Little shop of horrors

By koolBoione

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Seymour x orin hahahahahaahahahahahhaha doctor and nerd More

Orin x seymour
Orin x seymour pt 2
Orin x seymour pt3
Little shop of homos
Little shop of homos pt 2
Little shop of horrors pt 3
Little shop of homos pt 4
Little shop of homos pt5
Little shop of homos pt 6
Little shop of homos pt 7
Little shop of homos pt 8
Getting off
Some fun now
Jealous much orin
Flirting and hunting look pretty much the same
Plant freak pt 2
Plant freak 3
Plant freak pt 4
Plant freak pt 5
Plant freak 6
Plant freak pt 7
Plant freak 8
Withered flower
After hours ;)
This charming man pt 1
This charming man pt 2
Little shop of homos pt 10?
Little shop of homos pt 11
Little shop of homos pt 12 maybe 11.5
Little shop of homos pt 12
Little shop of homos pt 13
Little shop of homos pt 14
Little shop of homos pt 15

Little shop of homos pt 9

221 4 0
By koolBoione

Little Shop of Homos

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - Contemplation


After an awkward dinner, Seymour takes out the trash. He chats with the urchins before things get tense with Orin

Would just like to apologize for how horny Seymour is in this chapter. He just decided to do that. Enjoy :)
Chapter Text
The restaurant was lovely. Seymour was close to calling it fancy but... This was Skid Row. Nothing here was nice. Unless you counted Audrey.

She looked very nice tonight. Pretty, even. She was wearing a beautiful floral red dress with matching lipstick. It was moments like these where Seymour was sad he wasn't straight. Don't get him wrong, Seymour didn't mind being gay. It was just that, well...

Audrey was perfect. In every way. She was kind, beautiful, kinda smart sometimes. They got along so well. And she liked him. Well, probably not anymore. Seymour imagined that his orientation pointing in the other direction was a bit of a turn off.

Regardless, it would be easy for him to fake date Audrey, because he did  like her. Just not in that way. In another life, they would be in love. They could live happily together in a small house with a picket fence.

But Seymour didn't live in that lifetime. He was in this one. One where he was gay and crushing in his fake girlfriend's ex. Maybe he should switch life times...

"Krelborn!" Mr. Mushnik said, clicking his fingers in front of Seymour's face.

"Oh um, yeah?" Seymour replied, shaking the last of his day dreams away.

"I was askin' how this all happened."

Seymour looked towards Audrey. It was obvious that he was going to take one for the team on this question. "Well, uh... About a week ago I, I confessed my true feelings to Audrey."

Those feelings being 'I'm gay' .

Audrey nodded. "And then he helped me break up with my ex."

Mushnik almost smiled. "When are you two gonna move in together?"

They both froze. "Huh?"

"Well, you were living with that dentist guy, weren't ya? And Krelborn's a bit old for the storage room." He took a sip of the wine. "There's bound to be a nice place around the block you two can call home."

"Oh um..." Audrey looked flushed as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. "W-We haven't exactly talked about it yet, but--"

"We'll start looking real soon!" Seymour said, mostly to get Mr. Mushnik off their case. But also because, wouldn't it be nice to share a flat with a friend? To have an actual room with a real bed? And to share it with his best friend? That sounded like a dream begging to become true.

"Good, good," he replied, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Now that the shop's getting busy, we could use the extra space."

"We sure could."

Mushnik stood up. "I need to take a leak. You two just chat till I get back."

They both waited for him to be out of eyeshot before taking a sigh of relief.

"I thought he would never stop!" Seymour laughed.

"Right? Where is he getting all these questions?" Audrey's laughter died down as an apology fell from her lips.

"I'm sorry for forcing this on you," she said sadly. "Especially since, y'know..."

There was an obvious hint of "because I still have feelings for you" in the air that Seymour failed to pick up on. Instead he just limpened his wrist, assuming that's what she meant. He wasn't entirely wrong, so Audrey smiled.

