By FebeAristilde

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Dave East x Miracle Watts story "One is easily fooled by that which one loves." -unknown March 4th 201... More

chpt 1
chp 2
chp 3.
chp.15 part 1
chp.16 part 2
chpt.25 continued


9.2K 269 79
By FebeAristilde

Trey's POV

I watched as Dave got in my car and sit down, I shook my head at him, I was picking him up from his little one night stand since he left his car at home, I could not believe that he left with a complete stranger, went to her house and fucker her, I didn't even have to ask to know that's exactly what he did, I just hope that he used a condom.

It sickens me that he's out here cheating on such a good girl, I know that he didn't tell her where he was heading, I'm surprised at how Dave has completely changed, he used to be so caring and loving towards Anura and now he's just cold, it confuses me on how he fell out of love with her, I found that to be completely impossible.

I heard Dave sigh."Man... I fucked up."

I felt relieved that he finally realize what he did was wrong but what came out of his mouth next shocked me."I fucked Anura's sister."

"Wait..." I looked between him and the road making sure he wasn't laughing.



"Man I'm telling the truth." So many questions were running through my mind, I didn't know where to start first, I was baffled by the fact that my own best friend was the biggest idiot to ever walk foot on earth, why in the hell would you fuck your own in law, just when I thought shit couldn't get worse for their relationship, I can just tell that their relationship is filled with lies and cheating coming from Dave.

I was pissed, pissed for Anura, she doesn't even know that the love of her life is out here cheating and doesn't even have an ounce of love for her, I couldn't even curse Dave out for being a complete idiot, he's stubborn and won't really listen when someone's trying to help him, but I should at least try, I can't let this continue or it's just going to get worse.

I sighed."Look man what goes on in your life really not my business but as your friend who's only looking out for your best interest and also Anura's I think you should tell her the truth, I mean who knows she might even forgive you, you got a loving girlfriend at home who-"

"I appreciate you looking out for me but what she don't know won't hurt her, I just wanna keep this between you and I, and as my boy I hope you can keep it a secret."

"Yeah for sure it's not my place to tell after all." We stayed quiet after that as I drove him home, I was to busy thinking about what could've happened between them for him to act this way, but I'll definitely be getting to the bottom of it.

Anura's POV

I looked at the time on my phone, it read 12 pm and Dave still hadn't made it home from last night, once again he didn't tell me if he was heading out and when I woke up from my nap last night he was gone and I was left alone and lonely.
I sat down on a stool and took a sip of my coffee as I started to remember what he vividly said last night, that he didn't love me, at first it hurt, it hurt so much that I couldn't even bear it, my heart ached badly that I really thought I needed to go to the hospital, but now I don't feel nothing, my heart doesn't hurt anymore like it did last night, it's as if I've grown numb and accepted the fact that he doesn't love me and no matter what I do he'll never change his feelings.

It's the sad truth that I am finally willing to accept, but why can't I find the strength to leave?
Is it because of that one annoying part of me still wants to hold on?


I heard a voice coming from the door and I knew it was him, I watched as he entered the house, he looked terrible, where could he have gone?

Hmmph why should I care.

I watched him walk across the house and bump into one of our mini tables."Fuck!" He said startling me."why is this damn table here!?"He said in annoyance, he kicked the table, I watched the glass fall and crash onto the tile floor.

"What is wrong with you!?" I yelled at him getting up, I walked over to the broken glass and got on me knees, I began picking up the big pieces, Dave bent down and looked at me intently, I quickly looked away from his piercing eyes, and continued picking up the glass, I felt Dave's hand touch mine, the feeling of his rough hand against mine made my heart flutter in my chest, I missed his touch so much, he took the glass shards away from me and began cleaning it up himself.

"I got it." He said, I was taken back by his sudden action, I'm surprised that he didn't walk away from the mess he created and leave me to clean it myself, I nodded my head at him and got up walking away, I wanted to tell him that I know that he doesn't love me, I desperately wanted to curse him out for everything he's put me through, I wanted to ask him questions about what happened to us, but I fear that he'd just ignore me or lie, I love this man so deeply that it hurts, I don't want to lose him even though I know that letting go is the best thing for me.

But I just can't.

I quickly wiped my cheek feeling a hot tear slide down my face, I didn't want him to see me cry.

"Umm are you hungry?" I asked.


"Do you want to go out to eat?" I bit my lip as I waited for his answer, Dave and I haven't gone out to eat or spent time with each other in such a long time, even though we've been together for five years I feel like I don't know him anymore like I used to, he's a complete stranger to me now and it's really sad.

"Okay, just let me shower." My mouth dropped, I was in complete utter shock, I never expected him to agree to going out with me, this'll be the first time in years that we'll be in public together.

"Who are you and what have you done with Dave." I thought to myself as I watched him get off the floor carrying the glass, I watched his every move making sure that this person in front of me wasn't an imposter.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I quickly looked away and covered my mouth with my hand as I tried to hide the big smile thats across my face, After cleaning up Dave went upstairs to shower and I went in my room to look for something to wear.

