Touch The Sky

By OnlyOneHan

10.1K 436 84

There it was again a white flash he thought he'd never see.. A confident smirk that made his heart drop as sh... More

01 - Where Do We Start?
03 - Cheap Thrills
04 - Strength
05 - Besties?
06 - The Cult
07 - The Cult Pt. 2
08 - Azure
09 - Alpha
10 - M.I.A.
11 - Transfers
12 - Festival
13 - Festival Pt. 2
14 - Screw The Standards
15 - Retreat Camp
16 - They Don't Know You
17 - Home
18 - Luna
19 - It's Not Trivial
20 - How You Been?
21 - Bippity Boppity Boo A Time Skip For You
22 - First Impressions
23 - Not A Secret Mission
24 - Sports Day
25 - Catch Up
26 - Our Lands I
27 - Our Lands II
28 - Our Lands III
29 - Scar
30 - Too Late?
31 - Instincts
32 - Too Soon?
33 - Miro
34 - Rest Day
35 - Not Again Jiho...

02 - Nameless

991 39 20
By OnlyOneHan

[Johan's POV]

She left.

And none of us stopped her. I mean what are we supposed to say?

Well I guess 'Thank You' would be a start-

"Y-you okay Johan?" Mira asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine"

Avoiding her eyes I glance at Zack who's still looking at where the girl disappeared from.

"I... gotta go" I rush out, running away from them, from this moment, from the feeling of being helpless.

I could hear them calling out, shouting at me to stop, asking me where I'm going; but I ignore all the noises and let my feet lead me away.

Damnit Mira saw all that! She probably thinks I'm pathetic! But that girl thought I was strong? What's wrong with her?

Who doesn't have a name? And who sleeps on the side of the road like that? And those white locks? Is that a disease? And who the hell thinks I'm strong when all I do is get beat up? But most importantly WHY THE HELL DOES MY FACE FEEL HOT??

Crashing into my house and bolting to my room, the only point I finally stopped moving is when I buried my face in my pillow after I plopped onto my bed.

The whole event replaying in my head like stuck disk.

Her smile, her voice, her hair, her eyes, her words, why the hell am I thinking about her??

Ugh this sucks.....

I can't get her out of my head.

The next few days went on as always. Nothing new or exciting happening. Well except for the fact that the bullies have started to hit me less. It's like after that day, all the bullies that looked at me would shudder away in fear. I don't know if I like it or not.. like a feeling of uneasy because it used to be a part of my daily routine..

Hah isn't that pathetic? I can't feel happy about not getting beat up..


I wonder where she might be.. I mean if she sleeps on the street doesn't that mean she's in the neighbourhood? I wonder if I'll get to meet her again..

Wait why the hell do I want to meet her again??

Well I didn't say thank you..

So I should meet her again! As common courtesy! Not like I wanna see her or anything, just to thank her!

That is if it is even possible..

"Johan, I'm leaving be careful and take care of yourself while I'm gone-" mom's voice breaks me out of thought and only after did I hear the rustling sounds of her getting ready to leave, "-if you're gonna head out please make sure to lock the doors".

"Okay mom, are you going to that new church today?" I shuffle towards her with my hands in my pocket.

"Mhm stay safe sweetie" she hums placing a kiss on my forehead before turning to leave.

And a few minutes after she did, I changed clothes and made sure everything was locked before stepping out myself.

What? With mom gone everything in that house screams lonely and that is a feeling I can feel good enough without the house reminding it to me like a programmed clock.

I drag my feet across the streets watching everyone continue their daily life in glee. Hah I don't even have anyone to call a friend here. Everyone's just carrying their daily routines like they aren't wishing for a better life right this moment.

A few hours pass and I felt like I've toured the whole neighbourhood. I let out a sigh trying to ignore this nagging disappointed feeling,

I couldn't see her.


Jesus Christ that was loud. Frick abort mission and move move move. Away from the crowd that could have head my stomach calling out to the whales undersea.

I fast-pace into a shop at the corner of the street and ask for one bowl of ramen as I sit down. I gobbles down a few bites before glancing around the tent, my eyes dancing off to the other 6 tables that were set underneath it.

That is till I saw a familiar hooded figure cleaning up one of the tables far from me.

Where have I seen that hoodie before?

Damn I am too small to already be forgetting stuff.

But before I could get another glance of it they have disappeared from my sight.

