SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind...

By yazzeewrites

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We continue with the life and adventures of the lovely Kim family, as depicted on the frst book with the same... More

Jeju Thoughts
The Call
Dia de la Madre
The Trip Back Home
Eagle Eyes
The Reunion
The Flight
Appa Duties
When in Santorini
The Streets of Fira
The Party at the Hyuns
Dia delos Padres
The Fiery Night
Get Well, Buddy
Pooh Comes Home
The Man
Caught in Between
Deadly Obsession
After the Storm
The Way To Her Heart
School Boys
Ji Hwan
The Marine
The Storm
The Ship Has Docked
The Airport Strut (One Shot)


723 66 15
By yazzeewrites

The sunshiny Friday afternoon sun created a wonderful cast over the school building. As the cars piled up to get their spot on the parking lot, the guards on duty were likewise busily ushering the guests. It was not a secret that Yongsan International School is one for those who came from South Korea’s affluent families, thus some parents’ behavior was expected.

Just that, the different attitudes of these people, no matter their status, clearly shows under pressure. Some parents wanted to race against others to the school gates when they themselves know they can all get in without being rowdy. Others were passive, ignoring the school faculty who would usher them to the classrooms. Whether it was pride or something else, they went directly to where they wanted to go, only to find a directory to check if they had gone in the right direction.

And then some of the most humble people, and apparently the richest too, come down in the simplest fashion. Opening their own doors without the help of a driver, they look like the regular Joes you could see in every corner of the busy streets of Seoul. They would pass by the gates, nodding to the security details and extending those to the staff waiting, and even humbly asking for directions where the rooms were located. They would go along and find the place they intend to go and when they arrive, they witness another display of so-called power inside the classrooms.

Kim Tae Pyung and Son Eon Jin, one of South Korea’s most powerful celebrity couples, walked in subtly wearing their facemasks and sunglasses to conceal their identity. As they were looking for a space where they could sit down, they chanced upon their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hyun. The couple were seated at the far end of the room, looking at the commotion that was beginning to form as the so-called powerful began to campaign for some positions. As they found their place, Mr. Kim sighed in relief.

‘Wait, are you sure this is kindergarten class? Why does it look like a polling precinct?’ he asked in jest which earned a laugh from his best friend.

‘Well, welcome to the Parents Association. It sure does look like one because today is election day,’ Mr. Hyun replied.

‘I thought it would be just a meeting?’ Eon Jin, the first time mother of a preschooler, asked. Mrs. Hyun answered her.

‘Yes, it is. But we have to elect officers likewise for the association. You know, as representatives,’ she said. Eon Jin nodded and took time to digest what she was seeing. Would it be this way all the time?

Just then, the kindergarten class teacher came in and went to her place in front of everyone. A few parents went to take a seat, while some others were still standing and waiting for something from the teacher herself.

‘Sir, there is a vacant seat in this area,’ she called out and pointed to the seat near her. The man in question then strutted like an actor in front of everyone before he sat down on the chair. Apparently, he was one of those people in the commotion who looked pre-campaigning for a position.

Tae Pyung couldn’t hide his laughter so he went to hold his wife’s hand and squeeze it. Understanding why, she squeezed back and was actually smiling underneath her mask. The other couple were likewise doing the same thing.

‘Seems to me he wants us to see his face and vote for him,’ Tae Pyung whispered to Eon Jin who swatted his hand.

‘Listen, the teacher is talking,’ she said. Suddenly it occurred to her the memory of being in college at the Seoul Institute for the Arts. There was a series of short flashbacks, and she couldn’t help but smile at it. Looking at her husband’s strong hand which was holding hers gently, she let out a thought in a whisper.

‘Tell me again why you didn’t study at the same college that I did.’

He looked at her and was actually puzzled at what she was saying.

‘Sorry?’ he asked, wanting to know why. Eon Jin looked at him instead and shook her head, then shifted back to what the teacher was saying.

‘Hello, my name is Teacher Anne and I am the homeroom adviser for the students of this section,’ she said as she bent down to take a bow in front of everyone. ‘As you all know, today is the first meeting for the year and it is proper for us to get to know each other. May I ask all of you to please introduce your name to everyone here.’

Teacher Anne may be a sweet teacher to the kids, but to the parents, she definitely knows what she is doing. She knows how to put them in their places, especially in the classroom where she is the leader and moderator.

As the man earlier prepared to get up and introduce himself, Teacher Anne suddenly spoke up.

‘Why don’t we start with those parents at the back? Mr. Hyun, if you may.’

Mr. Hyun was taken aback at the remark and when he realized that he was the last person sitting, he stood up. But not without holding his wife’s hand first. He knew well that there was something that went on the last time, since Mrs. Hyun offered to bring their daughter, Joo Joo, to school last year. He wondered if his intuition was right, and stood by that choice since then.

‘Good afternoon. My name is Hyun Bin,’ he said, which earned a lot of heads turning his way. He quickly followed up. ‘I am not the actor though.’

