Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

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Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


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By Lightblue44

Pushing him off of her, Naomi opened her mouth to shout at Will for remotely thinking that was acceptable when she didn't even have the chance to get her words out, yet again.

This time though, it wasn't because of Will, it was because of something, well someone else.

"Fitzgerald" was praticallly growled behind her by the one and only person she knew would get pissed off by that kiss


"Oh shit, Venturi didn't know you had your eye on this one" Will teased as he knew for sure that Naomi was from the other university, but he didn't know that she had anything to do with Theo

"I dont have my eye on her, I don't need to when she's mine" Theo stated

"Yours?" Will questioned as his eyes flickered down to Naomi's downcast ones, as she played with her fingers, "Oh shit Venturi's got a girl?" He asked, shocked, as Theo was known for not doing relationships

Feeling the heat practically raiding off of Theo behind her, Naomi winced when she heard him tell her to "Get in the car, I'll be out in a sec"

Not wanting this situation to be worse than it already was, Naomi tried to explain what had happened, "Theo I-"

Refusing to hear her speak right now because he just didn't want to hear it, Theo stopped her, shoving his car keys into her hand as he repeated, "I said get in the fucking car Naomi"

"But Theo-" she attempted to get him to listen again but Will began to chuckle at their bickering, which only made the situation worse and it went from Theo looking down at Naomi, who's eyes had been stuck to either the floor or the car keys, to looking at Will.

"Naomi" he warned still looking at Will with a face not to be messed with, as Naomi turned to look up at him with pleading eyes, "Theo, please" she whispered, trying to not let this situation get even more embarrassing than it already was

Theo didn't even take notice of her pleas as the next thing Naomi knew was that two strong arms were being wrapped around her and she was flung upside down and over Theo's shoulder, as her scream of shock was drowned out by the booming music.

"Fitzgerald this isn't finished" he said as he secured Naomi over his shoulder, as she tugged the back of her dress down, when he wasn't even bothering to listen to her protests as he began to make his way out of the crowd

"Theo!" She squealed, trying to get down but it fell on death ears as Liv gave her a sincere look and a thumbs up, mouthing good luck as she knew nothing terrible would happen and she'd back Naomi because she witnessed everything

"Ooo I'm so scared, you better get a leash on that one though, or else she might come running back here for seconds, cause we all know I'm better than you!" Will shouted after the couple

How embarrassing.

Marching out the house, not even sparing anyone a second glance, Theo unlocked his car putting Naomi in the passenger seat before making his way to the drivers side.

Starting the car immediately, Naomi sat up straight looking at Theo wide eyed realising that he was infact taking them away from the party as he quickly turned the car on, and began to drive away from the house.


"I don't even want to hear a fucking word out of you until I speak to you myself, understood?" He ordered as Naomi fell quiet

"I said understood?" He asked, as she didn't answer him

"Mm" she hummed, growing frustrated with this whole macho act Theo was doing because if he just let her explain she didn't cheat.

It was just a kiss

Literally a repeat of the whole Melissa-bathroom-Halloween situation.

But who was he to be pissed? Because it happened right infront of him? Well he's the one who cheated.

He cheated first.

But I feel so fucking guilty I feel so guilty even though it wasn't my fault and I hate how bad that kissed looked to him.

Glancing over at him, Naomi couldn't help sigh. Sigh at someone she'd gone through so much with, and for it to be just so fucking complicated. So complicated and she wasn't denying she was also to blame, but sometimes she just wished she didn't care about other people. That she didn't have such a fucked up past with relationships and that she could be trusting and normal. But that wasn't her.

One thing Theo hated was cocky boys. And another was people who throught that they could just touch his girl and someone who ticked both of those boxes was the embodymemt of Will Fitzgerald, who also had the nickname 'Fitz' because of his looks and a shortened version of his surname. He was a rival from first year in football. He knew Fitz would most likely be at the party, well because it was his uni's party, but he didn't expect him to go after Naomi of all girls. Out of the what, maybe forty to fifty or however many girls there were at that party, he just so happened to find his girl. To find his girl and kiss her.

Fitz and Theo only disliked each other because they'd played on the pitch as civilly as they could, but when Fitz found it okay to keep teasing him about his surname because he realised it struck a nerve when no one on his team called him that, that's when it all kicked off and Theo fought him.

Elijah and Ollie pulled him off within seconds but that didn't stop Fitz from having a vendetta against him. And tonight, well it looked like the playing field was being levelled tonight with him kissing Naomi.

Maybe he did, maybe he didn't know Naomi was his girl, but it didn't look like much talking was being done for her to tell him that she had a boyfriend. Theo was chatting with some people one moment and the next, he could see amongst the crowd Fitz stepping too closely to her, so he began to walk over to the two of them and the next he saw Fitz and Naomi kissing.

His heart dropped the moment their lips connected, as Will placed his hands on Naomi's waist, on the back of her neck, no - just on her body in general. His heart actually sank into his stomach and all he could feel was rage so he made a beeline to them, to make it stop.

He just needed it to stop.

"Naomi I-" Theo started, but just as he opened his mouth to speak, 'Desperado' by Rihanna blasted through the speakers in the car.

Looking over at the only thing that could cause his own car to interrupt him, he found Naomi staring down at her phone, turning up the volume, refusing to talk to him.

Yes he had been a bit overdramatic throwing her over his shoulder and even going as far to take her away from the party, but they needed to talk, and he refused for it to be at a party where if they stayed, shit could get so much worse so quickly and Naomi clearly wasn't listening to him when he said to get into the car the first two times so he acted before he thought things through and now they were both sat in the car angry at each other.

He'd snapped at her earlier by saying for her not to talk to him and he knew it was wrong because he would obviously want the reason as to why she kissed Fitz, but in that moment he just needed silence because he needed to calm down before he marched back into that party and fought Fitz infront of everyone, potentially causing the police to be called and the party being shut down - resulting in all their friends asking what happened, and then everyone finding out him and Naomi are together and then that could potentially lead to arguments and Naomi being pissed off with him for doing something she asked for time with, which was telling Elliott and Drew.

But now, with her purposely ignoring him and being petty, irked him.

He was beyond pissed off with her. Or was he more pissed that she'd even given Fitz the chance to even kiss her?

At this point he didn't even know, but all his anger was being directed straight towards Naomi.

Yes, he knew and had acknowledged that he hadn't spoken to her for the past couple of days, but that didn't give her the excuse to be acting how she was. She clearly was choosing the childish route with the music and that was where she wss going, fine so be it - but Theo was going to show her exactly who she belonged to.

She was acting like a brat.

