Male reader x Marvel's Guardi...

By itschaoz907

54.4K 720 336

Growing up all Y/n knew in life was mostly hate but his mother loved him even if he came from a one night sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
A/n(Please read )
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Book is out.


5.7K 75 40
By itschaoz907

Y/n= Your Name

L/n= Your last name

When you hear Beacon Academy you think about how it's a prestigious school that trains  boys and girls into Huntsmen and huntresses that are gonna help fight the Grimm off and keep all those who can't help themself save. Some people might even say how these Huntsmen and huntresses are like superheros but boy oh boy if they only knew what these "huntsmen and huntresses" in training do to one of there own. The people would think differently about them.

(3rdPov)  Y/n age 17

Beacon Academy

As we get a look into Beacon academy we can see a group of people beating up whats looks to be a Faunus. A Wolf faunus to be more specific that also happens to be Y/n l/n on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. One may be asking what did Y/n do to get beat down by who he thought were his friends Team RWBY and Team JNPR. Well all he did was beat Yang in a fight in Goodwitch's class and that was a couple months ago and ever since that day Y/n beat Yang, Y/n has gotten beat up and when they are done with that the girls take Y/n to his room to have some "time to them self". Y/n has gone to Ozpin about this and says the same thing every time

Ozpin: Mr. L/n why would you lie like that Teams RWBY and JNPR are the best and well behaved. They would never do something like that. Now If that's all you can leave and get some sleep for classes tomorrow.

Yea so Ozpin couldn't give a shit about Y/n. Makes Y/n think on why Ozpin invited him to the school in the first place.

Now back to present time we can see the group getting done with the daily beating

Yang: That's right stay down

Blake: You are nothing but useless maybe if you weren't so useless your mother would still be around.

Weiss: Can't believe Ozpin let a useless mutt in his school (Spits on y/n)

Ruby: Yea Useless. (kicks Y/n hard in the gut)

Nora: What do you say girls should we have our fun with him now?

Pyrrha: As much as i would like that we have to get going its getting late and we got tests tomorrow.

Yang: Fine (looks at y/n) You got lucky tonight l/n but you best be ready for tomorrow.

Ruby: Bye Y/n~

And with that Teams RWBY and JNPR left Y/n by him self in his own blood. Y/n slowly gets up and makes his way to his room. He gets to his room and opens the door to just see it trashed and everything on the ground well almost everything.

Y/n:.... (sigh)

And with that Y/n gets ready for a shower to wash all his blood off of him. As he takes off his shirt he can see the damage that has been done to him in the mirror

Y/n..... I need to leave or they are gonna kill me sooner or later. Yea okay that's it I'm leaving tonight after my shower anywhere but here will be better.

And with that Y/n went to take his shower.

5 minutes later

Y/n is now seen out of the shower and is getting ready to leave. Right now he is packing what is left of his stuff in to a backpack after he is done with that he opens a drawer that seems to have nothing in it but y/n then presses down and opens a secret hatch in the drawer and inside is a necklace that is from his dad that's what his mom said anyways.

As Y/n puts the necklace on he hits a button on it and it starts to send out a signal with out Y/n knowing and he leaves and makes way to his old home.

Some Where in space

Inside a ship in space we can see a group of people going about there life that changes when a green skin woman coming in

Green skin woman: Peter a distress signal popped up what do you want to do?

Peter: I'll take a look at it thanks Gamora.

Gamora nods and walks back to the front of the ship with Peter just behind her. Peter sits down in his spot and looks over the signal.

Peter: Alright lets look at this where this distress signal is at.

Rocket comes walking in and takes also sits down in his spot.

Rocket: I'm not helping anyone unless we are getting paid.

Drax sits in his spot.

Drax: Getting paid or not I hope for a good fight.

Groot sits in his spot.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: So what if there need help they should had paid.

Peter: Alright alright quiet down looks like we are going to a place called Remnant.

Drax: I have never heard about this place.

Peter: Yea but I have.

Rocket: Well do you want to tell the class what you're know about this place?

Peter: Well for one they have these monsters called Grimm and that last time I was here was 17 years ago.( Starts thinking about what he did 17 years ago and his eyes open wide)

Peter: Shit! We need to get to Remnant fast!

Gamora: Why whats wrong peter?