"It's alright. At least it's you," he said, much to Audrey's surprise.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Well, you're my best friend. There's no one else I'd rather fake date than you."

"Yeah... But again, I am sorry for forcing you into this situation."

"Audrey, don't sweat it," he reassured, taking hold of her hand. "It was a really good lie to come up with on the fly. I just rhymed!"

She squeezed his hand with a smile.

"I leave you kids alone for two minutes," Mr. Mushnik said, pulling out his chair. "And you're already being a pair of love birds."

Their hands parted with a pair of mumbled apologies.

"So," he started to ask, taking a sip of wine, "how many kids do you want?"


Seymour took the trash bags out of the alleyway and placed them in front of the shop. Tomorrow was trash day. And since the trucks only came once a month, it was very important they were out on time.

Seymour remembered one time when he was a kid, he'd forgotten to take the bags out. Needless to say, Mushnik wasn't very happy with him. With no space in the alleyway for two months worth of trash, they had to keep the fresh bags inside. The smell of rotting salmon still haunted him.

"I heard you were dating Audrey now," a voice said from behind Seymour, snapping him out of his thoughts. He turned around to see the urchins.

"Oh, well, yeah. I am now I guess," he said, frozen in place.

"Mmhmm? See, this came as a surprise to us," Chiffon stated in an accusatory tone.

"Especially since Audrey didn't mention it," Crystal added.

"And she tells us everything," Ronette said, glaring at him.

"And also," Chantelle added less aggressively. "I thought you were, yunno..." She limpened her wrist.

"I-I'm not!" Seymour whisper-yelled, not wanting Mr. Mushnik to hear such a damning and truthful accusation. "Why would you think that?!"

"Because, Seymour," Ronette said, walking to stand beside the other girls. "I saw you. The night before last."

"Oh?" Seymour had no idea what she was talking about.

"I saw you with him," she added.

"Oh." He had some idea what she was talking about. "Look, that was a mistake alright."

"Oh, it was  a mistake," Chiffon stated with a glare.

"I didn't-- How was I supposed to know that would happen?" Seymour didn't particularly like thinking about what went down outside the club. That was a lie. He liked  it. And that was a problem. Remembering the way Orin's hand felt in his hair, their hot heavy breaths coming together in the reluctant space between their two longing bodies, his fingers tracing along Seymour's waist... "Look, I, it was... It was bad. Wrong. But I mean, neither of us thought that would happen. Not that anything really did  happen, yunno. We didn't even kiss, so like..."

Seymour looked up to see that the four girls were completely confused.


"Oh, did you..." Seymour felt foolish. "When you said 'I saw you two', did you not mean outside The Gutter?"

"What, no!" Chantelle gasped.

"I was talking about seeing the two of you walking," Ronette clarified with a look that demanded some in return.

"And what the hell were you two doing at The Gutter?" Chiffon asked, taking an accusatory step towards him.

"What she means," Ronette said, tugging Chiffon back, "is what the hell are you  talking about?"

"I-It's nothing," he tried to say in response despite standing in the grave he dug for himself.

"Oh? 'We didn't even kiss' isn't nothing..." Crystal said with a smirk. "Something happened between you two."

Seymour's cheeks flushed before he had a chance to deny anything.

"Oh my god!" Chantelle squealed in excitement.

"Tell me everything!" Crystal agreed, shaking Seymour's shoulders.

"Girls!" Ronette shouted. They both calmed down as they remembered who it was they were talking about.

"Okay, but you still need to tell us everything," Crystal said, trying to mask her excitement with seriousness.

"Well, we... Can I do this later?" Seymour moved towards the shop's entrance, but Ronette stuck out her foot, tripping him up.

He stumbled, barely catching himself.

"You're not going anywhere," Chiffon said, attempting to loom over him.

"You are going to spill everything," Crystal continued, successfully looming over him.

