Little shop of horrors

By koolBoione

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Seymour x orin hahahahahaahahahahahhaha doctor and nerd More

Orin x seymour
Orin x seymour pt 2
Orin x seymour pt3
Little shop of homos
Little shop of homos pt 2
Little shop of horrors pt 3
Little shop of homos pt 4
Little shop of homos pt 6
Little shop of homos pt 7
Little shop of homos pt 8
Little shop of homos pt 9
Getting off
Some fun now
Jealous much orin
Flirting and hunting look pretty much the same
Plant freak pt 2
Plant freak 3
Plant freak pt 4
Plant freak pt 5
Plant freak 6
Plant freak pt 7
Plant freak 8
Withered flower
After hours ;)
This charming man pt 1
This charming man pt 2
Little shop of homos pt 10?
Little shop of homos pt 11
Little shop of homos pt 12 maybe 11.5
Little shop of homos pt 12
Little shop of homos pt 13
Little shop of homos pt 14
Little shop of homos pt 15

Little shop of homos pt5

222 3 1
By koolBoione

Little Shop of Homos

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 -Controversy


Seymour's attempt at breaking up with Orin (on Audrey's behalf) doesn't exactly go as planned

CW: There is a scene that depicts Seymour cutting his finger to feed his blood to a hungry plant, but it focuses less more on the preparation and the after affects (blood is discussed/referenced quite a bit). The incision itself is not described. There will be asterisks (*) in front of the potentially triggering passages. There's also a few allusions to abuse, some things bordering on outright stated, but no descriptions of it. Regardless, enjoy the gay :)
Chapter Text
Orin was late.

Audrey had told Seymour that Orin usually arrived around 6:30 on Fridays to pick her up for their date. It was now 7:13, and Seymour was getting impatient. He wasn't mad at Audrey. He was pissed at Orin, and Seymour was ready to make that clear.

He kept running over his lines. Throughout the day, whenever there had been a moment to spare, he'd spent it drafting his speech to Orin. Considering he had never made it past high school, he was very proud of it.

As the clock hit 7:15, he went to his room to check on Audrey. To call it a "bedroom" would be deceiving because that implies the existence of a bed.

When Mr. Mushnik took him in as an orphan child, he used to sleep under the counter. But as he hit puberty, he outgrew his sleeping spot. And that's how he ended up with his own room. It used to be a storage cupboard before Mr. Mushnik reluctantly moved everything to the back room.

It wasn't the most spacious, but it was home. There was no way to get a proper bed through the door (not that Mr. Mushnik would ever buy him one), so Seymour settled for a blue sleeping bag. The hard wood floors felt freezing cold in the winter, but he had learnt not to complain about stuff like that. He was used to putting himself in awkward situations to avoid confrontation.

But as he saw Audrey patiently waiting, he knew confrontation with Orin was the only option. He wasn't going to sit by and watch her suffer any longer. Maybe he was a pushover before, but not anymore. Instead of just settling for a sleeping bag, he would demand a proper bed from Orin! Maybe he was stretching the metaphor, but his point still stood.

Audrey sat on top of his sleeping bag, reading one of the many gardening books he stacked up as a makeshift bedside table. As her eyes landed on Seymour, they filled with a hopeful wonder he dreaded crushing.

"Is he gone?" She asked in excitement, trying to look through the door behind Seymour.

"He hasn't even shown up yet." The look of disappointment that washed over her face was worse than any kind of pain he'd experienced that week. Which was saying a lot considering the week he'd had.

"O-Oh, right..."

"But when he does," Seymour continued. "I'll tell him where to stick it."

She laughed half heartedly, but the slight smile lingered. "It's not too late to back out, you know."

"I know. But I won't." Seymour wanted to confront Orin on Audrey's behalf, but also for his own purposes. He needed to confront him. To do his own break up. His attraction to Orin was bad for everyone. It was an unreciprocated pit of guilt in his stomach, and he needed it gone before he could really be a good friend for Audrey.

"Just, tell me when he's gone," she said. "And thank you."

"It's no problem, Audrey. You'd do the same for me."

Audrey smiled, picking the book back up. Seymour to this as an invitation to leave. He closed the door behind him, heading back into the main area of the shop. As he did, however, he found that while he had been gone, Audrey II had begun to wilt.

"Oh Twoey, not now..." he muttered with slight annoyance. "You have the worst timing."

