I'm in Tokyo Revengers...2?!(...

By BungeeGumconsistsof

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Book two of 'I'm in Tokyo Revengers!?!' Be sure to read book one if you haven't Note: I do not own the songs... More



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By BungeeGumconsistsof

It's been a few days since Takemichi came back. I've been more cautious when I go out and I always walk with one of them. But there is still the feeling of someone watching me. Haru has also been more cautious when he's around me. It's as if he's always on alert. I wonder what's wrong. Right now I'm going with Ran and Rindo to a store to get food and snacks. We were all gonna meet up in a park to hang out. It's almost winter so we want to enjoy outdoors as much as we can. We also changed all plans we were originally going to have today after Takemichi told us what happens I the future. We changed it so that we can see if something happens.

"After you" Ran said as he opened the store door for me. "Why thank you" I said as I reached and poked his face while entering. We went around and looked for what we think everyone might like and I payed with the money we all put together. After we got outside, I got onto the back of Ran's bike and we drove off. Soon, we arrived. "Let my help" Rindo said as he tooksome of the grocery bags from my hand while helping me down. "Thank youu♡".

"Where are the rest of the guys and girls. Are they late." "No, we were just hiding" "AH! HANMA! Where the heck did you come out from?!" Soon, the rest of them just appeared out of nowhere. "Anyway, let's get going." We went in warmest spot we could find because it's already getting cold. We spent the day talking about random stuff and then.. "Y/n?" "Oh, hey Haru, what're you doing here?

Haru POV
It's been a few days since I broke off the deal with that Kisaki guy to attack the girl who is in Toman. He may have threatened Y/n, but I'll do everything I can to protect her. I told my research guys to do a background check on Toman and from what I found out, they call this girl the 'Toman Angel' or something. But she left Toman so I don't want to bother her. And I told the strong guys to keep an eye on Y/n when she's out incase she gets attacked. But, whoever attacks her, I'm sorry for them because she got a bunch of strong guys always with her. From what I heard, those guys she's with are members of Tenjiku and Toman captains, vice-captains and members. Does she know about that.

At first I thought Y/n could have been the person Kisaki is after because she rides around in a bike and acts all tough but, I don't want to ask her incase they were trying to keep it hidden from her. But then Kisaki told me about the girl who is his target and he threatened Y/n so I don't know anymore. He's just screwing with my head. Maby I should just kill him. Oh- "Y/n?" "Oh, hey Haru, what're you doing here." "I was just walking around."

He looks so lonely. I feel kinda bad. "Wana hang out with us?" I could feel all the boys and girls except Draken, Takemichi, Hina and Emma, glaring at him. "......Sure." He just sat down across from me awkwardly. Soon, the awkwardness vanished when Mikey spoke up about Toman. "So Y/n, now that the situation happened. Will you not be rejoining Toman?" As soon as he said that, I saw Haru flinch and listened to what I had to say. "Nah I won't join back as yet."

Haru POV
So it was her. Kisaki that a*shole. He was going to hurt her anyway. And to think, I almost let my gang attack her. For someone so good with studies and other stuff, I sure am an idiot when my mind gets clouded when things or persons I like are in danger. Good thing she left. I don't know what I would have done if she died at my hands. But I need to tell her. I can't keep it a secret that I know the person who is trying to kill her. "Y/n, can i talk to you.... alone."

Since we started talking about Toman, Haru looked on edge. Does he maby know something. "Oh, ok". We got up and went a distance from the others. "Y/n. Are you by any chance a former Captain of Toman?" "Yeah. Why?" "I'm so sorry. Because of me, you almost got hurt." He said while clenching his fists. Huh. What does he mean? "Um Haru, what do you mean?" "Y/n, I think we should talk somewhere private." "Uh o-ok." We went to a small convenience store that wasn't to far and he began..."Are you familiar with the name Kisaki Tetta." Huh. No way.

"Wait. I think we might need to let the others know. I do know that name and I was wishing I never had to hear it again." He nodded yes. I texted everyone to pack up and meet at my apartment. It was an emergency and possible reason for my death. Haru also texted someone. We ran out of the convenience store and I saw a bunch of strong looking gang member. I could most likely beat them but I need to make sure Haru is safe to. "Haru. Hold on to my hand. We're gonna make a run for it to my house-" "You texted,......Boss." "Huh?!" "Y/n. I should probably tell you this now."

Time skip brought to you by Haru's mom :)

Well, it turned out that Haru is actually a Gang leader. And it's a pretty huge one where he's from. I actually wasn't expecting that. "Haru?" "Yea?" "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU CAN RIDE A MOTORBIKE TO!" We are currently heading to my apartment on his bike. He was riding it and I was on the back, holding onto him. "No need to shout." "But like,.. you're so antisocial. How do you have a friking gang." "I wanted to go against my parents. But I didn't expect it to get this huge." Damn.

