The Crusader of Rebirth (JJBA...

By Neko_Rangel28

140K 1.7K 1.7K

"Everywhere we shine death and life burn into something new..." ā€• Aberjhani (Y/N) is a 10 year old kid who ha... More

The "Harem"
Prolouge - (Y/N)'s past
This Is a Rather Bizzare Day
Who Will Be Reality's Judge?
I got a question for you.
I'm Sorry?!
One Door Leads To Another
Target Set! Let's Move, Crusadars!
Tower Of Grey With Some Gray Clouds!
Q&A incoming. ask me questions. (Closed)
The Silver Chariot, and The Burning Magician.
About this story
Strength In Trust! Strength In Friendship!
New Charecter
Devilish Imposter! The Courageous Rebel!
Anne Bio
Remember the Queen

Memories Resurface as the Waves Hit as Strong

4.2K 63 41
By Neko_Rangel28

A/N - sorry for the long wait. I didn't have the time nor the means to write until two weeks ago and I worked on other stories of mine.

Keep in mind, Blue is Sus.

Now onto the story!


[The loathsome curse of Dia... Even the Speedwagon Foundation's doctors, who have the latest medical technologies, stand powerless before Dia's curse.]

[In order to save Holly, Jotara, (Y/N) and crew head towards faraway Egypt. In order to avoid danger, they travel by sea rather than air, heading first to Singapore.]

Jotara POV:

Joseph: "To get from hong Kong to Singapore,we'll be on water for three full days." Gramps said as the water crashed against our boat. "Well, let's relax and keep our spirits up. But seriously, guys... Can't you do something about those school uniforms? You're going to continue our journey wearing those? Isn't it ridiculously hot?" He asked, as me, Kakyoin and a sleeping (Y/N) all had our school uniforms on.

Kakyoin: "Well, we are students... And students should behave as students. BUt I suppose that sounds like a stretch..."

Jotara: "Hmph."

Joseph: "Hmph! Japanese students are such stiffs." He said loudly, not caring about the sleeping kid that laid on me, cutely might I add.

Avdol: "I see... so this is Bushido. Once you clear your mind, even fire seems cool."

Polnareff: "But you know, guys won't fall for stiffs like you."

???: "Let go! Let go of me! You big lug!" A kid just showed up being held by one of the sailors. "Damn it, let me go! Let me go!"

Sailor: "Shut up! What a little brat."

Joseph: "Hey, what's going on? I thought we agreed there'd be no passengers on our boat." Gramps asked while the kid kept trying to free themselves.

Sailor: "I'm sorry. It's a stowaway. This brat was hiding in storage down below." (sus).

Joseph: "A Stowaway?"

Jotara: "What's with that face gramps? never heard of a stowaway?"

Kid: "Come at me if you're gonna! I'll kick your tits in!" HE said as Avdol and Polnareff neared them.

Sailor: "I'll turn you into the naval police." That seemed to have calmed the kid down from their aggressive behavior.

Kid: "What? The police? P-Please. Let me go! I just want to see my dadin Singapore." He now begged. "I'll do anything! You can work me as hard as you want!" The sailor then reached towards the cheek of the kid, pulling on it.

Sailor: "Let's see. What should I do? Should I let you go?" He then started to pull on the kid's right ear as well. Sure am glad (Y/N0 isn't awake right now...

Kid: "P-Please..."

Sailor: "What should I do?" He then flicked the kid's nose, earning him a small "Ow'' in return. "I'm not gonna let you go after all. Hell no." This kid now looks as if they were ready to cry. I can feel (Y/N) steering in his sleep, must be the noise. I swear if they wake him up...

Sailor; "First I'm gonna go let the Captain know, so come wit-" He was saying, but was cut off by the kid biting on his arm, making the sailor scream while teh kid jumped into the water.

Polnareff: "Whoa! Kid jumped in! Talk about energetic."

Kakyoin: "Is he really planning to swim to shore from here?" She said as she stood up.

Joseph: "What should we do?"

Jotara: "Tch, just leave 'em. I'm sure he dove in because he's a confident swimmer." I carefully place (Y/N) down on the chair as I stand up, to be with the rest. As the kid is swimming away, something goes under him, worrying the sailor as he watches from the ship.

Sailor: "Th-This isn't good! Sharks gather around these parts!" That managed to worry us all.

Kakyoin: "This isn't good!" She said as a shadow of a shark swam under the kid.

Joseph: "Hey, you brat! Come back! Get back here! It's dangerous!" He yelled, worried for the kid's safety, and possibly waking (Y/N) from his well needed nap.

