Forbidden Princess

By PoojaBagchi

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By PoojaBagchi

Nandini's POV 

“ Phew!! " I exhaled out a long breath, which I was holding it for a while.

Thank God !! finally this medicine application thing is done as it was so damn uncomfortable for me to let HIM do that. But he was right about 'the treatment on time' part, more the delay of treatment more the damage will worsen.

Whatever happened yesterday was like a havoc been unleashed upon us by those wild elephants. They were so mad that they killed so many of his men in a blink and tossed our chariot, making us fall. It was just our luck that we survived such a disaster.

I can't thank God enough for saving my life, well….. our life from such an accident, but Siddharth Veer didn't act any less than an God's angel to save my life while falling. I know how he purposely pulled me close to him and embraced me tightly so that I get less hurt. Being an enemy and in spite of hating me from his core, he just saved me.

I know that he must be doing it all because of his tiniest bit humanity whatever is left in him for an enemy daughter like me. But still nothing changes, as once situation gets okay he will be back to his previous jerk form but right now, so far, it's mostly good.

Looking at him really made me feel bad for him for the first time ever as I have never seen him so worn out before. His clothes mostly filled with dirt and torn a little, his body covered with wounds and injuries, his crown missing but still despite of all that, he is still somehow pulling himself together and moving on with a zeal.


"After done applying medicine on my back, Siddharth Veer went out of the cave without evening intimating me about his departure. It's almost mid afternoon now and he hasn't returned yet." I thought  looking at the cave's entrance, being worried about his delay. Wheather I like it or not,
Since he being the only companion in this situation, it will be a lie if I say I'm not worried for him.

I was just wondering about his whereabouts when I saw him entering inside the cave, giving my anxious mind some ease.

He strode in without giving me a glance, as if I wasn't present in here. He was carrying a big bunch of bananas and some fruits and kept them on the partially clean surface of this cave.

As I watched him enter in, I could sense a heavy change in his demeanour which was very different from the time when he left the cave. Before leaving  the cave his gestures were more on a softer side, but now when he has returned , he is looking grumpy and upset about something.

Placing the bunch of bananas on the ground he sat beside it and plucked the fruit from it to fill his hunger. Than suddenly he said ordering without even looking at me, his tone reflecting a little rudeness in it.
“Eat your full, and then we have to move forward to find our way up to the surface road.”

"What wrong could have happened that he returned with a sad face because when he was here grinding and applying medicine he didn't look sad. I think he is sad because of this recent loss of his men in that disaster." I
Thought with my furrowed brows. Feeling weird I hummed as a reply and went near the same spot where he sat.

Yesterday when we were on our silent hunt for a safe shelter in this forest. He really looked very sad. Probably it's  because of the sudden loss of his men. Im sure it's the only reason for his sad and weird behavior. Other than that, what else it could be??

As I went near the banana bunch and glanced at his fallen face and said being concerned in my sad tone.

“I am truly sorry about the loss of your men. This shouldn't have ---"  but before I could finish he cut me in the middle sounding annoyed.
" That's none of your matter to be concerned of."   "And by the way, don't try so hard to be friendly with me, because you can never be my friend. “ He said rudely making my jaws drop in shock and anger.

I couldn't understand what was wrong him to reply me like this.
I was just trying to console him for his men's loss. And here, he was sliced me with his tounge, which in reality was nothing but a shape blade.

I scoffed and asked him in my utter disbelief, drilling him with my eyes while he avoided even glancing at me.
" Me??!!, trying to be 'YOUR' friend ???!! "  " If you're thinking this, than you are highly mistaken, Your Highness. I will be a big FOOL to even think of you as a friend, coz you're not even capable of being atleast a good human to me."  I sliced him back with my words and angrily snatched some bananas and walked away to sit in the corner.

As soon as we were done, we again started our journey to reach up to the surface and find help to get back to the palace.


We walked for long and finally got a route which was not very difficult to walk our way up, but It was filled with numerous trees, mud, rocks and endless uneven path.

As like always, silently we walked when suddenly, Siddharth  Veer asked halting on the spot, noticing my feet.
" Where are your shoes ??"