Peter: I Might know the person who need help.

And with that they take off to Remnant.

Back on Remnant the next day

Y/n can now be seen outside his old home and makes way to the back yard where we can see a Gravestone. Y/n makes way to said gravestone and stops right in front of it and drop to his knees.

Y/n: hey mom it's me again I'm sorry for not coming lately  life has not been easy for me. I got into Beacon like you wanted me to but (starts to cry a little bit) I just get beat up to the point I almost die and then I get used  Like some toy for the Girls and I just can't take it anymore so I left and Now I'm not sure what I'm gonna do know but whatever it is I'm sure it be better then Beacon. I have been thinking about just ending it all just how easy it would be just to make all this pain go away. It's not like anyone would miss me. But the thing that stops me is you I want to make you proud and do some thing great with my life and I think about what you told me about Greatness .

M/n: Son I know you want to do great things in life but I want you to remember something for me.

Kid Y/n: What's that mom?

M/n: We Don't get to choose how we start in this life. Real greatness is what you do with the hand you're dealt.

Y/n: I think about that all the time Mom. Right now the hand I've been dealt it sucks big time and is testing me but I know I can get past this I have to for you because I don't want to let you down.

As Y/n was talking a ship lands and Teams RWBY and JNPR come out and make way to Y/n as that was going on another ship lands and this time its the group from space and start making way to the signal

Yang: Well well well what do we have here?

Y/n gets up and turns around to see Team RWBY and JNPR there with weapons out

Y/n: What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm busy right now?

Blake: Doing what talking to your dead mom? Ha Don't make me laugh. She don't want to talk to her useless son.

As this was going on The team from space are in the tree line waiting to see what happens and Peter is trying to see if this person he know is here.

Y/n: You can talk all the shit about me and beat me to almost death but don't you EVER TALK ABOUT MY MOM!

Yang: Oh is someone mad? What are you gonna do about it! Hey Y/n Your Mother Must have been a slut if she had you!

Y/n: You do not want this fight.

Jaune: It's 8 vs 1 you can't win.

Y/n: who are you again?

For some reason that got Jaune pissed off and starts walking to Y/n

Jaune: Don't worry I got this weakling

Y/n: Oh? You're approaching me?

Jaune: I can't beat the shit out of you without getting clo-

before Jaune  can finish he gets cut off by Y/n knocking him out

Y/n: Man I've been wanting to do that for the longest time.

Back with the group from space. Rocket has found where the signal is coming from.

Rocket: Guys the signal is coming from that guy that just knocked the shit out of the other guy. Looks like he's got it so we should leave.

Peter: No it's still 7 on 1 and i want to ask him some questions so I'm gonna help him. ( starts running to help y/n)

Gamora: Peter wait! (Runs after him)

Groot: I Am Groot.

Rocket: Fine I guess we'll help the kid ( Him and Groot join the fight)

Drax  just starts running to join the battle

back with Y/n

Yang: Its still 7 on 1 you can't win this fight.

Ruby: yea you are all alone when we are done with you no one will miss you.

before Y/n can say something

???: He's not alone

Both Groups look at who said that and see


Yang:Who the fuck are you?

Peter: We are the Guardians of the Galaxy

Weiss: It doesn't matter if you are here to help this Mutt then we'll kick the shit out of you as well.

Peter: Yea heard that one before after this is over we need to talk..

Y/n: Y/n l/n

Peter: Right We'll talk after this.

Y/n: Whatever let's just get this over with I got the blonde bimbo


And with that the two go and run towards each other and meet in the middle with yang getting the upper hand in the fight with a punch that sends Y/n up and over his home

As y/n was getting up yang was making her way over to him

Yang: I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. You useless fucker and to think we were friends at one point.

Y/n gets up and uses a down tree to hit yang away from him

Y/n: you guys talk to much shut up and fight!

Y/n makes his way over to yang who got sent back to where the fight started and sees that the Guardians have taking care of Teams WBY and NPR all that is left is yang.

Y/n: it's over yang stop this I beat you once and I'll do it again.

Yang: ( getting up) I refuse to lose to a weakling and a useless bastard like you.

