
By NaLu911

49.7K 1.6K 550

The class split into their two assigned groups as they got onto their planes, ready to start their amazing in... More

Late Night Talks
Stitches and Pain
Truth or Truth
Through the Night
We Almost Died
The First Confession
The Water Holds the Secrets
The Ultimate Confession
A Glimmer of Hope
The Rescue
Confessions and Friends

Crash Landing

3.6K 112 53
By NaLu911

"Sir!" The blond flight attendant exclaimed towards Aizawa as she made her way towards him, practically tripping with every step of the way. "The engine has been destroyed, this plane is going down!" She exclaimed loud enough for all the students to hear. Aizawa's eyes widened in panic as he unbuckled his seat belt and immediately stood up.

"Uraraka!" He yelled loudly through the screams and chatter of the students. "Touch the top of the plane and float us as long as you humanely can!" He ordered before running off to the cabin, trusting his student to do as she was told.

"Can you get in touch with somebody?" Aizawa questioned frantically as he stepped inside the cabin.

"No, all communication is down!" He yelled back in reply.

"Get up and come with me!" Aizawa ordered in reply as he turned his back to him, ready to shout a random plan that he hoped would work.

"But the plane!" The pilot yelled back as he continued pressing button after button.

"This plane is going down whether you control it or not. This way, we'll have a good chance of survival." He replied as the plane had calmed down and began making a graceful descending, signaling Uraraka was doing her part. The plane still shook, but it was good enough for everyone to move.

"Grab the first aid kit and get your ass out here if you want to live." He ordered hastily before returning to his students, who were still in a state of panic. The ones who weren't, were completely frozen in shock. Aizawa tried yelling through them to get their attention, but it was no use. The class was in complete panic.

"Everyone calm down!" Mic yelled, silencing the teenagers immediately.

"Thank you Mic." Aizawa replied in a monotone expression. "How many parachutes are on this plane?" He asked the flight attendant as the pilot made his way to join the rest of the group, the plane still shaking slightly.

"Four sir." She replied shyly. Most planes never came equipped with as many parachutes as they needed.

"You two take one each." He ordered simply. Neither of them had the best quirk for surviving this crash. "Give the other two to Jiro and Kaminari." He ordered before the woman disappeared quickly to do as she was told. "Midoriya, Todoroki, you two are in charger of each other." He stated as he looked to the duo. He was trying his best to keep his composure for the state of his students, but it was incredibly hard when he knew they were getting closer and closer to the ground. "Bakugo, Uraraka, you two will be in charge of each other." He stated as he looked between the two. Uraraka was going to be one of the last people to leave the plane, so he needed to be sure she would have someone who would work well with her to ensure her safety. Kirishima and Iida, you two will be with each other as well. Lastly, Sero and Tsu."

"Sir, I don't understand what assigning us to other people is going to do!" Iida yelled through the sound of the crashing engine. "We need to strategize on how to land safely without an injury!" He helped, trying to keep his composure. He was the class rep. He felt it was his duty to be the calm in the storm.

"I already have that taken care of Iida, I just need everyone to trust me." He replied before turning to the pilot behind him. "What happens when this plane in released and we start falling again?" He asked. He had about a million different plans in his head, but this answer depends on which one they use.

"It will eventually start to fall apart. The rest of the mechanics will stop working and the wings will eventually fall apart, resulting in a complete crash." He replied nervously. If he were still flying them, he might be able to do a smoother landing, but it still wouldn't be smooth enough for most of them to survive.

"Is there any land outside, or just the ocean?" aizawa asked to the students who had a window seat.

"There's an island on our side!" Kirishima replied as he began calming down, due to his teacher.

"We'll aim for that." Aizawa replied as the flight attendant returned with the four parachutes before handing them out to her designated person. "Everyone, get with the person I have assigned you too." He ordered quickly as he watched Uraraka grow tired as she continued pushing her limits. She wasn't used to using her quirk on something this heavy with a lot of force. She was trying her best, but she was soon growing tired.

"Uraraka." Aizawa stated as he turned towards his student, who literally had the weight of the class on her shoulders. "When I tell you to, I want you to release your quirk."

"You want us to just fall?" Sero questioned in panic, causing the rest of the class to fall into a loud chatter once more.

"Quiet!" Mic yelled once more. They were going to run out of time is they didn't hurry this up.

"I want you to release, then activate your quirk on the plane once more when I tell you too."

"O-okay." She muttered, desperately trying to hold on.

"When she activates her quirk again, I want everyone to pair up and make their way over to me. I will give you instructions on what to do then. We don't have a lot of time, so everybody get ready." Aizawa ordered as he turned back towards the pilot and flight attendant who were standing by the door, already one step ahead of him. "Midoriya and Todoroki, you will be the first pair. The second will be Kirishima and Iida, the third will be Tsu and Sero, the fourth will be everyone with a parachute, then the last will be me, Mic, Bakugo and Uraraka." He informed before turning to the brunette who was still holding the plane as everyone began getting in their duo's, preparing for Uraraka to release their quirk and for them to fall once more.