"Well, I broke up with him. For Audrey. And then he invited me out for a boy's night," Seymour started, taking a seat on the shopfront steps. "So, we walked to The Gutter and well. You see, I was dressed badly. O-On purpose, of course."

"Go on," Chantelle said, kneeling down to his level.

"And, well, yunno. So, I guess you could say he tried to fix it?" Seymour felt judged by the other three girls. He almost didn't continue, but when his eyes locked with Chantelle's reassuring gaze, he felt safe enough to admit it out loud. "He started by uh, removing my tie. But well, his hands started to wander and..."

"I-I won't go into detail but uh, I enjoyed it. And I hate myself for it." He looked down at his shoes. "I'm just. I'm so lonely." Why was he saying that? Why was he admitting that to these girls?

"I know he's an awful excuse for a human being," Seymour continued, picking at a loose strand in his ripped jeans. "But it just feels so nice to get attention from someone."

Seymour brought his knees up to his chest. He knew it was pathetic, all of this was. But he couldn't help himself. He couldn't help falling for the first attractive man to touch him. "I know it's stupid. And, I know he doesn't like me. At least, not in that way. And I know  it's a betrayal to Audrey, but..." He sighed, resting his chin on his knees. "I dunno."

"... Jesus, Seymour," Crystal said, bending down next to Chantelle. "How'd ya get yourself in this mess?"

Seymour laughed half heartedly, refusing to look her in the eyes. "I couldn't tell you how."

"Well, he's gone--" Ronette started to say as the sound of a revving engine sped towards them. "Are you shitting me?"

Seymour stood up at the sight of Orin's motorbike. Shit. Shit! Why is he here?

"Good evening," Orin said as his motorbike pulled to a halt outside the shop. He looked at the urchins surrounding Seymour and his eyes narrowed. "These girls botherin' you? Again..."

Ronette turned around, taking a step towards him. "Oh, we ain't bothering nobody. Are we Chantelle?"

"No we are not, Ronette," she replied, standing up.

Crystal followed suit, jumping to her feet. Her expression turned stern as she walked towards him. She stood beside him on the bike, using her natural height to attempt to gain the upper hand. "And just what  do you think you're doing here?"

"Well," Orin said, taking the keys out of the ignition. "I'm here to see him."

His eyes locked with Seymour's. Such a deep intensity and determination embedded into his gaze. Seymour felt like a small sailing boat caught between two crashing waves. He was scared, but felt giddy. As if he wanted to succumb to the storm. To be completely consumed by the roaring waring waves.

That deep penetrating gaze dominated him, and he liked it. Never before had he found a set of eyes that harboured such a magnitude of--

No. No, he hated him. He should tell Orin to leave and never come back.

Seymour gulped. He opened his mouth, ready to say 'you're not welcome here', 'I don't want to see you'. But he was frozen, unable to speak. His words failed him as he said: "Hey man."

All heads turned towards the source of the voice. Towards him.

"I thought you said nothing was going on between you two," Chiffon accused, glaring at Seymour.

He was able to pull his eyes away from Orin, only to be confronted by four sets of judgmental looks.

"Well, I uh--"

"You know what he did to Audrey," Ronette interrupted, making her way back towards him.

"You should be glad she's staying with Juno tonight," Chiffon said, struggling to sound calm.

"What if she had seen him?" Crystal questioned

"Seen him with you." This aggression hurt the most coming from Chantelle. She was usually so kind and sweet. The look of disappointment plaguing her face hurt more than any physical injury.

"I-I didn't know he would--"

"Look, ladies," Orin said, getting off his bike. "I'm sure this is all some kind of misunderstanding."

"The only 'misunderstanding' we have is with you," Crystal said, subtly standing on her tiptoes to gain some height on him.

"You don't seem to understand that..." Ronette said, walking towards him.

"You're not welcome here!" They all said in unison.

"Is that so?" Orin turned to Seymour, a small smile slipped onto his lips. "Do you want me to leave?"

