Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace

By SilverButterfly2021

7K 383 895

Shi Qingxuan is organising the Bian Zhuang Huanghou Xuan Mei Festival, or put simply, Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace... More

1. Xie Lian returns to Paradise Manor; Hua Cheng has a visitor
2. A trip to The Wind and Water Temple
3. Hua Cheng's strange business acquaintances
4. Shi Qingxuan explains his clever idea
5. Xie Lian gets dragged down
6. Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace
7. Auditions are held in Puqi Shrine
8. Choreography rehearsals at The Wind and Water Temple
9. Ling Wen as director of ceremonial and etiquette
10. Hua Cheng takes proper care of Gege
11. Xie Lian meets an old acquaintance
12. Enter the style advisors
14. Nightfall at The Wind and Water Temple
15. Shi Qingxuan presents the dragrace's judges
16. Hours before, the contestants get ready
17. The deities show some dance moves!
18. Back at the work room, the queens get ready once again
19. The dragrace starts; enter the drag queens - Part 1
20. The dragrace starts; enter the drag queens - Part 2
21. Let's hear the judges' critiques
22. Under the magical binding oath, Hua Cheng casts his vote
23. The Guoshi of WuYong and XianLe casts his vote
24. Pei Ming casts his vote, but something is not right
25. Shi Qingxuan's, the last and final vote
26. The attendees cast their votes with the help of a special guest
27. The queen of Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace is...
28. Pei Ming makes a big mistake
29. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's great escape
30. Shi Qingxuan visits Qiandeng Temple and makes Xie Lian an offer
31. Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace, the talk of The Three Realms

13. Heaven's Eye and the cultivators get dragged in

191 13 18
By SilverButterfly2021

Shi Qingxuan had the utmost confidence in the success of his festival, and he was ambitious; he thought attendees from the Royal Capital only wasn't enough, and it wasn't fair either, limiting this spectacular and ground-breaking event to the capacity of The Wind and Water Temple.

He thought a special talisman could be devised to make anyone able to see the festival on their dreams; anyone who purchased it, that is. Xie Lian, who was a skilled cultivator, was charged with the task. He was left in awe of Shi Qingxuan's entrepreneurship, and had to borrow some spiritual energy from Hua Cheng to perform the incantations, but neither him nor Hua Cheng didn't mind!

Shi Qingxuan arranged these talismans to be available in other regions too, and for that he counted with the help of monks and cultivators and their main representative, Heaven's Eye. At first he refused, saying the talismans reeked with the essence of evil; but as Shi Qingxuan promised a large donation to his sect, he agreed to be of service.

As not to lose face and to make some cash on the side, Heaven's Eye devised protection charms exclusively for the dragrace. The cultivators' attitude, highly suspicious of an event organised with the help of Hua Cheng, helped greatly the merchandising of both dream talismans and protection charms; everyone secretly drawn to such an outrageous festival.

Heaven's Eye also managed to guarantee attendance for himself and representatives of other sects to the festival, with the excuse of keeping watch on anything unseemly, but guiltily yearning to be present in such a never-seen-before event.

Shi Qingxuan approved of that, willing to diversify the public, and naturally having bands of cultivators in the audience just added credibility to the festival; and they wouldn't start anything troublesome with Hua Cheng being present.

So the talismans were spread far and wide across the land, and at the fated day, at nightfall, whoever wouldn't attend Shi Qingxuan's Dragrace at The Wind and Water Temple in the Royal Capital, went to bed exceptionally early as not to miss anything.

We can all sense the essence of evil and don't we love it? 😉 😉😉

Thank you for reading! 

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