I haven't felt this excited to go out with him in a long time, I hope I get to hold his hand while we walk together.
I entered my closet and looked for something to wear, I picked out this yellow sundress and placed it on, it hugged my body and was the perfect outfit to wear in the summer heat, I placed on some white sandals and put my hair up in a sleek back puffy ponytail.

After I was dressed I retouched my makeup covering the bruises, by the time I was done getting ready Dave walked out the bathroom in just a towel wrapped around his waist, I felt my mouth water as I watched him walk around our room, I wanted to pounce on him and eat him up but he wouldn't have let me.

I haven't been pleased by him and it was driving me insane, there's nothing I could do I refuse to cheat and buy a toy that's to embarrassing. I looked away from him because I knew I was staring to hard, I needed to get out of this room, I got up and walked out leaving him alone to get dressed, I sat on the steps and waited for him to get dressed.

A few minutes later he came out and I followed behind him, he looked so good even though he was wearing a simple outfit Dave can pull anything off and I could smell his lingering scent as I walked next to him, he smelled so mouth watering good."You smell so good." I found myself saying.

He blankly looked at me then looked away, I bit my lip as I watched him get in the car, didn't even say thank you just gazed at me with a blank expression like always, I sighed and opened my door getting in.

Our first car ride together in years.

The car ride was quiet as I expected, I didn't know where we were going but I was hoping somewhere nice for lunch.

15 minutes later we pulled up to Olive Garden, we got out the car and walked side by side, I looked down at his hand, I wanted to hold it so badly but I didn't want him to reject my affection, I looked away from his hand and continued walking, he opened the door and stood aside for me to walk in first, that's the first time he's ever been chivalrous for me, we were met by the host and handed menus, he walked us to our table and asked us what drink would we like, we both ordered water, And not to long someone came walking in with our drinks.

I looked around the restaurant, it was somewhat empty so I'm hoping to get served quickly, I was starving, I've stopped eating lately and I know that's not good for me, it's just I haven't had an appetite lately.
I looked over at Dave to see him smiling at his phone, I wished he'd smile at me like that, I wanted to talk to him, ask him how he's doing just have a long conversation with him and make him laugh, I wanted to be myself around him but I couldn't because I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

It was awkward that we are in a public place and not having a conversation with each other, I let out a sigh."So where did you go last night?" I asked starting up the conversation.

"Out with Trey." He simply said not once looking away from his phone.

"Did you have a good time?"

He looked up from his phone and smirked at me."So much fun." I didn't like the way he said that, it kind of seemed suspicious, I was about to ask him why he was smirking but our waitress came and interrupted me.

"Good afternoon my names Ray may I take your order." The waitress asked specifically looking at Dave, he put his phone down, and gave his attention all to her, I watched as he ran his eyes up and down her body while I was in front of him, so disrespectful.

I furrowed my brows."Yeah I'll take the Shrimp scampi." He said smiling flirtatiously at her, I rolled my eyes, I felt hurt and embarrassed at how disrespectful he was being, you're on a date with your girl and your being a complete flirt to a Waitress who's not even on my level, unbelievable.

I bit my lip as I tried so hard not to curse him out."Great choice." She said winking at him, she turned her head and rolled her eyes at me.

"And what will you be having." She said rudely.

"I'll have a new waitress, one who's not going to drool over my man like some whore." I said and smiled at her sarcastically, this bitch had the nerve to act rude with me, I can do the same back, she doesn't know who she's messing with because I will drag a bitch, what she needs to do is watch her back and not play with me.

"I'm sorry we don't have that now what will you have." I felt uncomfortable ordering from her, I had a feeling that she'd spit on my food.

"I'll have what he's having." I said and then pushed my menu on her stomach, I wanted her out of my sight, she scoffed and walked away after writing down our order, I looked over at Dave and he was still on his phone typing away.

"Can you put your phone down." I asked knowing that he wouldn't do what I asked.


"This is the first time we've been out with each other in years, I want to have a nice conversation with you."

He let out a sigh of annoyance."God you're so needy."

I clenched my teeth as I tried so hard not to snap, this lunch has turn out to be a complete disaster, I was hoping to enjoy my time with him and having a nice conversation with him but instead I got a boyfriend who won't give me the time of day, a waitress who's lust over my man and might end up spitting or poisoning my food.

I sighed." Whatever do what you want." After that I just stayed quiet, since he thinks I'm so needy then I won't even talk to him, I don't know why I even bother sometimes.

Minutes went by and Dave continued to ignore me, it was really ticking me off but again nothing I could do, I munched on some bread sticks as I waited for our food, a few minutes later Ray came walking in with our food, she placed Daves down first smiling all in his face, he winked back at her causing me to clench my hands under the table, it's as if he's doing this on purpose, I was sizzling with jealousy and anger at how he's acting to a complete stranger.

Just when I thought I couldn't get anymore ticked off she handed him a little note which I immediately knew had her number in it, I felt something in me snap and before I knew it I grabbed the plate of food that was in her hand and slammed it into the back of her head, I grabbed her hair and began dragging her across the restaurant floor.

"Bitch, you fucked with the wrong one!" I yelled as I repeatedly threw blows at her face and chest, I was tired of getting disrespected, tired of getting walked all over like some kind of doormat I was just completely tired of all the bullshit that I began to release all my pint up anger out on her.

Poor Anura:(


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