"I..." He couldn't resist. Orin wasn't begging to stay, he wasn't demanding. He was asking. Asking kindly, with a genuine interest. He wanted to know Seymour's opinion. He cared  about Seymour's opinion. He needed to say no. He hated Orin and he wanted him to leave.

Seymour sighed as he sat down on the shop steps. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Chiffon asked, outraged.

"You do  know," Crystal insisted.

"And the answer is..." Chantelle said, looking at the other girls.

"No!" They all shouted.

Seymour looked between Orin and the girls. He felt his heart beating faster, unsure of what to do. He wanted to do the right thing, to tell Orin to piss off. But... He was looking at Seymour so softly.

"You can't pressure him," Orin said gently, a complete contrast to the girl's anger. He walked over, bending down to his level. "What do you want, Seymour?"

He froze at the sound of his name falling from those soft lips. He couldn't pull his eyes away from them. That name, his name. His name coming out of Orin's mouth. That sweet, inviting mouth. His body leaned forward ever so slightly. His mind screamed against it.

I can tell that you're manipulating me, Seymour thought. But as Orin's hand rested on his thigh, thumb tenderly back and forth, he didn't care. At this distance, he could smell Orin's cologne.

Apples. The smell reminded Seymour of that night, of the drink Orin recommended for him. Of a more thoughtful and caring nature hidden beneath his hard exterior.

Everything came rushing back all at once. Hitting him like the waves of a storm. He remembered the soft, mind melting touches. The sweet strokes and heavy breaths they shared.

Orin knew exactly what he was doing, but Seymour didn't have the willpower to resist. He had once again fallen for his charms, helpless. He was at this man's mercy.

"I want you," he said, barely above a whisper.

"Wow, Seymour," Crystal said with a sarcastic slow clap. "You're really showing your loyalties."

Seymour shook his head, slapping away Orin's warm comforting hand that he so desperately wanted to move further up his body. "N-No wait, I didn't--"

"But ya just did." Chiffon folded her arms angrily.

"Have fun explaining all this to your 'girlfriend'," Ronette said with a glare. "I doubt Audrey would be pleased."

Orin narrowed his eyes in confusion, but said nothing.

"Hey now," Seymour said, standing up, trying to ignore the seductive scent. "It's not like that."

"Then what is  it like, Seymour?" Chantelle almost yelled. "Cause the way I see it, you're choosing him over--"

"I'm not picking a side, I'm not choosing anything!" Seymour defended, trying not to get angry.

"Oh really?" Crystal said in an angry laugh. "Cause that's what it looks like."

Ronette walked in front of the two girls, trying to keep her cool. "Look, if you'd just told us the truth about you two from the start, then--"

Seymour cut her off. "I did  tell the truth!"

"Oh yeah," she said, rolling her eyes. "Then explain all of this." She waved her hand in the direction of the two men.

"I..." Seymour took a step forward in an attempt to distance himself from Orin. "I don't know, okay!"

Ronette grabbed the collar of Seymour's shirt, pulling him close.

"Look," she whispered. "If there is something going on between you two, it needs to end. Now."

"Nothing is going on," he replied in a harsh hushed tone.

"Why won't you just be honest?"

"I am!"

Ronette pulled him in closer, staring daggers into his eyes. "Don't think that I won't tell Mushnik about this!"

Seymour glared at her. "You wouldn't..."

"I don't want you hurting my girl Audrey," she said, leaning in to whisper into his ear. "And I'll do whatever it takes to make sure--"

Ronette let go, stumbling backwards.

Seymour looked behind him to see Orin glaring at her as he lowered his arm. Did he push her? What's his problem?

"Why don't you back off?" He threatened, standing over protectively behind Seymour. He looked up at Orin and sighed, his body sagging slightly. Are you really gonna let this man have so much power over you? No. So snap out of it!

"I could say the same thing to you," Ronette challenged. The two stared at each other in uncertain silence before Chiffon spoke up.

"So this  is the kinda people you hang out with, Seymour?"

"I expected better from you..." Chantelle said sadly, turning away. "Let's go."