The plant, of course, did nothing in response.

"Dr. Scrivello could be here any minute," he argued. "Besides, there isn't much left."

Audrey II wilted even more, and Seymour couldn't say no.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt to just feed you while we wait," Seymour said as he rolled up his sleeves. "I mean, he's already this late..."

* Seymour removed the oldest looking bandage from the index finger of his right hand. The skin was pale, almost white from lack of air. The back of his fingertip was covered in that sticky grey gunky residue that bandaids often leave behind. He washed his finger in the sink and grabbed the First Aid kit from the cupboard underneath. He grabbed his lighter and nearest sharp object. This happened to be a small but sharp pair of scissors from inside the kit.

He flicked the lighter, sparking a flame. He watched the small fire dance and sway like new leaves in the wind. He always admired fire. The way it was able to grow and destroy as it pleased while still being utterly enchanting. Seymour had never been a fire. He had always been water. Unmoving and unchanging. Flexible, but so easily molded. Seymour wished he could change, be something else. But that's just the way his life was. He was destined to be a puddle in constant envy of the wild fires around him.

Maybe that's what made Orin so exciting. So enticing. He was the complete opposite of Seymour. He did what he wanted, he took what he wanted. Orin had no regard for anything or anyone else, no matter the consequences. Seymour would admire him for that if his trail of destruction didn't hit so close to home.

* Seymour hovered the scissor blades open flame. This had become part of his routine. Prepping, disinfecting, cutting, feeding. It used to be daily. Back when he had enough blood. But after two weeks and his hands completely bandaged, he began rationing his blood. At this point, he could barely manage once every three days.

* Regardless, Seymour set the scissors down to cool. He soaked a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol, dabbing it on his finger tip. He'd become a lot more conscious about safety and disease when he realised if his wound got infected and he had to go to the hospital, no one else would be able to look after Twoey. It was no use both of them being unhealthy.

* Once the blade was cool enough, he picked it up with a relatively steady hand. This was always his least favourite part. Even after almost a month of doing this, it never got any easier. Even still, it had to be done.

* He looked away, which probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. A sharp pain filled his finger as the incision was made. Seymour sat down next to Audrey II and stuck his right hand out over her open mouth. He still didn't get how, but every time the smallest hint of blood was in the air, Twoey immediately knew.

* It was such a captivating sight. Watching his own blood slowly drip down her seemingly endless throat. It felt strange to admit, but he felt oddly connected to this plant. Well, it's not that odd considering she's brought him fortune and fame. But it went beyond the material items she inadvertently provided. Their connection ran deeper. He had been slowly giving parts of himself to her. He wanted to imagine this was what a mother felt like with her newborn baby. Feeding it milk everyday, watching it grow.

Except, he didn't birth Audrey II. He brought her off the side of the street for $1.95. But that was just another reason why he felt so connected to her. They were both orphans. Both unloved and unwanted. But not anymore. He knew it was silly to feel such a deep connection to a plant, but he couldn't help it. He didn't really have much in his life, and it was far too easy for him to get attached. Maybe that's why he couldn't get Orin off his mind.

And as if he jinxed himself, the sound of the shop bell ringing stopped his current train of thought which was replaced by only one thing. Shit...

"Uh, good evening?" A voice from behind him. Seymour turned to see Orin standing in the shop entrance, looking utterly perturbed.

Seymour's eyes widened as his hand shot out from the plant's mouth and behind his back. "H-Hi, Dr. Scrivello..." * He said as blood slowly dripped in a puddle behind him. "I, uh, what a lovely surprise. Haha."

Orin just stared at him. Eyebrows raised, mouth open. He was in a state of completely confused shock. "Uh..."

"Oh, just... Watering the plant," Seymour said as casually as his racing heart and unsteady breath would allow.

"W-Well..." Orin shook his head, as if to pretend he never saw that. "I'm just here to pick up Audrey for our date, so if you would--"

"Ah, yes. Your date..." Seymour was ready to say one of the lines he was most proud of. "Audrey isn't here. She left the store, because she's leaving you."

"Okay?" He said in mild confusion, seemingly not understanding what was going on. "So, where is she?"

"No, no. You don't..." Seymour sighed. He was incredibly frustrated.

