(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhu...

By YonderBlue

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Hiraeth: A long for a home you never had... The world has fallen. It was called, The Day. Most people are a... More



222 4 25
By YonderBlue

Drago Rome was in a corner shaking in fear. He was in a strange place.

Last he remembers, he was in his cage with humans laughing at him. Pulling, cutting, yelling, hurting, laughing all at him. The rest of his memory was faded. Sometimes he would be in a field hunting, sometimes there would be countries around him and he could only fight back out of instinct.

Rome hears the boards creak, one of them is getting too close (even though they were only fifteen feet away). He squeaks and runs to find a new place to hide. That place was under Egypt's bed.

Greece frowns. "Man, he's terrified." Egypt nods. Greece looks at her. "Don't you know how to tame feral cats?"

"Yes, but if you think I can tame dragons, you're wrong."

"Come on, it can't be that hard or that different." Greece says.

Egypt shook her head. " Its a lot more than you think. Especially when they have access to claws that could easily slash you " the black, red, and white country stood back.

" We are going to have to take this slow, and careful " she examined the situation.

"Got it! Let's get started." Greece says with energy.

"Good, let's wait outside for a while until he's calmed down. I don't need a feral dragon getting defensive. Or another scar at that."

Greece looks at her confused. "What? No, pets? No cuddling?"

"Nope. Let him decompose. A calm baby dragon we need. When agitated or in feral season they can go crazy at the smallest things. " She says very simply.

" Wow, you know a lot about hybrids " Greece playfully punched her shoulder.

" Before the war I loved to study all kinds of Hybrids. I was thinking of doing a study or making a book. But when everything happened it just fizzled away " she looked sad.

" Don't worry Egypt, I know that no matter what you do it will be amazing!"

"Thanks." She smiles.


They had waited three hours. They open the door and look inside. "Rome? Buddy you in here."

Rome opens his eyes. He was taking a nap when the two had entered. He stays under Greece's blankets and watches in curiosity. Egypt huffs. " This room is a mess. And I don't mean my side of it " she looks at Greece.

Greece ignores her and looks around. "We need to look around. THEN, let's clean our room."

They both look until Greece lifts his blanket and Rome yips in surprise and goes deeper in the blanket.

"Ah!" Greece yelped. Egypt looks over. "Found him." Greece says.

Egypt goes closer. "Good, he's already in a blanket." She reaches around him. Rome makes panicked noises and his tail flicks back and forth but he doesn't seem to resist much. She gasps and smiles. "He's definitely calmed down."

She puts the blanket up to her chest. Rome had his head buried in the blanket as a way to protect himself. "Aww... So cute." Greece says. "Now what do we do with him?"

"We get him used to our voices and physical attention." She pets his head. Rome yips again and shakes his head so they would stop, but they didn't.

Greece starts to pet him. "Widdle baby dwagon in a bwankie." Greece coos. Rome growls. He hides best he can, but he couldn't move any deeper.

"Don't worry, Rome, we're not going to hurt you. Ever." Egypt softly said, giving him light strokes on his back.

Rome was fighting the urge to purr. He wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. He clenches his teeth and tries to stay hidden in the blanket.

After a while of petting and baby talking to him (they really can't help it), Egypt stops. "Wait- do you hear that?"

Greece looks at her. "No, what is it?"

"Listen." She says, petting Rome's head.

Greece listens in. " He's purring. Dragons only do that when they are extremely happy, or relaxed. " He said excitedly.

"Yeah. He must be getting used to us." Egypt says. She looks at him and tries to get the blanket out of his face. "Come on out, bud."

Rome feels movement. He pokes his head out and sees the two countries. He whimpers and wants to hide again but feels a gentle finger pet his head.

"It's okay, Rome." Greece smiles and keeps petting him. Rome squeaks before sniffing Greece. Greece lets him. Rome looks at him with curious golden eyes.

Egypt pets the side of Rome's head. Rome lets her.

They both think Rome is calm enough and used to them where they could let him go and he'd stay close.

Egypt sets the baby dragon in the blanket down.

Rome was confused about what was happening. He doesn't feel hands around him. He pokes his head out before seeing he was on a bed. He slowly steps out and sees Egypt and Greece.

He wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't too scared, more of just nervous.

Rome slowly goes closer.

Greece smiles and pets Rome's head. "Good boy."


Egypt noticed that Rome wouldn't go far from them. He'd follow them like a dog. Which is what he was doing right now.

Rome was cleaning himself like a cat while Greece set some things up so he and Egypt could go hunting, they were low on food.

"Got everything?" Egypt asks, after watching Rome for a little bit.

"Yep! All set. We got out two lanterns, a blanket, our killing gear, fire-making gear, and a bag where we put the meat in." Greece says pointing to everything they had.

Egypt smiles. Then looks down at Rome. "What about him?" Rome perks up and looks up at Egypt and smiles. "I feel he'd run off if we left him outside."

"Ok, then let's put him inside and set the door so no one can come in but by your wind powers." Greece picks up Rome, who squeals every time he's picked up.

He sets Rome on his own bed.

"Sit, Rome," Greece instructs. Rome does as he's told. "Good boy." He pets Rome's head. "Now stay here."

Greece pulls his hand away and starts to go toward the door. Rome gets up and follows on all fours.

Greece tries to close the door, but Rome puts his arm in the way. Rome whimpers not wanting them to go.

Greece tries again, and again but Rome won't let them leave.

Egypt sighs, "Here. You quickly place him down, then I'll shut the door as soon as you're out." Greece nods.

Greece picks Rome up, he hovers over the bed, before plopping him down and bolting out and Egypt shut the door.

When Rome was put down he ran after Greece but was beat. He scratches on the door and barks.

Greece and Egypt frown, "Sorry, bud. But it's for your safety. We'll be back." Greece apologetically said.

They both started to walk away when suddenly Rome roars, and he sounds like he's in pain.

Egypt's eyes widen and she bolts it toward the door and opens it. Rome was sitting on the floor and his right hand was lifted up like it was hit or hurt.

Egypt scoops him up and cradles him. "Hey, hey. What's wrong buddy?" Rome whimpers some more before just stopping once he sees Egypt. His 'hurt' hand relaxed.

Greece comes over. "How'd he hurt himself?"

Egypt looks up at him confused. "He's not hurt though. He stopped crying once I picked him up."

Greece is now also confused. "Why'd he fake his pain then...?"

Egypt looks down at Rome and thinks. "Greece... I think he has Separation Anxiety."


Later in the night, Drago Rome was sleeping next to Greece in his bed. Greece and Egypt were sharing some last-minute conversations before going to bed.

While Egypt was talking, Greece started to rub Rome's belly. Rome purrs and rolls onto his back while he is being petted.

Rome seems to be hypnotized and falls asleep and goes limp. Greece and Egypt laugh.

Then, once the two are ready to go to bed, Rome wakes up again and sits up, and rubs his head. He blinks a few times, staring around more than confused.

"You good there, buddy?" Greece asks.

Rome looks up at him. "...What happened?"

Greece gasps, then smiles. "You're back!" He hugs Rome.

"Where'd I go...?" He asks, very confused.

"You were in Feral Season." Greece pets Rome's head, just like before. "You were a little cutie."

Rome gives a confused face. He didn't remember anything other than being tired. Rome shrugs and looks out the window.


It was now morning, and after Rome being dormant his whole Feral Season, he was allowed to explore, as long as Egypt or Greece were close. He was still a bit disoriented and confused about the prior events but tried to keep it in the back of his mind. For some odd reason, Rome found the forest more beautiful than he usually did. The clouds had decided to let up and the bright sun peaked down onto the ground. A few random animals scampered around, turning the other way the second they saw him.

He sniffs the ground and looks at all the unfamiliar flowers. He did enjoy how his senses were raised, or maybe tightened up. Maybe Feral Season helps him connect to his wild side more. It was interesting to Rome in a way. He turned back and watched Egypt and Greece talk. Rome had come to trust them, but there was still something off about the two. They never seemed happy and Rome could never figure out why.

Greece was always talking about something with a serious face, and Egypt stood to the side and nodded her head in agreement. He wanted to know what the problem was, but they never told him.

Well, they did give a smile when Rome did something funny, like trying to chase a fluffy mouse, but losing it because he ran into a tree. He didn't mind, he was used to people laughing at him, he was just curious.

