By Shizumakiss8

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[All 35 Chapters Up!] [EDITED!] Sarah Evens and Margret Ann Pearce fell in love over the last ten years of kn... More

Copyright Page.
Main Character List!
ONE: New Home! & Small-Town Café!
TWO: Who's the new comer?!, Best antique hall ever! & First night in new home!
THREE: Settling In! & Rumor Meal Running?!
FOUR: Lazy Morning! Set Up Studio! & First Site?!
FIVE: In Awe! New Painting's?! & A Hectic Day?!
SIX: Good Morning! Kind Gesture & Two Goddess?!
SEVEN: Dessert?! Meeting Goddesses! & Getting to know them!
EIGHT: Trust?! Dinner! & Slipping?!
TEN: Embarrassed, Talk, & New Mommies?!
ELEVEN: Talk with Besties! & Bath time!
TWELVE: Nervous! & Besties Visit!
THIRTEEN: Shocked Besties?! Talk! & Meeting Little Aubrey!
FOURTEEN: A Little Bigger! Embarrassed! & Happy!
FIFTEEN: Blushes & Talk of &?!
SIXTEEN: Partner's! Embarrassed! & Weird?!
SEVENTEEN: Worried! Scared? & Past?!
EIGHTEEN: Upset! Afraid! & Mommy?!
NINETEEN: Mommies! Talk! & Shocked!
TWENTY: Breastfeeding?! Embarrassed! & News?!
TWENTY-ONE: Together! & Mommies!
TWENTY-TWO: Happy! Scared! & Proof?!
TWENTY-THREE: Hurt?! Momma Bear! & Caught?!
TWENTY-FOUR: Recovering! & Visitors?!
TWENTY-FIVE: Safe! & Mommy!
TWENTY-SIX: Release! & Happy!
TWENTY-SEVEN: Strong Feelings! & Surprise!
TWENTY-EIGHT: Holiday Decorating! & Upset!
TWENTY-NINE: Talk! Baking Fun yet Disaster! & Finished Decorating!
THIRTY: Strangers but Family!
THIRTY-ONE: Meeting big Aubrey!
THIRTY-TWO: Snow Fun! Finishing Paintings! & Alone Time!
THIRTY-THREE: Christmas Eve Day!
THIRTY-FOUR: Christmas Day! & Strong Emotions!
THIRTY-FIVE: Goodbyes! & Adventure Awaits! [Final Chapter.]
Author's Note
Author's Note

NINE: Very Little Aubrey! & Awkward Facetime?!

2.5K 65 0
By Shizumakiss8


(Time 8:43 p.m. Pierce Home)

Margaret Ann Pierce's (POV)

I adjust Sarah in my arms, as she in turn holds Aubrey, who automatically relaxes and slips into her little space right before our eyes.

"She just slipped so quickly. Look at her baby, she looks so content," I whisper in awe. She nods, moving Aubrey into a more comfortable cradle so we can see her face.

"I know, baby. Look at those beautiful eyes! What would you call her eye color baby? I can see green, with mixed blue and golden flakes. They're beautiful."

I reach over to move a curl out of Aubrey's face, she smiles at the action then snuggles further into Sarah. She's so tiny now, making silly faces at her I make her giggle.

"I don't know, baby. But they're beautiful, just perfect for her. Huh baby Aubrey? Your eyes are just perfect for you."

She giggles, reaching up and sucking on her fingers as she watches us closely. I caress her cheek, cooing at her.

"She's so beautiful and adorable. Look at you, such a beautiful baby you are."

Sarah chuckles and leans down, kissing Aubrey's forehead. "She's perfect, baby. And I'm freaking out."

"I know love, but we can't get ahead of ourselves. We'll talk to her when she's big, but we shouldn't get our hopes up until then."

"I know...I just...look at her honey," Sarah says as she leans her head against mine.

I smile seeing how small she is. "Someone needs a paci."

"Do we have any from the last time the girls were down?" Sarah asks, after she pulls Aubrey's fingers out of her mouth. The little simply returns them as soon as her hand is free again.