"Uraraka, release." Aizawa ordered before taking a deep breath in as a loud roar of thunder echo'd through the air. Within seconds, the plane was spiraling downwards once more while the students started to panic as they were thrown from their seats. Everyone swore that the sound of Jiro's screams would haunt them in the dreams for years to come. Both teachers watched the ground glow closer as they waited for the perfects moment for Uraraka to use her quirk once more. If they did it too soon, she wouldn't be able to hold on long enough for everyone to jump. If she did it too late, there wouldn't be enough time for everyone to jump and be able to make it safely. When they were approximately thirty miles from the ground, Aizawa looked to his student once more.

"Now Uraraka!" He yelled through the ruckus of the plane falling apart and the screams of his students. The brunette quickly touched the top of the plane, causing it to slow down once more as everyone lost their balance, nearly falling in the process. "Get that door open!" He yelled towards the flight attendant. She did as she was told and opened the door. As soon as she did, pieces of the plane began flying away as everyone slowly began getting sucked to the door. The force wasn't nearly as bad due to Uraraka, but it was still hard to move around. The flight attendant backed away from the door with the help of the pilot, even then it was still a struggle.

"Todoroki, Midoriya!" He yelled through the strong wind. The duo slowly made their way through the rest of the students before they reached their teachers. "Midoriya, use your quirk to get you far enough out for Todoroki to create an Ice slide." He ordered to his two student. The green haired man nodded his head as his hand reached for Todoroki. He was absolutely terrified he was going to die during this jump. He was terrified he wouldn't get to say goodbye to his mom, he was terrified that the league would destroy the world before he got the chance to save it, he was terrified that he wasn't going to be able to pass One For All, he was terrified he was never going to see his mother or father again, he was terrified he was going to die before he got the chance to confess to either of his crush's.

"It will be okay Midoriya." Todoroki stated in a monotone expression as he watched the freckled man panic inside. Even through this whole mess, Todoroki was the most calm person. "We can do this, yeah?" He encouraged as he wrapped his arms around Midoriya's neck from behind, prepared to take off.

"O-okay." He stuttered in reply as he took a deep breath. You're going to be a great hero, you can do this. He told himself as he looked outside. The ground was approaching faster than they were anticipating, which meant it was time to jump. He took a deep breath in before charging for the door, jumping out the plane. The force of the air smacked him in the face as the smell of Todoroki's peppermint shampoo floated through the air, filling his nostrils. He wanted to look back, but he couldn't. Heroes never hesitated. He closed his eyes in anticipation as he waited for Todoroki to do his part. The pouring rain felt like razor blades on the skin as the duo went down their makeshift slide. When he felt his body slam on something cold, Aizawa cheered from the plane.

"Kirishima, Iida, Let's go." Aizawa ordered before the two slowly made their way to the front of the plane, suddenly feeling better after watching Todoroki and Midoriya be successful. "Iida, if you use your engine, you should be able to make the top of the ice slide, but you'll have to go now!" He ordered as he pushed the duo towards the door. "Kirishima, it's going to be a rough landing, so use your quirk to protect the both of you!"

"Got it!" Kirishima replied with a wide smile as he latched onto Iida, practically throwing himself from the plane. Aizawa watched with anticipation as the third group made their way to the plane. He quickly explained to the duo that they need to use their quirks to jump from debri to debri to keep a slow pace and land in the water, close enough to swim but far enough to not hit the shore. Tsu's quirk would help with the water. They did what they were told as they jumped. When they had left the plane, Iida and Kirishima finally made it to the slide, taking the same path that the first duo had.

"Parachutes!" Mic yelled, realizing how badass Aizawa truly was. How could he possibly think of all of this and act it out within 30 minutes? When the four with parachutes approached, they already knew what to do. They formed a line at the door as they all stepped out one by one until Kaminari was the last one with the parachute. As he walked past his teachers, Aizawa grabbed his arm.

"You're going to land in the water, but I need you to get out of it as soon as possible. Swim or find a pieces of the plane to hang out on until everyone else is on shore, you are a literal walking lightning rod." He ordered with venom in his voice, only trying to get his student to understand how crucial it was.

"Got it!" The blond replied before jumping from the plane, just wanting to be off the death trap. As soon as he jumped off, the plane shook violently as Uraraka fell to her knee's.

"I can't h-hold much l-longer!" She yelled in pain as her quirk began giving out on her.

"It's a good thing that we're up!" Aizawa yelled as he looked to Bakugo. "I need you to put her on your back." He ordered. The fiery blond wasted no time as he quickly walked over to the brunette before crouching down. She slowly crawled on his back before the blond made his way to his two teachers. "We're going to hang on to your legs as you kick us out of here. Use your explosions to get us as close to the island as possible and try to slow us down." Bakugo nodded in agreement as he turned towards the door, waiting for his two teachers to grab on. When they did, he did what he was told. It didn't matter that he was practically carrying three other people, that's what he signed up to do. The only thing that mattered was he did what he was told to ensure the best possible outcome.