"Well, I don't see her," he said, looking around. He wasn't paying any attention to Seymour. Even after he wrote that whole speech that Orin's not letting him say. "Is she gonna come out and tell me, or--"

"You don't understand." Seymour placed his hands on Orin's shoulders. He accidentally got blood on his leather jacket, but it was black and he was annoyed, so Seymour ignored it. When Orin turned to look at him, they made direct eye contact. "I'm breaking up with you. On her behalf."

Orin laughed. Not a gas induced or sarcastic giggle. An honest proper laugh. "Wh-What? Okay, okay, Krelborn. You are cracking me up!"

"Th-This isn't funny!" Seymour removed his hands, grinding his teeth. Now he definitely  wasn't telling him about the blood.

"I-I-It is. It really is," Orin laughed as he leaned against the counter. There was a lull in his laughter and he spoke. "Y-You're breaking up with me?"


Orin choked back a chuckle. "Uh huh, uh huh..."

"You're not taking this seriously," Seymour muttered through gritted teeth.

"No, I am. I swear, I am," Orin said as he covered his mouth with his hand, the other still supporting him against the counter. It was obvious that Seymour was only getting more and more frustrated with his laughter. But it was even more obvious that his anger only set Orin off more.

"I had a whole speech ready and everything," Seymour grumbled bitterly. "I spent all day on it. I was gonna--" Orin's laughter interrupted him. "Just go! And don't come back!"

"Woah, hey, Krelborn. Come on, don't be like that..." Orin said with a mocking tone. "I thought we had such a connection. You really gonna break up with me after everything we've been through?" Orin laughed too hard at his own unfunny joke.

Seymour knew it was meant to be a joke. The tone, his behaviour, the situation. Everything indicated that he was just messing around. But it still stung as if the intention was serious. Because in some ways, it was. Seymour intended this to be their final interaction. So, yes. He was  breaking up with Orin.

"No, if you're not gonna respect me, then you can just get on outta here. Ya hear?" Seymour pointed towards the door with finger still dribbling blood.

"You might wanna..." Orin gestured towards the outstretched finger.

"Oh, right," Seymour said, still agitated. But what would Mr. Mushnik say if he got blood all over the floor?

Seymour angrily glared at Orin as he brought his finger to his lips. If he wasn't staring so intently, he might have missed the way Orin's breath hitched as the finger entered Seymour's mouth. He might have missed the way Orin's lips twitched as Seymour's enclosed around the digit. The way his eyes seemed to fill with envy as Seymour sucked the blood off. But Seymour noticed. And he didn't know how to react.

Part of him wanted to tease Orin. To put another finger in his mouth. Stare him in the eyes as he licked and sucked on his fingers. Part of him wanted to start moaning, just to see what would happen. Would Orin start calling him slurs, threatening to beat him up? Or, would something else happen? Seymour wanted to see just how far he could go before Orin stopped him. Or, joined him.

But Audrey. The only reason he was in the same room as Orin at that moment was because of her. To break up with him for her. She was in the other room waiting for him to end their relationship. Even thinking about this was unfair to her.

Orin coughed and looked away. Seymour snapped out of it, realising that he'd been staring at Orin with his finger resting on his lips.

Seymour averted his gaze. He removed the finger from his mouth immediately and scratched at the back of his neck. He let himself pretend his face was red with anger. Because despite everything, he was still angry at Orin.

"Why are you so tense?" Orin asked, pretending none of that happened. "Just chill out."

"Chill out? Chill out?! I'm not going to 'chill out', because I'm mad at you!" Seymour yelled, his fists clenched. "You have been mistreating Audrey for months! When she finally has the courage to end things with you, you're almost an hour late. You don't even have the decency to take me seriously!" Seymour glared at the slight smile still resting on Orin's lips. "Would you stop laughing at me!"

"Okay, okay..." Orin took a moment to collect himself. "You're right, and I'm sorry. Go on, recite that speech--"

"No, no, it wouldn't be the same," Seymour sighed, taking a seat back next to Twoey.

"Alright, alright..." Orin leaned his full body against the counter. "So, why is she not the one delivering this news?"

"Because it was my idea to tell you," he started, not really wanting to tell Orin all this, but unable to stop. * "We thought... I thought you might hurt her."

"I..." Orin thought for a moment. "I probably would have."

"So you're just going to admit to that?" Seymour felt his anger coming back.

