Couldn't be me (Sasuke Love S...

By dripdrop11203

1.3K 22 23

"Sorry Aiya, but, they're all dead" "Wh-what" "An S-ranked criminal named Senso Kenka killed them all, I'm so... More

New Start
Bell Test
Missions and favors all in one
The Familiar Rogue
The Familiar Rogue (Part two)
Aiya vs Haku
What happened?
Chunin Exam Application

Team 7

167 2 2
By dripdrop11203

It was lunch break so I was walking down the path and I see Sasuke running towards me with absolute joy in his eyes.

"There's no way that's him, he's acting just like Naruto"

"Wait a sec"

I narrowed my eyes at the boy as he passed me.

"Hey Aiya-chan," he said still running.

"Oh wait it is Naruto"

"What did he do this time"

"My guts tell me I should go find Sasuke"

I retrace Naruto's steps and find myself back at the Academy.

"Is he here"

"Yes, go around the building and jump up"

I followed her instructions and sure enough, I find the duckbutt boy all tied up. He looked very pissed. As I walked towards him, his expression turns into confusion. I carefully rip off the tape that was covering his face so he could speak.

"What are you doing here"

"Well I saw a happy-go-lucky version of you pass me by and I couldn't help but be curious, now tell me, how did Naruto manage to tie you up"

"He just caught me off guard with that shadow clone jutsu," he looked away probably embarrassed.

"Oh right, he did tell me he learned that new trick, so do you need help getting out"

"I'll be fine," he said as he used a body replacement jutsu."Where is Naruto and why did he transform into me"

"Seriously, your smart can't you figure it out"

"Just tell me"

"I'll give you a hint"

He just looked at me curiously.

"Sakura is on this team"

His eyes widen as he dashed out of the room. I couldn't help but let out an amused laugh.

I walked back towards the park to see Sakura squealing and blushing. The sight of her made me slightly cringe.

"He didn't do what I think he did, did he?"

"She's not passed out on the floor so he probably didn't go that far"

"Did he chicken out, that's not like him"

"Maybe something happened"

"Oh well, I don't care anyways"

When I was about to leave, I heard Sakura talking to Sasuke but I chose to ignore it until something she said caught my attention.

"You know, he doesn't have any parents, right"

Sasuke and I both gave her a death glare but she didn't notice and kept talking.

"He selfishly does whatever he wants! My parents would get mad at me if I did something like that! There are no parents to nag you if it's just you alone. So his selfishness comes out at various times!"

At this point I was pissed.

"I'm gonna drop-kick this bitch"


Sasuke was about to say something but I cut him off.

"You should really shut up"

"What," Sakura says turning to face me and Sasuke does the same.

"You heard me"

"But I wasn't even talking to you"

"Well I'm talking to you right now"

"Get her girl!"

"What makes you think you understand Naruto at all. You know nothing about him. That 'loneliness' you talk about, what do you even understand about that. Well let me tell you something, it's a lot worse than being scolded by your parents. It's not having anyone to greet you when you wake up or come home. It's not having anyone to laugh with or talk to. It's not having anyone to care about you or what you're doing. It's being all by yourself in a crowded place where you see kids having fun with their parents and the jealousy you feel only thinking why can't I have that or why can't I still have that. Yeah sure Naruto is an idiot and he gets on people's nerves but even after being alone for so long, he has the biggest heart I have ever seen in a person. You're just a spoiled brat who thinks she can get whatever she wants. You know I was pretty upset with the fact that Naruto was on my team because that idiot is sure to get me killed, but, I hate being on a team with you even more."

I walked up to her closer and looked her straight in the eyes.

"You disgust me"

And with that, I purposely bumped into her shoulder and walked away leaving them both behind.

"Damn girl I said drag her not throw her off a cliff"

"Oh please, if there was a cliff near I actually would. She deserved every word I told her and so much more"

"Hey Aiya-chan, what are you doing here," I hear Naruto say running towards me.

"Well if you didn't notice, lunch break is almost over," I say pointing towards the clock on the wall.

"Oh no, I'm going to miss my chance with Sakura-chan," he says and takes off running.