Crystal quickly followed behind, only turning back to shake her head in disappointment.

"No, Chantelle. Wait!" Seymour said, about to race after them before something stopped him. Orin's hand was clenched in a fist, securing the back of his jacket. Seymour felt like a dog on a leash, unable to chase the squirrels in his own backyard.

"No point following after them," he said, letting go of Seymour's jacket. "You know how women get."

Seymour glared at Orin, sick of his attitude. "You can't just say stuff like that."

He laughed in response, somehow thinking it was a joke. "Well, I'm not wrong."

"Well that doesn't mean it's right to say that about my friends. And what the hell was that?" Seymour angrily shoved Orin's arm, trying to ignore how firm the man's muscles felt.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," he said with a look of concern. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm  okay! What about Ronette, huh?" Seymour flailed his arms around in anger. "You could have hurt her! And then you insult them." He sat down on the step. "I'm just so sick of your attitude. Yunno, this is just like back at The Gutter..."

Orin looked intrigued as he smiled at Seymour's agitated actions and arguments.

"What the hell are you smiling about, huh? Do you think this is funny?!"

"Sorry, it's just," Orin chuckled, locking eyes with him. "Your passion is so..."

A look of desire overtook his gaze. His voice lowered to a sultry whisper. "Invigorating."

Seymour's breath hitched, anger vanishing. He froze in place like a rabbit spotted by a hunter. He stared down the barrel of the rifle, unable to move. To be so easily seized by a few fickle words... He felt so small, so breakable. Not that it mattered. He had been seen. Trapped as his captor callously crept towards him.

But he wasn't afraid of being caught. He was afraid he'd enjoy it.

As Orin looked down at him with that lustful look, each breath brought a sinful shudder. In that moment, Seymour wanted him. So deeply and desperately.

His body yearned to be used. He didn't have much experience with men. Well, any experience. But he was sure he'd like it. That he would relish in being overpowered by him. How Seymour longed for that strong hand to wrap around his throat and--

No, he couldn't afford to think like this. No matter how badly he wanted to cave and kiss the man that stood looming over him.

How would those lips taste?

Seymour managed to avert his gaze as he let out a shaky exhale. What the hell was that?  Seymour was sure Orin was trying to manipulate him or something. But why? What could he possibly hope to gain from doing this? Did Orin like seeing him squirm and blush? How did Orin know exactly which of his buttons to push?

He kept his eyes on the ground till Orin spoke again.

"So Audrey is your..." Orin asked with an unreadable expression. It looked as though he was trying to cover up how he really felt. "Girlfriend?"

"Oh um, we're not actually dating," Seymour started to say. "It was this whole thing in the shop and I'll explain later." He paused. "No I won't! You don't deserve an explanation."

"I'm sorry. For causing such a stir," he said in a tone that seemed genuine. But Seymour couldn't believe him. Orin could just be lying again.

Seymour stood up, both literally and figuratively. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I uh," Orin looked to the floor, fiddling with the strap of his leather glove. "I came to see you."

"O-Oh?" Seymour flushed. What the hell was he playing at? This anxious behaviour made his heart flutter.

"To, uh, return this," Orin cleared his throat and fixed his posture. His hand moved, preparing to undo his jacket.

Seymour watched the metallic zip move down Orin's body, slowly revealing the dentist uniform underneath with every passing second. The way Orin's thumb unnecessarily rubbed circles on the zipper, as if taunting Seymour. How he missed the sensation of Orin's fingers on his skin. The pure pleasurable pressure.

The jacket parted, making way for a wash of white. A pure, pristine shell amongst a sea of black leather. But what was beneath that shell? Was there a pearl inside waiting to be touched and taken? What treasures lay beneath the surface?

He cleared his throat out of shame before looking away. This was his friend's ex. Scratch that, this was his girlfriend's abusive ex. He couldn't be having these thoughts.

But... No!