Even though he had been exploring the world for a while now, there was so much he had to explore.

He continued to stare at the two for a few seconds. That was until something familiar hit his nose. Rome sniffs around for a second. He knew that scent.

It was the sweet scent of Westeria.

Rome looks back in front of him and sniffs for anything else that was new, but he finds the familiar scent once again. He was going to ignore it, but it had a good, 'I need to follow' feeling. He crouches down on the ground and continues to smell around.

Egypt lets out a long breath. Things were not looking the best for anyone at this point. The mafias had been getting into more and more fights at this point. Glancing over she catches sight of Rome. He looked different, like in a trance.

"Greece "she taps his shoulder. Egypt thinks he's hunting something because he's low to the ground and walking quietly.

"Yeah?" He asks. Greece turns around and watches Rome carefully.

"Rome's got a whiff of something." She replies, looking at Rome who was starting to wander off.

"Well, better get him before he gets too far. Those dragon instincts will carry you hundreds of miles if needed. " He shrugs and follows him.

Rome was trotting on his fours while following the sweet scent. It smelt so familiar, but he couldn't figure out where he had smelt it before.

He hears rustling not too far away, someone was close. He gets real close to the ground and looks for Egypt or Greece, but he lost them in the bushes. He quietly panics, not sure if it's a friend or foe. He starts to slowly back up.

They're close, very close.

Rome has to choose whether to run or look. Maybe both? He growles, hiding half behind a tree for protection. Rome waits for a few seconds, before something jumps from the bush. He stares at them for a second, but quickly recognises who it was.

" Israel...? " he whispers.

The country perks up at hearing her name and looks over to see Rome. "Rome?"

The dragon smiles. "Israel!" He jumps into her arms and hugs her tightly. "Israel! Israel! Israel! Israel! Israel! Israel!"

Israel chuckles at his energy and holds him up and pats his back. "Nice to see you too, Roma. It's been a little while and I know we didn't reunite under the.... Nicest conditions" she awkwardly chuckles.

Rome starts to talk about everything that's happened, but once he told how Austria kicked him out she frowns. "Why did he do that?"

Rome pauses and looks at the ground for a long second. "I didn't mean to... I... Two of the refugees of the Europeans got taken. Austria got mad at me because I didn't stop them. I couldn't have done anything, they... " Rome stops and sniffs.

"The intruders held a gun to my head! I was... I... I was weak! I was all alone! And Austria blamed the whole thing on me..." He sobs.

Israel stares for a second but weakly smiles. She rubs his back. "It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have done anything, and Austria shouldn't have blamed you. I've known you for a long... Long time Rome. I know you would have stopped it if you could. "

Rome continued to cry but was calmer. Israel sighs and leans over. She is quiet and composed for a second, but slowly speaks up.

" You remind me more and more of Italy, you know that? "

Rome perks up. He realized he hadn't heard Italy's name or even thought about him for a while. "Really...? How so?"

Israel shook her head and chuckled. " Italy was never one to back down from anything. He was strong and brave, but vulnerability always worried him. He tried so hard to raise you and the Vatican in the best world he could. But there was still war, and protecting two children from his own brother was hard enough. Sometimes Italy would stumble through my door, bloody and bruised, and break down right in front of me. But that one thing he always had was strength. He could get back up no matter what. That's what I see in you, Rome. Through everything, you're still the happy baby I used to remember. I know Italy would be more than proud of you. "

Rome listened as Isreal spoke. He could barely remember what Italy was like. But he trusted Isreal. He knew she would tell the truth. Rome then was calm and the tears were quickly whipped away. He looked up with slightly more confidence.

Israel nodded her head in response then quickly perked up. " It just so happens that I have to make a stop at the European base. We have... " She hesitated slightly. Rome raises an eyebrow.

"Business to discuss. " She stood up quickly looking around. Rome stood up staring at her then looking back towards the forest. He hadn't told her about Egypt and Greece, but he was conflicted on what to say. They were rebels and didn't want to be found, Rome couldn't just give them away like that.

Opening his mouth to speak, Rome was quickly cut off by someone shouting his name. Isreal quickly pushed him behind her, summoning a small orb of blue energy in front of them. " Wait Isreal stop! They're not going to hurt us!! " Rome urged. Israel didn't respond, she just stared at the foliage, her eyes carefully scanning the terrain.