"I think so. Just give me a bit and I'll be right back, babies."

I kiss her head, then boop Aubrey's nose which makes her giggle and snuggle further into Sarah, who coos at her. I make my way into the guest bedroom, then into the bathroom. I eventually find a new pack of yellow and pink pacifiers after some rummaging around. They're all so adorable, but knowing Aubrey likes yellow I choose the one with little bees on it.

After quickly rinsing it off with hot water I make my way back into the living room, but I stop in the doorway when I see Sarah lightly tickling Aubrey, making her squirm and giggle. Even though I believe my earlier words, that we shouldn't get our hopes up until we can ask Aubrey what she wants, the sight of them playing together already has my heart swelling.

"Had a new package left and there were yellow ones, so..." I hold it up and Sarah simply chuckles.

"Perfect love," Sarah says, still smiling down at little Aubrey.

I sit back down behind her, pulling them both into my arms and sighing as Sarah moves Aubrey's hand and puts the paci in her mouth. The moment she feels it there she starts suckling and of course Sarah and I coo. She's just so precious and adorable.

"What's running through your mind baby?" I ask my wife.

"You already know love. But I'm just glad she was able to let herself relax with us. Nine years baby, that's a long time to hold herself back from slipping."

"Yes, but she had other outlets. Mainly working so hard, which I'm amazed by, such a tiny thing." I smile and caress Aubrey's cheek. "I'm very in awe of you little one."

She smiles behind her paci and leans into my hand.

"Even though that's true, it's still a long time. Do you think anyone in her life knows she's a little?"

"No," I answer, shaking my head at the same time. "If she's held back this long, then no. She said she has two best friends that live back in Baltimore, but she didn't talk about anyone else honey, it's just them and her."

(Time 9:44 p.m.)

Dr. Sarah Evans Pierce's (POV)

"How little are you, baby girl?" I ask little Aubrey, as I'm rubbing her back. "Do you know what I'm asking sweetie?"

She stares up at me, blinking slowly, but settles for just smiling then reaching up to play with my hair.

"You are super tiny, huh sweetheart?"

A sudden thought causes me to sigh, before I look at Margaret. "Do we also have any protections from when they were down?"

"What?" she asks, scrunching up her face in question.

"Pull Ups or diapers?" I say, motioning to Aubrey.

"Oh, you had me confused!" she laughs. "Yeah, there are some in the guest room closet. Are you going to put one on her?"

"Well she obviously has to stay here tonight, we can't take her home while she's in her little space. So I'm concerned if she wets the bed and wakes up in her big space, she'll be really upset with herself," I explain.

"Are you going to put her in a diaper?" Margaret asks with some concern.

"I know love. It's not a decision I want to make without talking to her either, but this little one is really tiny. She might be for the rest of the night. I hate putting her in one, but she needs protection and it's better than her having an accident."

I watch my wife consider the situation, before she sighs and nods her head. "I'll get a diaper and powder. I think it's best that you put it on her alone though. In a sense this is a clinical decision being made to protect her, and you're a Doctor. Is that okay?"

"Okay baby. That sounds fair," I agree, before giving her a kiss which helps to reassure us both.

Margaret smiles and leaves to get what we need. I look back down at Aubrey and start to play with her hair, as she is doing with mine.

"You're feeling so much better now, huh baby? I know being big is a lot and you holding back your little self for so long is so strong of you, but I'm glad you let yourself relax with us. You must have been struggling for so long honey."

She smiles behind her paci, which turns into a yawn. Every time I look at her she just gets so much cuter! I hug Aubrey to me and hum a little tune, patting her bottom in time, while I wait for Margaret to return.

"Got it baby," my wife says quietly.

"Right on time, she's getting sleepy."

"It's getting late, so I'm not surprised," Margaret adds, while gazing down at Aubrey.

I nod myself and join my wife in quietly watching the baby in my arms. She's completely out, quietly snoring.

"Oh you are just a precious angel, aren't you?" I coo at her.

Margaret readies the diaper and powder, a quiet push for me to start the process.