"It ain't pretty, but it's the truth," he replied with a shrug. "I know she didn't deserve any of that--"

"You're damn right she didn't deserve it!" Seymour stood back up, walking towards Orin. "Sweet and good and beautiful as she is, she deserves a prince, not a sadistic creep like you!"

"I admit, I was a lousy boyfriend--"

* Seymour didn't give Orin a chance to defend himself. "Lousy? Lousy is forgetting her birthday. Lousy is, is stealing her money! It is not   beating up on her every chance you get--"

"Just shut up, okay!" Orin yelled as she slammed his fist on the counter. "I get it!"

"No, I don't think you do! You are a sleeping bag!" He yelled, fed up with Orin's attitude. "And she isn't going to settle for that when she can have a king size mattress that fits through the door!"

"Huh?" Orin was completely lost, his brief spout of anger fading.

"That doesn't make sense, but I stand by the point I was trying to make!" Seymour straightened his back, standing as tall as his twink body would allow. "Audrey deserves better than you."

"You think so?"

"I know so," Seymour replied, glaring daggers at the significantly taller and more intimidating man. "She is kind, caring and one of the most wonderful people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing."

"You intrigue me, Krelborn," Orin said in a hushed sultry tone that sent tingles down Seymour's spine. His voice sounded so smooth and silky like a flowing river on a calm spring afternoon. It was so warm and inviting as if the sun itself beckoned him to get lost in the soundwaves.

Seymour was immediately lost for words. He was unprepared for such a sensual tone to invade his eager ears. "O-Oh?"

"Mmhmm. You seem so loyal, and yet," Orin lightly shoved his shoulder, "you're such a pushover."

"I am not  a pushover!" Whatever spell Orin had cast on him faded with that comment. "I may be a little out of my comfort zone at any, if not every given time. But I am not a pushover."

"Hmm, but you are," Orin teased, getting a sick satisfaction outing seeing Seymour this worked up.

"I'm not!"

"But you kind of are." A wicked grin plastered itself on Orin's face, which only pissed Seymour off even more.

"You don't get to speak to me like that!" Seymour stood on his tiptoes to be at the same level as Orin.

"Oh really?" He said in the same almost seductive tone. And when Orin's face was this close to his, it took all his willpower to not go in for the kiss he so desperately wanted to take at this moment.

"Y-Yeah..." Seymour felt Orin's unsteady hot breath on his lips. Seymour couldn't look away from his challenging gaze, but in his peripheral vision, he could've sworn Orin's body was shaking. But it's not like Seymour could talk. His legs felt like jelly. He chalked that up to the fact he was standing on tiptoes, despite the real reason quite literally staring him in the face.

Seymour chewed on the inside of his lip, trying not to let his eyes or thoughts wander. He couldn't allow himself to succumb to his deepest desires, especially when it would hurt his only friend. But the longer he stayed staring into those pools of deep enchanting ocean, the longer he stayed listening to the shaking siren's song of Orin's breath, the harder he found it to resist the temptation to just dive in.

His hands itched, wanting to reach out and explore the firm rocks of Orin's body. He wanted to caress the smooth stone of his muscles, enjoy the tender touch. His fingers wanted to stroll along the many beaches Orin's skin had to offer. They wanted to wander, to feel. Commit every sensation to everlasting memory. His tongue twitched to take a plunge into the unexplored cavern of Orin's mouth. It yearned to be submerged in the warm comforting abyss beyond his lips.

Seymour didn't know how long they stayed like that. Probably no longer than a minute, but as he saw his own reflection in Orin's beautiful dark eyes, it felt like an hour.

"You're so fun to wind up," Orin said as he pulled away. He turned away from Seymour, giving them both some time to collect their bearings.

Seymour mentally slapped himself. Multiple times. How was he supposed to get over Orin when he had thoughts like that ? He was in serious trouble.

"We're done with you, Dr. Scrivello," Seymour said, ignoring his currently flushed state.

"Right," Orin nodded, turning back to look at Seymour. "You're right, y'know."

"I am?"

"She deserves better," he uttered, daring to look Seymour in the eyes again. "She deserves someone like you."

Seymour's face went completely red. "Oh, uh," he coughed, hiding his head. "Th-Thanks... pal." He internally cringed at himself. Pal? What are you thinking saying that, you absolute buffoon. "B-But, it's not like that. We're just friends. And she deserves a lot better than me."