Soon, we arrived and I saw the rest of them already here. "He has a bike?!"-Mikey. "Hahaa, funny story.. that I just learnt... he's actually a Gang leader. Hahaha, funny right." "........WHAT!" After explaining everything to them, we went up to my apartment and Haru started speaking. "So you know Kisaki Tetta." "Huh, how does he know him!?"-Takemichi. The rest of them just looked shocked. "Yeah. I know him. But he died." "Dead?... No, he's alive." "Huh. But how. We watched him get hit by a truck." Plus, he died when he got hit it the manga. I only lived when I got hit because I got isekai'd or something.

"How do you know him, Haru?" "He came to me and asked for my and my gangs help. He wanted to kill someone from a gang called Toman. It was a girl." "No way" "I usually don't hurt girls but he threatened to kill you if I didn't accept. But then the girl left the gang and I had no interest in hurting an innocent girl when I can just protect you. But today my confusion was cleared up when I found out you were the girl. And he would have gotten you killed either way." "So his gang is the one-"-Mikey "that murdered Y/n in the future."-Takemichi. "Huh? The future." Everyone in the room facepalmed and looked at Takemichi. "Um, can someone explain."

Moments of explaining every single thing later...

"SO YOU'RE FROM ANOTHER WORLD AND HE CAN TIME TRAVEL!?" "Yup, that's pretty much it." "So in a different future, I did end up killing you." He said as he looked down and clenched his fists. "Yea" "I'm so sorry." "It's fine~ We got another problem though. In the future now, I get blown up. I'm not sure how. But now I know that Kisaki is involved. Just make sure that you don't have anything to do with him. And if he threatens to kill me. Just know that I'm safe." "Y/n, what if Kisaki threatened Haru and that's how he got the bombs." "That could be possible." I said as i looked at Haru. "It is possible for me to get bombs and if he did threaten to kill you, I might have probably given him." "Right! So do you think the future might change now that Haru knows not to listen to Kisaki?!"

"That could be possible. But we can't be certain. If you happen to go back and end up dead. What will we do then?" "You're right." "So. We have to get Kisaki first." "Why did you say that with an evil look on your face-" "I agree"-everyone else. Kisaki thinks he can go around threatening people. I think not. Now we know why the future is still screwed up. So,... we can fix it. "Haru, do you have Kisaki's number?" "Yeah" "Great. Why don't you call him and 'help' him." "........ Ehe,..Ok~"

Haru sat down on my carpet in the living room and I sat right infront of him. The rest of guys and girls gathered around. He put the volume up as he looked for Kisaki's contact. "Before he press call. Imma need all the loud mouths who shout before thinking to swear they don't open their mouth cough cough, Mikey, Baji, Takemichi." "Yes yes,..." "Good"

Haru chuckled as he clicked call.
Kisaki Tetta

Well look who decided to call back. Are you willing to help me get the girl now.

Yes. But you have to swear you won't touch Y/n.|

Oh yes, I promise I won't hurt a single hair. All you have to do is tell your guys to attack the girl. Then you won't even have to worry about Y/n.

Well, when do we meet up to confirm the plan?|

We won't be meeting up before it hapens. I just expect you to do your part of the deal. I will tell you where she is and then you will send your gang to me. Probably around tomorrow evening it will go down. Because from what I learnt. She tends to wander around sometimes. She must be alone when that time comes.

Yes, I understand|

Well, if that's all, then goodbye-

Call ended by Haruko Kukichi..

Oh that rat. How long I haven't heard his voice. "So this mf been stalking me. Not creepy at all. I knew I felt as if I was being watched everyday." "What did he mean by 'she tends to wander around sometimes'?." "Oh, I just take a short walk but then one of you guys always pop out of nowhere." "Oh-" "But, tomorrow when I go for a walk, I want you guys to stay hidden. When they attack me. No matter what. Just stay where you are until Kisaki appears." "How are you so sure he will appear?" "Please. That fool will come up to me and probably be like 'missed me' and then finish me off himself." They just all looked at me concerned.

"Anywayy, if Naoto happens to be walking around, please hide him and don't let him see. I don't want him scared for life again.... Not you Takemichi. Don't you dare touch him,.. because if you do and end up holding his hand, you'll be going back to the future." "Yes yes." "Ok, so plan save the future number, I don't know what, is a go then. Welcome to the team Haru. I expect everyone else to be nice to him." "Yea".

