Saved From Stoning

By rockstarninja89

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The Ultimate Crossover from Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, Hamtaro, Digimon, Gundam Seed... More

Chapter One: Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone
Chapter Three: A Monster of Pure Evil
Chapter Four: Surrounding City Hall
Chapter Five: Battle With The Devil
Chapter Six: You Are Much Better Than This
Chapter Seven: Phoenix Wright, Attorney General
Chapter Eight: Manfred von Karma, Defense Attorney
Chapter Nine: How Dare You Destroy My Marriage?
Chapter Ten: Arraigning the Defendants
Chapter Eleven: Kazuya Watanabe in the Hospital
Chapter Twelve: Opening Arguments
Chapter Thirteen: Your Loyalty or Your Life
Chapter Fourteen: Isolated From Society
Chapter Fifteen: Sasuke Uchiha is Silenced
Chapte Sixteen: I Was Left With No Choice

Chapter Two: You Are Very Lucky To Be Alive

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By rockstarninja89

Upon being saved from her tormentors, the beaten and bruised woman from Konohagakure was brought into Kimon Castle and examined for any major injuries she had sustained. While she was being treated, both Asahi and Honoka were wondering how such a woman would be subjected to such horrors.

"Asahi, I cannot help but wonder," sighed Honoka as she and Asahi thought about the situation in the throne room. "That a young woman would be subjected to such horrors of this nature. Why do you think that somebody would allow something like this to happen?"

"That is something that I also have strong wonders about," replied Asahi, sitting on his throne. "Who is the mayor of Konohagakure?"

"As far as I can remember," remarked Honoka, "a man that seemed to be very questionable when it came to his true beliefs when we appointed him."

But before she could say the name, Honoka struggled to get the name out.

"Out with it, Honoka!" snapped Asahi, hitting his foot on the throne. "We both know who we are talking about! Trust me, I know now that we regret having appointed him as a candidate to be mayor of Konohagakure!"

Honoka realized that she couldn't keep the name hidden forever and knew now that she needed to spill out the name.

"Mayor Danzo Shimura!" she blurted out in a fit of rage. "A man who is a traitor to all of Azura for what he has done, no matter how hard he promised to change his ways! Why didn't we see this coming, my love? We need to do something that we should have done a long time ago and that is removing him from his seat of power!"

Asahi knew that his wife was right. But he was very much hesitant about disciplinary actions because he always believed in second chances to whoever he felt deserved a second chance. Falling silent for a second, Asahi lowered his head in thought and then suddenly became angry.

"Yes, Honoka-chan," he said quietly. "I've given Mayor Shimura so many chances and look at what he has done behind our backs, coming up with laws and acts that we would never approve! This act has done nothing more than prove to me that something needed to be done."

"I, for one, completely agree with your decision, my love," remarked Honoka, walking over towards a window looking down on the streets of Kimon City. "Ever since the end of the Mantis War and I have given up on being Chaos Galaxia, you and I have vowed to help protect the people that look up to us throughout Azura. But I will not rest until this man with a black heart is removed from his position."

Asahi was reluctant to go by this strategy, but they had to abide by their policies on how to deal with certain situations such as this. After all, Asahi could well remember how Sofia Carson had tried to warn them about Maleficent during the Royal Wedding without any physical evidence whatsoever.

"Perhaps we can start by asking the woman whom we saved from the mob," suggested Honoka. "If she is accused of adultery, then perhaps we should give her the right to explain why."

No sooner did Honoka say this that several people clad in white coats came into the room with the pink-haired woman behind them. Bowing to the rulers, they rose to their feet and beckoned the woman to come forward.

"I see you have been healed," remarked Asahi to the woman, who was still frightened by her experiences, although she smiled briefly. "How is she feeling?"

"She is recovering very nicely from her injuries as you and your wife can see, Your Majesty," replied one of the doctors. "However, it appears that she has been saying something that I think is meant for both of you."

The woman tried to speak but was quickly interrupted by the other doctor, who wanted to finish what he and his colleague wanted to say to the couple about the woman's condition.

"But it appears that there is evidence of bruises that we believe are attributed to more than one person," said the other doctor, motioning for the woman to step forward to show the couple her wounds. "As you can see, these bruise markings are deep colored which means the pain that this poor soul went through is far deeper than anything imaginable. We also found cuts and bruises that we had to bandage, including here above the right eye."

The doctor pointed to the markings and both Asahi and Honoka looked at each other with worried glances. It seemed to them that there was no doubt in both of their minds that this woman was being prepared for death and an unlawful death for that matter. As the doctors spoke, the woman was already starting to grow very uncomfortable at how she was being presented.

"Thank you for describing to us what happened," said Asahi, raising his hand to silence the doctors. "But if you don't mind, we would like to speak with her in private."

