Heartbreak's Daughter Continu...

By JStarr86

126K 3.4K 466

This is the continuation of the story Heartbreak's Daughter. A new book had to be created because the last bo... More

Ruined It
Hidden Box
President Panty Dropper
Valentine's Surprise
Try Again
First Session
One Last Time
Hounds are Back
Little Guardian
Challenge Accepted
Home Alone
Not a Doll
Nothing like Makeup
Think to hard
Funnest Hall of Fame
Mania Comeback
Family Fight
Brotherly Talk
I'll Miss You
Renee's Plan
Last Interview
Last Time and a Proper Send Off
Its a.....
First Birthday
Group time
Happy Birthday
Not the Date Imagined
Football Games and Midnight Cravings
Friend Time
Not a good smell
Are you Allowed
Learn something every day
I'll Buy You a Milkshake
Little One
Handled Wrong
In for a surprise
One Hell of a Comeback
A Real Man
Family Thanksgiving
Kind of Hot
Double Header
Unexpected Walk-in
Does He Know
A Rumble to Remember
A Chance to go Home
I Think the Fuck Not
Stepping Back
Nice Workout
Never see it Coming
Preparing for a Comeback
New side
Well Wishes
Untitled Part 81
Hell in a Cell
Date Night
Untitled Part 84
What Do You Think??
Take the Opprotunity
Untitled Part 86
Adult fun
Date Day
Hard Grind
Sweet Surprise
Holy Crap
Challenge Me
Wait Til Later
Don't Do It
Chamber Dreams
Let Me Take Care of You
Mini Vacay
Untitled Part 102
Home Stretch
Last night before the Big Time
WM 37 Night 1
WM 37 Night 2
Untitled Part 107
After Mania
Born Day
Birthday fun and Back at It
Part title
Part title
Comfort and get away
Family Time
Locker Room Rule
Summerslam and Date Night
Anniversary Apart?
Spread too thin
Stop to it

Hard matches and beautiful questions

1K 31 1
By JStarr86

I watched him from outside the ring, I liked being ringside I always had but the chance to check his fine ass out especially now that he wrestled shirtless was something I liked. Kevin came out and I watched him march to the ring and as soon as the bell rung he went after him. I knew neither of them were ok from the ppv on Sunday and given this was being filmed 24 hours later I knew they both were hurting. My husband had been sore last night and all day, but he was covering it pretty good, they both were. He had a bandage on his arm from where he got cut last night. Their match last night was really good, they gelled well together. Sometimes working with someone was like oil and water it didn't work and sometimes you had that person that it was smooth like butter.

"Come on baby!" I yelled trying to cheer him on. He counter a pop up powerbomb by Kevin. Kev hit a frog splash and I watched him kick out but he was coughing, KO definatly knocked the wind out of his ass. I jumped cringing as Kevin gave him a fisherman buster from the top rope.

"Kick out!" Joe barely kicked out and I watched him.

"He's good." Kev said low enough for the camera to not pick it up but loud enough for me to hear.

Joe got his barrings back together and started to dominate as he got angry. He tossed Kev between the cage and ropes and applied his chokehold. Kev grabbed his neck and I noticed he was choking Rome on the top rope making him let go. I didn't care it was against my husband but honestly it was a genius move. Kevin started to climb the cage and Ro followed him. They started traded hits and finally Kev knocked him down. Kev got partly over but Joe suddenly leaped up a scaled half the cage to him in one leap, nice. Ro got him down and as they were teetering the rope again Kev superkicked him and knocked him down. As Rome fell Kev tried a senton but Ro pulled his knees up and then hit a spear. Kev kicked out and I could see the frustration on my husbands face with the shock.

"You got this, he's down hit the door." I said as Joe looked at me before going to the door.