Yang activate her Semblance and picks up a big ass rock and throws it at Y/n


Y/n sees this gets his shield out and brakes the rock apart and blocks a punch from yang

Y/n having enough of Yang's shit so he stops holding back and picks yang up by her neck and slams her down on the ground hard and activates his Semblance and starts beating the shit out of Yang


Yang: S-stop p-please I-I'm S-sorry


Yang: N-no


But just before Y/n can continue drax grabs Y/n's arm (which was harder then he thought) stopping him from hitting Yang again. and peter talks to him.

Peter: Stop Alright you won


Rocket: For all we know you could be lying about them beating you and raping you.

Y/n: You want proof well here's your proof ( takes off his shirt)

Y/n: Is this proof enough for you? As for the other thing ask her.

Gamora: Is what he say true?

Yang:..... Y-yes w-we d-did.

Gamora(pissed): Why?

Yang: Because we wanted to! and we knew no one would believe him. We wanted to make his life hell and we did just that ( slowly gets up) and we are gonna keep doing it.

Yang runs right at Y/n. Y/n calls for his axe and it comes to him

And Y/n throws it at yang and it cuts her arm off and she passes out from the pain

Y/n: dumb slut.

Y/n calls for his axe once again and it comes to him and he puts it on his back

Y/n: Now that that's over with You said you wanted to talk?

Peter: Yea but what about them?

Y/n: (sigh) help me get them on the Bullhead and before you ask that's what we call our ships here.

15 minutes later

Teams RWBY and JNPR are now on the Bullhead as it takes off back to Beacon. Y/n walks back to the gravestone and places flowers that his mom liked and turns to the Guardians.

Y/n: I don't remember calling for help so what are you doing here?

Rocket: That's a funny way of saying thanks for the help.

Peter: We followed a distress signal coming from this planet and it lead right to you. More specifically it's coming from that necklace. Where did you get it?

Y/n: I guess since you guys helped I can answer some questions.

Y/n: This necklace from what my mom used to say came from my dad that claims to be some kind of space man and that's why he wasn't here because he was in space. I think it's bullshit just so I wouldn't feel bad coming from a one night stand and the guy walking out on her.

Peter: Could I see it?

Y/n: Sure i guess here.

Y/n takes off the necklace and hands it to peter and he looks at it.

Peter: Oh shit.

Y/n: what?

Peter: Your mom's name wouldn't be M/n would it?

Y/n: yea what about it?

Peter: How old are you?

Y/n: 17 why?

Peter does the math in his head and comes to the conclusion that he's the kid's dad

Peter: I'm that space man your mom was talking about. Where is she anyways?

Y/n:..... Dead.

Peter: What- what happened?

Y/n: I don't want to talk about it. And I want proof that you are this space man she is talking about.

Peter: I don't know what proof I can give you to make you believe me.

Rocket: We can do a blood test.

Y/n: Sure

so with that the group start making way to their ship Y/n was in the back of the group because he doesn't trust them yet. Gamora sees this and slows down to talk to him.

Gamora: Hey Y/n was it? My names Gamora nice to meet you.

Y/n: What do you want?

Gamora: I just wanted to see if you are okay. How come You are in back and not with the group?

Y/n: I don't trust you guys one bit and I don't like having my back to those I don't trust.

Gamora: I understand that. Trust is something we got to earn from you and some thing tells me it's not gonna be easy to do.

Y/n:(sigh) Look I don't mean to be cold and a dick but with what happened to me and with the people i thought were my friends I can't let that happen again.

Gamora: It's alright. (looks at Y/n's wolf ears)

Y/n sees Gamora looking at his ears

Y/n: Who knows maybe when you get my trust I'll let you feel my wolf ears.

Gamora who is a little embarrassed for getting caught looking

Gamora: I look forward to getting your trust then.

Peter: Alright love birds we're here

Gamora: Peter! I'm gonna kill you.

Y/n: Ha I'll pay to see that.

Timeskip to when rocket takes blood for the blood test.

Rocket: We should get the results back soon you can look around just don't break anything.

Y/n: (sarcastically) Yes Sir!

Y/n goes and walk around the ship and sees all the different plants that he has not seen before

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: I am Y/n. Did you grow these?

Groot: (nods) I am groot.

Y/n: I'm gonna guess and say you can only say I am Groot?

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n: Alright nice talking to you groot.

Groot: I am Groot.

Y/n walks off and finds Drax on the couch reading a book.