"You think she'll be okay in the guest room next to us?"

"Yeah, we can leave the door open just in case she wakes up.," Margaret reassures me. "I'll go on up and get the bed ready. I'll see you two beauty's up there, yeah?"

I nod without looking away from Aubrey, who I gently lay on the couch, as Margaret leaves the room. Aubrey whimpers but settles down quickly by sucking her paci, so I get her out of her undies and into the diaper quickly, making sure the powder is rubbed into her skin and that the diaper is not too tight or too loose.

Once finished I smile, seeing her curl up into the fetal potion.

"So cute baby," I giggle and lift her back into my arms. She immediately snuggles into me and I make my way upstairs and to the guest room, where I find my gorgeous wife has just turned down the brightness on one of the lamps so Aubrey has a nightlight. I love her caring and loving side, she simply can't help herself.

"I love you so much baby," I tell her, giving her a kiss.

"And I you, now let's get this little one comfortable."

Nodding, I walk over and lay Aubrey down in the middle of the bed, tucking her in and putting a few extra pillows around her so she doesn't roll off the bed.

"Night baby girl, sleep well," I tell her, leaving a kiss on her forehead.

I stand back as Margaret does the same before we shut the main light off and make our way to our room. We've only taken a few steps when I feel a tug on my hand and my wife pulls me into her. She sighs next to my ear as she hugs me tight.

"You're perfect with her love, even more so than with little Erina."

"It's different with Erina. It's like I'm her grandma or aunt, but with Aubrey I just feel so much love and warmth toward her honey. You feel it too, don't you?"

She nods, kissing my head. "Yes I do baby, but guess what?"

"What?" I chuckle, hugging her tighter.

She smiles, kissing my nose. The slight tickle and my current state of elation makes me laugh.

"If she does let us be her mommies, you will be her mommy and I will be her momma."

I purse my lips in confusion. "And how do you know this love? Isn't it too early for that?"

"No," Margaret shakes her head. "It's just like with Olivia and Grace, even though they found Erina under extenuating circumstances, after just one day they were attached and they both knew Grace was Erina's mommy right off. Just like I know you will be Aubrey's. She's attached to you so quickly, and I think she already sees me as more of a fun loving parent. She definitely seems to look to you for more comfort and protection."

"How do you feel about that though?" I ask, laying my head on her shoulder to snuggle closer in her arms.

"I love it baby," she chuckles, kissing me on my head. "You're perfect for being her mommy. I've known from the first time we talked about finding a little that you would be connected to our little in a more comforting sense. Her first thought when she wants warmth and closeness will be you. But if she wants to have fun she'll come to me. Even in her little space I'm imagining the art we'll do together and I'm more than looking forward to it."

"Thank you for not being upset," I sigh, yawning afterwards.

"Never love and there's no need. Besides this means if she wants to be breastfed, I get to watch your boobs get bigger!"

I lean back and smack her shoulder, while my wife laughs and kisses me.

"You're such a perv." I tell her, but I'm smiling wildly. "Now it's really late. We should clean up and go to bed."

She winks cheekily, then smacks my ass before quickly running into the bathroom. "Me first!"

I shake my head and walk over to lean in the doorway, crossing my arms in front of me. "You're such a dork, but I love you."

"Love you more!" she mumbles as she smiles with her toothbrush in her mouth.

I roll my eyes and wait for her to finish before I do my nightly routine as well. By the time my head hits the pillow and I'm snuggled into my loving wife's arms, I'm out.

All with dreams of being Aubrey's mommy and taking care of her.

(Time Skip 6 o'clock a.m. Pierce Home)


Dr. Sarah Evans Pierce's (POV)

I wake this morning to the sound of crying, which makes me frown. It takes a few seconds for me to remember that Aubrey slipped fully and stayed last night, but when I make the connection I jump out of bed and hurry across the hall to the guest room. I'm met with the sight of a crying little girl, sitting up in bed and looking around scared.

"Baby girl, it's alright. Come here," I say as I sit on the bed next to her, opening my arms.

