Our Destiny (Bungo Stray Dogs...

By SammiTellsStories

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Once partners and lovers in the Port Mafia, Dazai and Chuuya spend the next four years away from one another... More

Chapter 1- Looking for a Tiger
Chapter 2- Happy Anniversary, Dazai
Chapter 3- Happy Anniversary, Chuuya
Chapter 4- The Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter 5- Murder in the Prison
Chapter 6- Was it Destiny Or Fate?
Chapter 7- A Promise
Chapter 8- The Night He Left
Chapter 9- A Bath Together
Chapter 10- The Cherry Arrow
Chapter 11- Something I'll Regret
Chapter 12- What It Could Cost Me
Chapter 13- I Won't Be Late This Time
Chapter 14- I Need You To Trust Me
Chapter 15- Do You Love Him?
Chapter 16- Silent Photography
Chapter 17- My Reason To Live
Chapter 18- Feel Human
Chapter 19- To Be His Partner
Chapter 20- Game of Clue
Chapter 21- Too Coincidental
Chapter 23- The Mind Can Be Fragile
Chapter 24- Promise Not To Leave
Chapter 25- One Soul in Two Bodies
Chapter 26- The One Who Saved Him
Chapter 27- Only a Diamond Can Polish Another Diamond
Chapter 28- The Eyes of the Tiger
Chapter 29- Nullifying the Nullifier
Chapter 30- Honey is Sweeter than Sugar
Chapter 31- The Oddly Normal
Chapter 32- For the Tainted Sorrow
Chapter 33- O Grantors of Dark Disgrace
Chapter 34- You Need Not Wake Me Again

Chapter 22- Always the Role Model

945 42 60
By SammiTellsStories

Description of violence
Description of minor torture

He continued walking, looking around at the different aspects of the warehouse. He had an almost soft expression, like he was reliving old memories.

"What's he doing here?" Haruko whispered, hiding behind me as she peeked around the corner at Chuuya.

"This warehouse most likely belongs to the company he works for but was long abandoned," I guessed as I continued watching him. He leaned against a stack of crates, pulling out his phone and looking at the screen.

Haruko's question did spark my own. If this warehouse was abandoned, why was he here? From the look of it, I'd say he was waiting on someone or something.

As soon as my thoughts ran through the different questions, there were more footsteps but not from Chuuya. They were coming from the same direction that Haruko and I had come from.

I pushed her a little farther behind me, hoping to not be noticed as the steps got louder. I looked back at Chuuya, noticing that he heard them too by the way he placed his phone back into his pocket and straightened his posture.

Were they meeting? From the way that Chuuya was moving towards where the other set of footsteps were coming from, a smirk like he was expecting whoever it was to show up.

What I didn't expect was for Chuuya to raise the pitch of his voice as he says. "Mr. Fueki? Is that you?"

"Ah, my lovely Chiyo! You're already here, I see," a man's voice rang as he came out from behind the crates that separated him from Chuuya.

Chuuya moved fast, grabbing the guy's arm and pinning it behind his back before pushing him to the ground. "Sorry, Bastard, but your 'lovely Chiyo' is nothing more than an act."

The man seemed panicked as he tried to escape from Chuuya's grasp. The redhead tightened his hold, pushing the man down harder into the cement.

He was an older man, maybe about the age of the President. From the looks of things, he was the type of man to prey on younger people.

The man groaned out in pain, "You lied to me! Who are you and what are you wanting from me?"

"I'm asking the questions here, Shithead! Now, we're either going to do this the easy way, where you willingly answer all my questions or-" a red aura surrounded his body as well as the other man's body. "We can do it the hard way, where I beat the shit out of you for them."

"Okay! Okay! I'll talk! Just release my arm!" The man shouted as he struggled against the ground.

Chuuya chuckled before releasing his grip on the man's arm. "Good answer."