Polnareff: "There are shark! Those waters are shark-infested!" At this point the fin of the shark is visible above the water. It breaks the water to the sides while approaching the kid.

Kid: "Huh?" He finally relized a shark iscoming after him, causing him to sceam a terror filled scream.


The shark was just about to reach the kid when suddenly, it flew into the air followed by a mighty...

SP: "Ora! Ora! Ora!" Shocking the kid, who's seen the shark fly into the air while a barely visible female figure punches the shark with force. Once the attack was over, the kid is grabbed by the hand of Jotara Kujo herself as she stares into his eyes checking for any possible injuries.

Jotara: "Good grief, you little brat." However, she just realized something. "You're..." She just flicked the kid's hat off, revealing the long hair of the now known girl who stared in shock at Jotara.

Jotara: "A girl? And a little runt of one, at that."

Girl: "W-What was that figure before? And what was that about?! Knocking my hat off?!" She said with anger and shock in her voice.

Jotara: "Good grief..."

As the two were swimming back to the boat, the shark was suddenly pulled under, only to resurface cut in half! Another fin was seen between the half of the shark, as a four eyed monster with hands crawled there, and noticed by Jotara. Joseph called out to his granddaughter as the beast approached JOtara in speeds unmatched by sea creatures. Jotara, while holding the girl close to her, began to swim hastily in order to reach the boat in time.

As the unknown creature was close,it was suddenly frozen in place as an air bubble surrounded it, trapping the creature inside without coming above the water.

RR: "Got it!" He said as he touched the water, indicating that (Y/N) is most likely awake, much to Jotara's displeasure.

Kakyoin: "If they're in that distance, leave it to me." She said as she summoned her Stand, HG, who jumped into action at the same time as the creature broke free from the air bubble. "Hierophant Green!" She yelled as her Stand picked both Jotara and the kid up from the water and unboard, leaving the creature to cut the safety wheel that was there, before disappearing as if it never was there.

Polnareff: "I-It disappeared! It has to be a Stand! That thing was a Stand!"

Avdol: "A seafaring Stand... I don't believe I've ever even heard of such a thing."

As the girl was panting for air after the shock of two near death experiences, the crew were all thinking if she could've been the Stand user. The girl soon took notice of it as she once again began to be aggressive.

Girl: "Wh-What's with you jerks, all glaring at me like that! I don't know what's going on, but you want a fight?!" She said as she pulled out a pocket knife. "Don't underestimate me! I'll take you all on! One-on-one! Face me, one-on-one! You little shits!"

After that small show of the usual trash talk you'll find, the crew were all wondering if she's serious or not. As the others were wondering about the girl, one person on the boat saw something else. While Polnareff was wondering if they should throw her back into the waters, Avol decided to try something out.

Avdol: "Hey, How's Dia doing?"

Girl: "Dia? What the hell is that?"

Polnareff: "Don't act you don't know, you little brat!"

Girl: "You damn punks! Do you want to talk to me, or do you want to get stabbed? Which is it?!" She said before holding her knife to her back as she tried to look intimidating. "This demon's blade is telling me that it wants the blood of its 340th victim already." That alone caused Kakyoin to giggle, making the girl step back, knowing her bluff was called. "What's so funny, you little grunt?!"

Kakyoin: "Grunt? You know, I really don't think it's her."

Joseph: "Yeah, but..."

???: "Because... it isn't..." a tired and young voice called out.

Everyone turned around to look at the voice, as they all saw a sleepy, but awake, (Y/N) sitting there rubbing his eyes after his sleep.

Kakyoin: "(Y-Y/N)..."

Jotara: "Hmph" She exhaled as she went over to him to pick him up.

Joseph: "What do you mean by that, (Y/N)?" As he said that, RR manifested next to (Y/N) who was now in JOtara's arms.

RR: "We can't sense the same life force from her as that of the Stand." While that was going, the girl looked at the crew with worry as she just saw a nearly invisible figure speak, and when she looked at the little kid, she had stars in her eyes as she had one thought going on in her mind.

Girl: 'So cute!!!'

Joseph: "I see... But if that's the case then who is the user?"

As the rest were trying to understand who the Stand user was, (Y/N) looked over to the girl, who was approaching him, with the stars visible in her eyes, causing the young kid to sweatdrop. But he still had one thing that he wanted to tell her.

(Y/N): "...Held it... wrong..."

Girl:" huh?"

(Y/N): "You held the knife... wrong.... Bad handling.... not good for fights..."

Girl: "O-Oh... Thanks..."