It was as if she wanted to get rise out of him.

Did she just want attention because she felt neglected by him?

No, his Naomi would never, she'd corner him at his house, and tell him face to face that she felt neglected but this Naomi...

She'd changed.

She was different, she wasn't arguing, fighting back, she was just sat there.

He had no clue what was wrong with her the past couple of days and he intended on finding out.

As he had one hand on the wheel, he drove through the city, he placed his other hand on her thigh, edging it closer to her core.

He'd get something out of her and this seemed to be the only way for now.

"Take off your panties" He demanded, wanting them gone or else he'd take them off himself and she wouldn't be happy with that because he'd rip them to shreds

Turning down the music slightly so that he could hear her, Naomi answered. "No"

"No?" He questioned, "Naomi I won't ask you again take off your fucking panties now"

"Fine" she said aggressively as she huffed out a sigh, mumbling multiple profanities as she lifted her hips and shimmied out of the navy blue thong, pulling them down her legs and over her shoes, screwing them into a ball.

"You wanted them off, here!" She snapped, throwing them at his face as she couldn't help but let her anger boil over with the way he was talking to her like a child and now he was acting like her body was his

As he felt the lace slap the side of his face, Theo immediately frowned at her sudden outburst, and he didn't know nor did he care at that moment as to where they ended up.

"That's what you wanted? My panties. What do you want next, for me to open up legs for you like a slut because that's what you think I am?" She questioned, as she hiked up her dress, grabbing Theo's hand which had possessively been on her knee earlier and had edged it's way up to her upper thigh, and cupped her sex with it

"Naomi what are you doing?" He asked as he quickly looked away from the road and saw her face

"Exactly what you wanted!" She exclaimed. "You wanted me to take off my panties so you could clearly touch my pussy and now you are" she spelled it out for him as she she couldn't help but let her anger boil over and shout at him

He was treating her like she was merely a warm body and she hated it.

She hated how he wouldn't listen to her at first, and then proceeded to embarrass her by throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her out of the party, driving them away to wherever- without her consent.

So she was saying what she felt.

He had no right to carry her out of that party. If he would of just let her talk, things would of been sorted out quickly, but Theo acting like that put her in a bad mood.

"Stop, just stop. Don't ever fucking talk about yourself like that" he said as he cupped her sex, on his own accord, "And don't ever put my hand there yourself. Your pussy's mine and I'll touch it how and when I want to" he said slowly, making sure that he understood that he wasn't messing around

"Now let's start again, shall we?" He asked which earned him no response as he felt Naomi's anger subside with the soft sigh which fell from her parted lips at the feeling of his fingers touching her so delicately that she wanted to buck her hips in need of more, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction

"Why would you kiss him, when you're mine, hmm?" He asked, as he stroked her entrance with his two digits.

"I-" She breathed out as he took no time in inserting his fingers inside of her, curling them just to make her moan for him.

"What was that?" He smirked, hearing her whimpers as the increasing tempo of the song wasn't helping her increasing heart beat or the pulse inbetween her thighs of how much she hated Theo in the moment but enjoyed what he could do to her with just two fingers

When she didn't answer him, Theo slid his fingers slowly out of her with a pop.

She felt his fingers trace over the slit of her entrance, teasing her, already knowing the power he had over her body. She did nothing but accept it, as her body reacted as it usually did.

Wet and ready, only for him.

She found herself opening up her legs wider to give him better access to her. Almost as if it were instinct. Theo slid his fingers up and down her slick folds, multiple times - teasing her - knowing this would set her off even further. The anticipation of it all.

From just his side profile alone, as he continued driving down the streets as the sun set before them, she could sense the tension, the fire, the desire in his movements.

She felt almost ashamed that her body instinctively only was like this for him and yet she didn't even know if he was cheating on her or not. She didn't know why she was allowing him to touch her, when her head was spinning with questions, hurt, and the need to know what was going on with him - but also the fear in knowing the truth.

In knowing that he might in fact of been unloyal to her because he was bored. Because he had lied to her on that balcony that night not too long ago and he didn't want her anymore, but felt too bad to give her up and dump her.

Just as Naomi felt her thoughts swirling in her brain more vigorously and dangerously close to driving herself into a pit of self pity, she felt his fingers enter her.

Slowly and cautiously, they moved in and out of her wetness, accompanying the soft sounds of the road and whatever song was playing on the aux.

Unconsciously, her body worked rhythmically with his fingers, grinding her hips against the passenger seat, hoping to get more of him in her.

"Uh-" she moaned out, feeling him play with her clit

Naomi couldn't help but close her eyes, drowning out the anxiety of anyone seeing her in this car with Theo's hand up her dress, fingering her.

"You know, I think that this shit gets you wetter. You kissing other boys infront of me, to piss me off. You get off on it don't you?"

Another moan escaped her parted lips as she felt him begin to thrust his fingers faster in and out of her pussy.

"No" she answered with no hesitation because that wasn't the case, only he could get her like this

"No?" He echoed, "then why has it happened twice now?"

For strength, she grabbed ahold of his muscular arm, which was the cause of her current state.

"Fuck" she panted, feeling her moans coming more frequently as the waves of pleasure flowed through her body

She could feel her toes curling inside of her shoes, as she felt her orgasm building up.

She could feel her wetness coming out of her and onto her inner thighs as Theo relentlessly began to finger fuck her.

"Because-" she started to explain, but the pleasure was too much and she had to take several breaths to calm herself down

"Because?" He questioned with a smirk, wanting her answer but also enjoying how much of a mess she'd become just from his fingers alone

"Fuck!" she gasped as she felt him slip another one inside of her with a low groan escaping his own lips of how he could feel her walls tensing around them

Whilst his thumb tended to her clit, Theo continued to push his other fingers in and out of her sweetness at a lazy rhythm, which she'd become accustomed to, and only made her chest rise and fall faster with her oncoming orgasm.

"Naomi I asked you a question, why do you keep kissing other boys when you're mine?"

Turning to look at her once more, taking his eyes off of the road - Theo saw her eyelids were heavy, and her breathing was laboured.

She was close

"I'm waiting" he taunted

Her breathing was erratic and all she could hear was her own heart pounding out of her chest with how much she needed to cum and the music blaring in the car.

"Oh god Theo!" She moaned loudly, needing him to understand that answering those questions were the last thing on her mind right now

Her thoughts were a mess. She could barley say anything coherently, unless it was to do with the pleasure he was giving her.

