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By kahoot_soundtrack

22.4K 815 582

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1K 46 27
By kahoot_soundtrack

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𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 to a rather loud meow directly in her ear. With a tired smile, she stretched and turned towards the source of the sound.

"Good morning to you, too." she said softly, scratching Claude's cheek as he purred in delight.

With a sigh, she stood from her bed and made her way to the kitchen. Her bare feet padded quietly at the hardwood floor as she ambled down the long hallway.

She made herself a cup of coffee and set out some food for Claude, before eventually heading back to her room to get dressed. She picked out a dull brown tee-shirt and some light wash jeans, putting it on and grabbing her shoes.

As she headed out the door, she took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. Another day, another shift at the book shop.


what time does your
flight get in tonight

around 5:30 pm your

are you bringing maisie
when u come pick me

i might idk yet

what do u think

u should bring her so
we can have one of those
wholesome airport
reunion moments

you've never seen her
in person how is this
a reunion

let me have this.

ill bring her

yay smile :D


Maisie pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, having just got off work. She pushed her hair from her eyes with a deep sigh, feeling the slight exhaustion from the day. Shaking it off, she stood from her car and quickly made her way to her door.

"Hi baby!" she said to Claude as he came running up to her.

He rubbed his face into her hands, purring.

"I have someone for you to meet." she cooed.

He looked up at her and blinked. "Meow."

"You'll like him. He's sweet and really smart, and he's really excited to see you." she smiled softly, before repeating herself. "You'll like him."

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. Claude scampered away as Maisie stood from her spot on the floor. She quickly opened the door, smiling at who was on the other side.

"Hi Mai." he grinned.

"Hey Techno!" she ushered him inside, pulling him into a small hug.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a good squeeze, causing him to squeeze back a little harder before releasing her.

"Where's Claude?" he asked, looking around.

"Is that all you came here for?" she questioned sarcastically.

He jokingly avoided her gaze. "...No."

She laughed before leading him behind the couch, where Claude sat quietly. He gasped and plopped down on the floor, welcoming the cat into his lap. Claude began to purr as Technoblade scratched the side of his cheek.

"I love this so much." he said, eyes locked on the cat in his lap.

"He likes you." she chuckled, sitting down next to them.

Technoblade just smiled. Maisie felt herself grin wider at that.

"Oh by the way," Technoblade started, snapping Maisie out of her trance. "I have to pick something up later. Do you wanna come with?"

"Yeah sure!" she nodded. "What is it?"

"It's this weird thing that I got imported from England. I have to pick it up from the post office."

"Oh I see. Do you know what time you want to get it?"

"Maybe around five-thirty or six if that works with you?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah that's good."

"Okay," he smiled. "what do we do until then?"

'Well it's three o'clock right now, so we have about two and a half hours to kill. We can just watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah that's good." he nodded, leading the way to the couch again.

"Okay. By the way, where was Floof?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was over at your house I didn't see your dog, Floof. I was just wondering where he was." she explained quietly.

"Oh! He was just at my dad's house since I was gonna be gone all day. He's home now though, I'll take you to meet him soon." Technoblade said as they sat down.

"Alright. What movie are we watching?" Maisie asked, pulling up Netflix.

"Let's watch The Guilty." he suggested.

"No that has Jake Gyllenhaal in it." she said.

"Ugh, true. He's gross." Technoblade scoffed in disgust.

"I know right? Oh how 'bout Twilight?"

He stared at her for a moment, a blank expression on his face.

"Oh come on, please?" she said with a cheesy smile.

He held his stance for a moment before folding. "Fine, but only 'cuz I feel bad."

"No, you're gonna love it. Promise."

He shook his head with a grin and watched as Maisie settled into the couch. He felt Claude hop up next to him and curl into his leg, but kept his gaze on the girl next to him.

Had she always been this pretty?


After the movie had ended, the two were just chattering back and forth about whatever came to mind. Claude had wandered off somewhere else, likely to sleep, leaving Maisie and Technoblade to themselves.

Technoblade glanced down at his phone, reading the time quickly. 5:00. He took a deep breath, calming himself to maintain his act, before grabbing Maisie's attention.

"It's five o'clock, do you wanna head down to the post office now?" he gestured to the door with his thumb.

She nodded gently. "Yeah, let me grab a sweatshirt first though."

"I've got one in my car you can use."

"Oh, okay!" she smiled.

He stood gradually, and held out his hand for her to grab. When she did, he pulled her up to her feet. "Ready to go?" he asked.

She tucked her phone into her back pocket before nodding again. "Yep, lets go."

After locking the door behind them, they hurried down the stairs and into the parking lot. Technoblade unlocked his car, allowing both him and Maisie to get in. Once they were settled in, he reached behind his seat and grabbed an olive green hooded sweatshirt. He had it worn just the other day.

He had washed it of course, but he always made sure to carry around sweaters and sweatshirts for Maisie in case she got cold.

He tossed it to her and laughed when it hit her right in the face.

She smiled brightly and pointed at the fabric, shaking her hand in excitement. "It's green! That's my favorite color."

"I remember, you told me the first time we hung out. You said you liked olive especially." he chuckled, starting the car.

Maisie pulled the hoodie over her head and nodded. "Oh yeah, I did do that."

"Do you remember mine?" he asked as he pulled out of the parking space.

"It's blue, but grey-ish blue and royal blue are the ones you like most."

"Yes ma'am, you got it." he smiled softly, a light pink tint appearing on his cheeks. He quickly fixed his hair and pointed to the radio. "Play some music?"

"I was born for this moment." she said seriously, pulling up her music app. "You can't deny I have good music taste."