He took a step back as the man pulled himself into a sitting position with his arm held to his chest. From where I was standing I could see Chuuya lean against some crates with his arms crossed over his chest as the man stood up and looked at the redheaded male.

"First question, your organization, what are they wanting and who are they?" Chuuya got straight to the point with his questioning. "And don't dare lie to me, unless you'd like to be six feet under in less than two seconds."

The questions that Chuuya were asking were indeed important, so perhaps something good did come from this. I continued paying attention to scene even as I felt Haruko lean back to avoid watching.

The man scowled but answered the questions. "Our organization is known as the Society of Shadows. We're made up of different types of people from all over." He looked down, a look of complete defeat crossing his face. "Our organization's goal was never completely explained to me. I'm nothing more than an underling in the organization."

Chuuya snarled, "Then tell me what you do know! I don't have all day!"

His tone showed his impatience, whether it be from wanting the answers or it possibly being something to do with Dazai.

"I was only ordered to retrieve information about the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency. Aside from that, I don't know much of the overall goal of our boss," the man explained looking back at Chuuya.

I noticed how his eyes went down the ginger male's frame before moving back to his face. A small smirk appeared on his lips. "Are you the dominant type or the submissive type, Young Lad?"

Chuuya physically grimaced at the man. "I'm the one that gets fucked. Now, how many Gifted users does your organization have? My boyfriend has been keeping tabs on a few of them and I want some answers on who they are."

The man continued to smirk with his eyes continuously moving over Chuuya's body. If Dazai were here, he most likely would not have liked that look the man had. From the look of Chuuya's face, I could tell he wasn't too pleased either.

"The Gifted users are of a Elite grouping that work under our Boss. I don't know much about them besides that." He paused, rubbing his chin with his hand. "You mentioned having a boyfriend, does he satisfy you properly?"

Chuuya growled, red aura surrounding him. "Listen, you perverted old man! I didn't come here to be questioned about my sex life! I came here for answers on why your organization has been snooping around both mine and my boyfriend's organizations!"

The man's body took to hold the red aura as he fell back down to his knees. "Snooping around yours and your boyfriend's organization?" The man's eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, you're not Nakahara Chuuya, are you?"

Chuuya's eyes narrowed on the man before bring his leg up, kicking the man across the face. Blood spattered across the floor as the man coughed, breathing heavily as he turned back towards the redhead.

"I've killed plenty of people in this warehouse and I'm not afraid to add another to that list!"

Short tempered was definitely not something Dazai exaggerated about. Chuuya was more than angered, and even though the way he was dealing with it was most likely not the ideal way to do it, I could understand why.

In a low voice, I whispered, "Haruko, I think it's about time we found a way out." I turned my head to look at her, only to be met with Haruko's terrified expression.

Behind her stood a woman with two long braids of lapis blue hair and azure eyes. She had a evil smirk spread across her face as she held a hand over Haruko's mouth, while the other held on of her wrists that were bounded together by-


"It's about time you noticed, Mr. Kunikida," she spoke with a sly, smug tone. She looked down at Haruko who had tears rolling down her cheeks. "You were so into that conversation between Nakahara and Fueki, you didn't notice that I had caught her."

I scowled at the woman. "Let her go! She's not apart of this! She has no connection with the Port Mafia or the Armed Detective Agency!"

That made the woman laugh. "No connection? Then why get coffee together if there was no connection?"

My eyes widened. It was my fault Haruko was here. It was because I had went to the cafe to see her that she got caught in this mess.

Haruko seemed to sense my now growing blame on myself because she bit the woman's hand causing her to move it away from Haruko's mouth.

"Kunikida, it's not your fault that I'm here! If anything, I'm glad I'm here with you! I've missed your company for so long and if something is to happen to me here, at least I got to see the man I fell in love with one last time!"

The man she fell in love with? I didn't know what to think at that moment but I did know one thing.