“ I don't know. " I replied short and quick, taking  my steps forward as I was absolutely not interested to talk to him one bit.

"You don't know??!",
"What's that suppose to mean ??!! " He asked still holding  his spot, looking at me with his broad eyes.

Being bugging by his questions, I too had to stop and turn to answer him.
" God !! " " It must have got out of my feet while falling. So? Why do you care ?? " I answered being irritated.

"And I am noticing it now." he muttered more to himself than to me. Than suddenly,
“Here ! … where mine.” He said and instantly removed his shoes, offering me to wear them.

“ Thanks, but I got enough from you.”  I sarcastically refused looking elsewhere, in the same rude tone just the way he did to me earlier and started moving ahead.

“ Wait !!  Stop walking.  There are dry sticks everywhere. You'll get hurt." He desperately warned.

I scoffed rolling my orbs, letting out a chuckle and once again turned to answer him.
“ Like you care ?? " "And you're talking as if you'll not enjoy the sight when I'll get hurt?? " I continued giving him rude replies and once again started taking my step forward.

But all of a sudden exactly the same thing happened what Siddharth Veer just warned me from. I felt a sharp pricking pain on my right foot which was due to a thorn pierced in my feet.

“ AAAAA ….!!! ” I yelled in pain, clutching my feet. I somehow limped and leaned on to a nearby tree for support as I wasn't able to stand steady. Meanwhile Siddharth Veer rushed near me but stopped keeping two steps distance between us.

“ See?… this is what I was warning you from."
He complained looking panicked than took his final step bringing himself closer to me, in an attempt to sit down to pull out the thorn from my feet.
" Let me help. "

But before he could even bend his Knees to sit, I forbade him from touching me for help.
“ Thank you, but I don't need your help.”

Hearing me he froze on his action and stared at me with a question marked expression. By the look of his face I could make out that he genuinely wanted to help me, but keeping in mind about his last rude behavior I received, I refused to take his 'so called' help.

I, somehow managed to pull the thorn out, but was unable to place my foot on the ground like before. I noticed Siddharth Veer watching me and my feet with concern and spoke like a helpless parent of a stubborn child.
“ You don't listen, and now look what happened.”

“ You don't have to worry. I can walk." I said frowning.

“ Oh!! Is that so ?? Than please care tell me, that how with a bleeding foot are you planning to walk??” He asked irritated.

“ I can manage.”  I replied instantly without thinking twice, but for the matter of fact, even I was clueless about it.

Now after when I have told him that 'I can manage ', how can I now ask for any sort of help. And so I took a step to walk but like it was expected, it turned out to be a stupid act as I wasn't able to walk a single step ahead with an injured foot like this.

Watching me struggling to walk, Siddharth Veer spoke in his determined tone, like he just took  to a firm decision. His demeanour looked hard like he was all set for a battle.
“I know you are not going to listen to me, but I will do what I have to."

I heard him say this than all of a sudden, he walked closer to me killing all the distances between. And In a flash of a second he abruptly placed his one hand under my things; and his other hand behind my back and just lifted me into his arms in a bridal style.

This happened so fast,  that I was completely shocked by his move. My jaws drop and eyes went wide in surprise as he carried me on his arms without my concent. The moment I realised what happened, I shook my legs vigorously for protest.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!???, Put me down !!, Put me down !! RIGHT NOW!! " I commanded him strongly.

" Keep quiet and be a good girl.” He ordered me back, looking straight into my eyes instead of doing what I was asking for.

“ I said, JUST put me down !! " I repeated  trying to get away from him but instead of getting away, he further more tightened his hold around, lifting me up, bring me even more awkwardly closer to him. Due to this jolt our faces came so close that we hypnotically looked into each other's eyes which made me go paralysed by my extreme nervousness. I grew so nervous that I just forgot what I was protesting for.

I could feel his tough muscles and his steel chest which rose and fell due to his heavy breathing. Being awkwardly so close to him, my breath got hitched while he pinned me with his intense glare.