"T-theo" she breathed out, trying to calm herself down, "Theo I-" she said in a harsh breath, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip as she threw her head back into the passenger seat, riding his fingers

Theo kept his face stoic, and straight - unreadable, but every time they passed a streetlight he had to pray that Naomi didn't look down at him or else she'd see the clear effect that the feeling of her pussy clenching around his fingers and her sweet, sweet moans echoing in the car was doing nothing to help his throbbing dick.

His dick which was rock hard the moment the first moan left her lips.

And he hated it

He hated how he could be so angry, so pissed off with her, and yet she could just let a single moan out of that pretty little mouth of hers and he was a goner.

It would go straight to his dick.

"Why did you kiss him?" he repeated, not caring for her oncoming orgasm, and trying to focus on the answers he wanted - rather than his own lower region calling out to him

Moan after moan left her parted lips, as Theo continued to drive them to their destination, as if everything was normal and her legs weren't spread wide, with his fingers inside of her.

"Naomi" he warned lowly as she didn't answer him, as he began to curl his fingers into a 'come here' motion, "why did you kiss him?"

"Oh god!" She cried out, becoming such a needy mess - riding Theo's fingers like they gave her life, "Theo I'm about to cum" she whined

"No" he said, stopping her whines and cries of need, as he quickly looked down at her, "No, answer my question first - why did you kiss him?"

Not even thinking because all she wanted was to cum, Naomi let the first thing slip from her lips. And that was one of the worse, but also taunting things she could do. It was avoidance. "It's none of your business"

"None of my business?" He echoed lowly, emphasising the 'my' as he raised his eyebrows, making a sharp turn into the driveway for the girls house

With her walls back up, Naomi kept up with the bitchy attitude, replying almost immediately, "Yes" in a harsh breath as Theo curled his fingers even more, making her bite her lip.

And with a flick of the wrist Theo turned off the engine for the car but neither made any move to get out.

"None of my business?" He repeated, "None of my fucking business...wow alright then" he said with such malice that made Naomi's heart sink, realising how much she'd pissed him off tonight

Without another word, Theo pulled his fingers from Naomi's pussy and all heard was a whine of desperation for the need of them back come from Naomi.

"Theo you can't just-"

"I can't just what?" He laughed lowly, "Leave you without finishing?" He questioned, "Baby I can do whatever the fuck I want if you aren't going to answer my questions" he warned, as he didn't even spare her a second glance, getting out of the car

Her jaw fell open at him. She couldn't believe him, yes she knew she was being a bit of a bitch not telling him the proper reason as to why Will kissed her, but he was also acting a bit childish with him carrying her out of the party so she said the first thing that came out of her mouth.

Watching him through the windshield, grabbing the spare key to her house, from under the bin - Naomi raised her eyebrows in shock of him walking into her house like he lived there.

Huffing in frustration she unbuckled her seatbelt, turning on her phone torch to search for her panties, because where the hell had they disappeared to after she threw them at his face.

And there they were.

Tangled ontop of his gearstick.

Attempting to grab the thin material off of it, Naomi couldn't seem to untangle them, and feared she rip them so she left them alone.

For starters they were expensive and two she could get them another day, so with a a sigh Naomi got out of the car, without them and rushed into the house, wanting to find Theo.

Walking into the house, she found him in the kitchen, stood against the kitchen countertop, drinking a glass of water.

"Theo you have no fucking right to be pissed, I was playing a game and... Actually wait, why am I explaining myself when you're the one who-" she said marching over to him across the room as he looked at her up and down

"Who what?!" He snapped, putting his glass down, wanting to know exactly what the hell he could of done for her to think that that kiss was okay.

A game?

A stupid game, is what she thought that putting a relationship in jeopardy for.

"What did I do for you to think oh let me play a game where there's a fuckton of guys who don't give a shit if you're mine and would take any chance to snake their slimy hands all over your body just to piss me off!" He shouted, stressing that he had every right to do what he did in the car, and every right to be pissed off

He was her boyfriend

He should be the only one kissing her

Raising her eyebrows, hearing him loud and clear, Naomi answered, "Oh, so you're calling me easy and no guy would want to get with me, unless it was to make you pissed?" She questioned

"No" Theo shook his head, cupping her face as he realised how his last statement came across, "No, no, no, fuck...I mean, that when we go out, I don't even know how the hell you don't see it but I'm basically fighting off looks which could kill thrown at me by every guy we walk past when I have my arm around you because they're so envious that I have you on my arm, you baby. You. They all want you" he said as his anger faltered, with her stood right infront of him, staring at him without anger - but instead, sadness?

Maybe he was being a bit of dick this week by not talking to her that much, but was busy.

He was, but he didn't think that she needed that much reassurance that she was a beautiful girl, his girl, and that it just the two of them.

"But why don't you?" She whispered, hearing her voice crack in the middle as she couldn't even remember the last time Theo cupped her face like that

"What?" He quickly asked, wanting to know where the fuck that came from

"Why dont you want me?" She repeated, quietly as she watched his eyebrows furrow immediately and the panic in his eyes

"When the fuck did I ever say that?"

"You didn't have to say it..." she shook her head, at the memory of seeing him so happy in that restaurant with that girl, and her playing with his chain

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You cheated on me!" She cried out, sick and tired of trying to not say it.

It had to come out

She had to say it.

She had to finally say the truth, to let it be real.

"Cheated? I cheated?" He echoed, pulling his hands away from her face as he realised she wasn't joking, she wasn't playing around, she genuinely thought that

"Yes!" She shouted like a breath of fresh air had finally hit her, "Yes you...you fucking idiot and you hurt me" she sniffled, "You hurt me so much when you were with her that other girl"

"What fucking other girl Naomi!" Theo shouted, needing to know what the hell was going on as he couldn't rack his brain around any of this

"That girl...you looked so happy with her, and I can't Theo, I can't go through that again, I can't take another boy cheating on me... I can't do it" she shook her head, trying to keep the tears at bay as her voice wouldn't stop wavering in the middle

"Naomi what the hell are you talking about?" He asked, shaking his head at her, as he tried to reach out for her hand, arm or something, anything but she wasn't having it

She didn't want him to touch her anymore

"Oh is that it?" She whispered, "you're just going to deny it?" She questioned as she backed away from his steps, "I trusted you! I gave you my heart and-" she tried to explain how much she was hurting from that moment she saw

A moment she wished she didn't, but in a weird way she was glad.

She was glad because it just showed her how much she had grown and was able to take things in her own hands and talk things through.

Theo didn't miss the past tense from Naomi saying that she 'trusted' him, wavering in the air.

She trusted me. How the, no what the hell happened?!

