The Marine

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                "Eomma, where are we going?" Ji Hwan asked his mother as he hopped on the white Range Rover. Fastening his seatbelt, Yejin gave him a kiss on his cheek and ruffled his hair a bit. The little boy smiled, and his eyes were smiling likewise. Not to mention the appearance of two dents on the sides of his face he definitely got from his father.

"Secret. I know you will love it. Now can you promise me one thing?" she asked as she looked at him, adjusting his cute face mask. He nodded and was too eager to listen to the condition she will be setting.

"We need to go somewhere first before we proceed to where I will bring you," Yejin told her son. Puzzled, he looked at her questioningly but then decided to go along with it.

"Okay, eomma. But why is dongsaeng and Appa not coming with us?" he asked, holding on to his seatbelt.

"Oh, Appa has other things to do and he wants dongsaeng to stay with him," she replied. "Can we go now?"

Ji Hwan nodded and was too excited to go. Yejin then closed the door on his side then went over to the driver's side when a panting Bin came out and grabbed her just in time. She was surprised by the sudden movement, and as her eyes widened looking at him, he wrapped her in his arms and just gave her a forehead kiss.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" he asked, looking at her wistfully. Yejin knew these gestures of him and just gave him her best eye smiles.

"Yes, Mr. Kim. This is mother and son date, so please stay at home with our princess," she replied while she held the small of his back.

"Can I have a date with the mother, too?" he asked, showing his incredible pout that she truly adored ever since the moment she saw them.

"Of course, but you have to wait until the kids are done with their turn," she replied. He thought for a moment before he gave her a naughty grin.

"I think I know what you're thinking, baby," she said, although she was really bluffing. She unlocked herself from his embrace and gave him a peck on the lips before saying goodbye. Bin waved goodbye to Pooh who was inside the SUV. She climbed up to the driver's seat and started to drive towards the open gate. Smiling, she thought of whatever was on her husband's mind.

"Oh, Binssi is going to be the death of me," she thought as she put on her glasses and black mask. She then drove off going to their destination for the day.

Yejin had a short meeting with her staff at her building in Sinsa-dong. While she was on it, Pooh sat down on one corner and not really minding what happened, as he had in his possession a Toy Story book. He was reading it, and although there were some words that he didn't know how to pronounce just yet, he continued on. Bin and Yejin taught him not to interrupt them whenever they are talking to other people, and that they will have to wait for their turn to speak. It worked and somehow, it rubbed off on Pooh that he reserves his queries when his eomma will be done with her meeting.

As he was holding his book, his young mind likewise wandered as to where they would be going.

Would she buy him a toy? But he already has lots of them.

Are they eating out? But why is his Appa and dongsaeng not around?

As he was thinking, he didn't notice that his eomma was already beside him, crouching down so she could meet his eye-level.

"Are you ready now, baby love?" Yejin asked, with her eye smiles evident. Looking at the same eye smiles her son now sports to look at her, she couldn't help but admire him. Pooh can be a kid when he is out with his cousins and friends, especially with Yoo Yoo, but when he is at home or just with them, he basically acts like a big brother and a big boy.

SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind (Book Two)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum