Saved From Stoning

By rockstarninja89

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The Ultimate Crossover from Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Digimon, Gundam Seed... More

Chapter One: Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone
Chapter Two: You Are Very Lucky To Be Alive
Chapter Three: A Monster of Pure Evil
Chapter Four: Surrounding City Hall
Chapter Six: You Are Much Better Than This
Chapter Seven: Phoenix Wright, Attorney General
Chapter Eight: Manfred von Karma, Defense Attorney
Chapter Nine: How Dare You Destroy My Marriage?
Chapter Ten: Arraigning the Defendants
Chapter Eleven: Kazuya Watanabe in the Hospital
Chapter Twelve: Opening Arguments
Chapter Thirteen: Your Loyalty or Your Life
Chapter Fourteen: Isolated From Society
Chapter Fifteen: Sasuke Uchiha is Silenced
Chapte Sixteen: I Was Left With No Choice

Chapter Five: Battle With The Devil

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By rockstarninja89

Mayor Danzo Shimura had barricaded himself in his office upon seeing Honoka and her group of guards surrounding the building, armed to the teeth. But the evil mayor of Konohagakure was not going to back down that easily.

"They must have known about what attempted to do with Sakura!" cried Sasuke, loading the bullets into his pistol. "So what if they did? I won't accept her back into my life after what she tried to do to me. Wives are meant to show their husbands respect."

"And so will the rest of Azura," remarked Danzo. "Once I dispose of their beloved royals that is."

"If you don't mind me asking, with what?" asked Sasuke, much to the annoyance of Danzo. "All we have are just these pistols, our brawns, and our brains."

Danzo merely rolled his eyes in disbelief over this question, dismayed that his right-hand man would ask such a silly question.

"Then, my loyal second-in-command," he chuckled, trying to hide his displeasure. "You obviously forgot that I have a weapon far greater than anything that can be used to fight enemies: words and trickery."

A few moments later, Danzo walked over towards a window in his office and looked down at the armored Empress Honoka, looking straight at the door to the city hall. He knew that if he opened fire on Empress Honoka right now, he would eliminate the first of his many targets right then and there.

"Don't you see, my friend? Empress Honoka is cooperating beautifully," he laughed, motioning his weapon right at her head. "Standing in just the right spot. I could fire one bullet at her head and she would be killed right then and there, but no, that would make it too easily done. Besides, how else would the most powerful woman in Azura be killed in such an easy manner?"

As his boss spoke, Sasuke was beginning to get the idea that even though he shared the same passion as Danzo, there was a matter of repercussions that the two of them would have to face.

"We should wait," he said, firmly pulling his gun out of the window "We need to wait until both Asahi and Honoka are outside, then we can each fire a bullet into their heads. But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to rile them up a bit."

He pointed over to a closet in Danzo's office, and this caused Danzo to develop an evil smile onto his face. Sasuke in a sense, was right, that they needed to eliminate the protection that both Asahi and Honoka had, and once they were alone, then they could carry out the quick and painful execution.

"How many did you put in there, Sasuke?" asked Danzo, opening the door to his closet and pulling out rockets, bombs, and anything else. "Will it be enough?"

"Enough to eliminate the protection and possibly our targets," answered Sasuke. "Will it work? I am not sure. Will we have to fight? Likely so. But all that matters is that the Royal Monarchs will be dead and the gateway to the throne is wide open for you. They may have powerful magic, but we have even more powerful weapons."

"I love the way your maniacal mind works," laughed Danzo, taking a bomb into his hands and lighting it with a match. "Let's send a message to these people that there will soon be a new ruler in Azura."

Outside, Honoka and her soldiers waited for Danzo to make his move of either to surrender or fight. Nevertheless, they were armed to the teeth, preparing for anything unexpected that could happen.

"Shall we prepare to storm the doors, Your Majesty?" asked a soldier.

"Let us give them a few more minutes," Honoka replied. "It is nearly dawn. How long has it been since we started this standoff?"

"About five hours, Your Majesty," remarked the guard, looking at a clock tower not far from the City Hall. "These people are very strong-willed to have been in the position that they are in."

"Yes, yes they have, young one," sighed Honoka, who was already starting to become more and more tired. "Danzo will not rest until he gets what he wants and I can assure you that he won't be taken alive. If anything does happen, it will be his own doing, not ours."

Just then, the window to Danzo's office opened, and Honoka got into a battle stance along with the rest of her platoon.