"And then you threw that back in my face by going out with that other girl. You know, I would of just brushed it off as nothing until she said that she was your girlfriend" Naomi explained as Theo ran his hand through his hair stressfully as she could tell he wanted nothing more than to touch her, but when she took a step back every time he reached for her, all he could do was run his hand through his hair

"I'm not denying anything I just want to know what you saw when I 'cheated' I want to know so I can give you a proper explanation" he said calmly, looking into her eyes

He needed her to talk. He needed her to tell him what she saw because there was no way he was allowing her to start an argument, trying to walk away from this, without a valid explanation.

"Oh you know the girl, your other girlfriend" she said, not giving him anything because she knew he knew exactly who she was on about

She wasn't letting him twist this, and sweet talk her

She wasn't naïve and stupid anymore, she was stronger.

She wasn't like the old version of herself that got walked all over, like with her ex.

Wetting his lip with his tongue, Theo exclaimed, "What fucking girl? What other girlfriend? Why the hell would I have two girlfriends?" He was trying to get something out of Naomi so that he could know who the hell was feeding her false information

"I don't know! You tell me!" She shouted back, annoyed that he wasn't answering her and just questioning her further

What, did he have more than two girlfriends and he wanted to know which one he actually got caught with?

Theo knew her getting into a relationship after being in a toxic one previously was going to be hard for her, especially with her lack of trust, which wasn't his fault because she was entitled to feeling insecure in that right because of her ex, and how much of a fuckboy he used to be himself back in first year - but he wasn't allowing her to claim he had done something he hadn't. If she wanted to pick a fight, he wanted her to have her facts straight.

"Let me jog your memory, the one from the mall, the one who you were laughing with at lunch at nandos, playing with your chain... the one who answered your phone saying she was your girlfriend" Naomi described with such malice, that Theo could literally feel a stab to the chest with every detail she mentioned, "She said she was your girlfriend Theo! Your fucking girlfriend! And I'm not doing this again" she shook her head at him, "I'm not going through that pain of a guy taking my heart that I gave to them and them just using it like it means nothing"

Taking a breath to calm herself down to finish what she was saying, Naomi continued, "I'm so fucking sick and tired of guys saying they like me and then hurting me...You know what, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so hard on you. For making this relationship ten times more complicated than it needed to be, and being a frustrating bitch sometimes and I'm sorry for you having to go through all of that. I'm sorry for all the arguments, and me being annoying and taking so long in telling you that I liked you and everything in-between, I really am, i don't - I didn't deserve you...But cheating on me" she ended in a whisper because she couldn't get over Theo doing the one thing she was so afraid of, "Cheating on me isn't something I can take lightly. I can't, I just can't look at you"

"We keep hurting each other and, I think, I just think that it's not good and it would be best that we should just be responsible and civil and just end this" she finished as Theo marched towards her, grabbing ahold of her hand as he stared into her eyes as he needed to

He just needed to know that she was still there by touching her.

"Hold on baby. Just stop, just stop for a moment and let me talk before you end this" he rushed out, as she looked into his eyes and saw they were rimmed with red, as he too looked like he was about to cry

"You can't end this, not yet" he whispered, bringing her hand to his lips, and kissing her knuckles, which only made Naomi hiccup trying to hold back her tears

Rubbing his thumb soothingly across Naomi's hand as he held it by their side, Theo recited everything Naomi had said to him, "This girl, she answered my phone? Okay. You saw us at Nando's, and she played with my chain..." he said, racking his brain through the entire situation, "who the hell..." Theo thought aloud as he ran his spare hand through his hair, trying to think of when and how the hell a girl would get ahold of his phone to talk to Naomi claiming to be his girlfriend

"She played with your chain Theo" She said softly almost as if she said it too loudly, her own heart would hear and it would break fully, "she touched it and you said that was only for me. That only I could do that. That it was special to you, that I was special to you"

And that's when it hit him.

A small smile appeared on his face as he cupped her cheeks, making her look up at him as her eyes welled up with tears - knowing that potentially ending this would hurt her so much more than she could explain.

She watched how he let a smile tug at his lips. That same cocky smile he always had.

It irked her.

How could ne smile when her heart was in pieces.

When he had broken her just like -

"Baby, you wanna meet the other girl?" He finally spoke with that same smile which always made Naomi's heart skip a beat

"What the fuck Theo! What the fuck why would I want to meet her?" She exclaimed pushing his hands off of her, "this isn't where you get to have the luxury of you having two girlfriends"

Holding her still, as she wouldn't stop pushing his hands off of her, Theo calmly spoke - trying to calm her down, "I'm asking if you want to meet her because I'm definitely not sleeping with her, because that would be disgusting" he said as made a disgusted face at the thought of sleeping with the other girl

Disgusting? So you just take them to lunch and let them touch your chain but I'm the one you duck?

"The 'other' girl is my sister, who clearly thought she was keeping us together" he smiled, as Naomi stopped trying to get out of his grip

"What-What are your talking about?" She asked, confused and wanting to know if this was the truth and not just a lie he came up with

She wanted to see if she could find any plot holes in his story

She wanted to be smarter this time.

She wasn't going to be sweet talked and lied to, this time.

Sister? Then why did she say she was your girlfriend?

Knowing Naomi too well, to know what she was questioning in her head, Theo answered her questions before she even had to voice them, "Baby your name isn't your name in my phone, I saved it under 'Anita' once I found out your middle name becuee I'd rather that than 'baby' or your actual name as, if one of the boys - you know, Elliott, Drew and them lot - saw that pop up on my phone they'd interrogate the shit out of me trying to find out the secret girl I'm with, or they'd be like why the fuck is Naomi texting you. I even told you that night after the game in the bathroom that I'd change it to that, but you clearly don't remember because of the five drinks that Aimee poured for you that night" he explained as Naomi showed no emotion on her face

Continuing because he needed to use this opportunity to get everything out at once before he no longer had the chance, Theo explained further, "so my sister being my sister as protective and invested as she is, answered my phone when I left it on the table to go to the bathroom that day in Nando's, and she must of saw a girl named 'Anita' calling my phone, so she answered the call thinking she was getting rid of some annoying other girl called Anita who thought they still had a chance with me. So she claimed to be...well you, my girlfriend, so she could keep us together"

"Look, I'll even show you your contact and a picture of me and my sister and I can guarantee that's the girl you saw" Theo finished, as he knew without a doubt that Stass was the cause of all of this

Pulling his phone out of his backpocket and immediately going onto his camera roll, Theo searched it and found a picture of him, his sister and mother from when he went to visit his family home a few months back.

"See, that's her, isn't it?" Theo said knowingly as he showed Naomi the picture, pointing at Stass, "that's the girl you saw me with"

"So your sister didn't know it was me and thought I was another girl?" She questioned quietly, staring at the picture of the two women with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, smiling happily at the camera - forcing Theo in the picture as he had a frown on his face.

"Yes baby" he smiled at her finally getting it, as he brought up Naomi's contact which infact was under 'Anita', "And for my chain, yes that is for you and you only, but my family is allowed to touch it, I don't like them to, but they still can...But it's yours, this chain right here - is all yours"

"Oh" she whispered

With a small smile on his face, putting his phone back into his backpocket, Theo immediately moved his hands onto Naomi's hips, as he always felt best when they were there, "So, you gonna apologise to me?" He teased as he brought his face towards Naomi's, happy to see the sadness in her eyes long gone and replaced by that familiar warmth

"I- I'm gonna make something to eat, I'm pretty hungry" she mumbled, getting out of Theo's grasp and moving around the kitchen towards the fridge

"Wait what? Naomi we just had a full blown argument, because you thought I cheated and you almost ended it and all I get is a; I'm gonna make something to eat?" He questioned throwing his arms in the air at the the shift in her anger to shyness

"I'm sorry okay!" She shouted across the room, shutting the fridge door as she made her way to the kitchen countertop to make herself a sandwich, "I'm sorry, please forgive me" she mumbled

Naomi couldn't even look at Theo and just continued her task at hand - which was making a cheese sandwich because she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and stupid.

She saw the way Theo's eyes widened the moment he connected the dots. She saw how he smiled, as he shook his head. She saw how he stared deep into her eyes as he told her the story, she knew he was telling the truth, she knew because he never lied to her and she hated how she believed he would even cheat on her.

Cutting the sandwich in half, as she had finished making it - Naomi was no longer hungry, well she wasn't even all that hungry in the first place, she just wanted something to do and didn't want to seem like she was running away from the conversation. In all honesty right now, she just wanted to get into bed and forgot all about hers and Theo's argument, she just wanted -.

Stepping behind her, Theo brushed his lips against Naomi's exposed neck, a sign that he was there. He was always there - right besides her.

Placing a small kiss on her skin, which made her immediately relax in his arms, Theo smiled at her easing into him. Without any anger, but just enquiry, Theo questioned her, "you never answered my question, why did you kiss him? We can't keep doing this baby, the whole eye for an eye thing" he asked - needing them to be on the same page because he was still her boyfriend and the whole kissing situation was still pissing him off

"I didn't. I don't do that, I promised you I was done with that whole eye for an eye shit, and I am. Will kissed me. He grabbed me and kissed me, I pushed him off, ask Liv. Theo I didn't cheat, I wouldn't cheat, I promise" Naomi rushed out, completely forgetting that she didn't even tell Theo the real reason for the kiss.

"You promise?" He said with another brush of his lips against her neck

"Pinky promise" she smiled, feeling his hands on her waist turning her around so that she could face him

Holding out her pinky finger, she looked down at Theo's finger immediately intertwining with hers and she couldn't help but smile.

"I trust you" he whispered, pressing his forehead against hers

"And I trust you" she said in return, acknowledging that she reacted a bit drastically earlier, but her trust with Theo was still there because he told her the truth in the end, with proof

Unlinking their pinkies, as he stared into her soft eyes, Theo decided to keep the conversation going before anything was left unresolved, "You never answered my other question" he trailed off, as he couldn't help but be distracted by the beautiful argumentative girl he got to call his girlfriend

"What other question?" She asked, wanting to answer it so that they were on the same page and neither were still pissed at the other

"Do you want to meet my sister or not? She's been asking about you. Okay, to cut the bullshit, she's been here for the past couple of days and I've been hanging out with her, showing her the city and all of that - that's why I've been busy. And I've been trying to actually get the two of you to meet, but I kept it a secret because I wanted to surprise you, because i know how you get and you'd get into your head about meeting her, but trust me she's the one begging me to meet you. I wanted you two to meet so badly as well, but you've been ignoring my messages and claiming to be to busy to meet and now I know why" he explained, as Naomi sank her teeth into her bottom lip in embarrassment of how childish she'd been acting the past couple of days and how she could of met his sister earlier

"She's still here?" Was the first thing that came out of her mouth, because she didn't know whether she'd missed her chance

"Yeah she leaves the day after tomorrow, I'll arrange something" Theo said with a smile, taking that as a yes

"Okay" Naomi mumbled, retuning the smile - happy to know that her and Theo could go from arguing back into their own little bubble of happiness and peace so quickly - like they were the only ones in the world

Fuck the party

She just wanted him

And he just wanted her

"And now I want you to listen to me carefully" He pushed her against the countertop, gripping her thighs to lift her up so that she was sat on the surface - pushing her long forgotten sandwich out of the way.

His hand dove in between her legs, as the other cupped her knee, lifting it up, opening up her legs for him, as he softly began to rub her clit. "I want to be the only person to see you like this" He slipped a finger inside of her making her gasp as his eyes bored into hers, hovering his mouth over hers

"I want you to remember how good I make you feel. How no one else will compare" he slipped another finger inside of her, continuing his speech, "How you're moaning for me and me only" making a 'come here' motion inside of her, "No one else, but me" he said with that same panty dropping smile which made her want to clench her thighs together and she was putty in his hands

Grinning at the sight of her already so turned on, already whining for more, for his dick, he continued, "I want you to know that I'm all yours and I would never lie, cheat or hurt you" he stressed, using his other hand to clasp her chin between his thumb and forefinger to keep her eyes on him, "I want you to talk to me whenever you think somethings up, not call my phone to test me, walk right into whatever fucking restaurant it is and drag me by my chain and talk to me, face to face, one-to-one"

"We're not ending this over petty misunderstandings, understand?" He asked as she nodded her head, "No baby, I need words, use your words"

"Y-Yes" she whimpered understanding him completely because they were in this together and were making it work

"Good girl, now I want you to cum all over my dick tonight" he said in a harsh breath as he couldn't get over how pretty she looked riding his fingers on her kitchen countertop, not taking her eyes off of him as she let the cutest sounds fall from her parted lips

"Can I have it now?" She whispered

"Have what?" He said feigning innocence as he knew what she wanted

"You" she answered quickly, "I want you fucking me, please just put it in"

Having to stifle the groan which threatened to leave his throat at the dirty words which left his girl's mouth, of how much she wanted him to fuck her, Theo felt like his dick couldn't get any harder.

It was already rubbing against Naomi's inner thighs as he stood in between her legs, but her words - along with the way she looked at him from under her eyelashes, so innocently made him weak.

