Love Me Again

By yueteacake

409K 11.1K 569

When her ex-husband, Sean Donovan, had gotten into an accident, Ashley Summer agreed to look after him for a... More

Chapter 1 - Surprising news
Chapter 2 - Memory lost
Chapter 3 - Reluctant help
Chapter 4 - Ashley's growth
Chapter 5 - Kyle Herrington
Chapter 6 - Therapy with a hidden motive
Chapter 7 - Level of trust
Chapter 8 - Explanation no longer matters
Chapter 9 - Lies
Chapter 10 - Exterminate a rat
Chapter 11 - White letter
Chapter 12 - Royal Hotel Appointment
Chapter 13 - Gio Aiolos
Chapter 14 - Sean's visit
Chapter 15 - Why bother rekindling ashes?
Chapter 16 - Tasting program
Chapter 17 - Winter's Breath
Chapter 18 - This stage is for revenge
Chapter 19 - Call from the media
Chapter 20 - Sean is the action man
Chapter 21 - Love was not enough in a relationship
Chapter 22 - Let's meet your man first
Chapter 23 - I can offer a loan
Chapter 25 - I am old, but never a senile
Chapter 26 - You do not have a stellar record
Chapter 27 - Nothing escapes from your eyes
Chapter 28 - Jean Wander
Chapter 29 - How daring of you to threaten me, Mr. Donovan
Chapter 30 - Clear things up
Chapter 31 - Samuel Donovan
Chapter 32 - When will he 'finally' make a move
Chapter 33 - Injured leg
Chapter 34 - Are you being a pervert?
Chapter 35 - Are you treating me as your sex toy?
Chapter 36 - This is between us
Chapter 37 - Ashley doesn't have that kind of money
Chapter 38 - That asshole judge?
Chapter 39 - Is it too late to get my divorce property?
Chapter 40 - Earning money to pay you back
Chapter 41 - We can't make a mess
Chapter 42 - You are pathetic
Chapter 43 - Where did you hide Tina
Chapter 44 - He won't hurt you anymore

Chapter 24 - I take it because it's money

6.9K 225 5
By yueteacake

A/N: Sorry about the late update. Been unwell (>.<)

Chapter 24 - I take it because it's money

"Are you fucking out of your mind?" That was the most honest evaluation Ashley had about Sean. His current actually led her to believe he had gone out of his mind. "Are you so angry with me that you want to mess with my family?"

"I am angry," Sean admitted. "But not anymore when I think that I had hurt you so much you would do that."

In this room, only Ashley and Sean understood what his words mean. He believes she only took the money because he had hurt her until she sought for divorce.

Ashley took in a harsh breath. "Apologies, but that can't be done. I can't accept your condition, so we won't ask for your help. Please leave."

Mrs. Summer clearly wanted to protest, unsure whether it was for the funds or for her daughter's love event.

"If you would excuse both of us, please? I suppose we need to have a private discussion," Sean said for those in the room while his eyes remained on her.

Mr. Summer hustled everyone out, leaving Sean and Ashley alone in her office. Rina thoughtfully closed the door.

"There's nothing to discuss between us unless you change your condition," Ashley said.

But Sean did not meet the rolling ball and switched to another lane.

He looked around the office that was a much smaller size than his but giving off a more inviting feeling between the two. "You have your own office. Advin told me you are running the business, letting him fully concentrate on cooking."

Ashley wondered how much her father and Sean had talked. But knowing that they had kept in touch all these years, she should not be surprised. "Not really. I just handle the paperwork and bills."


Just from a word of praise, she could feel her whole body grow warm and she did her best not to blush.

Four years ago she was just a replaceable clerk in a small company. It was only after the divorce when she started helping out with the family restaurant's accounts and paperwork, leaving her father and brother more time to work in the kitchen and improve their menu. Mrs. Summer was not a highly educated person and had always been in charge of the cashier and chatting with the customers to strengthen their favourability.

Last year, they finally hired Rina to be Ashley's assistant and she stayed till today. Without Rina, Ashley does not think she will have enough rest. She had never thought a small-sized restaurant would have this much paperwork to do, but that would mostly be contributed to the fact she does not have much knowledge and experience in running a restaurant and had to learn as she worked.

"I don't need your help," Ashley moved the idle talk back to the main topic. "Thank you, but we still have other options."

"There is still a chance that the bank will not approve of the loan."

"You are wishing for that really hard, aren't you?" Ashley said sarcastically.

"Just accept my help, Ashley. I can help you."

"Damn it, Sean. Why are you here again? Don't you understand we are already over from our last conversation?"

"I want to know what you have done with the two million," Sean said, totally aware how she had gone still at the mention of it. "I know you, Ashley and you would never take that money without a valid reason even if you want to retaliate against me."

"I take it because it's money. Who would say no to it?" She shrugged nonchalantly.


"Then you don't know me well enough."

"Ashley, look at me."