The next day..
I am currently in school. It's my last class and I can't focus at all. I can only think about what's going to happen later today. "Y/n.....y/n,.........Y/N!" "Ah!, Mikey? Draken, Hanma and Sanzu? AH-. *whispering* what are you guys doing here. Class is literally still in session. And you guys are scaring everyone." We came to pick you up." "....." "But I'm still in class" ".....so..." "Fair point." I began packing my books into my bag and I could feel the other children stares on me. I decided to leave for two reasons and they are,... the loves of my life are calling me and I'd feel embarrassed to stay after this.

I got up and headed to the door hearing people whispering... "doesn't she know who they are?" "Idiot, she's a Captain in Toman." "Seriously?" "I heard she left though"......"Anyway, sorry for the disruption teach. But I'll be going now. Also, the answer for that is not 4 but 2x²." Wait, how did I know that. I wasn't even focusing. "Did you forget about me already?" "Ofcourse not Shin♡"

With that being said, I walked out the class and saw everyone else. Like everyone else. Well, except Hina, cuz she's a diligent student and she has cram school after. I texted Haru and said I was leaving and he should be getting a call from Kisaki in a few house so get ready. He texted ok and then I just headed out with the rest of guys and girls.

We were now at my house and "Y/n! Where did all the Dorayaki and Taiyaki go?!!" "You ate it all. How could you not know that. Anyway, this evening when I get 'attacked', you guys gotta make sure you dont jump in. It'll ruin the plan ok." "Yes" "So no matter what happens to me, don't butt in until I call." "Yes" We passed the time, playing games and watching TV. Hina also came a while after. Soon it was dark out and I got ready to head out. "Ok guys. When I open this door, Kisaki might be somewhere looking. So as soon as you leave, act as natural as possible and go hide somewhere in the spot I said I'd go."

They all nodded yes and walked out. After a few minutes or so, I got up, got dressed (you can pick your clothes:) and headed for the spot. I chose to go somewhere not hidden but where most people don't pass. It was by some building structure. It had alot of hiding places for them. I walk in and yup, I felt as if I was being watched and I heard footsteps. "Y/n, be careful. You better not die." "You worry too much Shini." It's been a few minutes and it finally happened. A bunch of guys came up to me and I had to act as confused as I can. I fought them for a while and they really weren't holding back. Alot more of them came and it was getting harder to hold up. I soon dropped down and they held my hands behind my back. And as I expected.

"Well well Y/n, what a funny coincidence." Haru is probably with the rest of guys right now. "Who are you" "Forgot me already?" "Kisaki?!?!,... but I thought you died. How the hell are you still here." Lemme just praise my acting real quick. "Missed me,....Funny story,... I didn't die.. haha. Remember those voices you had in your head before.(now here, he basically told her everything the future him told future her.)

Wow, those my world bastards. Ugh. And he's been stalking me since I returned. Creepy. "So, what are you gonna do to me now. If you want revenge, you should fight yourself you wuss." "I rather not get my hands dirty. But, it seems that I have been deceived." "But whatever do you mean." "You already knew I was here didn't you. And you tried to trick me. I mean, what kind of fight was that. You didn't even get badly injured-" he pulled out a gun gun aimed it at the guys holding me. I can't let them get hurt. They are just doing what they are told-. I was cut off by the sound of a knife stabbing through skin.

I screamed out in pain. "Oh, I guess you didn't get them on your side after all." There was now a knife in the back of my thigh. "WHAT THE HECK, THIS WASN'T A PART OF THE PLAN." I shouted to the guys as I continued to bawl in pain. "Oh y/n, don't you know,... you will never beat me. That first time, you knew what was going to happen, that's why you won. But now, you don't know." He said as he faced the gun at my head. "Any last words." Damn, he always has a gun. "Ha,...hahaha" "Why are you laughing,... have you finally gone mad. "Guys,.... now."

As soon as I said that, Yuzuha came out of nowhere and kicked the gun out of his hand and pinned him to the floor. "Can u move the knife now, it's kinda starting to hurt." "Oh, sorry." On the the dude's said as he helped me up and Hina bandaged my leg like flash. "Huh?! What?" "Oh, are you confused. Should I explain." I said as I stooped down and spoke to him. "Well..." ......

Flash back..