???: "So is this girl our stowaway?" A new voice said, as the new person took hold of the girl, earning him a small glare from both (Y/N) and Jotara, who just passed (Y/N) over to Kakyoin.

Joseph: "Captain." At the same time, Jotara lit a cigarette.

Captain: "I'm pretty harsh when it comes to stowaways." He said as he pulled on the girl's arm, causing her pain. That made (Y/N) remember the pain his parents brought to him whenever they wanted to pull on his arms. Many times his father held him in the Kimora lock, breaking his arms time and time.

Captain: "You may be a girl, but if I go easy on you, we'll just get more and more stowaways." He said as he inflicted more pain to the girl, causing her knife to drop. Hearing the girl cry out in pain, caused (Y/N) to remember when his father would say that even if he was a kid, he'd never act soft in front of such a useless thing. That caused him to silently cry as he had a small PTSD attack that was noticed by Kakyoin, who held him close to her in a comforting way. At the same time Jotara smoked her cigarette, trying not to lash out and punch the Captain.

Captain: "We're gonna hold you in one of the rooms below deck until we get to port." He said as he pulled her arm more, causing another cry of pain.

As that was going on, Jotara tried her best to stay calm as she also saw her little brother crying silently, knowing that memories came back to him from seeing the girl in that pain. She was so focused on not attacking the Captain, that she didn't notice him coming closer, until...

Captain: "By the way..." He said as he then snatched her cigarette from her mouth, shocking Jotara a bit due to the speed and precision. "I request that you refrain from smoking aboard this ship. What did you plan to do with the ashes and butt after you're done? Were you planning on throwing it into the beautiful ocean? You're a guest on this ship, but I'll have you follow her rules, Miss Outlaw." He said as he put out the cigarette using Jotara's hat, and then putting what was left in her pocket. "Got it?" and with that, he walked away.

Jotara: "Hold it. If you're going to put it out, just put it out. Don't be a condescending prick about it, you jackass."

Joseph: "Hey, Jotara! Don't be rude to the captain! You're the one at fault."

Jotara: "I'm aware I am being rude, and he sure as hell deserves it. What he did to that girl, most likely brought back some bad memories of (Y/N)'s past. Besides, he isn't the captain... I just figured it out. He's the Stand suer!" That left everyone else but (Y/N) shocked, as said kid calmed his tears and stayed quiet, figuring it out as well.

Captain?: "Sta...nd? What might that be...?" That resulted in Avdol trying to tell Jotara that the captain isn't a Stand user and should be trusted. "Hold on, a Stand? I have no idea what you're talking about..." After that Polnareff joined in on questioning Jotara, as Kakyoin, a bit shocked, asked her friend if she had any proof.

Jotara: "I've found a way to differentiate Stand users from normal people." That shocked most of the crew as (Y/N) by then caught on. "That is... if a Stand user inhales even a little bit of cigarette smoke, a vein pops up on the tip of their nose."

That caused everyone from the crew, aside from Jotara and (Y/N) to touch their noses, followed by none other than the so-called captain himself!

Girl: 'What the hell are they all doing?'

Polnareff: "You can't be serious, Jotara!"

Jotara: "Yeah, I'm lying. But it looks like we've found the idiot." With that the crew and the captain? were all left in shock as the girl looked on in confusion.

As a result the imposter now removes his hat as he stares down the crusaders with a menacing look.

Joseph: "Jotara, how did you know he was suspicious?"

Jotara: "Actually, I didn't think he was at all. But, I planned to try this with all of the men on board."

Imposter: "You're cold, Damn, but you're cold. You're right. I'm not the captain. The real captain is already sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the ocean's back in Hong Kong."

Jotara: "Then you can sleep at the bottom of hell!"

Within a moment's notice, an ocean blue hand grabbed hold of the girl's leg, taking her hostage, holding her tightly as she would no longer move.

[trouble in the water! Lies and betrayal! The moon card, which suggests fear of the unknown. It's name: Dark Blue Moon!]

Imposter: "If I tried to take six of you at once, even I'd break a bone or two, so I was going to hide my identity and take care of you one by one...But if you've figured me out, I guess I have no choice. I'll have to take you all! Getting my hands on this girl is a sign that my luck is changing for the better! I'm going to jump into this shark-infested waters with her. Of course you guys will end up following us in. If we fight in the water, where I have the advantage, I can beat all sex of you."

Jotara: "Don't underestimate me by taking a hostage! Don't think that I, Jotara Kujo, will be shaken by this!"