"Who you looking for lil pup?"

A familiar sweet voice makes me jolt only to make  eye contact with the same blue orbs that dazzled me before.

"You..." I breathe out unconsciously just gazing at the soft confused smile and fragile beauty that entranced me just the same that day.

"You were looking for me? Awe so cute!" She chirps smiling sweetly placing a glass and filling it with water infront of me, "But why? Awe is it to say thank you? Or say something corny like 'I feel on love with you the first time I saw you'?".

"T-to say thank you for that day.. a-and to thank you since they started to avoid me after that" I utter out the heat creeping up my face, eyes lowered unable to continue the eye contact.

"Awe, well you're welcome, have a nice meal" she waves walking away just a swiftly as she came.

Well I said it.

And I found out why that hoodie was familiar.

Now I got no reason to think about her right? I'm sure I'll stop thinking about her now..

But against my resolution my eyes kept searching for her every now and then as her small figure went on working at each corner of the stall, cleaning the tables, serving other customers and sweeping the ground every now and then. Damnit why do I keep looking at her? C'mon stop being a pervert!

"Hey white hair! That's enough. C'mere doll" the owner calls out to her in a disgustingly sweet voice, that made me unconsciously glare daggers at him as she obediently listened and placed the tray down after reaching him.

"You earned your meal here so you're free to go" he states smirking slightly, "-but you know you can continue working under me and earn your free meals everyday. I promise I'll take care of you well~".


Isn't he old enough to be her father!?!

"Thanks for the offer gramps but imma pass" she replies in the most calm manner.

"Gramps? I'm not that old kid!" He states sounding a bit irritated.

"I dunno, I'm 14 so you're probs a granpa to me, I mean if you had a daughter even she'd be older than me right? So I'd be like a granddaughter to you, thanks for taking care of me like you would for your own granddaughter, but I can't take that offer" she shrugs.

So she IS my age. Great that's what I got from all that.

"Hmph whatever get lost" he said suddenly sounding regretful avoiding looking at her.

And with that she smiles and bows down to the owner leaving the shop completely oblivious that I was still here.

Did she just ignore me?

I quickly got up paid for my meal and rushed out behind her.

"Hey!" I call out making her pause and turn on her heels to face me.

" Hmm?" She hums tilting her head.

"W-where you heading?" I fumble out looking to the side avoiding her eyes again. Damnit I DID NOT think this through.

Whatever let's just go with the flow. Please we suck at that!

"Umm.. I don't know probably gonna circle around the place for a while".

"O-oh..." I stutter out taking one small glance at her before looking away again in every direction but her.

Damn what now?

I'm guessing she noticed I had nothing to really say, cause she let out a small giggle that made me peek at her with a burning face.

Her entire face looked so soft and affectionate, like I was a shy cat she picked up on the street, "You wanna tag along for a while?".

Fumbling with my finger I nod my head the heat creeping onto my cheeks once again.

"Well then come along" she says gesturing forward as she turned around to continue on her path.

And with that I walk beside her glancing at her at every chance I got.

Jesus I really am a creep. Heck, when did I behave like this before?

"So are you like stalking me?" She asks making me freeze in my tracks, Crap; "-Cause everytime I looked at you you were already staring at me, I I kinda freaked out when you even followed me out".

"N-no I wasn't! it's just you looked so beautifu- I mean enchantin- I mean, I wasn't stalking you, I was just happy to see you- I mean-" I end up groaning frustrated, burying my head in my hands.

Hey ground? Yeah Hi, now would be a good time to swallow me up if you don't mind-

Then a soft sweet sound that calmed down my fast-tracking heart as I slowly lift my head up again see her eyes sparkle as she giggles, "it's alright, I figured you'd be too cute to be someone bad".

I couldn't help smiling as a furious blush cloaked my face.


She thinks I'm cute?

"So where do you wanna go?" She asks tilting her head to a side.

"Umm anywhere you wanna go"

"Well I kinda just roam around the streets and enjoy the neighbourhood"

"Like how?"

"Hmm...." she trails off looking around the place like she was searching for something.

"Ah, what's happening there? c'mon" she beckons as she starts to walk towards a group that was playing some beat. We join the crowd and she smiles clapping along to the beat making me follow suit. Suddenly her entire figure turns to me, eyes sparkling as she beams a smile that me just happy to witness it,

"WAIT, I know this song!"

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