Greece popped his head around from a tree and gave a surprised look, maybe it was because a country has a blue ball of energy or maybe it was because of who it was. " Israel? " he asked before the blue and white country released her attack. Greece jumps back just in time and the ball of energy crashes into a tree.

"Greecy." She smiles teasingly releasing who it was.

Greece frowns, "I told you I don't like that name..."

Egypt suddenly bolts around the corner. " ISREAL?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! " she shouts. Rome looks mildly confused. He didn't know they knew each other.

"Doing what I usually do. Traveling around." she shrugs with a smile.

The three come up to each other and hug. Egypt and Isreal start chatting, while Greece listens contently on the sidelines. Rome watches in fascination. From everything he had experienced, a lot of the countryś were interconnected. They relied on one another to stay standing. Maybe the group had some kind of business relationship. Romeś curiosity started to get the best of him

Rome comes up to them. "You know each other?"

Israel looks down at him. "Of course. We all knew each other before. I even sometimes visit to have them help free a countryhuman." She pauses. "Speaking of that..."

Greece slightly chuckles. "You need our help?"

She nods with a slight smile.

Egypt thinks. "We could... But we'd have to give Rome to someone... And Europe doesn't want him, and we don't trust anyone else. America... maybe... But really, all in all, no one wants another mouth."

Rome frowns. He didn't like being constantly passed around, and he didn't want to be with someone new. He liked being with Greece, and had just reunited with Isreal. He didnt want to go back anywhere.

Israel looks down at Rome and thinks.


"No!" Austria yells. "I'm not taking him back!" He folds his arms. "He has no reason to be here besides shelter and food. Other than that he gives nothing to the group!" Israel growls as she listens. Her fist clenches. "He's a waste of spa-" Suddenly he feels pressure around his throat.

He grabs his throat and tries to breath but he couldn't. "Let me get something straight." Israel began as he held her hand out and was using her magic to choke him. "I made sure you and your European group lived past the human's scourge, where they go out and collect Countryhumans near and far to put them on display! Something Rome got put in, where they did what they wanted with him. They could do as that pleased. Do you understand?" She asks.

Austria nods still trying to breathe, he falls onto his knees.

"He may have not been in the war, like you. He was born shortly before The Day. The same day you lost your sibling, Hungary. He has no idea what The Day has done to others, and yet, he's been hurt his entire life. So spare him... a little kindness." She lets him go.

Austria takes deep breaths and coughs. "F-Fine... He can stay." Austria finally caves. Greece moves out the way and there stands Rome, his tail in between his legs. Rome wasn't sure about any of this. The Europeans didn't want him, and forcing them to take him back could make it even worse.

Austria glares at Rome but moves out of the doorway. Rome refuses to move.

" Rome you alright? " Israel asks. Rome doesn't speak, he just looks at her with scared eyes.

Israel remembered those scared eyes from a long time ago. When she was barely able to save him from JE. Isreal's face softens and she glances at Greece for an instant. Greece just awkwardly motioned towards the dragon.

"Hey... It's okay. He's not going to hurt you, you're going to be with Britain and France now. "

Rome hesitates but nods. He walks slowly into the building, looking back at Isreal over his shoulder for a quick second. Israel looked back at Austria. " If I see you did anything to him I'll make sure to feed you to the Axis " she threatened.

Austria's cold expression changed to pleading, and that said enough words. Israel nodded her head and turned around quickly.

Egypt and Greece watched with cold and blank expressions.

"I'm ready. Are you two?"

They both nod and show their weapons. Egypt's stick/flute, and Greece's smoke bombs and rifle.

"Good. Make your way to the end of the three bridges, I'll meet you there."

They start to walk away and Israel uses magic to summon a paper. It was clean and sealed with a red wax stamp. Israel holds it firmly in her hands and stares at Austria straight in the eyes before walking outside to a private spot.

"Finally, you write to me."

She opens it with a bit of hesitation.