Laughter eased up the growing tension inside the room. Mrs. Hyun then came up next, and Eon Jin’s turn came. She took off her classic Ray Ban aviator sunglasses and held them carefully.

‘Hello everyone, I am Son Eon Jin. Nice to meet you,’ she said as she gave a curtly nod to everyone in the room. She remembered once more about how she introduced herself to her first class in the university and gave out a shy smile. 

‘Hello, my name is Kim Tae Pyung,’ came the ringing baritone voice of her husband who stood right after she finished her introduction. He took off his Tom Ford shades after and gave a 90-degree bow. They sat back down and it seemed like the time froze, except for the four of them at the back.

Silence filled the entire room, as heads were locked in place looking at the people who stayed in the last row. It seemed that the affluent parents gathered in that small room had turned to be ordinary people in the presence of the four persons. Teacher Anne, who momentarily stopped upon hearing their introductions, quickly snapped back to continue her role as the moderator for this meeting.

‘Omo, are they real?’ she thought, even when she knew that one of her students was the child of the power couple. Judging by how they were seated, she knew immediately who it was, since it was confidential information prior to their first official school meeting. Almost everyone had introduced themselves, and it was the man’s turn to speak.

‘Hello. My name is Lee Dong Gun and it is my intention to run for the seat as president of this Parents Association,’ he said in rapid succession which had the teacher shift her gaze at him. He gave a sly smile before the woman took over the floor once again.

‘Thank you everyone for your cooperation,’ she said as she laid out the agenda for the meeting. She discussed the annual activities scheduled for the kids and the successive meetings that they will be having. Then came the moment that most parents have waited for, the election. Apparently, half of the population wanted to get elected to a position and was actually getting noisier.

‘Must they always be like this, Yej?’ Eon Jin asked her friend. 

‘Well, yes. They always do that. Bin and I have been dodging that since last year when Joo Joo was here,’ the other lady replied. The husbands were silently looking at the crowd in front of them like watching a baseball game. Observing.

Just then a parent came up to them and casually asked Eon Jin something.

‘Ms. Son, can you be the club secretary?’ the lady who identified herself as Ms. Cha Chung Hwa said. She was a tall woman, with slanted eyes and pouty lips. She looked like she had been living this mini election, with the way she was handling herself. Too confident.

She, along with the others, knew that this woman she is speaking to right now is the popular actress Son Yejin, and one of her agenda is to see how she looks up-close.

Eon Jin hesitated, but because of how Ms. Cha modulated her voice, everyone turned to look at them once more, prompting Tae Pyung to think,

‘Shall I send someone else to attend this meeting next time?’

But then, he thought about Pooh and how much this would mean to him when the time comes. Even he himself only realized the value of the time his parents gave when he told them of meetings like this when he was in school.

‘I nominate Ms. Son to be the secretary,’ Ms. Cha said to the whole group.

‘I close the nomination!’ ‘I second the motion!’

Just like that, Eon Jin became the club secretary, unopposed. She wondered whether she should accept the officership or not, but when she thought about their son, she heaved out a sigh before looking at her husband. He then gave her a nod, followed by a squeeze of her hand.

‘I accept,’ she replied for everyone to hear. 

Mr. Lee, who lost the top spot to another parent, swatted his own hand when he heard the acceptance. He thought if he came on too strong for everyone, which was quite the obvious. Only he did not know about it, as he was consumed by the lure of power as if it wasn’t enough for him. In a classroom association.

The meeting ended and as the people on the front row rushed to get out, causing the small room to get noisier, the Kim and Hyun couple stayed behind. Teacher Anne then came up to them and asked them to actually stay because they had an important matter to discuss.

As the room was emptied, they moved to the front row. Eon Jin was eager to know what was happening, but Mrs. Hyun felt a tug in her heart and was already thinking about what her son did. Just then, the two little boys appeared, along with another teacher who was holding them both with either hands.

Mr. Hyun confirmed his suspicion as he looked at his son Ji Yoo, whose eyes can be clearly seen becoming watery. The father straightened up and looked at the younger one, who held his head down. Tae Pyung then turned to look at the teacher, whom he had seen was gushing over his wife while her facemask was off. He shifted his look towards the little boy on the left, who would not even meet his eye. He could see the redness of his nose and teary eyes, and right then and there Tae Pyung hurried to meet his son and ask what happened.

‘Ji Hwan,’ he began. The sound of his real name had the boy thinking that he was in trouble. ‘What happened here?’

‘Sir,’ the teacher said, manifesting his presence. For a moment, Tae Pyung wanted to extract the truth right away but he realized that he was acting too grisly about it. It could just be a minor one, but what if it was something big? 

‘My name is Teacher Mark and I am the Physical Education teacher of Ji Hwan and Ji Yoo. I am also their soccer instructor,’ he continued. Tae Pyung stood up and went beside them while the teacher escorted both kids in front. The two boys stood there, afraid to come to their parents and this made Eon Jin’s heart heavy for a moment.

She knew that she couldn't be the mother she was at home right now.