She sniffles and reaches for me, I immediately pick her up and set her on my lap. As I do I feel her diaper is heavy and I see why she's so upset.

"Shh baby girl, I'll get you cleaned up, you're all right honey." As I speak softly I rock her slowly, while giving her random kisses on her head. It's not enough to settle her though because she continues to cry and snuggle further into me, until we hear a groggy Margaret.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"She has a wet diaper. Could you get me a new one and the powder and wipes baby?"

My wife rubs her eyes as she yawns and nods then leaves the room. While we wait I continue to rock Aubrey and as I rub her back I feel her finally relaxing.

"There you go baby girl. I got you and we're going to get you all cleaned up. Then we can get some more sleep, would you like that baby?"

She just sniffles and hiccups in response, then snuggles into me. Spotting her paci on the bed I figure that might help calm her also, so I stretch over to reach it and hook it in my fingertips.

"Here baby, here's your paci."

I pop it into her mouth and watch her suckle. As I hoped it helps her to relax further, just as Margaret returns to the room.

"Here you go love," she says as she lays everything beside me.

"Go on back to bed love," I tell her after kissing her cheek in thanks. "I'll be back once she's back to sleep."

She nods with her eyes barely open, leaving the room after softly kissing us both. I can't help but laugh quietly, because I'm pretty sure she did all of that sleep walking.

"Okay baby, I've got to lay you down so we can get this nasty diapy off, yeah?"

She grips my night shirt, but lets me lay her down after a few seconds. Once she's laying down I kiss her head, nose and then cheeks which makes her giggle and smile behind her paci.

"Such a cute baby girl, yes you are! Now let's get you all clean."

I lay the new diaper under her then quickly get the old one open and get her wiped down before rolling up the old diaper and tossing it in the trash. Once she's powdered, I make sure the diaper is snug before picking her back up.

"There we go love, now close those pretty eyes sweet girl."

She blinks but watches me closely, sucking her paci between letting out little yawns and snuggling into me as close as she can. I softly hum a lullaby until I feel her body completely relax in my arms.

"So beautiful, honey. Sleep well and when we wake again Margaret and I will still be with you baby girl."

Laying her back in bed, I tuck her in and yawn myself. I make sure to leave a kiss on her head before making my way back to bed with Margaret. As soon as she feels me snuggling into her she pulls me closer and kisses my lips softly. She's definitely more awake than earlier, because she kisses me harder and gropes my ass, which makes me laugh.

"Now, now Mrs. Pierce, I'm still tired."

She chuckles and kisses my nose. "But this will make you sleep so much better my love."

"But Aubrey..." I blush.

She smirks and kisses me breathless. "Just try to be quiet baby."

I giggle in anticipation when I feel her hand sliding down and into my panties, moaning the moment she touches me.

"Goddess love," I whisper breathlessly.

She smiles and pecks my lips. "Just enjoy my darling, you'll sleep so well after."

Nodding, I kiss her and she starts rubbing my clit; I whimper as I grind into her hand harder. The further we get into making love my mind goes blank and all I feel is pure pleasure, as we make each other come undone.

(Time Skip 9:30 a.m. Pierce Home)

Margaret Ann Pierce's (POV)

After finishing a delicious breakfast I sit and watch Sarah clean Aubrey, she's such a messy baby but she's been so happy and giggly this morning. She ate her pancakes without a fuss, then had a lot of fun managing to get the syrup everywhere. As I continue to silently consider the situation, I come to the realization that I feel more alive this morning than I have in a long time.

"She's so precious today," Sarah says as she pulls Aubrey into her lap. "I was worried when she had a wet diaper this morning that it would push her out of little space and make her embarrassed. I just hope she'll be okay when she does slip back."

"I agree. But I also think she's going to be little for a while, seeing how long she's held herself back."

"I'm so glad we have experience caring for littles, after looking after Erina. As much as we want this, she slipped so quickly that we could have been unprepared," my wife explains as she runs her fingers through Aubrey's hair.

"I really miss them." I admit. "But Olivia said they'd be back around Christmas."