With all his restraint, Theo mumbled a deep, "Not until I say so", as he swiped his thumb across her plump pouting lips

"God baby I want to, I do, but I need to see how much you want it before I do because if other guys have kissed these lips" he said, edging closer to her lips with his own as Naomi leaned forward - only for him to withdraw with a smirk, "Then I'll just have to show you how much better I can kiss your other lips" he said in a strangled voice at the feeling of her body aggrievedly grinding against the surface even more - brushing against his throbbing dick.

"Fucking hell" he cursed lowly, trying to keep himself together as he slowly pulled his fingers out of her pussy, giving her a quick peck on the lips to leave her wanting more as he dropped down onto his knees before her

"Now this is an apology for also carrying you out of the party, I hope you accept it" he said as he lifted her dress up even higher than it already was, gripped her thighs, and spread them wide as he dove his head into the middle

Face-to-face with her sex, Theo internally groaned at the sight of her slick folds, as she bucked her hips up into the air and off of the countertop - trying to show him that she was ready for his apology. She just wanted him to touch her.

Pulling her lower lips open, as he exposed her aching clit - Theo pursed his own lips, blowing cold air on her.

"Theo!" She moaned out, grinding her hips even more as he chuckled lowly at her, "Please Theo, just stop with the torture and start" she pleaded, feeling her pulse in her core even more

"As you wish" he smiled as his tongue came out for a taste of something he'd missed for a long time

A loud strangled noise fell from her lips and she didn't care. She didn't care that Theo had her ontop of her kitchen countertop, legs spread open as he was on his knees before her, eating her out until she came.

"Fuck, I've missed the taste of you" he murmured against her folds as he began to eat like it was just last meal

He missed her

He missed everything about her over the past few days

Her smile

Her face

Her body

Her skin

The way she sounded when he made her feel good

All of it

And now he had it

He had it all.

He had her sat ontop of her kitchen countertop, thrusting her hips forward, pushing her pussy into his face as she cried out in pleasure.

He had her impatiently grinding herself against his face as she gripped his hair.

He had her sweet flavour on his tongue.

Her sweet, sweet, delectable and addictive flavour which would send any man crazy.

"Don't stop" she moaned, "Don't ever stop"

"Never" he grunted out against her sex as he slurped up her juices, not caring for how messy it sounded or look - or how much got onto his face

His grip on her thighs tightened as he dipped his
tongue into her. Every sound that left her pretty lips was all for him and that very thought made him want
to have her at his mercy.

He knew for a fact that she didn't realise, quite how much power she had over him.

The feeling of Theo's tongue against her lower lips was unreal.

And she could never deny it.

But, she also knew exactly why he had chosen this as his method of apology. He wanted to do this because he knew for a fact that no one could tell him that they'd kissed her - his girl - without a small cocky, smug smile playing on his lips at the thought of him not only kissing her, but also being the one to kiss her other lips. To make her feel good in a place they'd never see. Never touch. Never get a chance to even think about - because he was the one.

The only one.

And she also knew that Theo could never go wrong with this method of his mouth.

His mouth, but tongue in more specific was magical.

It flicked, licked, slurped and curled in all the right places.

And that's when Naomi felt the combination of that sensation along with Theo's singular, long and thick middle finger prodding her entrance.

And with ease, he slipped it in, curling it.

"Oh my god!" She rushed out, gripping onto the countertop with one hand for stability and Theo's hair with the other

"Right there, keep doing that" she encouraged, keeping him in the right place with sent her body into euphoria

"Oh god!" she cried out, "Oh god I'm-"

"That's it" he coaxed, thrusting his finger in and out of her as he could feel her walls tighten around it - signalling her nearing release, "That's it baby, cum for me"

Rocking her hips to grind her pussy against his face, Theo could feel her clit throbbing beneath his tongue.

"Fuck!" She screamed, as her orgasm rippled through her body

All that Naomi could hear just above her loud heavy breathing from the orgasm that just coursed through her body was Theo's mouth working against her. How he didn't care for how messy he sounded, he intended on getting every last drop of her essence into his mouth.

Gripping his hair into an even tighter hold, at the sensation slowly crawling back up her spine, Naomi ground her hips into Theo's face - trying to keep him in the same spot which was making her lose all control.

"Yes, right there!" She moaned out

He chuckled at her eagerness, but it slowly died down when he felt his dick throbbing even more than it was in the car at the taste of Naomi's first orgasm on his tongue.

"So fucking good" he hummed, spitting onto Naomi's pussy, slurping it straight back up - to get even more of her into his mouth

"Theo you're gonna make me cum again" she warned in a harsh breath as his lips wrapped around her clit and he began to suck, making her squirm in delight - gripping his hair even tighter - which only motivated him further

"That's what I want" he said in a gruff voice, "That's exactly what I want baby, I want you to cum all over my face" he instructed as he felt his balls ache with how much he enjoyed making Naomi cum

"But I want you" she whispered, "I want you as well" she gritted out - trying to contain the waves of pleasure flowing through her

"Soon" was all Theo said as he reattached his mouth to Naomi's pussy feverishly, slurping, licking, and thrusting his tongue all over

"Uh!" She moaned

It was as if he had a map to her body because after a moment of just getting every last bit of Naomi's juices into his mouth - Theo stopped with his slow movements and jerked his middle finger quickly in and out of her as his tongue licked her clit.

He'd reached that one spot that made Naomi a goner and her legs were shaking uncontrollably as she gasped for air.

"Oh my god!"

"Good?" He smirked, as if he didn't know exactly what he was doing to her

Naomi grabbed Theo's hair in a tight grip as a warning for him not to mess about as he looked up at her from his position from inbetween her legs, "Y-You know it's good" she gritted out

"Really?" He smiled, "I think I can do better" he said as made one long languid lick up her pussy and began to do something magical with his tongue and Naomi's couldn't even speak

And out of nowhere the most euphoric feeling overpowered Naomi's body and she couldn't control herself.

She was screaming.



And just about everything inbetween as she rolled her hips into Theo's tongue, letting her climax take over her body.

Withdrawing his face from the confinements of her thick thighs for just a moment, to get a proper look at the blissful state she was in, Theo smiled.

He smiled at the panting mess she'd become.

Smiled at the second orgasm he'd just given her.

At the fact that she let him do something so intimate like that in the kitchen, without a care in the world.

That she-

"Slip it in" she rushed out, "Please, just give it to me" she begged, bucking her hips off of the countertop trying to push herself into his face, "Even if it's just the tip - just slip it in, please" she pleaded

For the first time ever, since their first time sleeping together, Theo was shocked. Theo was shocked at the desperate whines and pleas from Naomi. How all of her modesty went out of the window and she was crying out for him and his dick.