Dear Starry Night, (Israel's nickname)

I've made it to Syria's old territory. As expected it's a ghost town, nothing but rubble and ash. A couple of small settlements but nothing important. There is no sign of Axis involvement anyone near, although I know they are hiding in plain sight. It's just a matter of time until they show themselves, we must have patience.

I hope you still have the snake himself locked up. He cannot escape. No matter what. I can feel it. His followers are planning something, and the orders are coming straight from him. I am concerned about his involvement. They are covering up their tracks too well. His followers are out here as well. I wonder how's he ordering them even though he's locked up. He's been locked up for a long time, yet, the naive humans are still planning.

The second destination was empty. No one was there. The third destination is in Nepal. Sunny and I are going to wait until the winter ends, but we might have to just push through. We have a solid lead and need to follow it. There is no time for rest now.

I need to find him.

Please pass this message onto the Europeans and warn them.


Stay strong and continue forth,



Isreal finishes reading the letter. Austria looks mildly disturbed by the news. The two chat quietly back and forth.

" We have him fully contained at this time. No one comes in and out unless we know. If Renaissance truly feels this way I will increase security in the area, make sure the doors are always sealed. We don't have any other choice or option Israel. I'm down men, and we're all surviving since we're trying to save up before winter strikes us. " Austria stares down at the ground. Israel nods and turns around.

" I leave the choice in your hands. But keep this letter as a warning. Be careful Austria. We don't fully know what we're up against yet. " she gave a two-fingered salute before disappearing into the chilly air.


Rome wandered down the dark and cold halls. He remembered them well, but something was so different. Something was off about the building Rome used to love. It was cold and suddenly uninviting, a large contrast from what he knew. The halls seemed so much longer, and not a person spoke. It was barren, almost abandoned. Rome shivered, a sense of dread shrouding over him.

Maybe it was because of how he was kicked out and the memory was haunting him...

He peeked into Romania's room, but it was completely empty, nothing but the grey walls and a bed. Everything in the room was placed almost to perfection. All though the coffin was concerning.

He wandered up a bit further up the hall, noticing the light pink walls of Andorra's bedroom. Yet again he opened the door. No Andorra, not a trace of her.

Just a tidy and quiet room. Rome continued to wander. His mind kept wondering where everyone had disappeared to, they couldn't have just disappeared.

Rome gulped and his ears drooped. Maybe they all died, and Austria was the only one left. He shitters at the thought

He wasn't gone for that long but from what he saw, there was always an emanate threat. Taking a sharp right, he came to a slow and quiet halt. Light poured from France's room, and voices bounced back and forth.

Rome smiles and was about to call her name and surprise her, but the dread feeling returned. The dragon's left ear raised as he heard a clattering.

He turns and gives a shocked look. He swears he remembers every inch of this place, but the hallway was new... The walls were no longer painted grey, but rather a light tan. The paint was peeling off the walls, cobwebs lining the corners of the room. Rome stared down the dark abyss for a second. He glances back towards France's room but quickly turns back to the dark hall. Something was pulling him, calling him in a way. Rome stops and stares at the dark empty space.

This couldn't just appear out of thin air.

He takes slow steps into the darkness. The only light was his glowing golden-yellow eyes and his eyes were dim. It was so dark, and the air had become thick and cold.

Then he felt his throat rumble. Why is my... dragon side growling... What's here? Rome knew there was something he wasn't supposed to see, but he couldn't help it. It was like he was possessed, or hypnotized

Rome continues but is still slow and uses his foot to feel around.

Then, he runs into a wall.

"Ow..." He whispers and rubs his nose-cheek. He feels around for a second and is able to find a random switch on the wall. He flips it and a dim, yellow light flickered from above. It was barely enough to see but enough for him to make out what was there.

He saw a wooden door in front of him. That was what he ran into. He thought it was the wall.

He feels the smooth layout but stops when his hand hits something rigid and cold..

He then looks slightly down, and there's a golden doorknob. It was tattered and littered with scratches and practically turned black with how old it was

It was begging him to turn it.

He reaches his hand out slowly and right as he touched it, someone grabs his throat and puts him in a choke hold.

He tries to scream but his oxygen is cut off quickly.

He tries to back up, but his feet slip around on the stone floor.

A voice speaks from behind him.

" I'm giving you three seconds to tell me who sent you. Choose your words carefully. "

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