Seymour looked back to see that Orin was holding a purple tie. His  purple tie. The one Orin had tenderly taken off his neck. As he saw it, the touches and tingles returned, taking over his senses.

He gulped, trying to stop himself from shaking. He wanted nothing more than to push their bodies together and bask in the thrill of their throbbing--

"I wanted to return this," Orin said, bringing Seymour back into reality.

Jesus Christ, pull yourself together Seymour! What's happening to you?  He quickly looked down to make sure everything was under control before smiling.

"Thank you," Seymour said, taking a few steps forward. He paused, looking at the shop behind him. "Do you wanna come? Inside I mean?"

Orin nodded. "Sure."

Seymour opened the door, letting Orin through first. As he passed, Seymour took another sniff of that cologne. He closed his eyes, savouring the sweet scent before making his way inside.

Orin leaned against the shop counter, tie in hand.

"Sorry for leaving that with you," Seymour decided to say. He couldn't think of anything else. He was so confused when it came to Orin Scrivello.

"It's quite alright," he replied, walking towards Seymour. "This isn't the only reason I came?"

Seymour's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" I swear, if you wanted to see Audrey...

"I just wanted to see you."

Seymour froze. He stared blankly at Orin as he tried to process what he'd just said. "M-Me?"

"You see anyone else in the shop?" He asked sarcastically. "I dunno. I know it hasn't been that long, but, we're friends, right?" Orin walked forward again, closing the gap between the two 'friends'.

"Oh um. I-I dunno... I guess?" Seymour was completely lost. He had no idea what was happening. Were they friends? What defines a friend?

"There's a fiery passion inside you, Krelborn," Orin said softly, chewing on the inside of his lip as he looked Seymour up and down. "I saw it the first time we met. And I saw it again when you chewed me out in The Gutter. And again  just outside." He chuckled, tenderly placing his hand on Seymour's cheek. Again.

They were falling into a dangerous pattern. Seymour wasn't sure how much longer they could keep up like this. With Orin touching him this much in these ways, Seymour was bound to make an irreversible mistake.

"Oh, well, you're a fire too!" Seymour said for some reason. The pulsing pressure on his cheek, causing his brain to short circuit.

Orin chuckled, his hand moving to the back of Seymour's head. As the fingers drew circles on the nape of his neck, Seymour's lip quivered. God, it felt good. He wanted Orin's fist to close around hair, force him to his knees.

But he couldn't let this happen.

The fingers stopped moving as if sensing his discomfort. But the hand didn't leave. Instead, it pushed Seymour's head forward. He followed it's movement until his forehead met Orin's.

Seymour's hands reached towards Orin. His left grasped Orin's should, while his right rested in his hair.

He looked up, his eyes locking with Orin's. He quickly darted his eyes away, afraid prolonged eye contact would ruin this. He didn't want anything to pull them out of this moment. He wanted to hold onto it. To grasp it firmly in his hands, refusing to let go.

"You burn so brightly," Orin whispered into Seymour's ear, lowering his voice to a husky, tingly tone. Never before had someone's voice turned him on so much. "It would be a shame for you to waste it in a slum like this."

Seymour waited before he responded, trying not to moan. Orin must've put him under some sort of spell. There was no other explanation for why his presence made Seymour react this way. "T-Th-Thank!"

"Well if I were you," Orin said, pulling their bodies apart. "I sure as hell wouldn't keep that plant of yours under a barrel in a Skid Row dump like this."

"You think so?" He asked, letting his arms fall to his sides.

"I know so. This avocado could be your ticket to the stars," he said, wrapping his arm around Seymour. "You could take it to any florist shop in town and name your price."

Seymour thought about it. That would be nice. Maybe if he sold it, he could save up enough money to move him and Audrey out of this place. But, he loved Twoey. He couldn't bear to part with her.

"Hell, somebody'd make you a goddamn partner  to get their hands on this."

That did sound more appealing. Then he wouldn't have to leave either of his girls. But, Mr. Mushnik... He had done so much for Seymour. No, no, money didn't matter. He could make plenty of that. But he only had one father figure.