Startled, she realized she had looked away from him, pinning her eyes on the window that was facing the front of their restaurant street. She reluctantly looked back at him, swiftly trying to remove any trace of emotion from her face.

"Tell me right to my face that you take the money without a good reason."

Ashley gritted her teeth and cursed him silently. She would never be able to do that, with her eyes often betraying her when she lied. Sean often told her he loved her eyes that always told him what she was thinking.

"Why would you want to know what I do with the money?" She asked instead and crossed her arms. "Are you trying to justify things for me even when the truth was far from it?"

Why was he so desperate to forgive her?

"I'm sure that you did not use the money for the business. No trips to fancy places either and no new, grand house or car."

"What are you implying?" She asked with a guarded expression. "Are you spying on me?"

Sean smiled, not denying or admitting it. "You need the money urgently. It could be paying debts or bills?"

It was a great struggle to keep her face blank as he tried to read her expression. She would not let him know that he had just spoken out the real reason for her needing the money. But Sean seemed to have underestimated her improvement of pulling a decent poker face as years went by.

Forcing a sneer on her face, Ashley taunted, "Are you that desperate for a woman that you would go back to your old ones?"

Sean was not offended or taking her words seriously. "No matter. I will find out about it, sooner or later."

Ashley shivered and knew he meant every word he had said. He was too stubborn. Just like how his father had said about him. "Don't do something that wastes your time."

Sean shook his head, not commenting about it. "I want you to know that I never want to divorce you."

"But you did," she said softly. "Your father told me you would. And you did."

"What else did he say?" Sean asked, his fist trembling with anger.

Now that Ashley had already put down most of her grievances about their divorce, she realized belatedly that they were rather childish and did not communicate properly. All this while, both of them only argued back and forth with each other and never really talked it out.

"He told me that you are already engaged with the mother of your son back at your hometown, wherever it is. That you are never serious with me." Ashley sneered and then imitated his father's tone, "If he's serious with you, why would he sleep with another woman and even had her give him a child?"

"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" Sean asked her in disbelief.

"Sean Donovan, with you refusing to discuss things with me and even going as far as avoiding me, do I have a reason not to believe it? Frequent working trips? Late working hours?" Ashley reminded him.

Sean closed his eyes for a moment, before opening them with blaze lit in them. "Signing the divorce papers was the dumbest thing I've ever done. Not even for a kid-"

"Goodness! Sean, that is your son! A child needs a father! Not one day per week visitations! And do you honestly think I will continue being your wife after knowing it? Do you want me to be a stepmother of your son from a woman you cheated with? That's why I initiated the divorce!"

"That boy-"

Mrs. Summer's sudden loud voice interrupted what Sean was about to say. While her office was not soundproof, it could filter out most sound well. Mrs. Summer must have spoken rather loudly and from the tone of it, she was angry.

Did Gio come over to their restaurant to agitate her parents?

Worried, Ashley quickly opened the door and saw her father was working hard to calm down his wife that was glaring at Kyle. Mrs. Summer looked very incensed with her face red in anger, while Rina looked even more troubled than usual. Ashton was using his body to hide Kyle from view, but the latter was half a head taller than him.

"What's going on?" Sean asked, and all eyes went to him, except for Mrs. Summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Summer were too upset to answer and so was Ashton. That leaves Rina and Kyle.

Rina slowly tiptoed to Ashley and quickly reported. "They are angry that Ashton is dating that man."

"What?" Ashley gapped in shock. The only man that was not their family in the room was Kyle.

Hearing that, Sean looked at Kyle strangely.

When no one spoke, Ashley cleared her throat and joked, "Kyle, you failed to mention you date man too."

Kyle grimaced apologetically. "Sorry, but our relationship was asked to keep a secret."

"By who?"

"Me," Ashton admitted. "Who won't when their parents so strongly disapprove of it?"

"Of course I would disapprove of this!" Mrs. Summer yelled, "My son is- is-"

"Gay? Like a man?" Ashton said helpfully and Mr. Summer gave him a glare to stop him from further irritating Mrs. Summer.

"You must have been brainwashed by him," Mrs. Summer stared at Kyle in disgust.

"I had never been brainwashed by anyone! Can't you accept me for who I am?" Ashton yelled angrily, his eyes were pleading for his mother to understand him.

"Both of you are men!" Mrs. Summer wailed, looking almost near to burst into tears. "It's a sin!"

"Betty," Sean said softly. "At least Ashton is not into drugs or any illegal activities. It is a shocking thing to know your son isn't as perfect as you wanted him to be, but at least you want your son to be happy?"

"How can he be happy? How could that man promise he would be with Ashton forever? Not even a normal couple could promise so!"

Mrs. Summer had tried to accept it and even calmed down to let her son introduce them to the man he loved at an appointed date. But Ashton suddenly introduced his beau without warning and whatever self-consultation she worked on herself became a waste.

Ashton asked harshly, "Then how can you be happy with dad when you doubt that? Constantly waiting and seeing if dad would dump you one day?"  

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