"As you wish, Your Majesties," the doctors said and they bowed to Asahi and Honoka before turning around to leave the throne room.

Once they were gone, the royal couple were left alone with the woman who was relieved to not be used as a model to show off her wounds.

"We apologize for putting you through that, milady," said Asahi as he and Honoka looked at the woman. "But we are starting an investigation into what has happened to you. However, we cannot start the investigation unless we know what has been going on in Konohagakure."

"Perhaps you can start by telling us your name," added Honoka, talking in a gentle voice. "And remember, we are here to help you seek justice for what has happened to you."

The woman was hesitant to talk, but knowing that the royal couple would give her sanctuary out of pure generosity, talking to them was how she could repay them for their hospitality.

"If I tell you what happened," she said in a very scared and nervous voice. "Will you promise that you won't tell anyone else?"

"That is something we can't guarantee," replied Asahi. "Because whatever you tell us can help us find whoever allowed this act to fall upon you and then, they can be charged for their crimes. But if you don't mind us asking, what is your name, milady?"

"My name is Sakura Uchiha," answered the woman nervously. "I am the wife of Sasuke Uchiha, Deputy Mayor to Danzo Shimura, the mayor of Konohagakure."

"Yes, go on," said Honoka, wanting to hear more but Asahi silently reminded her of the severity this woman had been through. "We are listening to what you wish to say to us. Tell us about what your husband Sasuke has done to you."

Sakura struggled to pull herself together and turned away from the couple, shuddering in fear. This caused both Asahi and Honoka to feel concerned.

"Are you all right?" asked Asahi concernedly.

"I'm all right!" cried Sakura, with her body trembling in fear. "It's just that...he said that I was his wife and I would never leave him. He's a monster, Your Majesties. They all are! My so-called husband and those people he works for!"

Both Asahi and Honoka were beginning to wonder just exactly what was going on and they both came to understanding that this was coming directly from the top.

"I can still hear him," sobbed Sakura, with fresh tears flowing down her face as Asahi walked over to drape a hand over her. "How I was...was...going to be the test subject."

"Test subject?" gasped Honoka, appalled along with her husband. "What test subject?"

"!" cried Sakura. "That...people who object to laws by Danzo would be killed...without a trial!"

Both Asahi and Honoka were absolutely shocked and appalled by this revelation and were now beginning to believe this was a law that was unconstitutional to their beliefs and was going to be carried out without their approval.

"I know you are still traumatized, my dear," said Honoka, with her face stoned yet sympathetic. "But what has your husband done to you to make you want to betray him?"

But Sakura couldn't say anything and just sobbed her heart out into Asahi's chest. Both of them realized that they were dealing with a doubly troubling situation that they would both much rather not get involved in.

"You don't have to answer the question," said Asahi to Sakura comfortably. "In fact, you are welcome to stay here as long as you want, Sakura, away from the people who would want to hurt you. In fact, based on what we have heard, you are very lucky to be alive."

"Oh thank you!" sobbed Sakura as she continued to cry her heart out. "Bless you! Bless you both!"

A little while later, Sakura was escorted by Asahi and Honoka to a guest room not far from their quarters and both of them realized the magnitude of what was going on.

"This is a perverted and twisted matter, my love," remarked Honoka as she and Asahi walked from Sakura's quarters. "Something tells me that this is the beginning of a long and difficult investigation."

"We've faced plenty of these situations before, Honoka," sighed Asahi. "However, we need to learn about this Sasuke and why he would carry out such violence against an innocent woman like Sakura. Furthermore, Sakura seems to be a woman that deserves better. Much better."

"I completely agree, my love," replied Honoka. "If you want, I can send for Princess Barbie to help our guest find a better love for herself while we deal with what is going on in Konohagakure with Shimura and his ilk."

At that moment, a guardsman came dashing towards the couple with what appeared to be very urgent news written on a scroll.

"This just came in from a patrol in Konohagakure," said the guard. "A man has been beaten severely by a group of people who claim to be working for Mayor Shimura. They are taking him to the Hot Dog Hills General Hospital for treatment and it's unknown if he will even survive."

Both of them looked at the scroll for a few moments and then took their eyes off, with furious glances on their faces.

"Take some fellow guards with you and once you find the guilty ones, bring them here for questioning," ordered Asahi in an ice-cold voice." I want nothing more than to put an end to Shimura's reign forever. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the guard as he quickly dashed away down the hall, while Asahi and Honoka walked up to one of the towers of Kimon Castle.

"What do we do now?" asked Honoka as they walked over to the edge and summoned the flying royal carriage.

"We start our investigation," answered Asahi and took to the air, heading towards the Hot Dog Hills General Hospital, and with a little luck, the man who was beaten within an inch of his life would be able to talk.

This was going to be the beginning of a long and difficult investigation for the royal couple.

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