"Danzo Shimura!" called Honoka, using her Royal Kimon voice. "Surrender to us now and we will not storm your office!"

From inside the office, Danzo laughed and once the fuse was nearing its end, he tossed the bomb out the window and Honoka's eyes widened.

"Get back!!" she screamed and the bomb landed on top of them, exploding and sending several of the soldiers flying. Honoka wisely activated her shield spell to protect herself and some of the soldiers from the blast. "You dare to fight us, Shimura?! Then take this!!"

Angrily, Honoka fired a powerful magical blast at the window, destroying it. Some of the glass hit both Danzo and Sasuke, but the two of them were not going to back down easily. The two men responded by lighting firecrackers and bombs out of the window, causing Honoka and her guards to spread out and take cover at any spot they could find.

"You'll never take us alive, Chaos Galaxia!" screamed Danzo as he threw a firecracker into the window across from his own. "It's evil monsters like you that don't deserve to live, let alone serve Azura!"

To finish his statement, Danzo took his pistol and quickly scanned for any sign of Honoka. Then, he looked up and saw a group of soldiers on flying horses soaring towards the city hall. Seeing that it was Asahi, he aimed it right at him.

"Asahi, watch out!!" shouted Honoka to the flying group, and upon hearing this, they split up, much to Danzo's frustration. One-half of the flying group flew to the right and then came back right towards the hall.

Another magic blast was fired at the building, but this magic was white-colored and striking the left side of the building. In fact, the blast was so strong that it tore a hole in the wall of Danzo's office. But Danzo was unfazed.

"Finally, you're here," he gasped and aimed his pistol at Asahi again, who was now clad in silver battle armor.

Firing a bullet, Danzo watched with evil intent, hoping that somehow the bullet could bypass the protection Asahi would impose on himself and his platoon. However, that wasn't to be the blast fired from the pistol ricocheted, and much to his shock, Asahi was aiming directly for Danzo. Before he could refire his gun, Asahi flew through the window and took down Danzo while some of Asahi's guards took on Sasuke. Seeing that her husband was in mortal danger, Honoka motioned for several of her guards to storm the doors.

"Hurry!!" she called, pointing to a building beam laying down on the ground. "You three, pick up that beam and break down the doors!"

Using all of the strength that they could muster, the night soldiers managed to break down the doors and easily overpower any bodyguards that tried to fight back. But Honoka was not going to rest easily and she quickly dashed up the stairs, walking over any dying soldiers that laid on the stairs. Once she got upstairs to Danzo's office, Honoka was horrified to see her husband on his back, trying to defend himself from Danzo's fury.

"Now I've got you right where I want you," he laughed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what appeared to be a kunai. "Say goodbye, Emperor Asahi!"

Asahi continued to struggle but realized that unless something were to happen quickly, he was going to die at the hands of a demented mayor. Before he could be killed off, however, Asahi managed to use one of his legs to whack Danzo on the side of his stomach. Getting back to his feet, Asahi fired another blast of magic at Danzo, who quickly shielded himself with his desk. Honoka also joined in the fight, firing several blasts of magic at Danzo. By then, the battle was very much in favor of Asahi and Honoka as Sasuke and Danzo were soon overpowered by the combined couple's forces.

"There is no more reason to fight us, Shimura," said Asahi. "I have made a grave mistake by appointing you to this position. Now you will suffer the consequences of your actions."

"What are you going to do about it?" hissed Danzo, who then opened his torn shirt. "Kill me? Because if that's what you should do, go on! Place your sword into my heart! Come on! Do it!"

But the couple were not going to comply and instead motioned for several guards to come forward and wrestle Danzo down to the ground, restraining him.

"Not today, Shimura," said Asahi firmly. "You are hereby under arrest for major crimes against Azura."

Then he turned towards the restrained Sasuke, who was being held by several guards.

"And as for you," thundered Asahi. "You are also hereby under arrest for being an accomplice to public enemy number one, Danzo Shimura."

"He is a Deputy Mayor!" cried Danzo, only to be met with a cold slap in the face by Honoka.

"Who is guilty of his own actions just as much as you," retorted Honoka firmly. "Take them away to the dungeons, my fellow loyal warriors, and lock them up! Soon, all of Azura will know the real intentions of you both."

As quickly as it began, the firefight was over and the battle to capture Danzo Shimura and Sasuke Uchiha was over. But the war was far from over as a trial of mammoth proportions would soon begin.

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