Eyes On Fire (Robsten Love St...

By WorshipStew

53.1K 625 86

'So much for happily ever after. His name swirled around my head, causing me more pain. My heart yearned for... More

Chapter 1 - "What The Fuck Do You Know?!"
Chapter 2 - On The Road
Chapter 3 - The Daily Show
Chapter 4 - "We Need To Talk"
Chapter 5 - This Beautiful Woman Was Mine
Chapter 7 - He Belonged With Me (Rated R)
Chapter 8 - "I Need You"
Chapter 9 - Japan
Chapter 10 - "You're Turning Me Into Some Sex Crazed Woman!"
Chapter 11 - Day One
Chapter 12 - Today is The Day
Chapter 13 - Stubborn Miss Stewart
Chapter 14 - Bed Sheets (Rated R!)

Chapter 6 - Soho House

3.5K 43 3
By WorshipStew

A/N: Beautiful Kristenn, > what I imagined her to look like during this chapter. Oh, and she's wearing his necklace again, of course. :) .~ WorshipStew

(Kristen's P.O.V)

Rob. Rob. Rob. My heart sped into a stuttering frenzy whenever I remembered that he was here, he was mine. In getting ready for the outing; I wore a casual outfit; but it was fancy also. I did my own hair and make-up, taking extra care to make sure it looked okay. I tied my hair up and I stared in the mirror. I was pleased with my work. Rob's locket still hung around my neck, on full view. I was proud to wear it and I always did. Rob then quietly walked into my bedroom, dressed smartly, and looking as handsome as ever. I felt my heart accelerate slightly. He walked behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist and whispering in my ear as he looked at me through the mirror. 

"You look absolutely beautiful." He smirked, his lips right next to my ear. 

I turned around; his arms still gripping my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. He began to kiss me faster, one of his hands going from my waist to my hair. I pulled away, in shock of his lust.

"Rob," I laughed slightly, tapping him on the nose. "Calm down boy." I gave him a sly wink and a smile.

"Sorry, it's been so long. I've been dying to have you in my arms the whole month and a half we were separated. To have you here; it feels so right. To have you wrapped up in my arms, so I want to take in as much of you as I can."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, we have plenty of time." 

He gave me that dazzling smile before giving me another kiss, sweet and slow.

"So, how are we gonna get to the restaurant without being seen?" I asked him after he took his lips from mine. 

"Soho House is a little drive away, we could go in separate cars if you'd like?" 

I felt a little nervous then. If we get seen; rumors will fly and the paparazzi will be more crazy than ever. I hate them. There should be a law to stop them stalking you. I do take joy in giving them certain gestures with my hands; flipping them off is always fun. Going in seperate cars could be a smart idea, but the paps will see us both enter the restaurant and make their assumptions from there but at least they won't actually have proof of us being together. Gosh, I really did hate paparazzi. The only up-side is that my fans get to see where I am and what I'm doing; I know they like that. 

"Seperate cars," I stated. "That way, they won't suspect as much and their attention will be divided with the two of us and one of us may get lucky and we'll be able to sneak in."

"Should we be so lucky." He laughed; he had the same lingering resentment towards the dirty paparazzi as me.

I then grabbed his hand and walked towards the door tugging him with me gently. "Come on, I'm starved" I admitted sheepishly.

I observed the area outside my house and much to our desire, the area was clear of the stalkers. I got into my Mini and Rob got into his car that he came in earlier. The paps must have not noticed his earlier trip here. I considered ditching my car and getting in to his but then decided not to chance it. I led the way, driving further into Hollywood, and Rob hung back, not wanting us to be seen too close. We didn't want rumours to spread, specially with the recent crap about me that was still dominating the magazines. I pondered when people will get over it already, but then shook my head of the thoughts reminding myself I didn't care what other people's opinions were. I didn't want people to know about me and Rob, not because of what people thought, but because if they knew, they'd ask for specifics and I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them. Thinking of Rob, I looked back in rear-view mirror and my heart started a frenzied stuttering when I looked and  saw only unfamiliar cars. I managed to calm myself down enough to remind myself that I would see him again soon. 

I pulled into the parking lot of Soho House. I didn't see any paparazzi as of yet. I walked around the front to enter the doors to the restaurant when there were two of them. One snapped a shot of me and I felt like I'd been shot, like with a gun. How did they even know I was coming here? I stopped pondering and hurried inside the restaurant but not before sticking my middle finger up into the camera lens. Print that in your fucking magazines.

I walked in the restaurant immediately taking in the gorgeous decor. The walls were hung with dim lights, creating a romantic glow. There was a lit candle in the middle of each table which were draped in silky cloth. Wow. Rob really knew how to pick for the occasion. I reserved a table quickly, asking to be sat at the back, in the more private area, away from prying eyes. The paparazzi were still snapping shots of my backside through the window much to my annoyance. If Rob's car didn't drive past the window at that moment I would have gave another few pictures of my middle finger to the paparazzi, which I just noted had tripled in size. I hurried to my table, quickly telling the guy at the reservation stand that my boyfriend would be here in a few minutes and to tell him where I was. I sat down and basked in the warm glow of the atmosphere. I assumed Rob entered at that moment, I heard a muffled conversation and then Rob casually walked into the private area greeting me with his beautiful face before sitting down in front of me, the candle flickering in between us. I stared at him, taking him all in. I didn't want to remember the torture it was like without him. I felt softer around Rob, almost vulnerable, I thought of myself as a tough woman and I kept up walls to keep myself protected but when I was around Rob, they came down. I continued to stare at him, taking in every inch of his gorgeous face. The face I had gone months without. 