"Nothing is going to happen to you while I'm here!" I said collecting my composure. I raised my handgun, aiming it towards the blue haired woman.

But I didn't get the chance to shoot as there was an explosion from behind me, shaking the ground. The woman took that opportunity to push Haruko against me before running off.

We fell to the ground, and I held Haruko closely until the shaking had stopped. I looked down at her, making sure she was okay.

"Are you alright?" I asked in a quiet tone, with which she nodded, rubbing her wrists.

"Tell me Dazai didn't send you to spy on me." I looked up at Chuuya as he peered down at us, obviously not enthused to our presence.

I pushed myself up, standing as I helped Haruko to her feet. Her hands bunched into my vest as she buried her face into my chest, trying her best to calm down.

"No, Dazai didn't send me. We were actually abducted after we left the cafe at noon," I explained looking down at Haruko.

"Hmm, explains why your glasses are broken. Can't you use that notebook of yours to make another pair?" Chuuya looked over his shoulder, like he was looking for something.

I sighed, "Unfortunately, it was taken after I had went unconscious."

Chuuya looked back at me with a frown. "So you're saying you're useless?"

"No, I still have a few scraps of paper from my notebook that I can use if I need them."

Haruko raised her head and looked at Chuuya. "How come you're here at this warehouse?" Her voice was quiet, probably still scared from all that's happened to her today.

That seemed to catch the redhead off guard. However, before he could answer there was yelling from behind him. We looked towards the direction of the shouting, seeing the older man that Chuuya had been talking to on the ground on his hands and knees.

In front of him was another man, short lapis blue hair and azure eyes. Just like the woman that had Haruko bound.

"P-please, Mr. Fuyuhiro! I didn't tell him much!" The older man pleaded in panic.

The blue haired man, Fuyuhiro, laughed. "Didn't tell him much? On the contrary, I think you told him too much with only our organization's name alone."

He began raising his hand, making the man below him's eyes widen. "No! Please, Mr. Fuyuhiro! Don-"

Suddenly there was a large icicle coming up from the ground through his chest, killing him.

Haruko screamed before hiding her face in my chest again as my arms came to wrap around her. Chuuya let out a curse, obviously not expecting the scene before us.

The blue haired man chuckled, looking at us as he spoke. "So, I see the two of you managed to get out of that room. But not to worry, you're not my main target so I'll kill the two of you after I've captured Mr. Nakahara."

Chuuya scowled. "What the hell do you want me for anyway? All I know is that I want to know who I need to beat the shit out of so I can have one peaceful day with my boyfriend without having to worry about someone possibly watching us."

Fuyuhiro smirked. "A peaceful day with your boyfriend. Dazai Osamu, correct?" He began stepping around the dead man's body, stopping several feet away. "So, I want to know something. Do you not see your relationship with him as treason against the Port Mafia?"

Chuuya's eyes widened, his previous scowl gone as he stared at him. From the look of it, Chuuya had thought about it before but probably pushed the thought of it away.

What made the matter worse was Fuyuhiro's next words. "Dazai sees it as treason against the Armed Detective Agency. That's why he tried to kill himself with that drug, he couldn't bear the idea that you had made him a traitor to his organization."

The words were like arrows, all aimed at Chuuya's heart. All his words were lies, one's I would have believed if I hadn't know Dazai.

And that also the case with Chuuya because the ginger male started laughing evilly, dangerously, causing Fuyuhiro to frown.

"You obviously don't know the Bastard if you think things like that bother him," Chuuya explained, red aura surrounding him. "Dazai had no problem becoming a traitor to the Port Mafia after Oda's death and I can assure you, that he'd have no problem with becoming a traitor of the Agency if it meant staying with me."

Fuyuhiro looked dumbfounded, like his logic was perfect. He must have been trying to turn Chuuya's feelings against Dazai. Break his trust with him.