Looking deep into his eyes, all I could see was his seriousness mixed with determination while his orbs kept boring into mine without a blink. His gaze stayed on eyes for a few seconds than slowly I saw his glare changing into a soft stare, slowly they left my eyes, travelling down to my nose and just stopped on my lips. The way he stared my lips, I could make out that there was something intense going on in his mind. It was something which he was trying hard to fight off. But what ?? That was far from my understanding.

Growing uncomfortable before his eyes, I lower my lashes and looked away to break the awkwardnes. He too, composed himself relaxing his grip around me while holding me up gently.

Detaching his gaze from me, he looked forward and walked quietly on his way carrying me carefully and I, left with no other option, was forced to be in his arms which made me feel like a helpless big baby.


I slowly opened my eyes only to know that I fell asleep in his arm placing my head on his wall like shoulder. Noticing me being awake, he said softly without looking at me.
“ Rise and shine, sleepy head. "

I bit my lower lip in embarrassment because I slept carefree on his arms while he had to bear all my weight and walk in this difficult paths of this jungle.

But I will not blame myself to fall asleep as I could only see trees.. and trees... only everywhere. And I'm with a person who doesn't really talk to me much. Plus, I am being carried on his arms with an addition to the swaying motion which is created by walking, which was all responsible for lulling me to sleep. And there was nothing else due to which I could have stayed awake.

“ I am sorry..... I slept.” I said feeling guilty mixed with embarrassment.

Keeping his eyes straight ahead on his path, he said in his gent tone.
“ It's okay to sleep whenever you feel like.”

I stayed silent on that, but he abruptly, out of nowhere with his tone full of senciarity he said.

" I am sorry. " 

Hearing that my orbs instantly darted on his while my brows did a nose dive and my face expressed a question mark.

He took a quick glance at my confused face and spoke again, 
“ I was rude back then whereas you were just consoling me for the loss of my men.”

Hearing SIDDHARTH VEER SINGH, apologising to ME, ....ME !. I just went dumbfounded and  stared at him being shock while he was busy concentrating on his walking path, with his orbs set ahead.

“ Why are you staring at me??”  He asked suddenly without even glancing at me, while still continuing looking forward. As soon as he caught me doing that I quickly blinked fast to look elsewhere and clarified instantly, 
“ I wasn't. “

He very well knew that I lied being shy, to which he smirked a little.

It is really hard for me to understand him sometimes. Once he is hurting me with his rude replies and the other time he is all of a sudden being a gentleman, apologizing for the same. Once he separates me away from my friends and the next time he asks me to keep a rabbit as a pet. Whatever it is, but I cannot deny the fact that he actually helped me and saved me several times.

Hearing his apology a query arose in my mind 
“ I will not call that ''STARING''. I was just shocked about you apologising to ME. But I don't understand........” I trailed off in the middle as I thought I heard a fade voice, but I ignored and spoke again
“ but I don't understand that why did you.........” I paused again as I again heard something, as If someone's call.

“ What …?? " Siddharth Veer looked at me waiting to complete my sentence, but instead I asked him
“ Do you hear something ?? " I asked trying to concentrate again on to that voice and this time we both stayed silent and focused on our hearing, and again we heard.

This time we both heard the same call. It was coming from far as a soft wave, within a moment, we heard again and this time it was quite audible to us. Someone was screaming aloud.  
“Your…. Highness....."

Hearing this We both looked at each other with our broad eyes and looked at the direction from where the voice came and both of us shouted with all our lungs out 
“ WE .....ARE…. HERE.....!!!"

It took us some time to get to the rescue team, as well as for them to get any closer to us simultaneously.

We were so happy to see few army men from his troop walking hurriedly to get to us to finally take us back to the palace.


🧚‍♀️ : Hey beauties your check-out my 2nd Book 


Here is a glimpse...

