I'm NOT a Female!

By RockCandies

747K 29.8K 4.7K

August gets transported to the beast world and keeps being mistaken for a female. (note: human man in beast w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Character Reference Sheet

Chapter 13

23.2K 1.1K 104
By RockCandies

Allô! Sorry the chapter was so late. It's mid-end semester right now and things are bit nuts. I post status updates on my wall when delays like this are happening. Feel free to follow me so you aren't left hanging if ever this sorta thing happens again (it probably will).

Otherwise, enjoy :)


The cool water flowed over August's skin, rinsing away the sweat, grime and other crusted substance he'd rather not think about. It would have been great for soothing the burning he'd been feeling back there from the other night, though maybe not ideal for sore muscles...

He didn't go too deep, only about up to his waste. He had to crouch down to be fully submerged. While under water, he cracked his eyes open to see if he could spot any fish. It was always fun to spot wild fish.

His hair formed a dark cloud as it floated in the current, mostly blocking his eyes.

Having only seen a few smaller fish darting around nearby, August lost interest and began scrubbing his scalp and skin. He used sand as an exfoliant in lack of soap. It did a passable job at getting the caked-on dirt and dead skin cells off.

Once the rest of him was sufficiently clean, he turned his attention to a more intimate place. The cool water had worked wonders in alleviating what had been left of the throb he'd been feeling since they'd done the deed. He brought his fingers to his rear and felt around his rim, checking for any possible tears. Confirming that his pucker was as ok as it could be after the incident, August let out a breath. He hadn't realized he'd stopped breathing.

Finally feeling relaxed, he eased back into the water. He simply wanted to feel it flowing around him for a while longer before heading back.

The sway of something entering the water from behind him pulled him from his trance like state. Alert, he scanned the area, his eyes landing on the approaching fox man.

Alpin was about shin deep as he hedged towards August. The friendly smile the male had worn over their short walk together had been replaced by a predatory smirk.

Something was off. Shooting up to his feet, August tried to run down stream. The water that was up to his waste was too deep for running.

Seeing that he'd been noticed, Alpin cursed inaudibly over the rustle of the current as he increased his pace.

Giving up on his feeble attempt at running, August instead switched to swimming. However, it was already too late. A sturdy hand latched onto his ancle and roughly yanked back, pulling August to Alpin.

"HELP!" August screamed on instinct the moment he felt himself being pulled back. Except his call didn't make it past his throat as water rushed into his open mouth, drowning out his plea.

Pulling the struggling female to his chest, Alpin secured a hand around it's neck. He pulled the spluttering and flailing female up so that they were both standing. He was careful to only apply enough pressure such that the female would be unable to peel his hand off. He didn't want to unnecessarily damage the goods.

August scratched at the hand that was at his throat, clawing, tugging and wiggling as he did his best to free himself. The male's touch made him feel nauseous and uncomfortable.

"Stop. Moving" Alpin growled as he glared down at the unusual female. To accentuate his point, he tightened his hand, slightly cut off the female's air.

August stilled within Alpin's grasp. He felt his eyes tearing up as he struggled to breath.

The female stopped struggling.

Alpin groped at the female's genitalia with his other hand, drawing a startled cry from their lips.

"N-No!" August squeaked, "Stop! Help!" His voice surged in volume with each strangled cry. His gut was in knots and he was sure that if he had eaten recently, his stomach would have already emptied its contents.

Once again tightening his grasp around August's neck, Alpin grit out in a low voice, "Shut. It."

August's adrenalin was pumping. He payed no attention to the hand constricting his airway as he yelled incoherently at the top of his lungs. His struggling was renewed as he kicked, punched and scratched at whatever he came in contact with. All he could focus on was the sickness he felt in his abdomen and his lack of air that burned his lungs.

Alpin put his all into bringing the female back under control as he tried to drag it's thrashing frame out from the water.

Neither noticed the quickly approaching form that cut through the current.

The exceptionally large goliath tigerfish silently closed in on the struggling pair. Once within range, it propelled itself out of the water barreling towards the red-haired fox beastman. It's jaws full of long, sharp teeth were open and ready to snap into the other male.

Noticing the incoming attack in the nick of time, Alpin released the female and dodged out of the way. The airborne tigerfish whizzed past where Alpin's head had been only moments before.

Having finally been released, August crumpled down into the water. He coughed and wheezed as he tried to both keep his head above the shallow water and draw air into his deprived lungs.

Rounding back after its failed attack, the large carnivorous fish homed in on the beastman once again.

Alpin was floundering through the river as he rushed to make his way back to shore.

Gaining momentum, the tigerfish once again propelled itself through the water towards its target.

The moment Alpin reached ancle deep water, he fazed into his fox form, tail tucked between his legs, he darted off into the surrounding forest. The fox ran as if his tail were on fire.

Now that the threat had fled, the tigerfish shifted into a tall pasty skinned male. His hair was choppy blue-gray and tipped with orange. After giving the area a once over for any other potential threats, the male turned his attention towards the wheezing female.

Silver eyes met gray-sliver orbs. Both took a moment to observe each other before the male finally approached the dark-haired female with caution. He wasn't sure how to think of this female as they had male genitals, the scent of a female and wore a male's matting mark.

"Are you ok?" The male rasped out, voice low. He was careful to keep his serrated teeth hidden behind his lips. Many tended to find them intimidating. The large male crouched down and kept his distance from the female. "Can I help you out of the water?"

Still unable to speak, August nodded. He felt on guard regarding the new male, especially given what had just happened. He kept reminding himself that this male had saved him.

Slowly making his way over towards the female, the male smoothly extended his hand for them to grab a hold of. He didn't want to spook the poor thing after the ordeal they'd just gone through.

Tentatively, August placed his hand into the male's square palm. The beastman's or rather fishman's skin was smooth and supple. Thankfully not slimy. Feeling no repulsion from the male's touch, August relaxed and allowed the male to lightly wrap his fingers around his hand.

Once the female's hand was in his own, he gently tugged them towards the shore while he introduced himself. "My name is Aquil, a goliath tigerfish beastman, mate to female Alva of the possum passel." His voice filled with tenderness at the mention of his mate.


As always, thank you all for reading.

Please tap that star if you like my work.


Nov. 11, 2021

Edit uploaded June 14, 2023

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