"Not to mention that his coworkers already know about our relationship and it doesn't seem to bother them one bit." Chuuya continued, smirking. "So, if you're trying to make me have any doubt about my relationship, then you have another thing coming."

"Alright then, I guess, we'll just take you by force," the voice of the blue haired woman was behind us. I turned, pulling my handgun up and aiming it at her. She smirked, obviously not afraid.

This wasn't good. Two gifted users, both having us back to back. I had no doubt Chuuya could hold his own, but my attacks were limited without my notebook. Not only was that the case, Haruko would be put in danger if a battle were to take place now.

Chuuya seemed to have read my mind because he began pointing towards the way he had come earlier. "The exit is that way, so you can get her out of here. There aren't any guards around so she should be safe."

I tilted my head, not taking my eyes completely off the woman in front of me. "Can you take care of both of them until I get back?"

Chuuya chuckled, obviously confident with his skill. "If I can take down a giant ass dragon, I'm pretty sure I can take care of two barely trained gifted users."

Fuyuhiro seemed to be furious with that statement because he was advancing in on Chuuya. "Who are you calling barely trained!?"

"Go! Now!" Chuuya commanded as the the blue haired male delivered a punch that Chuuya blocked before grabbing his wrist with the other hand and bring his knee up into his stomach.

I had to trust him if I wanted to get Haruko out of here alive. I focused on the blue haired woman in front of me before shooting my gun.

She dodged them, giving Haruko and I the chance to get away from the scene. I grabbed her hand that was still clinched in my vest and pulled her towards the direction that Chuuya had pointed.

"You're not getting away from me!" The haired woman yelled. As she went to take a step, she gets pushed to the floor as Chuuya kicked her, sending her into some crates.

"Your fight is with me right now, Bitch! I suggest you pay attention!" Chuuya continued the fight even after we turned the corner.

Ahead of us was the exit. I began to run a bit faster hoping to get Haruko out of here as soon as possible.

"Mr. Kunikida, will he be okay fighting them by himself?" Haruko asked breathlessly as she fought to keep up with me.

"I wouldn't worry about him, he's skilled as a martial artist and knows what he's doing when it comes to battle." We made it to the exit, opening the door, I motioned for Haruko to go.

When she got outside she looked back at me. "Are you going back to help him?"

I looked at her before nodding. "I can't just leave this battle to him. If I leave him on his own, I would feel like I'm going against my ideals."

I thought she would have looked at me, like I was some lunatic for believing my ideals in a situation like this but she didn't. She gave me a smile, sweet and filled with encouragement.

"Always the role model, Mr. Kunikida," she said before coming back and pressing her lips to my cheek. My eyes widened at the gesture, not expecting it. When she pulled back, there was a glimmer of hopefulness in her eyes. "I'm going see if I can get some help, please hold on until then."

Then she was gone, running away so she could bring reinforcements to help Chuuya and I fight. I stared after her for a few more seconds before I turned back around and made my way back to where I had left the battle.

When I returned to where they had been, there was no one in sight. Broken crates and concrete being the only evidence of there being anything to happen here.

I looked around, hoping and listening for any clue of where they had gone. There was nothing but silence, causing me to worry.

Where was Chuuya? Were they able to sidetrack him and capture him? Several possibilities ran through my head, making the situation feel worse and worse.

That was until I felt a wetness on my legs. I looked down seeing that my legs had been bound by water, like what had happened with Haruko's wrists. Within a few seconds, my arms and wrists were bound as well.

"Well, about time you got back," the blue haired woman's voice chirped. She came out from the shadows, her face already beginning to bruise from where she must have been hit by Chuuya. "We missed you while we were fighting."

I scowled, "Where is Chuuya?" I had a bad feeling that I wouldn't like the answer.

She smirked. "My brother managed to put him down for a short nap. However, you might be taking a longer one."

Everything then become blurred and it was suddenly hard to breathe. It only took a few seconds for me to realize what was happening.

