Forbidden Princess

By PoojaBagchi

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By PoojaBagchi

Siddharth's POV

After the news spread across my kingdom about Dhai Ma's sudden arrival after a long time, my people of this kingdom wanted to celebrate on her honor. It's not only me alone who loves her, but my people do shares the same feeling for her as they are thankful to her for taking good care of their King when I went motherless. What I am now, it's all because of her. She has played a critical role in my up bringing.

Dhai Ma did not wanted all that celebrations and all, as for her it's not needed but If anyone asks me, I would say 'why not ?'. It's been a very long time since this place has witnessed any celebrations.


Soon the day came when the massive crowd gathered in the big yard in front of my palace. Female civilians performing dance in front of us, while I and Dhai Ma watched sitting in the huge palace gallery which faced the open yard ahead.

From the corner of my eyes, I side glanced Nandini, who stood just behind my shoulder and was enjoying everything in front of her.

After every little while, I involuntarily glanced over my shoulder just to look at her, and I found myself internally scolding at me for doing the same. The celebrations were on full swing, the entire palace was almost empty as all my maids, servants came forward to enjoy the gathering.

Again after some while, I looked over past my shoulder to check on her but to my surprise I find Ushaji standing instead of her. I fought an urge to ask Ushaji about Nandini's whereabouts, but failed.

" Where is she ??" I asked Ushaji politely.

"She was a bit thirsty, Your highness, so she has gone to the maid's quarter to drink some water. She should be back soon." Ushaji told wearing a smile and
I gave a slow nod after listening to her.

"Do you need anything, Your highness? " She asked in her gently tone.

I shook my head indicating no and looked ahead where my civilians came up with numerous dance performances and showcasing their brilliant talents. I, too, got swept away by their amazing show they have brought in front of us. Again I side glanced behind but still, it was Ushaji who stood beside me even after two performances.

" Where is she gone ?" I wondered.
" She's not back yet ?? " I asked Ushaji.

When I asked Ushaji about Nandini, Ushaji suddenly seemed to break up from her trance of watching the show to give a thought for Nandini . Her expression told that she just realized that it was quite a while that she was gone to just drink some water.

" Let me go check upon her, Your highness..." telling me that she just turned to walk away, but I stopped her.

" No, it's okay. I think she'll be back soon. " I promptly replied to her making Ushaji stop from going away in search of Nandini.
But to be honest, I was feeling very restless about Nandini's delay to return.

I couldn't control myself anymore, as I just wanted to look for her myself. I was not feeling okay about her delay thing, so I got up and quickly walked my way to the maid's quarter.

I walked through the long passage and when I was about to take a right turn on my way towards the quarter, when all of a sudden my brows furrowed to find Nandini running right towards my direction.

she was looking damn scared of something and was right now running from it. I was puzzled to find her weeping and shivering as well.

She stopped in front of me, her appearance screamed everything about too much of her struggle. She was crying unstoppably and was covered with sweat. Her right cheek was red and had a print of someone's hand, which clearly indicated that someone had slapped her hard. She looked at me through her tears filled eyes. Her long hair were all messed up which hung loose all over her shoulders till the back of her thighs.

Nandini stood only in her chest cover and her dhoti while her dupatta was nowhere to be found covering her bare chest. And to cover her modesty she had to hide her cleavage with the help of her hands like she did in the pool room.

And all of a sudden she hugged me tight and started to weep unconsolably. The way she hugged me gave me a vibe as if she was relieved to find me here . As if she was overjoyed to see someone in the the middle of nowhere.

I looked down at her anxiously with my knitted brows while she almost squeezed me tight. I was uncertain whether to hug her back or not. Being worried and confused, I was just about to ask her 'what happened' and that's when I saw Shamdev furiously running towards her, but quickly seized his steps after finding me standing with her. Shamdev's expression changed into horror, as if he just saw a ghost in front of him.

Finding Nandini's in this state while Shamdev running after her, my eyes broadened as I clearly understood the reason of her condition and I instantly understood what was Shamdev trying to do to her.

I clenched my jaws and gritted my teeth as my anger knew no boundaries. My blood boiled under my skin, making me feel hot. My head was on fire as I looked right at him with a look which could burn him on the spot.

Nandini kept on sobbing while still holding me. I lightly touched her shoulders to gently push her, not wanting to part our bodies from this embrace of her. I looked down at her feeling sorry while she looked down in embarrassment, with her tear wet cheeks and somehow spoke between her sobbings,

" He was trying to ......." before she
explain any further, Nandini bursted in more tears.

I hurriedly removed my neatly plited stole and covered her up . I went stressed as I breathed fire after watching her like this and without uttering a word , I marathoned towards Shamdev, who stood with his eyes wide in horror.

Watching me approaching close to him, He fearfully took a step backward and blurted out in terror.

" Your highness.... she... she is a loose charactered slut ... sh- she was trying to-- " he was shamelessly trying his best to somehow prove Nandini guilty to save himself. And before he could utter a single more nasty words about her from his dirty mouth, I punched hard him on his face.

" HOW DARE YOU ??!!! " I growled out angrily.

I was so enraged that everything turned dark in front of me, and I was shaking in anger. All I wanted was to Kill Shamdev RIGHT NOW. I punched him on his guts again, making him wince in pain. I hit him again on his face.
" HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER !!!" And shouted this time.