"That's definitely something to look forward to," Sarah agrees. "It's hard to catch up with them these days. They're either working hard or taking long adventures around the world with little Erina, now she's finally living."

We sit in silence for some minutes, taking in the moment together as we watch little Aubrey play with her fingers and make little noises from time to time.

"I think it might be a good idea for me to pop over to the girl's house and see if I can grab some things for this little one. That way if she does stay in little space, we should have what she needs."

"That's a great idea," Sarah agrees. "We only have a couple of things here."

"Okay, I'll head on over now and will be back in about an hour, quicker if I don't stop in town," I say while standing and kissing both my wife and Aubrey on the head.

"Hey you should stop and drop that painting off at the diner," she suggests.

"Good idea love. Okay, so I'll drop by the diner as well, then will see you and this little one later."

I lean down and kiss Aubrey's face all over, making her giggle and reach up to pat my cheeks.

"Be good for my Sarah, okay baby Aubrey?" I say before kissing her head one more time.

She just smiles in response, then snuggles into Sarah. I leave them to it and head out back to my studio, grab the painting then I'm off to Olivia and Grace's house.

I smile, knowing today is going to be wonderful. I just can't wait to see what big Aubrey thinks of this though, once she slips back to her adult self.

(Time 9:40 a.m.)

Dr. Sarah Evans Pierce's (POV)

As Margaret leaves to run her errands, I take Aubrey to get settled in the living room. I decide the sofa chair will allow us to cuddle the best, so that's the seat I choose. Cartoons are playing on the television and while she does look over to them from time to time, she's mainly focused on watching me.

I find it fascinating. Watching the way Erina would look at Grace and Olivia or how Alcina would look at Deedra and Callie, I always wondered what they felt and now I can say I definitely know the feeling. It's like the purest form of love, similar to finding your soulmate, although I admit it's slightly different.

Caressing her cheek, I move some hair out of her face. "What's running through that gorgeous mind of yours, baby girl?"

She smiles behind her paci and reaches up to play with my hair, making me smile and cuddle her closer to me. We spend the next half an hour or so cuddling, playing, watching cartoons and simply watching each other. It's one of the more calm mornings I've spent in a while.

That peace is shattered however, when a phone rings. I know it's not mine and Margaret took hers, so it has to be Aubrey's.

Oh that's not good. Especially if her friends don't know she's a little.

Making sure she's snuggled close to me as I stand, moving to the end table to retrieve her phone from the charger. I take it and return to the sofa chair, settling us back down and grabbing a blanket to wrap it around us. Luckily Aubrey is still content, she's closing her eyes from time to time, but she's not napping. Honestly I just think she's enjoying my warmth, which is adorable.

The ringing of the phone draws my attention back to it, but I'm not sure what I should do. I nibble my lip, it's ringing for a facetime call, which of course brings additional complications. But I can see it's Amelia ringing and I know they speak every day so if I don't answer, she's going to be worried about her best friend.

"Well I don't know if this is a good idea baby girl," I sigh. "But you're so little that you can't answer and from what you've said I'm pretty sure if we don't they might send out a search party for you."

Aubrey only makes little cooing noises behind her paci in response, so I make sure the camera is where they can't see her and hit answer. When the screen clears I'm met with the view of two absolutely gorgeous women.

They both look confused and look at one another with concern.

"Who are you and why are you answering Bird's phone?" the one on the left with dirty blonde hair asks.

"Sorry dear, I'm Sarah. Aubrey is busy at the moment, but I didn't want you to worry if she didn't answer or reply later."

They frown, now completely concerned, so the woman with sandy brown hair speaks up.

"What do you mean busy? She missed our facetime last night and we were already worried but missing it again today?"

I look down at Aubrey who is now actually close to sleep, but there is no question in my mind that I won't break her confidence. I just don't know that her friends will take any vague explanation.

"I'm sorry you two, really. I can't tell you anything or I would be breaking her trust. I will make a promise to you that she is safe and okay though."

As I expected they remain concerned, the words of a stranger are not enough to dissipate their worry about their close friend.