The ref opened it for him. Kev grabbed his ankle and Rome went through the ropes. Rome started to trashtalk him and Kevin grabbed the door slamming t closed and against his face. He started to ram his head into the cage repeatedly. Kevin came to the door and I slammed it against his face. Jey came out and hit it again and Kev opened it smacking him with the door and knocking him down as I ducked. Kev went to come out and Joe almost missed his mark grabbing him so I kicked Kevin the same time Joe grabbed him covering it up and making sure Kev's feet didn't touch. He gave Rome another kick and tried to pop up powerbomb him again but Rome hit a punch and then tried a spear. Kevin moved as Joe hit the cage instead and as he bounced back Kev gave him a stunner. I bent grabbing some cuffs from the ring as Jey grabbed Kevs arm and we got him handcuffed him to the cage.

"Get up!" Jey and I both screamed. Kevin leaned his feet out the door but his feet couldn't touch. Rome looked up and smirked as he stood walking out. Jey and I standing at the bottom of the stairs. He climbed out staring Keving down as a smirk crossed his face.

"You son of a bitch.!" Kevin screamed. "You are a bitch." Kevin said as he stepped off the step and to the floor. I took his title from Paul and handed it to him as he put his arm around me while raising the title in Kev's face.

He sat on the stairs pulling me against his lap as he looked at Kevin.

"You will never be me, I told you I am the head of the table." As we stood he hugged Jey before tossing an arm across my shoulders kissing my head. Getting to the back he chuckled.

"The cuffs were a nice touch Jayla."

"Thank you." I responded to my godfather hugging me.

Joe and I grabbed our things and headed home. We got home and the only lights were the lights from the Christmas tree, luckily the outside ones were off. I turned off the tree and Joe and I went to bed. Christmas Eve once the kids were in bed we filled their stockings, set out gifts from santa and for the youngers Joe and Derek put toys together. We had decided a simple Christmas this year just us, including Lina and Derek because they had helped with our kids and of course Jojo. We also appreciated that Jojo was still doing a Santa gift. She had come to us a few weeks ago regarding the whole Santa being real. She was now a teenager, 13. I knew my husband was having a hard time accepting that. We all sat her down and told her the truth regarding the matter and why parents always did the santa thing. To keep the joy and magic of christmas and all that jazz. She said ok and then said even though it was not real, that she would still take santa gifts until she older to help keep her younger siblings believing, knowing that if she didn't have one they would question it. Not so much Lala and maybe not Apollo but for sure her younger siblings. Finally at around 1 we were able to go to bed, luckily Tamati and Talia had began to sleep through the night. I watched as Joe moved gingerly as he got in bed.

"Still hurting?"

"Yeah, I'm ok though aulelei, and merry christmas gorgeous."

"Merry christmas ulilohi." We easy feel asleep after a long day and I groaned into Joe's chest as I heard movement from the hall indicating at least a couple of the kids were awake.

"Now I know my parents pain of me getting up at the ass crack of dawn on christmas" Joe groaned.

"Bet it's the boys."

"I know it is, hell they can't stay out of the gym when we are in there, of course they are awake at." He pasued looking to the clock. "7 am, damn." He groaned out.

"You can sleep, I will go make them breakfast." As if on queue Talia's cry came through the monitor and Joe grabbed it seeing she was awake on camera and slowly waking up Tamti who was starting to move around.

"Baby lady says different, I'll handle her you can start breakfast." He kissed my head as he got out of bed and changed into some chritsmas pajamas. I had mine on, we had started; well more so Joe joined a tradition I had with the kids. We always wore matching pajamas and opened presents christmas morning. I had done it with my mom and when Joe and I got together he started to do it and now we all did. I got up seeing the boys messing with stockings and checking out their gifts from Santa.

"Mom!" They yelled in excitement running up to me. "Santa came, santa came."

"I see that."

"Can we open presents!" Matt yelled.

"Yeah." Roman said agreeing.

"Boys, is everyone up yet?"


"Then there is your answer, we wait for everyone ok."

"Can we go and-"

"Let people sleep sweetie, we will get to presents I promise. For now there is probably an awesome movie on go watch it and I will start breakfast ok."

"Yes ma'am." They went in and sat on the couch watching the tv watching rudolph. I turned as Joe walked in holding Talia and Ayasha. He sat Ayasha down while making a bottle for Talia.