"You're so beautiful..." He murmured softly, bringing me back from my thoughts and I realised I'd been staring at him far too long but he was also staring at me too so I didn't feel uncomfortable.

"This place..." I muttered, biwilderment filling my face. "It's amazing." I gestured to the warm glow of the restaurant and the privacy as I basked in the warm atmosphere. I moved my gaze from around the room back to his, our eyes meeting. 

"I know places," He smiled. "I wanted it to be special."

I smiled as happiness filled my body, running through me like an electric current. I sat twirling Bella's wedding ring around my finger.

"You still wear that?" He asked; his voice held slight amazement. 

"Yeah, of course, and this too," I said pointing to the his locket which hung around my neck proudly. 

He smiled his dazzling smile. He was so beautiful. He pushed the candle to the side and leant over the small table to kiss me. I loved the feel of him, the feel I'd gone without for so long. Whenever we kissed it sent my heart fluttering and it wasn't until someone cleared their throat that we pulled away. I felt myself blush a startling scarlet. That was another thing, when we were together we forgot anyone else and we became almost oblivious to our surroundings. We had some sort of bubble, separated from anything else but each other. It was beautiful thing. To be this deeply in love. The cough came from an awkward waiter, who was blushing slightly, from our kissing I guessed.

I picked up the menu and scanned the list ordering Italian whilst Rob ordered some spicy food, I wasn't sure what exactly. He looked me in the eyes when the waiter walked away. He gave me a smile when his face suddenly turned to a frown. 

"Damn paparazzi. How did they even know...?" He trailed off, looking frustrated. 

I put my hand on his, which was resting on the table. There wasn't many people here so it gave me the courage to display my love for Robert. 

"Just ignore them. I gave them a few hand signals which they can print in their lousy magazines so don't worry about it." I gave laugh. 

"You always do that. I don't think it offends them enough though; they keep coming back."

I was about to respond when the waiter gave us our food, placing then in front of us. Quick service.

"You know," I mused, glancing at Rob's spicy chicken. "I'll be surprised if you can eat that without drinking any water to extinguish that burning fire that will happen in your mouth."

"Excuse me?" He laughed, an amused expression on his face. 

"Usually, you can't handle spicy food." I gave a cocky smile.

He smiled, clearly remembering the same thing I was: the day on the set of 'Eclipse' when we were eating really spicy Cheetos and he couldn't handle it. We ate for awhile then, looking at each other occasionally over the flickering candle. I watched him carefully, waiting for him to dive for his water.

"Impressive," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "You haven't gone for your water once."

It was then I noticed his face was red and he started panting and waving his hand in front of his mouth frantically. I gave a laugh as he chugged his water. He put his water down and laughed with me. He wasn't just my boyfriend; but my best friend too. 

"Look, you're eating lasagna, you can't say anything."

"I like Italian food and Italy, one of my favourite shooting locations just for the food." I admitted. "But don't forget our Cheetos challenge that day on the 'Eclipse' set. I won. I only like spicy food when it's so hot that I can't feel my face afterwards."

"You're nuts Kris." He said, his face still red from the spicy food. 

Soon after, we ordered a dessert to share. It was a huge chocolate sundae. We sat for awhile reminiscing old times.

"Remember the end of 'Twilight' and all the little frogs were croaking in the pond?" He laughed.

"I swear that day I killed your toes. I'd stand on them for the scene with my big ass cast and then I'd forget to get off your feet. You know I'm pretty sure that's why they've gone bad." I laughed taking another spoon full of ice-cream.

"Probably is actually, thanks Kris," He thanked sarcastically. "What about when I visited you on the set of 'Snow White' and you nearly broke a thumb? You're so clumsy."

"Oh man! Yeah, it turned out to be a really bad ligament tear. Dwarves. They're pesky little creatures."

We carried on enjoying the night; completely oblivious to the time. I looked up at the clock hung on the wall and gasped. It was getting late, we'd been here for hours. I hoped it was long enough to send the paparazzi away bored, but then I thought, no. They'd never give up. Rob saw me gasp and looked at the clock too. For the time, I was full of energy. I was full of Rob. We decided to give the bill and leave out the back door with permissions from the owner. Rob gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. 

"I'm coming back to your place." 

And then we both left for our cars. The paps only noticed me as I was on my way out the parking lot. I made sure to give them two fingers this time before speeding back towards home. Rob was close behind and we got home without being followed. We busted into my house, and I went straight to my room and undid my heels, and let my hair down. Rob grabbed me from behind; spinning me around into his arms and kissing me strongly.

I've had to write this chapter twice. I was writing for around 2 hours and my iPod decided to be the biggest ass fucker in the world and didn't save my mother fucking story. Man, I'm so pissed it was dead long, so sorry if it sucks, I can't remember what I put the first time exactly. Next chapter will be Rated R? It would be help full if some of you commented to let me know if you want me to type the scene or not. Thanks. And votes appreciated. ~ WorshipStew

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