"Poor thing, out of all people he chose to like, it had to be Sakura"

"Yeah, I want him and Hinata to end up together, anyone could notice the big crush she has on him"

"I wonder what she sees in him, the human heart works in a mysterious way"

"You know, beneath the ugly clothes he wears, he's actually pretty cute"

"Whatever, I should go back to the class now since I have nothing else to do"

As soon as I reach the classroom, I walk towards the desk near the window. I put my head down on the desk and I was about to fall asleep when more kids started to walk in. I sighed as I put my head up and stared into oblivion. I didn't notice when someone came and sat right next to me until Hayami told me.

"Don't look now but the cute duckbutt is sitting next to you"

I turned to look at the boy but I was surprised to see he was looking right back at me.

"Can I help you or something," I asked confused.

"I want to ask you a question"

"Ok what is it"

"Do you have parents"

"I did, is that all"


"Yes, did," I say turning towards the window again.

And just like that, I spaced out again.


We all waited patiently for our jounin leader to come. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours.

"There's only one person I know that can be this late"

"It's him"

"No doubt in my mind"

"Well I guess you could take a nap, he probably won't be here for another 20 minutes"

"Okay, wake me up when he comes"

"Got it"

So, I drifted off the sleep.


"Aiya-chan looks so peaceful when she's sleeping... let's wake her," Naruto says with a smug grin.

"Leave her dobe," Sasuke says.

"Yeah you shouldn't care about her," Sakura said in her bratty tone.

"She completely embarrassed me in front of Sasuke-kun. Because of her, he called me annoying. I hate her now SHANNARO"

"Whatever, I have a better idea," Naruto says walking towards the chalkboard.

Naruto then walks over to the door and puts the eraser he took in between the sliding door with a sneaky grin on his face.

"What are you doing Naruto," Sakura asks.

"Pranking the teacher because he is taking too long"

"I doubt that's going to work, our sensei is a jounin after all," Sasuke says.

"Yeah Sasuke-kun's right," Sakura squeals.

"Oh relax, this is just payback for him making us wait this long," Naruto smirks.

Soon after, a gray-haired man entered the room, only to have the eraser fall right on top of his head. Naruto started to cackle, Sakura started to apologize, and Sasuke just looked at him with a deadpanned expression.

"He fell for that, is he seriously a jounin," Sasuke thought.

"Hmm as for my first impression of you guys, well what can I say... I hate you all"

This time they all deadpanned. The man turned to look at Aiya and noticed she was still sleeping. He took out a kunai and threw it right on her desk. Instead of flinching from the sound, she slowly got up and started to rub her eyes.

"What the hell Kakashi, first your late and now you're trying to kill me? Just what did I ever do to you exactly," Aiya asked in an annoyed tone.

"Just saying hi, long time no see Aiya"

"It should have been longer," Aiya said as she rolled her eyes.

"Wait you know him Aiya-chan," Naruto asked her.

"Unfortunately yeah I do," Aiya replies.

"Just as cruel as ever," Kakashi sighs, "Well you all can meet me on the roof." Then he just vanishes into thin air.


Aiya went to sit in the corner and next to her was Naruto. Then came Sasuke and Sakura. They all sat down waiting for their sensei to talk first.

"Ok how about we all get to know each other," Kakashi sensei suggested.

"How," Naruto asked.

"Just state your likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, etc"

"Well how about you go first so we can get the gist of it," Sakura suggests.

"Ok well my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes are none of your business, hobbies... I have plenty and dreams, never really thought about it"

"All he really told us was his name," Sakura whispered.

"Ok, your turn," Kakashi said towards Naruto.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku's that Iruka Sensei treats me to. What I dislike is the three minutes after pouring hot water in the instant ramen. My hobby is eating and comparing ramen! And my future dream... is to surpass the Hokage! And so I'm going to get the entire village to acknowledge my existence!"

"I see..."

"This kid's grown up in an interesting way," Kakashi thought.

"Okay, next"

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like... I mean, who I like is... (looks at Sasuke). And, my hobby is, I mean... (looks at Sasuke). My future dream is... (looks at Sasuke and squeals)"

"And? What about your dislike?"


Naruto starts to cry out while Aiya just rolls her eyes and Kakashi deadpans.

"Girls at her age are probably more interested in love than Ninja Arts," Kakashi thought.

"Well, I don't like the pink bitch either," Aiya thought.