"She woke up too and walked in." He heated up a bottle and I checked it handing it to him. He smiled taking it for Talia.

He walked with her in his arms with Ayasha trailing behind into the living room and joining Roman and Matthew on the couch. I worked on breakfast which was eggs, bacon, sausage, banana pancakes. Slowly the kids all woke up and trailed into the living room, Jojo carrying Tamati once he woke up. We all ate breakfast and when we were done let the kids run to their gifts. The four of us adults watching happily at the joy on each of their faces. I looked at Derek nodding as he handed Lina her stocking. It was full of envelopes that were marked with numbers, as she opened them each one contained something he loved about her or favorite memories of their time together. Lina was already crying half through and once she was done Derek looked at her.

"There should be one more thing in there." She reached back in pulling out the ring box and gasped as she dropped it, her eyes meeting his. Derek kneeled in front of her taking the box from her lap and opening it.

"Galina I love you more than anything in this world, will you spend forever with me?" Her hand was over her mouth as tears fell from her eyes. I had recorded the whole thing and was taking pictures.



"Oh my god yes." She cried, he slipped the ring on her finger kissing her. We were all cheering for them and as he pulled back he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Merry Christmas."

"Oh my god." She hugged him again looking at Joe and I. "Did you guys know about this?"

"Of course I did, do you know how damn long this man has had this planned." I said smiling at her. After a fun morning relaxing, playing with kids Lina and I decided to start dinner. We were having a baked ham, grens, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserole, green beans and an apple and cherry pie for dessert. We were also making fry bread.

"Damn it smells good in here." I looked up as Joe walked in.

"Momma we hungry." I looked at Matt walked up holding Ayasha's hand. I made them a small snack that their dad took and gave them before turning my attention back to cooking.


Dinner was amazing, it always was. These ladies both could throw down and put them together it was a wrap. It was weird first no being in the islands and second because all of our family wasn't around. We sat around watching christmas movies all day and even though it was Florida made the kids hot chocolate. I of course called my parents and Jayla called hers. It was honestly one of the more relaxing holidays I had in awhile. Usually there was so many people, lot of chaos it felt nice for it to be so simple. I wish we had a bit longer to be honest,this pandemic thing had really been nice being home so much was amazing. Being able to hop on a bus or in the car go a few hours to film the show then hop back on and come home was love, it gave me time with my kids that I truthfully hadn't ever had with always being on the road. We left days later to film. The Thunderdome aspect was nice because in a small way it felt like performing in front of the fans even though they physically weren't there.

"As the face of the WWE let me start by saying Happy New Year. 2020 was a rough year, it was rough." I was glad it was over, just the shit that hapened with my wife's pregnancy, very premature birth, complications; that was enough to turn me off the entire year by itself. "When your the head of the table, the tribal chief, you make it work. Hey beautiful, why do you think I wear a gold glove?" I asked looking at my wife

"Because everything you touch turns to gold, everything you do is great."

"Exactly, everything I touch turns to greatness. Look who I surround myself with. The most beautiful woman on the planent, most dominate woman this company has ever seen. Paul, he was discarded, thrown in the deep end and I saved him, now take my cousin Jey Uso. He is a prime example of what I can do. What did I say, all you gotta do is listen to me, just understand how my brain works, why I do what I do, and what's happened? It's been th best year of your carer has it not?."

"You know."

"Main event after main event, because this man acknowledged me. You see I did this because I know who you are. I understand since day one, to everyone else it was 'Which one are you?' to me, to Jayla, it has always been main event Uso. I wouldn't have put all this pressure on you if I didn't know you could handle it and every single time you have knocked it out of the park, that's why I love you." I got cut off by KO's music. "No cut his music." I said as they cut it. "Why you out here man? Nobody cares, noone wants to see you. You embarrass me go away."