Y/n: Is this spot taken?

Drax looks up from his book

Drax: Ah little one no the spot isn't taken would you like to talk?

Y/n: Sure ( sits down) What do you want to talk about?

Drax: Well My name is Drax the destroyer and yours is Y/n Right?

Y/n: Yea that's my name. I got to say not a lot of people can stop me mid swing.

Drax: Ah that took a lot more effort then I thought it would. That Rage you have would you like to Spar some time? I could help you control that rage.

Y/n: I'll think about it.

Rocket: Quill, Y/n the results are in

everyone makes way to rocket as he has the paper in his hands

peter: Well what does it say?

Rocket: You sure you want to know this is life changing stuff.

Peter: Yes!

Rocket: Alright well congratulations Quill you are the kid's Father.

Y/n starts walking out

Gamora: Where are you going?

Y/n: I need a minute I'll be outside.

Y/n walks outside

Rocket: Well Quill looks like you are the father to a kid with a lot of problems.

Peter: Rocket!

Rocket: what you know I'm right besides I think he fits in here.

Gamora: We don't even know if he wants to join and if he did where would he sleep?

Rocket: Well then why don't you go ask him then Peter? You are the Captain after all.

Peter: Alright I'll go ask him.

But before Peter can Go outside and ask, Y/n comes running in

Y/n: Guys You need to get this ship in the air now!

Peter: What's going on Son?

Y/n:(looks at Peter)You don't get to call me that you been gone for almost 17 years you have a lot of shit to make up for. And The people we beat up well they came with a lot more back up so we have to go now!

Peter: alright that's fair.

The Guardians of the Galaxy start making way to the front of the ship and start sitting in their spots

Y/n: Alright I'll buy you guys time to take off and get out of here.

Peter: What are you crazy! you go out there who knows what they will do to you.

Y/n: Well it's not like I have anywhere to sit anyways.

Peter: just go and sit in my room its the door that says  Star Lord.

Y/n: yare yare daze whatever old man just take off already!

As Y/n walks away you can hear him say "Of course his name is Star lord"

Peter: Alright team lets get out of here once we are in the clear I'll go talk to him.

The Guardians of the Galaxy manage to take off before the back up could fine them.

Rocket: Alright looks like we are in the clear. Looks like the kid is stuck with us now.

Peter: I'll go talk with him. If he's gonna stay with us he's gonna need some gear. Rocket can you see if you can make him a mask so he can breath in space.

Rocket: I'll see what i can do.

Peter gets up and makes his way to his room that has Y/n in it and knocks on the door.

Peter:(Knock Knock Knock) Hey Y/n can I come in we need to talk.

Y/n opens the door and lets him in

Y/n: what's up?

Peter: Well I wanted to ask if you want to join the Guardians of the Galaxy before we left but seeing I didn't have time then I'll ask now.

Y/n:..... You know what fuck it Sure I'll join it's not like i got anywhere else to go now anyways but where am I gonna sleep?

Peter: We really didn't think that far ahead um you could take my room I guess and I'll sleep on the couch.

Y/n: No

peter: No?

Y/n: I'll sleep on the couch it's fine really but I do appreciate the offer old man.

Peter: Hey I'm not that old.

Y/n: (Smiles a little) Sure Sure whatever you say.

Peter: Say do you want to meet your new team mates?

Y/n: Sure let's go "Star lord".

Peter: Hey now what's wrong with my name?

Y/n: Nothing nothing at all.

Y/n and peter make way to the middle of the ship where everyone is at

Peter: Alright everyone I would like you to meet the newest member of the Guardians of the Galaxy Y/n l/n.

Drax: welcome Son of Quill I look forward to fighting with you in battle.

Rocket: If you need anything fixed or upgraded I'm your guy

Gamora:(smiles) Glad you are here to stay Y/n.

Rocket: Is that a smile better watch out new kid looks like Gamora likes you.

Gamora: Rocket! I'll cut off that tail and feed it to you.

Groot: I am Groot.

Rocket: He said welcome to the freaking Guardians of the Galaxy except he didn't say freaking.

Y/n: (looks at Peter) Well old man what's next.

Peter: Now we just wait for our next mission and take it from there.

A/n: And that's the Prologue let me know what you guys think until next time

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