and starts to pull from behind her.

"What, b-but-"

"No buts!" France says opening the door to his room. Britain wanders in and flops down on his bed. France gently puts a blanket over him. Britain was being stubborn but with a few good head pats, he's right to sleep. France sighs.

"I'll be back in a little " she whispers despite the Brit already being asleep.

France slips out into the hallway quietly wipes her eyes. This was complete chaos.


It's been four hours. It's dark out. Andorra still can't be found.

France had been running around the base about ready to burst. Her worry had pent up into frustration and anger, and every time someone tried to talk to her she would become upset. Britain was the only one who could really calm her down, but he was still zoned out sleeping.

Ireland stood by her side trying to calm the French country down.

" She couldn't have gone far France. " he tried to reason.

" COMMENT SAIS-TU ÇA? " France yelped back, switching to her native tongue in a panic. Ireland rubbed his temples slowly.

" We're not going to get anything done if you're like this. Andorra has always shown up in the past... Have you tried to connect with her? "

France threw her hands in the air.

" Of course I tried to connect with her! But something was wrong. The connection was blocked in some way. I know we're still connected, but the connection... " she shook her head. Ireland tapped his foot on the ground. There weren't many things that could block a country's connection. It was one of the most powerful forms of communication to a country and couldn't be broken unless it was being suppressed, or the connection was totally cut.

Cutting off the connection usually required cutting part of your arm off, so Ireland could rule that out. France growled from behind him.

" I'm sorry Ireland but I'm not just going to stand here while my baby is lost! " she stood up and marched away.

Ireland sighs. "Oh..." He complained. "I hope Andorra's okay..."


Britain was peacefully sleeping until a voice popped into his head. It was the voice once again.

Sleeping okay...?

Shut up! Britain yelled in his head.

That's no way to speak to someone. Didn't your siblings ever teach you some manners?

Britain stirred in his sleep. Be quiet, I'm trying to sleep. You dont know anything about my siblings!

The voice seemed to stop, but it just paused. More than you'd know~

Britain growled out loud and clenched his pillow. He was no longer peacefully sleeping.

Have a good sleep. Beast.

Shut up!

How's your daughter?


...Oh, such a confused poor... lad~

Britain roars out loud in anger and sits up straight. He looked around and realises he was back in his room. France must have brought him there at some time. It was generally dark, but the door was still open a small bit, letting a mellow light in.

Then, a massive headache hit his head. "Ugggggghhhhhhh..." He's regretting life choices; Britain quickly regretted drinking at all. He usually wouldn't drink, but picked up the tendency to drink when under pressure from Scotland a long time ago. He stands up, a careful hand on his pounding head.

Every country missed something from their past, Britain missed Asprin, and pain killers.

Then, his room door opened. It was France, and she was crying profusely. Britain perked up, France wasn't one to cry, she was too stubborn to do so.

"Love, what is it?" He asks.

"An... Andorra..." She sobs out.

She goes to him and throws him into a hug.

"S-She... She's still gone..."

Britain's eyes widened. "Th-Then let's look! We-"

"We've looked everywhere! She's not..." France stops and sobs into his coat. "It's past midnight... and we can't find her... Who knows what happened.." she hicks a few times.

Britain shook his head, still somewhat confused. " Hey, hey it's alright. " He places a gentle hand on her cheek and rubs her back with his other.

Suddenly, Britain felt France pause in fear. She shook for a few seconds before snapping her head up towards him.

"France? What is-"

"The room..."

Britain takes a second to realize. When he does, the headache doesn't matter anymore.

" Oh no.. " the two scramble up and run towards the door.

. . .

Andorra was crying in the corner of the room. She couldn't hear, she couldn't see, she couldn't understand anything. The person wasn't nice; he scared her more than what just happened.

"AMA!" She called once again. She watched as the silhouette walked closer and closer. The person's clothes were barely seeable but were reasonably old and fancy. "Boe abaee!" She tried to tell the person to go away.

But they just stood with a smile and watched her babble, before backing away and disappearing into the darkness.

Andorra had been crying for so long, she was tired. As much as she wanted to sleep, the person wouldn't let her.

What's worse is that they weren't in their chains anymore. They used Andorra's bobby pin and were free, the locked door was the only thing in his way. But he knew that someone would come for the kid. Once he kept her in her long enough the parents would get desperate and not think as straight. It was all just like the past. They let emotions get in the way of what was really in their best interest.

"You know. You're quite a sweet one." He says, knowing she couldn't hear him. "But I've never been a fan of children." He scowled. He smiles a second later. " But it's been a long, long time since I've seen a child. "

The person stops as he hears two people bolting down the hall.

"Right on time~" France doesn't hesitate to open the door and almost break it down. Britain was close behind; Coming in last.

The shadow puts his foot out and Britain falls onto the floor, giving the person time to run. Britain growls and runs after him.

France turns and sees the familiar flag colors, grabs her walkie-talkie and yells into it. " WE GOT A CODE TWO! LOCK IT DOWN " she desperately looks around the room.

Andorra was crying loudly in the corner, her arms covering her face.

"Andi!" She cried and ran over to her. Andorra looked up, but yelled in fear and backed up even further.

"No, no, Andi..." France said before switching to sign language. 'Andorra, it's me, Mama.'

Andorra didn't look and kept trying to hide in the darkness. What had he done to her.

France sighs and takes her, even though Andorra struggles to getaway. Her child's desperate screams almost break France's heart.

France glows and shows the smaller country calming memories and emotions. France would take the fall for this. She would suffer through the terrible memory for her baby. France found herself reliving that terrible day, Andorra shaking in her arms. She had to stay strong, for everyone who needed her.

Meanwhile, Britain bolted after the prisoner.

The prisoner didn't know all the room or the place so he had to question if he should go that way or turn in a different direction.

Until he turned a corner and Britain lost him, but there was no way out except for the way he came in, so Britain waited by the door.

"You came in here, you can't leave unless you come out this way."

Britain heard chuckling. "You misunderstand the genius."

Suddenly, Britain is hit with the door and then punched in the face.

"You seem slow, and you smell like whiskey... Hangover?" He asks with a smirk.

Britain growls and gets up with his fists clenched.

"Oh, a fight. I'm going to have fun! It's been forever since I've had a good fight. " He tilts his head and it pops.

Britain just stares and then attacks with a kick but the person grabs his leg and makes him fall. The prisoner lets out a weak laugh.

Britain keeps his balance and tries to punch him but the other grabs his arm and throws him to the ground. "You're no fun. Not much of a challenge without your allies, huh, Britain? "

Britain growls more and gets up and tries again, and again, but can only do a few hits.

Finally, the person just chuckles when Britain punches him in the face. "You... are such a fool. I told you all those years ago I would be back. Surprise~" he pulls out a dagger but keeps it behind his back.

Britain charged at him, but the person stabs the dagger into his back after moving out of the way.

Britain screams and the person leaves him.

The hybrid watches as he slowly walks away.


Everyone was panicked, the word had reached all around because the humans were joining the Axis that escaped, out of fear or power, who knows, the Countryhumans were outnumbered. They were strong, but couldn't hold off thousands of humans.

After being trapped for years at a time it could make anyone upset and there was no way the Axis member wasn't going to not attack.

They were in real trouble. 

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