Around my head was a bubble of water. She planned to drown me. The only thing I could see clearly was her evil smirk as she began to laugh.

Her voice was the only thing I was able to hear as she said, "When you get to hell, tell them Fuyuhiro Yuki sent you!"

Her laughing didn't last long. I watched as her eyes widened and she was knocked forward, almost falling to her knees.

Whatever it was that had stopped her, also made her release her ability, freeing my binds and allowing me do breathe once again. I coughed as I fell to my knees, trying to catch my breath.

"Kunikida! Are you alright!?"

I looked up, seeing the familiar grey hair of our Agency's Weretiger. "Atsushi? What... what are you doing here?" I pulled myself up to my feet.

"We came to rescue you. Dazai said you had been captured and that you were probably in danger." He explained before reaching back, something in his hand. I recognized it immediately. "Here! I think you'll need this."

I reached out and took the notebook from his hand. The weight of the book was just as perfect as it had always been.

"You stupid kid! I'll teach you to interfere with adult matters!" She pulled herself to her feet as orbs of water began floating around her. She was no longer smirking, blood trailing down her back.

"Are you ready, Kid?" I asked, raising my handgun.

"Yes, Sir!" Atsushi replied, taking his Weretiger form.

The blue haired woman screamed out, the orbs of water shooting towards us. We dodged, Atsushi charging towards her with his tiger's speed as shot the orbs, destroying them as I tried to figure out her ability.

She had to have had a source she was using for the water, which means there had to be something nearby-

I looked towards her as she dodged Atsushi's attacks. On her hip was a pouch, that was used to hold water. That must be the start of most of her attacks but it wasn't enough for all of the attacks she's used so far.

Then pieces began to fall into place. For an abandoned warehouse, why were there crates there?

They must have predicted a fight so they planned accordingly by placing extra gallons of water for her use. Which meant we needed to destroy them as quickly as possible.

Or better yet, use it as a distraction.

I reached into my vest pocket, grabbing one of the sheets I placed there earlier. "Doppo Poet! Hand grenade!"

The paper morphed into the written object. I threw the grenade towards a large stack of crates.

The woman's eyes widened, her attention leaving Atsushi to follow the thrown object, leaving her open for attack.

"Atsushi! Capture her!" I ordered as I rushed towards them. Atsushi did just that, taking hold of her hand and pinning it to her back before forcing her to the ground.

I stood before them as she snarled up at me. "Why didn't the grenade go off?"

I bent down, placing handcuffs on her wrists that canceled out her ability. "You have to pull the pin for a grenade to go off."

She groaned before letting out a sigh. "What now? Are you going to arrest me?"

"We are and you're going to tell us everything we need to know," Atsushi answered releasing her arm and sitting on the ground.

"But first, we're going to capture your brother as well," I informed before straightening myself. I pulled out my notebook and looked at the word that was written on its cover.

Not having the book in my hand was an emptiness. No weight to keep me grounded when I was beginning to doubt myself.

"I had gotten it off a guy outside. When Dazai and I had arrived, he tried attacking us but we managed to take him down and ask some questions." I looked at Atsushi as he started to get up from where he was sitting on the ground.

"After that we ran into a woman that said you and Chuuya were in danger and needed help."

My eyes widen. "Where is Haruko now?" I asked, hoping for her safety.

"She was with Dazai before I rushed here to help you," Atsushi explained looking down at the woman on the ground. "Dazai said he was going to come through a different way that would avoid putting the her in danger since there may be another way for her to help us."

I blinked, confused about how Haruko could help with our fight against these gifted users. As I opened my mouth to speak, an explosion erupted catching all our attention.

Another cliffhanger! This chapter was actually not supposed to be one but it would have gone on for way too long if I continued on with it.

Now, I am hoping that my battle scenes were good because I had trouble writing them. There will be more in the story so let's hope I can succeed with those.

I hope you all have a good day and or night! Bye!

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