He used his quirk to fire away from the plane as Uraraka finally released, letting the plane fall into the ocean at full speed. Bakugo threw his arms behind him as he used his quirk to get him as close to the island as possible. When they were getting too close to the ground for comfort, he pointed his hand towards the ground, trying to slow them down. It was no use though. They were going way too fast for the amount of weight that he was holding, plus he couldn't go full force without risking Mic and Aizawa's safety since they were in his blast range. Aizawa used one hand to pull his scarf away from his neck before aiming for a large tree branch. As soon as it wrapped around the branch, he pulled with all his strength, just barely avoiding the ground. The fiery blond knew what was going to happen, so he grabbed the brunette of his back before embracing her in his arms. They flew up into the air a couple of feet before finally falling to the ground, hitting their backs rather hard in the process, but they were alive.

Aizawa and Mic both stood up frantically before they began turning in circles, trying to pinpoint any other passengers from the plane. They had overshot their landing a bit, putting them away from everyone else. Uraraka slowly climbed off of Bakugo before the blond stood up himself, wincing in pain. Landing on his back like that while protecting the brunette hurt him pretty badly.

"Are you both okay?" Aizawa questioned as he turned to his two students behind him before immediately turning to his husband, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that all three were still alive

"I'm o-okay." Uraraka said as she attempted to catch her breath from over using her quirk.

"I'm alive." The blond replied in pain. Taking deep breaths hurt his rib cage too bad, so there was no way he was going to be extremely active for the next day or so without causing more damage than good.

"We need to find the others." Aizawa stated urgently as he looked up to the sky. The storm was a lot more calm on the ground. The thunder had quieted down and the lightening ceased. The pouring rain turned into a light mist as a loud crash echo'd from the other side of the island, shaking the ground they were standing on.

"Maybe we should start over there." Mic stated with a sigh as they turned to the direction that the loud bang had come from. "How far away do you think that it?" He asked.

"At least three miles based on how much of a delay there was from the sound to the island shaking." Aizawa replied with a heavy sigh. He knew that neither of his students were in any condition to move themselves. Bakugo was holding his rib cage in pain as he crouched to the ground, his back hurting too much to stand any more. Uraraka was barely able to support herself after the strain of using her quirk like that had put on her body. They were both practically down for the count. They had no clue where they were and they were separated from the rest of the class, how in the hell were they supposed to survive this?

"I'll carry Bakugo if you want to carry Uraraka." Mic whispered quietly, also knowing they couldn't walk.

"I can go on ahead and find Iida and Midoriya." Aizawa stated in a monotone expression. "I can move a lot faster with my scarf, you stay here with these two." He ordered before taking off in the direction of the loud bang they heard earlier, not giving him a chance to reply. He used his scarf to jump from tree to tree in a spider man fashion as he quickly made his way through the wooded area, desperate to reach the rest of his class. Within ten minutes, he was standing on the beach next to the main part of the destroyed plane. Luggage and supplies were thrown everywhere on the ground, but there wasn't a soul in sight. He knew they were all going to be a little ways down based on when they jumped, so he decided to make his way down the beach, hoping his students were doing the same thing. Within another mile, he heard voices that he recognized immediately.

"I'm scared." He heard Jiro whisper to the other two people as she stuck her ear jack into the ground once more, trying to track the location of everyone else. "Wait, I hear footsteps!" She exclaimed in excitement towards the other three as she stood back up. "Just one set, but that means we're close to someone else!" She said happily.

"That's awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed as he began looking around. "Which direction?" He asked as he continued skimming the area.

"Straight ahead!" She yelled in reply as she began sprinting forward, limping slightly with every step. They ran for another minute or so before she landed herself in front of Aizawa. Their teacher let out a sigh of relief as he stood face to face with Jiro, Kaminari, the flight attendant and the pilot of the plane.

"Are you okay?" He asked to the group as he looked all of them up and down. Jiro looked the worst by far. Kaminari looked completely unscathed and the two workers looked dirty, but didn't show any sign of injury. "Have you found anyone else?"

"Not yet, we only found you because of my quirk." Jiro informed with a small smile. She may not have the best quirk in the world, but right now, it was extremely useful.

"Excellent." Aizawa replied with a sigh of relief. "What are your names?" He asked to the flight attendant and pilot. They didn't know how long they were going to be here, so they might as well get well acquainted with one another.

"You can call me Mei." The short blond flight attendant informed. She had small freckles scattered across her slightly tanned skin. Her neat bun was now destroyed from the wind from jumping from the plane, but she held her composure and appearance well.

"I'm Haru." The older, taller man replied as he took his hat off so they could have a better look at him. He was slightly round with a balding head, his black hair only growing on the sides now.

"I'm Aizawa." He replied. "I want you two to follow Kaminari to the crashed plane and start retrieving anything and everything that we can use from it, try to get in touch with someone to get us out of here. Jiro and I are going to go find everyone else, you three start heading there. If anyone else shows up, tell them to stay at the plane until I return." He ordered before looking to Jiro. He knew that four of his students were safe, but that didn't count for the other six. With a heavy sigh and an anxious stomach, he and Jiro began their journey to find the rest of the class that had been on that plane.

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