After a while, I opened my mouth to say something else. "....Haru.." "Yeah?" "Tomorrow when they attack me, I want you to tell them to stab me once. It doesn't have to be a bad stab but make sure it's deep. And also to punch me for real." "..... ARE YOU CRAZY?!!"-Everyone. "We have to make it believable. If they just hold me down and fake a punch, he'll notice. He may be a pest, but he's smart." "I object!"-Few people "Me to"-everyone else. "Come on. It won't be to deep of a stab" "it's still a stab." "Kisaki won't believe it if I just get 'punched' and he might end up hurting your guys to Haru. So just tell them to stab me and afterward, someone can just bandage it real quick." "Why don't we just attack himas soon as we see him." "We don't know what other tricks he got up his sleeve. So only when he believe he won and goes to finish me, then one of you can pin him down." After more convincing, they finally gave in.

"So,.... you knew all this time that I wouldn't believe it. "Yup,..... I'm pretty cool right." "As if... EVERYONE COME NOW!" "............." "Um,... Kisaki, who are you calling?" "HUH!,..COME NOW." "Oh, is he talking about them" Draken said as he pointed to what looked like a foreign gang like Haru's one. "They are our rivals from where we are from. To think he would plan to get backup. But, thankfully we defeated them. They made a sound and sold out their positions so we beat them all up." "Wow." "No way. I can't have lost." "Oh Kisaki, you may be smarter than me in book wise but,... I sorry to say that you can't beat me war and gang wise." "So what are you gonna do now HUH.. KILL ME ?" "Me?,....Kill?,.... pfttt,.. ofcourse not. I'm just gonna hand you in to the cops and explain to than that you need to be disciplined because when they free you in years to come, your gonna try to get revenge. So basically,... I'm gonna make a new you."

He looked at me, fear in his eyes and I just looked down at him with a smirk. "You lost~" after that, I knocked him unconscious and we took him to the police and reported him. They all looked shocked and didn't believe it but after they heard what everyone had to say, they promised to make him stop thinking about revenge only and a few day later we got a letter saying that he was sent to another country to get proper help. Thankfully, that was the last of him we'll ever see.

These past few days since then, we've done nothing but laze around. The snow also came and we went outside to the lake and built snowmen of ourselves, had snowball war and made snow angels. We also found an outdoor ice skating park and visited it for days. Takemichi still hasn't gone back to the future. He planned to go for the new year incase everything is good and he can't come back. We all wanted to spend enough time together.

As fast as the year came to an end another one started. We were all now saying goodbye to Takemichi because he was going to shake Naoto's hand to leave. I'll miss having future Takemichi here. For the new year, we even met up with Benkei, Waka and Takeomi. Shinichiro would often make random jokes I don't get about them in my head and they'd be laughing when I tell them. (She told them about everything). But back to what I was saying,..Takemichi was now leaving. We all took a group photo to remember this and after,.. he shook Naoto's hand and went back. Takemichi, I hope everything is ok now.

(the song just spoke to me for this part. Idk why, but it just did.)

Takemichi POV
Please, please,... let everything be ok now. "Takemichi you idiot!" "Huhh what did I do." "What do you mean 'what did I do'.... you knocked down the table with snacks...... wait, Takemichi?"-Y/n. "Yes?" "Did you just come back?" "Yup,.. I did." They were all silent for a bit until they all ran up to me and attacked me with a hug. "Mitchi, everyone is alive now. No one died, we're all fine" Y/n said as her eyes filled up with tears. "Thank God" I shouted as tears flowed down my eyes.

After that emotional reunion....
"So,... what were we doing?" "Do you not remember this lake?" Now that I look around, it's the same lake we always hung out by. "We were just celebrating yours and Hina's,.... ENGAGEMENT!!" "HUHH ALREADY?!" "Yup,.. she actually proposed to you and you cried like a baby. I even have it on video. Here, look..

*crying noises of happiness.
"Pftt Mitchi, why are you crying. Aren't you happy."

"CUT IT OFF CUT IT OFFFFF." "Haha, I even got close to the substitute you. I remember the first day you left the past and went to the future. The actual past you was so confused and I had to explain it in detail. Ahhh, good times." "Takemichi, do you still want to get married."-Hina. "YES OFCOURSE." This the happiest day of my life. We all partied and relaxed. "By the way Y/n, who did you choose. "ACK... why would you ask that now?!!?" Everyone just looked at her. "Haha, well actually,...."

The end

Hey Skittles..
This is officially the end of the actual story on a whole. Ofcourse I will be doing the after story to say who she ended up with. There will be separate stories for everyone, so have no fear 😌. I really enjoyed writing this story and reading the comments. I'll definitely miss you all. But be sure to read my other stories...

There will be:
Hanma x Y/n (completed)

And a new one I started but didn't post
'I never knew sadness till I lost you' it's a Tokyo Revengers fanfic.

Anyway people,....🥲
Bye Skittles.... thank you for reading♡.

Word count:

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