But god, it was a pretty sight. Her chest heaving, as her breasts threatened to spill out of her dress. The fabric being bunched up around her waist, so her entire bottom half was bare and open for him to see. How her legs were spread open and she had no intention of closing them.

The sight made Theo move without thinking, and one second Naomi was ready to jump off of the countertop and pull Theo towards her so that she could slip it in herself, to the next where Theo was stood up fully and grabbing Naomi and lifting her up so that he was carrying her upstairs to her room.

"Are you going to fuck me now?" She asked as she licked her lips, liking the feeling of her pussy grinding against the friction of his cargo trousers with every step he took with her in his arms

In a thick, raspy voice Theo looked into her eyes as he kicked her bedroom door closed behind the two of them, and questioned, "What do you think?"

Throwing Naomi onto her bed, as she bounced a few times due to the mattress - Theo slowly climbed ontop of her bringing his face to hers.

"Kiss me" she said quietly as she stared into his eyes

Within a beat, Theo's lips were claiming Naomi's as he had forgotten how good it felt to have hers on his.

Her tongue thrusted into his mouth, taking control for one of the first times ever - letting Theo know that she only kissed him like this.

Her lips were his and his only.

"I've missed kissing you" she admitted quickly, withdrawing from the kiss momentarily, only for Theo to crash his lips back into hers, needing more

"So have I" he mumbled, pecking her, "So fucking much" he murmured inbetween another peck, "I never want to stop kissing you" he said as Naomi began to peel her dress off from under him and assisted him in slipping off his own clothes which he hadn't even noticed until now

Stopping for just a moment to pull Theo's T-shirt off and throw it across the room, Naomi laughed as Theo began to pepper kisses repeatedly all over her face, "So don't" she giggled, playing with the waistband of his boxers as she antagonisingly pulled them down

"But I'm going to have to, if I want to do this right" he muttered, breathing heavily as he kicked his boxers off and somewhere into Naomi's room

"Do what right-" Naomi didn't even get to finish her question before Theo did what he was talking about

And the next thing she knew, she was practically seeing stars.

No, literally.

Theo slammed into her, making sure that every single, long and hard inch of his throbbing dick disappeared deep inside of Naomi's pussy.

"Fuck!" She gasped

A low chuckle was all that came from Theo as he stared at her, propped up on his hands with his forearms beside her head, a lazy smile tugging at his lips. "You feel so fucking good baby" he said, not even wanting a response as he needed to say it

He needed her to know how good he made her feel

She could voice her pleasure through moans, as did he - but he preferred telling her exactly what she did to his body and how weak she made him.

"Yes" she sighed softly, accompanying her moan with the push of her hips into him. "Please," she breathed, pushing again, "Please give it all to me" she whispered, as Theo slid out of her, leaving just the tip in

Just the tip

"But I thought you just wanted the tip?" He taunted as he held his weight above her, letting his chain swing infront of her face as she whined out of neediness

"You know I want more than the tip" she said in as harsh breath, grabbing his chain and pulling her towards her as she was practically shaking with pleasure and excitement of Theo finally giving her what she'd been begging for all night.

To feel how big he was again after so long

To feel every inch slip into her

To feel every vein pulsate against her thick, tight walls.

To feel every twitch of his dick with the slither of every inch being pushed inside of her at a merciless slow speed, just to tease her.

Or was it for him to calm himself down, she didn't know - but she didn't care at this point, as long as she got all of him.

All of him, every. Single. Long. Thick. Inch.

Just the the tip wasn't enough.

It would never be enough.

Placing a kiss on her collarbone, Theo finally pressed into her fully with one slow and deep thrust, filling her completely.

"Oh fuck, baby," He moaned out, as his hips
rocked, retreating and sliding back in with more force.

It elicited a cry of pleasure from Naomi as his mouth took its turn of it to latch onto her neck this time tonight.

"You're so fucking wet" He thrusted in again. "I don't think I can ever get over it" He grunted out with another thrust as her hands went straight to his chain, pulling him away from her neck and back to her face

She needed his eyes on her

"And I can't get over you" she whispered as she locked her lips onto his, and the two engaged in a heated kiss

A sloppy kiss

A kiss which made whatever the hell Will Fitzgerald did earlier tonight, a long - distant memory.

Breaking away from the kiss, Theo grinned at the girl below him.

His hips moved at a slow and steady rhythm as she locked her mouth onto the base of his throat, sucking the skin - making a low groan erupt from his throat.

"Oh god, yes" he moaned, thrusting his hips into her - not being able to contain himself for much longer

"Just like that baby, claim me" he whispered in a harsh breath, enjoying the feeling of Naomi's lips claiming his neck as he'd definitely have a mark there tomorrow as a reminder of her

"You're mine?" She asked as she toyed with his chain, moving it away from the spot she wanted to claim as hers

"I'm all yours baby" he grunted out, feeling just how much Naomi enjoyed hearing him say that to her, from her walls tightening around him

"I like hearing you say that daddy" she hummed, dragging her nails down his back as he ploughed into her, watching her breasts bounce with each thrust

"And I like when you call me that" he smirked, thrusting even faster, just so that she couldn't come up with a witty comeback - and instead could only moan from the pleasure he was giving her

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" She cried out, feeling Theo's dick jab that same spot which sent tingles up her spine, and her toes curl

Piercing her nails into his back as she dragged them down the skin, which had to be red at this point, Naomi didn't miss the hiss which fell from Theo's lips - which translated into his deep blue eyes, and the fire in them.

That fire which ignited and only made him work harder

Made him fuck her harder

Made him stop talking and focus on every inch of pleasure he wanted to give her

"D-Daddy!" She yelled at the fact that Theo was relentlessly pounding into her

"That's the spot, huh?" He questioned lowly as he saw her nodding her head profusely, "Use your words baby" he whispered, leaning down to brush his lips against hers as he slowed his thrusts, just to make it even more of a tortuous pleasure as she had to wait longer for him to reach that spot again inbetween each thrust

"I-I can't" she stuttered, feeling her legs shake uncontrollably under the power of Theo's dick, "And you know I can't" she said in a harsh whisper

"Sounds like you're talking pretty well to me" he raised his eyebrows, "Maybe a little too well" he said as he picked up his stroke speed and began to fuck her until the headboard was hitting the wall so hard, they were sure it was going to leave a dent in the wall

"Theo...I can't..." she whimpered, knowing her orgasm was close

Kissing her neck as he enjoyed hearing the soft sighs of desire flowing through her body so close, he grinned "but you're taking it like such a good girl"

"Theooo" she whined, dragging out the last syllable as she couldn't take the pleasure as it was too much

"Mmm?" He hummed, watching his dick disappear inside of her with his slow but calculated strokes which had Naomi gripping onto the sheets - pulling them off of the bed

Not even knowing what she wanted to say anymore, or if she even had the ability to say it, not with Theo ploughing into her with no remorse - Naomi stayed silent - and let the room fill with the sounds of their skin slapping against each others as moans slipped from her lips repeatedly alongside Theo's grunts.