"That's a shame. I know you said she deserves a prince, but they aren't real," Orin said as he adjusted his jacket. "You're the closest thing to it."

Seymour was completely lost for words. What was he supposed to say in response to something like that? Orin had basically just called him a prince.

Orin turned to go, but he paused thoughtfully. "Hey Krelborn. You're not busy tonight, are you?"

"N-No, I don't think so," he said, still visibly flustered.

"Great!" He said enthusiastically, wrapping his arm over Seymour's shoulder. "Hows about we have a boys' night?"

"A boys' night?"

"Yeah. A night out on the town," he used his free hand to pat Seymour on the chest.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Dr. Scrivello. Yunno, considering..." The way we almost kissed before. "Audrey."

"Aw, come on! It'll be just me and you!" And that's exactly the problem...

"I-It's actually 'you and me', not me and--" Orin mistook Seymour's grammar correction for confirmation.

"Great, it's settled," Orin gave Seymour's arm a pat and a squeeze before letting him go.

"Oh, okay..." Seymour's hand wandered to the warm spot Orin had left behind.

"Well, shall we leave?" Orin asked.

"Soon, just... L-Let me get my jacket." Seymour nearly entered a full sprint to his room. Instead, he awkwardly shuffled his way over, gently closing the door behind him.

"Hey, Audrey," he said in a hushed whisper.

"What is it?" She asked in the same tone, putting down a gardening book. "I heard some yelling, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, right. No, I'm fine," Seymour fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "I, uh..."

"Seymour, is that blood on your shirt?" Audrey stood up, grabbing hold of Seymour's blood stained sleeve.

"Oh, I guess it is," Seymour remarked. He hadn't realised just how much blood he'd splattered all over the place. "It's mine, don't worry."

"That makes me more worried!" Audrey found the wound on his finger. "Did he do--?"

"Oh, no. That was me," Seymour tried to think of an excuse as he removed his shirt. There was no way he was wearing this slightly soiled shirt outside. "I, uh... It was an accident."

Audrey nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Well at least he's gone."

"Yeah, about that..." Seymour grimaced, throwing the shirt on top of his laundry pile behind the door. "I accidentally agreed to go out with him."

"You what ?" Audrey asked in shock.

"You know Dr. Scrivello. He won't take no for an answer."

She sighed. "Okay, just. Be safe."

Before Seymour could answer, there was a knock on his bedroom door. "What's taking you so long, Krelborn?"

"N-Nothing Dr. Scrivello!" Seymour's eyes widened. Orin could not see Audrey.

Audrey moved to the corner of the room, giving Seymour a look that said "get rid of him."

Seymour heard the door knob twisting and he knew he had to make a quick decision. He looked around his room for anything he could use. Then, his eyes landed on his pants. He knew what he had to do.

As the door opened, so did Seymour's fly. His pants dropped to the floor as Orin poked his head into the room.

"If you've lost your jacket, I can help you find--" Orin's eyes went wide as he stared in shock. As Seymour stood there in nothing but his underwear, he knew Orin wouldn't be looking at Audrey. He quickly recovered, looking away.

"Oh..." Orin slammed the door. "Sorry, I didn't know you'd be--"

"I-It's okay..." Seymour said calmly. He was surprisingly unphased by this turn of events. He looked over at Audrey who was trying her hardest not to laugh.

"I, uh... I'll be out here. If you, um, need anything." As the sound of Orin's footsteps faded, Seymour and Audrey burst into muffled laughter.

"There's no way you just did that!" Audrey said in between bouts of giggles.

"I know. I can't believe it!" Seymour replied enthusiastically, kicking his pants off into the laundry corner. "I should probably change."

"Yeah," Audrey nodded, her laughing fit mostly over. "Thank you for... For stripping for me." It turns out, neither of their laughing fits were over.

Audrey helped Seymour pick out a nice pair of grey pants and red and green checkered shirt. They both decided he wanted to look uncasual and uncool so Orin would never invite him out again. They tried to go for a "mismatched nerd" vibe. Seymour tucked the shirt into trousers and fastened it with a brown leather belt Mr. Mushnik gave him for his 15th birthday.

"Which one looks more obnoxious?" Audrey asked as she held up a red and purple tie.

"The purple one," Seymour said, snatching it from her and eagerly tieing it. He opted for a double windsor knot to add to the nerd factor.

