Remedy (ShinKami Story)

By Lost-And-Never-Found

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Book 2 to Diseased. Takes place a few more years into the future from Chapter 40 (or was it 41?) of Diseased... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 7

308 8 1
By Lost-And-Never-Found

The next morning, Denki woke up early so that he could meet up with Shira and show her around Japan. Once the taxi arrived at the hotel that Denki's friend was staying at, he entered the building and walked up to the front desk. He wanted to find a good hotel near the district he lives in, but by the looks of it, Shira had already found it. The gentleman looked up and noticed Denki straight away.

"Hello sir. How can I help you today?"

"I'm here to see Ottermen Shira? She's staying in this hotel."

"Certainly. I'll get her room number for you and then you can head straight up."


As the man was getting the details. Denki looked over to a bunch of people standing in a group. He saw them whisper and have surprised looks on his face.

"Ottermen Shira. Floor 5. Room 6."

"Cheers for that."

As Denki turned around, he did one of the most stupid things he could possibly do. He did his signature pose when in in his hero persona.

"OMG! IT'S THE STUNGUN HERO; CHARGEBOLT!" one of the girl screams, grabbing the attention of everyone else in the hotel.

It was at that moment that Denki realised that he did dumb. Everyone started to run at him. He went to the elevator and stood inside. Pressing the button for floor 5, he waited in annoyance as the doors seemed to be taking forever to close. Not even bothering to wait, he bolted from the elevator, only to have the doors close after he hoped out.

"You've got to be shitting me!" He headed for the stairs as he heard the thundering of footsteps behind him and the squeals and cries of his many fans.

When he reached the stairs, he flung open the doors and raced up the stairs, trying to out run the relentless fans. When he eventually reached the 5th floor, he threw open the door and looked, frantically, for room 6. When he did find it, he knocked on the door with rapid pounding. People were getting closer. The door opened and Shira's head popped out.


"You ready?! Great! Let's go!"

"What are you-!"

Denki ripped Shira from her room and the door closed with a click, signalling the door being locked. Denki pulled the girl through the halls. He dragged her to the elevator doors, only to have them open and a flood of fans spill out. Turning around, people were spilling from the stairs.



The duo jumped out the window, Denki using his electricity to propel them to the roof of the building across the street. When they connected with the roof, they both army rolled to a stop.

"What the hell is going on, Denki?!"

"I'm so sorry, ShiShi...!"

"ShiShi... I haven't heard that nickname in a long while. But what the FUCK is going on?!"

"Well... Being a Pro hero, you have many fans and can't get a break in public spaces. They're relentless. Anyway. Let's get going shall we?"


As they walked and talked, they found a coffee shop to sit at and continue talking. As they sat and drank their drinks, Denki got a phone call. Shinso.

"Hey, Toshi! What's up?"

"Where are you?!"

"What do you mean?! What's wrong?!"

"There's a villain on the loose in the city centre. Are you nearby?"

"Yeah. Shira and I are at STREAMER."

"Good. Could you handle it? I was called to do so but I can't as I have to look after Hikori."

"Sure thing! Shira and I can handle it. Tell me everything you know."

Denki and Shira bolted from the café. Placing his ear piece in, he connected Shinso to the earpiece, so that he could fight and listen at the same time. They ran through the streets until they saw pedestrians running in the opposite direction.

"Talk to me TOSHI!"

"Sorry! Their quirk is classed as maze. They can lift any material; being earth, ice, fire, etc. to create mazes to trap their victims in. They can also change the maze every few seconds so if you think you've found a way out, it will lead straight to a dead end."

"A lot of information to process there, Hitoshi! Simplify it for me!"

"He can create mazes from any material, and it will cause you to go mad and crazy in if you get trapped within!"




When they came face to face with the villain, they found others fighting the villain also. There were his old classmates; Ojiro, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama, Bakugo and Deku. Denki and Shira ran up to them and joined the fight.

"Chargebolt! Nice of you to help!" Deku cried.

"But I thought we asked for Mind Fuck!" Ground Zero, Bakugo, cursed.

"He had to stay home and look after Hikori! Besides, I was nearby!"