"So she is with you then?" the blonde asks.

"Yes, she is. She stayed over with me and my wife Margaret last night, after we had dinner."

They both smile at that and the brunette smacks the other's arm, in what I believe is excitement.

"You're one of the women little Bird talked about in her text yesterday!"

As I arch my brows in confusion, they are both chuckling and seem to have relaxed for some reason.

"Sorry I'm Amelia Groves," the blonde introduces herself. "I'm Bird's best friend and this is my wife Gabriella or Gabby Groves, her other best friend. It's lovely to meet you, Sarah."

"Well I should officially introduce myself too. I'm Dr Sarah Evans Pierce and it's lovely to meet you both also. My wife isn't here right now, but her name is Margaret Ann Pierce. We both officially introduced ourselves and met Aubrey yesterday at the diner in town."

"She'll kick our asses for this, but she was really nervous and excited to talk with you and your wife," Gabby admits.

I look down at a now sleeping Aubrey and smile. "Really? To be honest we were nervous as well. She's been the talk of the town since she bought old man Jefferies land and moved here."

"Yeah she told us," Amelia says as they both laugh. "She said she hasn't had that many eyes burning holes into her since her last high profile criminal case."

"Understandable. Our town does love new things that come our way. And of course the gossip."

"We can imagine. But more importantly, Bird stayed at your house. So I assume your night with one another went well?"

Amelia has a cheeky look on her face after asking her question, while Gabby rolls her eyes at her wife.

"You can definitely say that," I agree with a smile. "Aubrey and Margaret got to talking about painting and they decided they wanted to show each other some of their art, so we invited her for dinner. They even painted one each last night, but I've yet to see them."

"That's wonderful. It's good she has two new friends as well, especially someone who loves painting as much as she does. Bird's only recently gone back to her art, but she's doing well; she even sold six paintings last Christmas before getting ready to move." Gabby explains. It's wonderful to see how proud they are of their friend.

"That's amazing to hear. We just hope she likes it here but from what she's told us so far she does and is settling in well."

"So I know you can't break her trust," Amelia starts, "but what exactly can you tell us?"

"Well," I start, stalling to figure out how I'll answer this one. "Let's just say that talking with two complete strangers about one's problems allows you to open up and relax in ways you have been needing for a long time, and that's what she's busy with."

Amelia scrunches up her face at the cryptic response, but surprisingly Gabby nods in understanding.

"Aubrey's been closed off for quite a while," she explains. "But since she moved, even though we've only spoken over the phone, I can tell she's been opening up a lot more. So I guess we can take that as an answer until we can talk with her. You seem safe and trustworthy enough to care for her for now, so we won't worry as much as we were."

"Thank you dear," I say with a smile. "And trust me, she's safe with Margaret and I. No harm will come to her and I will have her call you when she can."

"So Sarah," Amelia starts and from the mischief in her eyes, I know she's moving on to other more questionable topics. "I have a highly inappropriate question for you."

Gabby smacks her arm, but I'm chuckling at the fact I was right. "Go ahead," I say with a smile.

"Are you and your wife into having a third partner in your life?"

"Well, to be honest, yes we are. We started to feel that something was missing from our lives and last year we decided to try and find us a third. We haven't found anyone who has interested us in the slightest, well that was until we spotted Aubrey that is."

The immediate squeals and laughter coming from my phone surprises me and I try to cover the microphone so the loud noise doesn't wake Aubrey. She doesn't even move a muscle though, apparently she can sleep quite deeply when she's relaxed.

"Just to let you know, Aubrey has a big crush on the both of you. I know she's going to kill us, but it's too bad for her because you need to know!" Gabby squeals again.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," I admit. "But to be honest we could tell. I don't think she knows we can, but she's a lovely woman and we are looking forward to getting to know her more."

The front door opens and closes, then Margaret calls out happily. "Baby I'm home!"

"That would be my lovely wife Margaret. Just a second ladies," I explain, before turning the screen away from myself and my wife's direction. "In the living room babe, I'm on a facetime call with Aubrey's friends."