"I think you're ready," Audrey said proudly, handing him his tan jacket. "Go get 'em, tiger."

"On it, boss," he said, saluting as he opened the door, entering the shop.

As Seymour scanned the room, he found Orin was by the sink, drying his face with a paper towel. Seymour secretly hoped the sight of him almost naked had made Orin so hot and bothered he had to cool off. But, that was a selfish thought. One that was unfair to Audrey. So he let it go, despite it actually  being the most logical answer this time.

"Well, I'm ready," Seymour said as he put on jacket.

Orin didn't look him in the eyes. "Uh, Krelborn. I'm sorry for walking in on you, uh, changing."

"Oh, it's fine."

"I just, y'know. You said you were just getting your jacket, so I thought--"

"Yeah, I get it. I forgive you." Seymour hated to admit it, but it was nice to have the upper hand against Orin for once. It was nice to have the smallest bit of power over him.

"Right, okay," Orin nodded, finally looking him in the eye.

"So, should we go?" Seymour asked, already feeling the power he had fading as Orin regained his confidence.

"We're not going anywhere yet," Orin said with a completely calm, confident voice. Oh well. It was fun while it lasted.


"You're still, uh..." Orin gestured to Seymour's finger. "And I don't want you bleeding on my bike."

"Well I don't even want  to ride on your bike," Seymour mumbled, which was heard by Orin.

"Why's that?" He asked as Seymour made his way over to the previously abandoned First Aid kit.

"Because..." At first, Seymour didn't want to hurt Orin's feelings. Then he remembered he wasn't meant to care about his feelings. "You're a terrible driver."

Orin laughed. "I'm a great driver, what are you talking about?"

"I had never been so scared in my life!" Seymour said, the feeling of fear coming back to him.

"It can't have been that  bad."

Seymour scoffed, picking up a bandaid. "Clearly you're blind. You must be, considering your driving."

Orin smiled. A real smile filled with humour and admiration. Seymour wanted to take pride in the fact he put it there, but... "Then, why don't we walk?"

"Huh?" Seymour accidentally dropped the bandaid.

"If you don't wanna ride there, I don't mind walking," Orin said gently as he picked up the discarded bandage.

"That, that would be preferable to your death trap," Seymour chuckled.

Orin unwrapped the bandaid with a quiet laugh. "Give me your hand."

Seymour obeyed as his stomach bubbled and lips curled into a smile. Orin's gentle touch encompassed his whole hand, sending waves of warmth through his arm. Seymour wanted to interlock their fingers despite the fact it would be counterproductive to applying the bandage.

Orin carefully directed Seymour's index finger to point forward. Orin enclosed his fingers around the rest of Seymour's hand, guiding them into a fist. He sweetly squeezed the hand he held so delicately as he tenderly stroked his thumb against Seymour's.

A shuddered breath slowly escaped Seymour's shaking mouth. Seymour felt like the beach in low tide. The ocean slowly caressing his sandy shore with a gentle and steady pull. He wanted the tide to take him in. For the water to completely wash over him. With every passing stroke of Orin's thumb, it was becoming harder to refrain. Even in all his wildest dreams (which Seymour assured himself he never had), he'd never imagined Orin being this... soft. He'd never have thought this man had a tender side.

He was meant to hate him. Seymour should slap him for everything he's done to Audrey. But no one had ever been this gentle with him. He couldn't help yielding to the contact from this monster when he was so touch starved. For so long, Seymour had craved this kind of loving attention. He knew it was unhealthy to want it from Orin, but he was helpless. Seymour wasn't so sure how much longer he'd be able to resist the side of him that wanted to succumb to Orin's charms.

"I... I thought you only hurt your patients..."

"Dentists have to take a Hippocratic oath too, y'know," Orin said with his attention fully focused on the fluttering finger he humanely held in his hand. "Although, I might not be very good at following it."

"You're not. I would know, I had you inside my mouth--" Seymour cringed and blushed. This caring contact was making him say and think all the wrong things. "Y-Your fingers, I mean."

Seymour's comment made Orin pause. He continued, saying nothing. Orin placed the absorbent pad of the plaster over top the cut, carefully wrapping the rest of the bandage around Seymour's finger. "Not too tight?"

"You're perfect," Seymour accidentally said.

As Orin looked up at him with a smile, Seymour knew it was going to be a long night of denial and guilt.

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