I kept walking deeper inside my office. Walking further, my eyes roughly scrolled but stopped at the glass which showed me my reflection on it.
I was surprised as I was weirdly not wearing my usual office formal coat and pencil skirt, but instead I was wearing my silk short Lacy night gown which I always wear for my bed. It like a bra attached with a cute short frock.
While I was just looking at my reflection, Suddenly I heard some flapping sounds in Janet's cubicle. I quickly marathoned my way there and went to check on the same.
But when I finally reached there to my disappointment there was no one but only some pages flapping due to wind coming from the little gap of the window pane.
I walked further inside the cubicle and placed a heavy file on it to stop them from flapping.
Finding nothing here to, I took some slow back steps to get out of the cubicle and the moment When I turned to walk away.
I sucked an audible breath as I almost got a heart attack to see Zack Westwood standing right in front of me in an arm length distance, looking at me wearing his evil smirk which was enough to send me chills.
I went scared stiff to find him here when there's no one around because all I wanted was to keep a mile like distance between us after whatever happened in Florida.
“ YOU ??!! … Wh- What are you doing here ?" I asked in my fearful voice, but still kept the strong hold on it so that he doesn't get a hint of my fear.
“ I was waiting for you ?? " He said boring his eyes in mine and took at step closer wearing his smirk intimidating me.
“Wa- wai- ting for me ??" I gulped while He again stepped forward, and I stepped back.
“ Yeah… only for you, Eva Blue.  "And again the same with his step, making me back off.
“ D -don't you come any closer to me "I warned him pointing my finger at him and suddenly the back of my leg got hit to something making me fall back. The place where I fell was soft and fluffy and again to my weird surprise it was a bed.
“Where did this bed come from?? "I wondered between my fear
I raised my head a bit to find Zack taking his last greedy steps towards me. 
I quickly sat up, placing my hands back on the bed and dragged myself back trying to create much distance between us. Falling on the bed my short night dress got collected in the angle between my waist and thighs now totally exposing my entire legs to him.
Zack's smirk was gone as he was now looking at my deep arcs of my cleavage and my legs hungrily. His eyes lustfully travelled on every visible skin of my body, sending creeps to my gut.
I was breathing hard as my chest rise and fall in tension to watch him take a step further, placing his knees on the edge of the mattress. Kneeling on it, he removed his coat now only wearing his linen shirt whose sleeves were folded and a black trouser.
“ I said Stop there or else I will scream.” I warned him in my shaky voice.
“ Be my guest, Love. Scream as much as you wish. “ He said maintaining his piercing eyes on me.
Somehow shaking off my fear I quickly jumped from the side of the bed to save myself and tried to run from him but my attempt went in vain as he tightly gripped my hand and stopped me from fleeing.
Holding me with both of his hands, he pushed me again on the bed which caused me to bounce on the mattress. The moment I fell on my back, he instantly pounced on my body and spread his legs over mine to minimize my leg movements. I wriggled under him to free myself, but my efforts were of no use as he was way more stronger than me. His weight was making my breathing even more difficult while I kept on  struggling under him.
" Let me go ..... argh "I tried to push him away with my hands but he helded both of my wrists and pinned them on the bed, cutting all my chances to fight back. Fixing his eyes on mine, he breathed hard.
“ LET GO OFF ME "I shouted, baring my teeth while my eyes spilled fire on him.
“ Never "he said and chuckled like a manic.
Instead of letting me go he bought both my hand above my head and hooked something metal around my wrist locking it down. My eyes widened as to the addition to my horror I realized that he locked my hands with a handcuff and interlocked it with the metal rail of the bed
“ NNN NNO NO. please Zack No. don't do this." I pleaded, as now I was not even able to move my hands.
“I love when you take my name from those soft lips of your .” He levelled his eyes to mine and looked at my lips.
“Watching you in cuffs is already giving me kinks, and I Can't wait to get inside you AGAIN. " He stressed the last word 'Again 'and flashed his malicious smile. Saying that he slowly crawled down to the spot between my legs, still fixing his eyes on me while I watched him with my ribs breaking heart beat and my tied up hands.
“ PLEASE NO.” I yelled.
I tried to kick him with my leg, but before I could, he grabbed the ankles of both of my legs and forced my legs apart to spread as wide as possible and disgustingly lowered his head and buried his face between my legs making me scream all my lungs out in disgust.

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