I didn't even know where I was hitting him, as I was feeling highly murderous. He tried to block my blows on him but I was hard to keep off as I just wanted to hit him until he died.

" HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER??!!" I kept on beating the shit out of him until he started bleeding. He was now all bruised up and some blood started to show up of his mouth and face. Still, I was unstoppable and unsatisfied as I couldn't take the thought, that how could he touch a person whom I had never laid my hands on, in spite of holding tremendous grudge against her father?

I couldn't take the thought that how hard he must have slapped her which is still printed on her delicate cheek, how he must have hit her and snatched away her dupatta to fulfil his hunger of lust. How he had developed his spine to harm her, in MY palace. All of this was just bursting out of me like a boiling lava.

I finally stopped hitting him and at once removed my sword from its cover.

" You have no right to live. " I said glaring down at Shamdev while he laid down almost in unconscious state.
I raised my sword holding it with both of my hands in order to thrust it into his guts. I was breathing in stress as I was just about to kill a man who is a loyal general of this kingdom. He had given his loyalty to me and had always given his best for my kingdom. I held my sword high, but I paused in that position for a moment as I was hanging in the middle of a wired dallima whether to spare his life or not.

I didn't wanted to kill him but at the same time I was too much hurt by his behavior of what he did today and what he was about to do to Nandini, and so I raised my sword a bit higher and with all my rage lashing out, I thrust my sword.
On the ground, right next to his guts. I took deep breaths while still pinned him with my murderous glare and decided to spare his life only to throw him in the dungeon for lifetime as his punishment.

I withdrew my sword whose tip was standing on the ground and slowly walk my way back to Nandini. While walking back, I found few maids gathered near Nandini and stood hugging her with concern. To my surprise I also found Dhai Ma, who was standing near watching everything with confusion along with some of my Subordinates. I guess they must have arrived when I was busy blinded by rage to kill Shamdev. Coming close to Nandini I looked at her with my eyes reflecting sadness, feeling truly sorry that she had to go through all this.

Suddenly, I heard a pained voice of Shamdev.

" You are nothing but a big disgrace to our kingdom, Siddharth Veer Singh. A man who is an unfit to sit on that throne and to call himself as a King. The one who has been sucked by this enemy bitch. I think feasting and licking on her honey every night must have melted up your manhood inside. "
I was shocked by his poisonous words as I turned to looked at him with my eyes filled with hatred.

This was not what I expected out of him. It was just a moment ago I spared his life out of mercy and here he is somehow standing in spite of being beaten up to death and has an audacity of spitting such venomous words against me and Nandini.

I was now fuming and was again refueled by my anger which just somehow got suppress by my humanity a while ago.

" THAT'S IT. " I gritted furiously.
Now at this point I was now just irrevocably determined to kill this man right now. Without making any delay I instantly advanced my steps towards him and without any habitation or second thoughts, I completed the task which my inner human didn't let me finish it a while ago.

I pierced my blade into his guts for attempting to commit such a heinous crime of assaulting a woman. The crime I hated the most, and also dishonoring his King at the same time. I heard some whispered screams which escaped out from the maids while Nandini hide her face on a maid's shoulder to avoid the view of bloodshed.


It is a silent night and I stood by my balcony staring at the space while sinking deep into my thoughts. What would have happened if Nandini didn't have a scope to run away from him and reach to me coincidentally on time.

This incident shook me down deeply and Right now, all I just wanted was her well-being and her safety. I also couldn't hold my mind back to think about Shamdev. I knew that he hated Shaktinand just the way I did. Furthermore, I always noticed that how much he hated Nandini after she was captivated . He always stood by my side to build this strong army, but he was so consumed by his hatred for Shaktinand and Nandini that he had completely lost his right mind.

He thought that just because Nandini is Shaktinand's daughter she had no right to be treated as a human, which was never agreeable to me even if I hadn't developed any soft feelings for her. Since from the start he always wanted me to throw her away into the darkest dungeon possible.

In the evening I, personally, had gone to meet Nandini, but I couldn't develop courage to speak to her. From what I heard from Ushaji, she was very disturbed by this hell of an incident which occurred in this morning.

"Siddharth...!!??" A soft, humble voice called my name. I turned my head to find Dhai Ma inside my room.
" Yes Dhai Ma ??"

" I thought that you had already gone to bed. "
" No Dhai Ma, not sleepy yet. why are you awake? You should have gone to bed long back ."

" I came here to talk to you about a very important thing, but I suppose it's late at night, and you should really take some rest. I will talk to you tomorrow in the morning."

" It's okay Dhai Ma you can tell me right now. Please feel free."

"No, Son .... you go to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow only. You just take rest. Tomorrow is the day to take some important decisions."

Telling that, Dhai Ma walked out of the room leaving me puzzled about what she just told me about taking some important decisions.
"Important decisions??..... about what ?? " I wondered internally, and for that, I have to wait until tomorrow morning to know about it.


🧚‍♀️: Did Siddharth do it right by killing Shamdev ?? What Important decisions is Dhai Ma going to take ?? Will she do something which is not supposed to be done??

What do you think about this chapter ??.... Do let me know in your comments

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