Imposter: "Underestimate? No, this is a prediction! I heard that your Stand, Star Platinum, is pretty damn fast. I'm not trying to brag, but my DBM is pretty fast in the water. It can swim more elegantly than any fish in the sea! Why don't we test them out? Follow me, if you're prepared to choke to death on all the seawater you're about to swallow." He said as he jumped. The girl screaming in fear.

In a mere moment, both SP and RR manifested and rushed the imposter.Each with their own barrage of attacks. Once that was over, they both held on to the girl, who was shaking in fear and disgust.

Girl: "It was slimy.... and it was as if it felt my b-body..."

That was only heard by (Y/N), who began to try and bring her up as the rest decided to look down on the foe.

After a minute or so, Jotara began to feel weak as she tried to bring the girl back up. (Y/N) was in the same place, but by now he was on the ground. They both were getting closer to falling into the water when they finally realized that some barnacles were absorbing their Stand's power. With haste the two threw the girl for Kakyoin to catch her as the two fell in. Jotara stayed awake while (Y/N) hit his head hard on the surface, causing him to pass out for a while as he fell in deeper.

While everyone was worried, and Jotara was fighting underwater, (Y/N) was seeing memories of all of the abuse he went through. The first time his parents hit him was just a week after they returned from the hospital. That was a memory they recorded and showed to him whenever they wanted to bring his spirit down. The first time he was starved was when he was a year old. Even some times where his parents sold his body for a small fee.

He saw it all flash past his eyes until one certain memory came. It wasn't the worst one, nor was it good. It was a 5 years old (Y/N) sitting outside looking at the ducks, playing together and having fun with their families. He was envios as he saw true care given to animals, as he was thinking what he was. His father came by quickly and chased off the ducks, to return to a frowning (Y/N). Within a moment he began to drown the kid as he begged and fought for air. When he was finally done, (Y/N) was motionless yet alive,and he was bleeding from his face as his father stomped him into the stone that was under the water. His cries were silent and other adults just silently watched as all they did was walk away. None bothered to help him when he needed it the most.

(Y/N): 'Right... This was when I lost trust in humanity... No one really helps others without wanting something in return...'

His mind kept playing all of his past abuse, him running away and living alone on the streets. All of the times he was bullied at school. He felt as if his life was hell, so what was it worth living for? However, as those thoughts came by, he remembered Holly, who gave him true love and a home. He remembered Jotara, who protected him and was like an older sister to him. He remembered Kakyoin, Polnareff, Avdol and Joseph, who are all there for him and are great friends. He remembered the girl that reminded him of himself. Lastly, he remembered the day RR manifested for the first time, and how untrusting he was back then.

Suddenly, he felt pain shoot through his left cheek, as he woke up to find himself in a whirlpool filled with sharp scales. He could hear what the imposter said that made him prepare his attack.

Imposter: "Once I've dealt with all of you, I'll make sure the kid dies as well! Imagine how Lady Dia will reward me as I killed all of you, and tell her I did so after you killed the kid?! Maybe I'll even use that girl as another reward~"

RR quickly gave (Y/N) a bubble around his head as he now could breath. He carefully touched each scale that passed by and took control of them, aiming them all into two different spots. Jotara by now realized that (Y/N) was awake yet the imposter was too focused on her. When the attack was finally done, she shouted...

Jotara: "Star Finger!"

That caught the imposter off guard, but it wasn't over yet.

(Y/N) & RR: "Soul Purpose!"

That attack shot the aimed scales at his eyes, hitting him, and his member that was now cut clean off. The scream of pain that came from him was plesent for the two as they finally won this battle. As they both came back to the surface, they took in a big breath as Jotara looked proud, but that turned into worry as she saw (Y/N) in a depressed mood. Before she could ask much, the ship began to blow up as they all huddled onto a lifeboat. Once that was finally over with, It was night and (Y/N) was held protectively by Jotara, as he cuddled into her. At the same time, the girl made sure to be careful as she put her head down next to him, falling asleep as well alongside everyone else.







Dia POV:

That damned sailor! He dared to hurt my little prince and threaten his life!!! To think that my followers would dare garm my beloved prince! I will make sure that no one has him but me, safe in my arms as I truly reach heaven!

That's that.

Sorry for the long wait, but I am super busy now until July, so I'll update as much as I can.

Furthermore, I'll have to watch Stone Ocean when it comes out, so that's another thing on my to-do list.

I won't give away any spoilers, but the next chapter will be wild!

Also, most chapters here will be longer than my other stories as they will be within 2500 words to 4500 words. This will be the case so as to not make the plot too short.

Also, how come this girl is able to see a bit of the Stands? and hear them?




Till next time!


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