"You wanna cum don't you?" He asked - knowing that his dick was painfully throbbing and he was close, but needed her to either get there first or at the same time as him

"Yes!" She shouted like a breath of air finally hit her lungs, "Yes, please let me daddy" she begged

"God, the way you sound begging for me is so fucking beautiful" he said with a groan as he reached inbetween the two of them and located Naomi's clit, rubbing it

"Theo!" She warned

"That's it baby, cum for me" he smiled as he watched her back arch off of the bed, clawing onto him as her full breasts met his sweaty chest, crying out for him

"FUCK!" She screamed, letting her essence flow out of her and all over Theo's dick

In one swift move Theo groaned at the juices on his dick and the next, his hot cum was hitting Naomi's stomach and breasts

"Shit" he said in a hoarse voice as Naomi lay there before him, chest rising and falling heavily

Quickly, reaching onto her bedside table, Theo grabbed the box of tissues and began cleaning up Naomi's chest and stomach as she giggled at him.

"What?" He asked

"You" she smiled, "The way as soon as we're done and you finish, you go into panic mode trying to find tissues for me"

"Well yeah, I'm not gonna just leave you with my cum all over you, I'm not a dick" he said as he finished wiping her stomach and threw the tissue in the bin

Turning back around to find Naomi still in the same position, Theo laid next to her as his hand cupped her chin, brushing his thumb against her cheek, "I promised you that I would take care of you, and I always will" he mumbled as Naomi stared at him

"Thank you" she whispered

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" she said quietly as Theo stared at her, not being able to take his eyes off of her face

"Alright, imma head downstairs and clean up before the girls get back" he smiled, at the sudden realisation in Naomi's face that Theo infact ate her out in her kitchen

A communal kitchen, which she shared with the girls

Well, it wasn't like the girls hadn't each had their fair share of sexual acts carried out in that same kitchen with their significant others - but Naomi never thought that she'd be so caught up in the moment and forget that they were in the kitchen.

She didn't even have a chance to say anything before she saw Theo slip his boxers back on, and leaving her room to go downstairs and disinfect and clean downstairs.

Shaking her head at how all her sane thoughts and composure seemed to fly out of the window when it came to Theo, Naomi grabbed Theo's T-shirt from the floor, pulling it on and going into the bathroom to pee and clean herself up.

Coming out of the bathroom, Naomi shyly walked back over to her bed as Theo sat against her head board staring at her.

Standing at the edge of the bed, Naomi didn't even have a chance to say anything before Theo reached out for her. He grabbed the hem of his T-shirt, which covered her body and pulled at it.

"Off, I want this off of you" he mumbled, tugging at the fabric

"Noo" she whined playfully

"Please, baby" he spoke, tugging at the fabric again as he looked into her eyes - because he enjoyed seeing her body as it let him know that she was comfortable around him

"Okay" she whispered, pulling the T-shirt off, and watching how Theo's eyes widened in amazement as if it were his first time seeing her naked all over again

"Now" he spoke, pulling her back into bed with him, making her straddle him as the sheets were tousled around them, "Am I forgiven for carrying you out of the party? Or do I still have more apologising to make it up to you" He asked, trailing his hands down Naomi's body - tracing every curve of her's until finally settling on her ass cheeks

"No!" She shouted, quickly clamping her hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

Withdrawing her hand at Theo's shocked expression, she composed herself, explaining further, "I mean, yes you are forgiven, but no more - please Theo, my body can't take it" she said quietly, playing with her fingers

"That's all you had to say baby" he whispered, "I'm not going to force you to go for another round if you're not ready, we can just go to bed if that's what you want" he reassured with a firm squeeze of her ass cheek

"I'm not tired though" she mumbled - getting out of her straddling position and laying next to Theo instead as she was definitely feeling the ache in her legs from earlier, but tiredness wasn't there - maybe it was because of the vodka redbulls she had earlier

"Neither" he said as he kissed her forehead

Reaching over into her bedside drawer, Naomi found something she knew which would keep the two of them entertained, "Do you wanna smoke?" She offered her prerolled zoot

"Why not" he hummed, pulling Naomi back into his arms as she laid on his chest, sparking the zoot

After a few tokes between the two of them, Theo noticed they were nearing the end of the zoot and decided to let Naomi have the rest on her own.

Letting the smoke fill her lungs as she took a breath in, Naomi let the toxins sit in her lungs for a few moments before releasing them into through her pursed lips and into the air again. "Why are we so messy?" She mumbled

"Messy?" Theo quirked up an eyebrow, "I literally just distinfected the kitchen countertop when you were in the bathroom - did I miss something out-"

"No" she smiled, looking over her shoulder at that being his first thought, "I mean us, we end up doing so well and then shit just happens and then we argue, apologise, make up and it's just so..."

"Messy" he offered with a small smile,

With a nod, Naomi agreed, adding "tiring" into the mix

"Nah, I get what you mean baby and I'm not gonna brush past it, by saying our thing which is very true - the whole; 'we're messy, and complicated, but that's just us and we work' because it is bad. It is bad that we miscommunicate and then one of us gets pissed but I don't think we should keep blaming ourselves" he offered as he put out the spliff in the ashtray as now wasn't the time for a smoke, "Other people keep getting involved, you even told me yourself that you were going to confront me either way about what you thought you saw, but the party with Fitzgerald made matters worse"

"So I don't think we need to change, I think we're good - I just-" Theo sighed, knowing what he wanted to say but he didn't want to bring it up

"You think we should start telling everyone about us" she finished - already knowing that's what Theo wanted to say, "And I do as well, I just need to ease them into the idea of us first, but I am - I mean, we are going to make progress with telling people, and I mean actually telling them - not just them catching us or them pestering me to tell them when they already knew"

"Do you really want to?" He asked, not wanting Naomi to just take this step forward just for him

"No, I do - I really do, I wanted nothing more than to be with you tonight at that party and I hate that I couldn't be...So we'll start telling people soon"

"Well it'll have to wait until after tomorrow though"

"Why?" She asked

"Because we're meeting my sister tomorrow remember"

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