"Your music taste is great, Maisie."

"Thank you, I know." she joked.

They listened to the music play over the speakers, joining in and screaming along every now and then. Eventually, they had come to an intersection. One way led to the post office, and one to the airport. Technoblade ventured a glance at Maisie, relieved to find her staring down at her phone. He quickly took the turn for the airport, much to her oblivion.

After another 15 minutes, they had arrived to the airport. Maisie was staring out of the window now, curious.

"Techno, why are we at the airport? What happened to the post office?" she asked carefully.

"I got an email saying they had to ship it with other cargo, so it's here instead." he assured, pulling into a parking space.

That was a lie. He didn't even know if people actually did that with international packages, but he needed to keep up the surprise. He felt awful lying to Maisie like that, no matter how insignificant the lie may have been. He would have to apologize later.

She nodded slowly. "Oh, alright."

"C'mon, let's go get it." he said, unlocking the doors and exiting the car.

She followed suit.


Technoblade did his best to lead them to the proper gate without raising suspicion. Maisie made sure to stick closely by his side as they walked, cautious as to not get swept away by the sea of people. She tucked her arms in and allowed him to guide her with one arm around her shoulders.

They settled into the seating area of the terminal, both letting out sighs.

Maisie examined everything around her. There were people and families racing this way and that, carts with snacks and pamphlets about the city, and it was loud. Too loud.

Maisie had never liked airports, especially when she was young. Her senses were always overloaded, and she could never fully function properly. It had dialed down as she got older, but she still needed to take a few deep breaths every now and then.

Technoblade glanced over at her, noticing her discomfort. He absentmindedly reached out and gently grabbed her hand, rubbing small circles on the back of it. "You okay? We won't be here much longer." he said quietly.

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just loud."

"Alright." he hummed, checking his texts.


where r u?
5:34 pm.

on my way out
5:37 pm.


Technoblade quickly shoved his phone into his pocket and stood, gently pulling Maisie up with him. He squeezed her hand before letting go, quickly feeling the cold that accompanied it's absence.

He nudged her gently and smiled down at her. "The package is here."

Her eyebrows knit together before following his gaze. Someone was approaching them.

He was very tall, taller than Technoblade. He had curly brown hair and wore a red sweatshirt with black sweatpants, and had a backpack swung around one of his shoulders. It only took Maisie a moment to recognize his face.

"Hey guys!" he said cheerily, yet his voice was rough with exhaustion.

"Hey Will," Technoblade smiled brightly, pulling his friend into a tight hug.

Maisie blinked as they pulled apart. She was taken by surprise when Will turned to her next, arms outstretched.

"C'mon, you too!" he said with a laugh, gesturing for her to come towards him.

A large grin broke out on her face as she speed-walked the short distance to him. She wrapped her arms tightly around his torso and allowed him to wrap his around her shoulders.

Technoblade watched them closely, feeling a pang of jealousy strike through his heart. Wait, no, why was he jealous? They were only hugging, and Maisie was just his friend. Nothing to be jealous over.

He couldn't help but sigh in relief as she pulled away, though.

"How are you here?" she asked Will. "Are you the package?!"

He looked to Technoblade at the second part of the question, allowing him to step in and answer.

"Yes, he's the package." Technoblade chuckled, watching her eyes go wide. He turned to Will. "Speaking of, where's baggage claim? We need to grab your stuff."

"Uh, it's this way I'm pretty sure. Let's hurry though, I'm tired." he uttered.


After grabbing Will's things and getting him settled for his stay in America, the trio had returned to Technoblade's car. Maisie let Will take the front seat, considering his height.

They drove back towards their homes, laughing and catching up during the trip. At some point, Will had fallen asleep, leaving Maisie and Technoblade to themselves for a moment or so.

"How long is he staying?" Maisie asked softly.

"About three weeks." he answered, eyes on the road.

She hummed, leaning back into her seat. Her eyes felt heavier than before. The gentle swaying of the car coaxed them to close. Perhaps she could nap a bit before they got home.

More time had passed, and Maisie and Will had both woken up. The three of them had arrived back at Maisie's house, meaning it was time for her to go. She couldn't help but feel a little upset at that fact.

Technoblade pulled into a parking spot and turned to face his friend. "You ready?" he asked.

"I wanna spend more time with you all." she frowned.

The two men frowned as well. Technoblade spoke up first. "Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"

Will leaned forward. "Say yes!" he whispered.

"Yeah, I'll drive over at like noon. Is that okay?" she asked.

"Yes that's perfect." Technoblade said.

"Okay good. I'll see you guys then." she smiled, opening her car door. "Bye bye!"

"Bye!" the two men sang in unison.

Cold wind whipped at her face as she scurried along to the stairs. She quickly made her way up, waving to her friends before disappearing into her apartment.

She greeted Claude, kicked off her shoes, and headed to her room. The day had taken it's toll on her, and she was more than ready for bed by this point. She laid down and felt her soft sheets wrap around her figure.

She glanced down at the sweatshirt she had on; the one Technoblade had given her. She curled the collar over and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. It smelled like him. She smiled as she closed her eyes, letting sleep creep up on her.

Maisie let the scent drift into her nose again, feeling comforted by it. It felt like he was next to her, and that made her feel happier and safer than she expected it would. She dreamt of him that night, sleeping soundly until the morning.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☆ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
🗒 ❛ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ༉‧₊˚✧
wooo long chapter!
srry it's so late, i haven't had
much time to write :/
ANYWAYS! i hope u all
enjoyed this chapter, and make sure u
drink some water.
i love u lots and lots :)
- kahoot <3

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