Teacher Mark then bowed before them and introduced himself once again.

‘The boys had been actively participating in school, especially in our lessons. They also have been very good in the practice soccer games and I see potential in both of them. However,’ he said reluctantly, because the actress that had been his idol since he saw the drama “Crash Landing on You” was in front of her.

Which made him think. ‘That man earlier is Ri jeong Hyeok?’ He quickly snapped back to reality.

‘However, earlier as we went to the soccer field, I saw them with these. I have them here with me and I thought I should return this to you in person,’ he said as he pulled the Hot Wheels collection and Star Wars Storm Trooper action figures inside his bag.

Mrs. Hyun looked at the black and white toy which her husband held in his hands and was already thinking about how in the world did Yoo Yoo bring them to school. Tae Pyung, on the other hand, widened his eyes at the sight of his limited edition toy car in front of him.

Bin and Tae Pyung went to the other side of the room and talked to the boys in a mild manner. Tae Pyung held Pooh who was fighting back his tears and he realized that he had been too stern earlier. But he thought likewise of what his son did and gently talked to him.

‘Buddy, are you okay? How was school earlier?’ he asked.

‘It was okay, Appa,’ the little boy replied, with his hands in front of him. Tae Pyung just knew that he was nervous, listening to the sound of the little boy’s voice. He then held his cute, chubby hands and rubbed his thumb on them, in the same way he does with Eon Jin when she is nervous. 

‘We need to talk later, okay? Don’t be afraid,’ he said as he held Pooh closer. 

‘Mrs. Kim, Mrs. Hyun. I’m sorry this happened, but I know they are kids and maybe they just want to bring their toys with them,’ Teacher Anne said.

‘Oh no, teacher. We should be the one who is sorry,’ Mrs. Hyun replied. 

‘We will talk to them at home,’ Eon Jin replied.

They all said their goodbyes and as they were walking towards the parking lot, the boys were getting a bit cozy with their dads. Mrs. Hyun and Eon Jin were left behind as they went to fetch Eun Joo in the building where the graders were staying, with the latter thinking about how she should talk to Pooh about what happened.

‘I know you’re bothered Eon Jin, but this is normal,’ Mrs. Hyun told her.

She sighed. ‘You know Yej, I actually understand now how my mother reacted when I told her that my teacher wanted to talk to her. The anticipation almost killed me earlier,’ she said, with a hint of a nervous laughter which was later joined by the former.

‘Just be gentle when you talk to him. Boys will be boys,’ Mrs. Hyun said.

‘Same with their dads,’ she added with a smile. Eun Joo then came running when she saw her Aunt Eon Jin with her eomma. When she arrived, she immediately showed off a cute curtsy which earned an earnest laugh from the older ladies.

They arrived home with Pooh asleep on the baby car seat attached. As always, Tae Pyung opened the door to her side and stayed beside her.

‘Are you okay?’ he asked as she unbuckled her seat belt.

‘Yeah,’ she replied nonchalantly as she looked at him. Helping her out of her seat, he held her hand and gave her a signature kiss on her forehead before embracing her. He knew that it could help her relax, as he had felt that way when she herself gave him one when his mind was too clouded at one point.

‘Better?’ he asked, as he felt unconvinced with her reply earlier.

Eon Jin can’t help but smile at his gesture. ‘Yes, this is better,’ she replied as she buried her face on his pacific chest. 

‘He cried, and I guess that’s why he is asleep now,’ he said, and his voice reverberated as she held on to him in the same position. ‘Baby, I can’t believe he brought my most expensive Hot Wheels to school,’ he continued, chuckling at the end.

She wanted to talk to Pooh about what happened but she figured she’ll have time for that when he wakes up. She was honestly disappointed, but then kids will always find a way out. Besides, she knew how Pooh is – he is never the hard headed one, in fact, he is one of the sweetest kids ever. Mischievous at some point, but he always had a good heart.

‘Well, I guess I’ll just talk to him later when he wakes up. Or maybe tomorrow. And we need to be careful about your collection,’ she replied. ‘Let’s get inside, I can hear your princess blabbering already.’

‘Yes, Madam Secretary,’ Tae Pyung replied, releasing her but not without giving her another kiss.

The following morning, she woke up earlier than everyone else. It was her off-schedule from the filming so she had the weekend for her family. She gave her husband a soft kiss, careful not to wake him up lest she wants to stay in bed longer than she wanted to this morning. She then got up, washed up quickly and then went on to check the kids’ room.

As soon as she came in, her sight landed on Pooh’s bed. He was up, and he was putting Hugsy inside his bag and was donning on his cute sweater.

Her eyes widened at the sight, and if what she is thinking right now is about to happen, she is sure to give this little man an earful.

Can you tell me where are you going, little man?’


Hi everyone!! It has been quite a while since I updated, life's getting busier these days.

Thank you so much for everything you guys have given me and my stories ever since I started. Words are sometimes hard to come by, but thank you for the support. It means a lot.

Stay safe and see you on the next fic!! ☺☺☺

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