"I should embarrass you, me standing here even though you are Universal Champion means you and your family failed. Because me standing here right now makes it a 100% clear the big dog is long gone and he's been replaced by a giant bitch. You don't want nothing to do with me good, because tonight is about your cousin Jey. I want to fight him not you Roman, because last week I had you beat and everyone knows it but you won. Wanna know why? The two bitches next to you, your cousin Jey and your wife." I glared as he spoke, calling Jayla a bitch. Story or not I didn't like it. "If it wasn't for those two cuffing me to the cage I would have walked out of Smackdown last week as Universal Champion." We walked to the back and Jayla smiled at Tamina hugging her, they were having a tag match, why? Because my wife was going after the tag titles and was going to win them in a few months. She was wanting to expand the Bloodline and bring in Tamina and when she returned Trin, said it would be good all of us all together and when Trin came back maybe have her and Mina get the tag titles and her have the womens, our crew would have SD on lock, holding all the gold. It was a good idea, I watched her match and her and Tamina worked pretty good together and it was nice she wanted to work with her. My cousin had been with this company years and years and had not held a title at all and Jayla didn't like that fact, so what did my wife do, change that shit; like a fucking boss. The ladies won their match in dominating fashion over Liv and Ruby. As she came to the back I had a segment outside our locker room.

"After everything I do for this company, everything I do. Somebody still made that match." I said. Jayla and Mina walked up my wife sliding next to me.

"You know it was Pearce." She said as I looked at her. "He don't appreciate us, you, as the head of the table, the Tribal Chief." She took my title from Paul and placed it in my hands.

"Find out who doesn't appreciate me Paul, see if my wife, your chieftess is correct." We walked into the locker room and I pulled my wife into my lap. Mina had left and Josh was sitting on the couch. I was rubbing her legs and kissing her shoulder as he looked at us shaking his head.

"Uce, I am sitting right here." Jos said rolling his eyes.

"I can't help it, she's fucking hot."

"I mean sis is beautiful but keep your dick in your pants, you can fuck during my match."

"Oh my god Josh." Jayla said laughing. Paul walked in with one of the camera guys and we knew we had our next spot. Jayla shifted to where I was better seen but she was still on me.

"It was Adam Pearce." Paul said bending down. "Our chieftess was correct my tribal chief. He made the match."

"He just don't get it does he." I said angrily. I looked at my cousin before speaking. "They are trying to take everything that we have worked for. Don't let them. Go out there and show them why you are main event Jey Uso." He held his fist out and I bumped it before he did the same to Jayla. As he left she looked at me.

"Chief." She said softly playing with the back of my neck. My eyes met hers as she spoke "Adam Pearce doesn't respect us, he doesn't respect me, does not respect my husband the Tribal Chief, you need to show him, make him ackowledge you." I kissed her lips, a slight break in my character but I felt it was important that as brutal as I was with everyone the tribal chief will always care and listen to his wife.

"I will my love, he will learn who we are. They all will."

As everyone left I was kissing her, loving the feel of her straddling me. I knew we couldn't do a lot because I had to go out during the match. Kevin cuffed Jey to the ropes and started wailing on him. He uncuffed him and cuffed his hands together and drug him through the dome beating him. I kissed Jayla as I went to head out. As he went to jump off the stage where we had rows of lcd screens I attacked him from behind, knocking him down. I rammed him into the screens on each side of us. I looked down to check on my cousin and Kevin kicked me as I came back. Jey came up and we double teamed him tossing him over the screens and up a level as I hopped it. We grabbed chairs and I took a second to grab my bun pulling the elastic holding my hair loose before we began hitting him. I tossed him off the scaffolding and he went through the table below. It was a damn good spot and KO was good at doing that shit. Once we were done I climbed down looking at him.

"You ok man?"

"Yeah, give me a second to get up." Once he started to move Josh and I helped him up. We walked to the back and I grabbed my things from my wife. We got to the bus and hopped on and went to the area in the back to chill. I pulled her into my lap as she chuckled.


"Hell yea really." She stood taking off her clothes while I discarded mine as I watched her. We didn't really have time to waste because it didn't take that long to get to the house. The bouncing of the bus kind of added to everything making one of us move without meaning to, it was pretty nice to be honest.

Getting home we took a quick shower before going to bed. I had a plan tomorrow, I was helping Apollo with some baseball and football stuff and I was going to help Roman and Matt as well.

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