"I don't care. I'm happy here," he eventually said after some contemplation.

"You're so damn loyal..."

"Sorry," he instinctively apologized.

"Don't be," Orin replied, stroking his thumb against Seymour's cheek. "That's what I like about you."

Seymour's cheeks were so used to feeling flushed that he didn't even notice. Instead he smiled, his head tilting into the thumb's touch.

Unbeknownst to the two men in the shop, Mr. Mushnik was in the back room. He had heard their voices and started to eavesdrop on their conversation through the door.

"I'm telling you, Krelborn, that Audrey II of yours is a big green goldmine. Get your ass outta this dump, and take this plant with you."

"What?!" Mr. Mushnik whisper yelled to himself.

"Mushnik's Skid Row Florist? Feh, it's like a joke." Orin removed the hand from Seymour's cheek. "You hear me talkin'?"

"I hear ya," Seymour said, seriously considering it. He wasn't sure whether he was just so horny he was susceptible to this influence, or if it was actually a good idea. Either way, he thought about it.

"He hears him?" Mushnik whispered in shock.

"Why are you telling me this?" Seymour asked, so dazed and confused. He couldn't make sense of any of this, of anything that was happening. Why was Orin being so nice to him?

"Because I like you. As a friend," he said, taking hold of Seymour's hands, placing the purple tie between them. "I care about you. You have so much potential, and I don't want to see you wasting away."

Seymour stared down at the tie, unable to look at Orin. "Why... Why are you doing this to me?" He asked in a moment of vulnerability and weakness.

"Because," Orin said, pulling Seymour's hands to his chest. "You deserve better than this."

Seymour stood frozen, unable to comprehend why Orin had said that. Why did he quote that girl from his high school? This was all too much for him.

Seymour let his hands and tie slip from Orin's gentle grip.

"Well, my bike's outside. Double parked," Orin turned to leave, but stopped. "But you think about what I said, scout... I mean it. You think about it."

"Yeah, sure..." Seymour said, giving it some thought. "Sure, I'll think about it."

"He'll think about it?" Mr. Mushnik muttered, making his way out of the room to formulate a plan.

"You promise?" Orin asked, cupping Seymour's cheek.

"I-I promise."

"You promise, what ?" He said sternly, bringing his hand up to the back of Seymour's head. He tugged on and twisted the strands trapped between his fingers.

"Doctor," Seymour whispered, staring into his eyes as Orin pulled his hair. "Oh God," he muttered lustfully. "I promise, doctor."

"Good boy," Orin said in a hushed tone, letting go of his hair. Their eye contact didn't break, even after their physical contact had.

Seymour quivered, nearly collapsing. It wasn't just what he said, but the way  he said it. The intentions and sensations that came with it. The look in Orin's eyes

"If those girls give you any more trouble," he pulled a card out of his leather jacket, "call me. It's my... personal  number."

Seymour chuckled nervously, not sure how to handle that kind of gesture. "Y-Yeah, of course."

"Well," Orin said, ruffling Seymour's hair. "I'll see you around, Krelborn."

"O-Okay," he muttered, watching the man leave. He pressed his back against the shop counter, sliding to the floor.

"Shit..." He mumbled, his face falling into his trembling hands. "What am I gonna do?"

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"๐ˆ ๐ฏ๐จ๐ฐ, ๐ข๐ง ๐ฌ๐ข๐œ๐ค๐ง๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ฅ๐ญ๐ก..." I wrote maybe 20 oneshots, but it was a while ago and I only like one so it's the only one...
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Hetalia x Male Reader Oneshots! This is my first book and I am so happy for the many reads! I do take requests, just comment or leave me a direct me...
23.2K 316 18
โ˜„ Various male characters x male reader oneshots โ˜„ โ˜„ fluff & smut โ˜„ 'Cuz there's not enough of these \โ€ข-โ€ข/