"Who have you got there?" Yaoyorozu asked as she created a metal staff.

"You guys remember my old Australian friend, Shira? Right?"

"Yes. I remember her. Isn't she the one that can create shurikens from her hands?" Tsukuyomi asked.

"YEP! Now, how are we going to defeat this guy?!"

"I don't know! He can manipulate his body into different materials and create mazes from his own body. He can do both separately." Deku explained.

"Yeah, so all of our attacks are having no affect. He's keeping his body in leaf form." Tailman, Ojiro, cried as he went to land an attack but fell straight to the ground.

"Oui! My laser has no affect! It just goes straight through and hitting the buildings behind him!" Aoyama added.

"Same here with my explosions!"

The ground started to shake and concrete walls rose up around them and separating them into pairs. You could hear Bakugo curse from where ever he was positioned.

"Who's with who?!" Deku cried.

"I'm with Shira!" Denki replied.

"Tailman's with me!" Yaoyorozu, Creati, added.

"Aoyama and I have been paired!" Tsukuyomi called.

"Alright! I'm with Kacchan! Just keep each other safe!"

Denki and Shira moved through the maze for what seemed like hours. Every time they found a possible exit, they ran straight into a dead end. After about two hours, Denki just stopped in his tracks, Shira collapsing to the ground.

"We're never gonna get out of here..." Shira sighed.

"No! We will! We have to!" Denki replied as he frantically looked around. "We have to!"

"We can't Denki! Every time we find a possible exit, we're closed further in and even more confused than before!"

"I have to get outta here...!" Denki collapsed to the ground, outta breathe. His ear piece started to ring. He answered it by pressing a button on the small device and he let out a sigh of relief as Shinso's voice spoke.


"Hitoshi! What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, except..."

"Except what?!"

"Hikori's manifested his quirk...!"



"What is it?! What's his quirk?!"

"A combination of both electricity and brainwashing."

"Are you- Are you serious?!"

"Yep! You need to come home!"

"I can't!"

"Why not? Is the villain still not defeated?!"

"Nope and to make things worse; he's trapped us in a maze...!"

"Shit. I'm sorry I-"

"Hitoshi?! HITOSHI?! FUCK!"

All communication had been cut. To make matters even worse; Hikori had manifested his quirk and Denki was unable to go home and see him. Panic and distress had settle in Denki's stomach. He rose to his feet and tried to find somewhere to get out.

"We have to get outta here!"

"We can't Denks! It's useless! We've been going in circles."

"But we have too, Shira! We have too!"

"Listen to me, Denki Kaminari!" Shira got right up in the male's face. "We can't get out of here. We're in an endless maze of insanity. There is no way of escaping. Your electricity is useless and my Shurikens have no effect on concrete. Just give up."

"GIVE UP?! My. Son. Has just manifested his quirk and I'm not there to be with him. I don't want to get outta here, I need to get outta here. And for your information; Heroes don't Give Up."

Denki moved from Shira and pulled out his phone. He called each person from the pairs. Bakugo, Yaoyorozu and Ojiro. He placed it on video chat.

"I have an idea."

"What is it Chargebolt?" Deku asked.

"I just got a call from Hitoshi that Hikori had just manifested his quirk so I desperately need to get outta here. So listen up; The maze is made from concrete, yes? We'll, Aoyama and Ground Zero can use your quirks to break the concreate while Creati can create something that will blast through the concreate."

"What about you, Chargebolt? You have to get home." Creati added softly and sternly.

"You guys get out first and then we'll work from there. Shira and I will try and find our own way out."

Everyone nodded and ended the call from their ends. It was a plan that would take time but for Denki and Shira, it wasn't a plan that they could afford to fail. If they failed, Shira would never get back home to Australia and Denki will never be able to see his family again.

1529 words

Sorry for a late, but worthy update!

Please don't be mad, life is being a real pain in the ass.

And thank you to @ichyhot_26 for the encouragement to update this story! So shout out to them!


See you all in the next update of either this story or We're All Defective.

Look out for updates for both.

BYE! J =U^.^U=

P.S. Once I've finished We're All Defective, Remedy will take priority and I will hopefully work on one story at a time.

That's the plan anyways...

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