She comes from around the call, smiling and about to speak but before she does I give her a death stare. She immediately freezes and I wait for her to understand the situation, when she does she nods and I turn the phone back towards me.

"Come meet Aubrey's best friends, love."

Margaret rubs her neck but comes over to sit next to me and Aubrey. Amelia and Gabby can now see me and my wife, but I still make sure they can't see Aubrey sleeping in my arms.

"Well hello you two, I'm Margaret," she introduces herself with a smile.

They introduce themselves also, before Amelia gets right back to where she left off before Margaret got home.

"So, our Bird is right. You two are goddesses!"

"Well thank you," Margaret answers shyly. "And it seems we need to thank Aubrey too, when she's unoccupied."

"So what do you do Margaret? We know Sarah is a doctor," Gabby asks.

"Oh not much, hun. I'm a housekeeper for my goddaughter and I guess I'm also just a jack of all trades as well. At the moment I'm just getting back into my painting. What about the both of you?"

"I'm a pediatric surgeon at Johns Hopkins," Gabby answers, "and Amelia here is a civil defense attorney, partner at Aubrey's old law firm."

Wow, both of these women are impressive. And young, just like Aubrey. I can see they had a lot in common.

"Those are wonderful careers, I'm in awe. When Aubrey told us about her career, we were shocked but amazed at the same time, but I can see she was in good company."

"Thank you, but there's no one like Aubrey. Most people like to underestimate her, until they're up against her and wetting their pants in the courtroom. That girl may be tiny and look innocent but she's a beast in the law field. When she decided to give up her career for her art there was an uproar. So many people were waiting in line to hire her," Amelia explains.

I smile as I look down at the precious bundle in my arms. I'm even more in awe of the tiny woman now and judging by the look on Margaret's face, she's in the same boat. We continue small talk for a few more minutes, before Gabby looks down at her watch and whispers in Amelia's ear, who nods in response.

"We're so happy you two are liking our Bird and are taking care of her, but we must get going. I have a few cases to go over and Gabs here has to start lunch."

We take a moment to end the call on a friendly note and once we hang up I lay the phone on the side table, then lean over to kiss Margaret until we need air and separate.

"They are lovely friends. I'm glad Aubrey has them, love."

"I agree, they are wonderful. But look at this precious bundle! And I'm more in awe of her now, after what they told us about her past," Margaret says and I nod in agreement.

"I'm glad my vague explanation for why she can't talk was taken well."

"What did you say?" she asks with a chuckle.

"Just some honest words that could refer to anything really," I say with a shrug. "About needing to open up and relax into an unexpected state to be happier or something, I don't really remember what I said."

"Goddess I love you baby!" she laughs.

"Why, I love you more darling! Now speaking of lunch, is it really that late?"

"It's almost noon love," she nods after looking at her watch.

"Really! Wow, we were on the phone for what, almost two hours. I didn't even notice."

"Time fly's baby!" Margaret says as she stands. "I'll put all the little things I got from the house in the guest room upstairs. Also, speaking of lunch, Dasha gave us a large chicken alfredo pizza with extra cheesy breadsticks. She said it was a thank you for the painting. They loved it and put it up right behind the counter for everyone to see."

"That's wonderful love, I'm so proud of you," I say and Margaret beams with pride.It's a wonderful thing to see, someone you love who is proud of themself. I beckon her closer and when she leans down I softly kiss her.

"And goodie, we got food," I mumble against her lips, which causes my wife to laugh.

"Why don't you wake little Aubrey and go clean her up while I fix our plates?"

"Okay, we won't be long, baby," I say as she helps me stand. Aubrey whimpers at the movement, but settles back down as I hug her to me.

As we reach the guestroom I lay Aubrey down on the bed, before moving away to get the things I need to change her. But as soon as I move away she starts to move again, but now her eyes are also beginning to flutter so I know she's close to waking up. Not wanting her to wake up alone, I lay next to her on the bed, pulling her into my arms and holding her close.

I just hope she's okay when she wakes, not upset.

Or even worse, big and embarrassed.

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