The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins...

By VioletMoon05

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This is a Jim Hawkins x Reader and this is the sequel to, "Voyage". (Y/n) and Jim are attending the interste... More

• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 24 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •

• Chapter 30 •

701 17 7
By VioletMoon05

After extensive amounts of discussion and planning we were almost at botany bay. It was there that we'd meet the rest of the navy and everyone was pretty confident that the odds were in our favour. The navy was quite a significant size. Even with Silver, IronBeard and the prisoners that could possibly be let loose we had a good chance of winning. I knew Amelia didn't want me in the midst of the fighting but I also knew James and I were going to do everything we could to get back that Centurion. No matter how many times we were told it wasn't our fault, I still felt guilty and i'm pretty sure James felt the same way. I know I might not make much of a difference in the fight but if there's any bit of help I can give, I'll do it.

Closer and closer...finally it was in sight. It felt like we'd been travelling for years to reach The Centurion. I wish we'd gotten to them before they were able to reach botany bay but it's better than not reaching them at all. Just in the near distance the floating rock with a ginormous building situated in the middle was visible. It seemed to have an artificial sun, omitting a peculiar green light. The whole place and surrounding area just gave off really bad vibes. As we got even closer the largest sail of The Centurion was visible over the top of the prison. They must be on the other side. We were unsure about Silvers location, his ship was much smaller and harder to spot.

Pacing back and forth my aunt began to speak to us and the rest of the crew, "Alright crew. The Centurion has a rather spectacular defence system. As for the rest of IronBeards weaponry we unfortunately have no intel. So, we must be prepared for anything that may come our way. As for Long John Silver, he doesn't seem like much of threat compared but still don't underestimate himself and his crew, they can be deceiving. It is of the utmost importance for you to be on your best guard. We must get to The Centurion and defeat IronBeard before he is able to set the prisoners of Botany bay free. I know that we can do this. Ready yourselves."

Amelia was very reluctant to let James and I help however Doppler reminded her that we were going to get involved either way and so she armed us with some weapons. We also had our swords as a last resort, Silver had taught us a few things so we felt pretty prepared for this. Amelia, Doppler, Jim and I were all stood on the quarter deck watching everything as we sailed around Botany Bay to get the side our enemies were on.

"You alright Jim?" speaking quietly, not because I didn't want anyone to hear but just because it didn't feel right to have a conversation loudly with all the tension and suspense in the air.

He took a deep breath, "Alright as I can be, you?".

"Same." I replied simply.

Giving me a reassuring look and my hand a small squeeze was honestly very comforting from James. I'm grateful to have him back, still feeling a little resentful in the back of my head but I knew it was no time to be bitter. I did forgive him, I wasn't lying about that but you couldn't blame me for being a little mad still. The plan was to first meet with the rest of the navy that had from a different direction. Those navy ships seemed to be sat on the shore. We tried to sail towards it slowly and to stay low down so as to not draw to much attention to ourselves. As we we got nearer to the other ships it became apparent that there was nobody on board. one alive.

It was a horrible sight, they were completely wrecked. Not even all the ships were accounted for. Amelia sent some men to check for survivors on the ship, however doubtful there would be any. "Everyone else be on guard, their attackers could still be near." She said in a demanding but not too loud voice. A few minutes later the men she sent to check for survivors returned with one very shaken looking soldier. "Are you alright man?" Amelia patted him on the shoulder, "What happened?"

"There was so many of them, and we had already lost half our numbers in the asteroid field- we- we couldn't hold them off. I managed to stay hidden. I think that i'm the only survivor. There was nothing more I could've done." He said, shaky voice and hands. He looked quite hurt too.

"You fought bravely." Amelia reassured him. "Go clean yourself up and i'll give you the choice, if you believe you're fit enough to continue the fight alongside us, then you may. If not take some well deserved rest."

"Thank you Captain." He stood up straight and saluted, flinching at his injuries. "However, i'll take no rest. I'll fight till the end."

It looked like this was going to be much much more of a challenge than we had originally planned. We only had two navy ships with limited numbers.

"Well, we're officially fucked." James said quietly.

I elbowed him in the side, "Oh come on, try to be a bit more optimistic."

"What?! I'm just being realistic." He put his hands up in defence.


"So Ironbeard, Its been a quite while." Amelia stated walking directly up to the man himself. If you could even call him that.

"Why Amelia, it's great to see you again." His voice stiff and monotone. He towered over Amelia.

There were a lot of them but more of us. If they were able to free the prisoners it'd be a different story.

"Now we can do this the civil way and you can hand back The Centurion and leave unscathed, or there are other means by which we can gain possession of our ship back." Amelia said confidently and concisely. She didn't seem be intimidated by Ironbeard one bit.

"Well, then i'm afraid there'll be nothing civil about our interaction today. Get em boys!"

They began to surround us. Everyone's weapons were at the ready. Afraid to make the first move. That's when one of his men, Growler the dog-like one, lunged toward me sword in hand. I quickly grabbed my own sword and blocked his swing. It was then, all the crew had started on us. As I was fighting off this man I could see Amelia knocking people down like there was no tomorrow. I presumed James was behind me fighting his own battle. I remembered this guy from back when they first took The Centurion. He's a nasty one. Back and forth. Swords clashing. Finally I got a hit on him. My sword slashed his arm. He stumbled back and grunted. I thought this would give me the edge on him but the anger only strengthened him. He was able to knock my sword from my hand and pushed me back against one of the masts of the ship.

"Oh shit." I muttered.

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