Touch The Sky

By OnlyOneHan

10.1K 436 84

There it was again a white flash he thought he'd never see.. A confident smirk that made his heart drop as sh... More

01 - Where Do We Start?
02 - Nameless
03 - Cheap Thrills
05 - Besties?
06 - The Cult
07 - The Cult Pt. 2
08 - Azure
09 - Alpha
10 - M.I.A.
11 - Transfers
12 - Festival
13 - Festival Pt. 2
14 - Screw The Standards
15 - Retreat Camp
16 - They Don't Know You
17 - Home
18 - Luna
19 - It's Not Trivial
20 - How You Been?
21 - Bippity Boppity Boo A Time Skip For You
22 - First Impressions
23 - Not A Secret Mission
24 - Sports Day
25 - Catch Up
26 - Our Lands I
27 - Our Lands II
28 - Our Lands III
29 - Scar
30 - Too Late?
31 - Instincts
32 - Too Soon?
33 - Miro
34 - Rest Day
35 - Not Again Jiho...

04 - Strength

421 27 8
By OnlyOneHan

[Johan's POV]

After the party we bid goodbye to the kind people and left the area. It was getting dark so she asked me to lead the way to my house.

"So where are you gonna stay tonight?" I ask her walking slowly while fiddling with my jacket zipper in my weak attempt to end the awkward silence.

"Hmm, one of the aunts told me that she'd need some help tonight, so I'm crashing at hers"

"Well where do you stay otherwise?" I question a slight curiosity peeking from my voice.

"The ladies at the shops I help let me crash at theirs from time to time-" she replies smiling briefly, "-but otherwise I tend to roam the night streets".

"Isn't that kinda dangerous?"

"Well yeah I guess"

She shrugs off the question I asked out of pure concern like it was nothing.

"Hah, you're really something else" I huff out, shaking my head and turning to face her as our feet carried us.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" She asks glancing at me while laughing slightly.

"Well when we first met, your were sleeping on the side of the road, but you were smiling and laughing like you've been living in luxury all your life".

"And when you helped us you called me who was getting beat to a pulp, Strong-"

"Well you are" she states cutting me off.

"Hah, what strong guy lets people beat him up like that??" I question completely confused.

"Lots of people" she replies calmly while slowing down her pace.

"Physical strength isn't the only thing that make you strong," she explains looking right in to my eyes like she could see my soul, "Of course it would be great to be physically strong enough to not let anybody mess with you".

"But what really matters is if you're mentally strong enough to not let it get to you"

"Get to you how...?"

"Hurting yourself or... killing yourself... because you can't bear the pain anymore" she answers reluctantly.

"Oh.." I trail off stopping in my tracks which makes her stop too.

"People always fight back it's in their nature-" she continues showing an ant we could have almost stepped on, "-Even if you step on an ant by mistake, it's gonna bite you back."

"Yeah.." I trail off staring at the ant till it went further into an invisible dot.

"So the real reason why people don't fight back-" she turns to face me, "-is because they have something to lose if they do".


"I don't know why you're not fighting back-" she shook her head, "-but I'm sure you have reasons that are much more stressing than those bruises and cuts".

"And cause you're enduring all of that and still staying true to that reason..."

"You're the strongest person I've ever met" a soft smile follows those words, making me weak in the knees as I forcing myself to stand.

Time felt frozen and now my heart couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. A cold breeze swept between us sending a shiver down my spine but she seemed to remain calm. Her blue orbs sparkling as I saw my own shadow shift awkwardly in them.

"Umm.. uh-"

Damn what's wrong with me?

Breaking me out of my thoughts she let's out a small laugh before turning away.

"Are we close to your place?"

"Y-yeah just down the road" I point down the street.

"Well then I'll leave you here-"

"W-wait, when can I see you again? And I still don't know your name!" I blurt out not really wanting her to leave.

"I already told you mate, I don't have a name" she answers dead serious.

"That can't be true what do your parents call you?"

"Baby, Princess, Lil' Pup.." she tilts her head side to side while stating each name.

"Even now?" I mean they must've told her what her name was atleast.

"..I haven't seen my parents... since I was 5..." she breathes out lowering her head.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. Ugh I'm so stupid- I'm so so so sorr-" I ramble on burying my head in my hands.

"It's alright, I had fun today thanks to you, I know you never meant any harm" she smiles cutting me off.

"And as for when we'll meet again, I'm not sure. I l'll come back strolling here in a week, that is if we don't meet before that~"

"O-one more thing" I mutter lowering my head with my head still low.


"I-If you don't have a name, c-can I make one for you?"

"Sure~" she smiles softly angling her head so she can look at my lowered face.

The memories of her from the first moment we made eye contact flow back into me. White hair like the fluffy clouds and dazzling eyes like the blue sky. Someone who felt so imaginary, but was there infront of me with an enchanting smile just like now..



"Cause when I first say you your blue eyes and white hair seemed as beautiful as the sky" I hesitate a bit before explaining with the hwat slowly creeping up my cheeks.

A small silence fell on us making me nervous at what I said wishing for nothing but to cover my face or make an awkward joke.

"Bloody 'ell you're a better flirt than lil' Tim" she laughs up as her cheeks turns visibly pink.

"S-so, Do you like it?" I look up into her eyes.

"Hmm... wait I don't know your name though" she suddenly states confusing me for a bit before I answer.

"It's Johan, Johan Seong".

"Well Johan," a burst of warmth when rolled off her tongue, "I absolutely love this name, and I'm gonna use it wherever I go".

"R-really??" I stutter out, powerless against the tips of my lips as they turned up.

She just simply nods returning a soft smile to mine.

God, I'm insane

"A-Also-" I stutter hesitantly stepping closer to her as confusion took over her face.

"For dealing with something so harsh since you were five.." I reach out to her hand cautiously holding it like it was fragile glass, "-growing up by yourself, when you had to watch other families live happily.. while you had to be alone during all those years..".

"It must've been really hard and I can't imagine how anyone could withstand that," I continue slowing drawing circles on the back of her hands with my thumbs, "-but you did".

"You did so many things and even today you're able to find things that make you smile.."

"That's why in my eyes, Sky, you're the strongest person I know" I smile staring at her eyes that lost their sparkle and seemed to look vulnerable.

Did I go too far..? Damnit I shouldn't have said something that was gonna make her thi-

She warps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I return the gesture and slowly stroke her back.

Thank You

Even without her saying those words I heard them, and my face lit up again and this time I didn't try to control it.

Pulling away after what felt too little to be actually a few minutes, she suddenly places a peck on my cheek and immediately turns around.

"See you later, Johan" she states waving over her shoulder not looking back at me as I cupped my cheek completely dumbfounded at what just happened.

Why won't you turn around?

Is you face heating up like mine?

Wait actually don't turn around-

I don't want you to see the blushing mess I am right now!

After she disappeared from my view, I make my way to my house and immediately flop onto my bed when I reached it. Burying my face into my pillow as I snuggled it tightly still flustered over the snow-head.


Unconciously the tips of my mouth lifted up again the name I gave her making her appear in my mind again.

Damn she's amazing.

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