"My name's Sasuke Uchiha. I have lots of dislikes, but no likes in particular"

"Oh..." Sakura said disappointed.

"And... I don't feel like summing up my ambition as just a dream but I do have an ambition! The ambition to restore my clan and without fail... to kill a certain man!"


"He doesn't... mean me, does he?"

"Sure enough, Sasuke's cool"

"That person is probably his brother"

"Most likely yeah"

"I knew it..."

"And lastly," Kakashi says looking at Aiya.

"You already know me Kakashi, I don't have to say anything," Aiya says.

"But most of your team doesn't know anything about you"


"Aiya," Kakashi says in a stern voice and she rolls her eyes.

"Fine, my name is Aiya Hinode, I don't have anything I like or dislike, hobbies... I guess training and other things, and I don't have a future dream," Aiya says bluntly.

"All we found out is that you have hobbies," Sakura said.

"Ok, I said more than Kakashi anyway," Aiya rolled her eyes again.

"You don't have to be so mean you know"

"And you don't have to be so annoying so mind your own business," Aiya spat.

Sakura gasped and hung her head low in embarrassment. Kakashi sighed and Sasuke looked somewhat amused.

"Come on Aiya-chan you can be a little nicer," Naruto said.

"Whatever," Aiya turned her head facing the buildings.

"Anyway, the four of you guys are pretty interesting in your own way. We'll have a mission tomorrow!"

"Yes, sir! What kind of mission?" Naruto happily asked.

"First, we'll do what we can do with just five people"

"Tell me tell me tell me tell me"

"A survival exercise"

"A survival exercise?" Naruto questioned.

"Why are we doing an exercise even though this is supposed to be a mission? We've had more than our share of exercise in the Academy," Sakura says.

"This is no simple exercise"

"Then... then what kind of exercise is it?"

Kakashi starts to evil chuckle and Aiya rolls her eyes and deadpans. They all start to look at him weirdly.

"Hey! What's so funny, Sensei?"

"Uh, well, if I tell you, I know you'll grow disenchanted"

"What," Naruto asks confused.

"Of the twenty-seven graduates, only nine will be recognized as junior ninjas. The remaining eighteen will be sent back to the Academy. In other words, this exercise is an extremely difficult test with a failure rate of 66% or higher!"

"NO WAY," Naruto yelled out.

"We will all meet at the training ground tomorrow at 6 am, make sure to bring your full ninja toolset... oh and I don't recommend eating breakfast or you'll probably throw up"

And with that Kakashi left leaving the genin behind.

Aiya's POV

"I bet he's pulling our tongue with that no eating part"

"Yeah if you don't eat anything you won't have any energy for the exercise"

"I should go home and make sure I have everything I need"

"Make sure to go to the training ground to go over the jutsu's I taught you first"

"Yeah yeah I know"

I get up and without saying anything to anyone I jumped off the roof onto the next building and started running towards an old training ground that no one uses anymore. Once I got there I noticed someone else's presence. I recognized the chakra and sighed.

"Out with it Kakashi what do you want," I say turning to face the gray-haired man.

"Come on Aiya why so cruel," he pouted.

"You know why," I mumbled without thinking.

He sighed and gave me a sympathetic look.

"It's been 5 years Aiya, don't you think you should move on"

"I have moved on Kakashi, I was practically forced to move on," I say raising my voice just a little.

"Yeah but you can't afford to be so anti-social, you're on a team now and things are going to get a little more difficult"

"Listen I know you're worried about me but I promise you im fine, I've cried it out already, I'm over it. And I know I can't bring them back but you can't expect me to open up to people I don't even like"

"What about Naruto, aren't you friends with him"

"Yeah and he already knows"

"Really," Kakashi said with his eyes widened.

"Well when I first agreed to be his friend, he just kept going on and on with the questions and I couldn't take it anymore so I eventually spilled. I mean I had no reason to lie"

"Well that's a start, now you should focus on accepting your teammates"

"Yeah we will see how that goes," I roll my eyes.

"I'm sure it will all turn out fine eventually," Kakashi sensei walks over to me and pats my head gently.

"Stop that," I say as I swat away his hand and he chuckles.

"Well have fun training," he says and leaves.

I start training and little did I know, a certain duckbutt was hiding there the whole time.


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