The Way To Her Heart

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'I guess you should be the one who needs to tell me what happened.'

The words resonated through his ears like the sound of a bass drum. He tried to figure out what she was saying, but the more he tried to find similar words, the more that the sharp pangs of pain came.

Damn hangovers. Why did I drink too much?

Tae Pyung closed his eyes and tried to relax while listening to what his wife had to say.

'We need to go back to Seoul early,' she continued.

'Baby,' he responded while holding out his hand. He slowly opened his eyes and even when he wanted to smile, he knew he just couldn't get away this easily.

'Why are we going back? Can I at least sleep so I can drive?' he asked, while he slowly straightened up, preparing to get out of the car. He took his feet out one by one from the front seat, then tried to stand up. His world was still spinning, but he needed to find his balance.

He must have drunk too much, more than he could handle. He could only hope he would not end up sleeping in the study as a consequence of what he did.

She looked at him and was moved by how he was doing. She knew that he was doing his best to think straight after the night at the party, which had quite gone too far for him. She wanted to scold him, but a great deal of something struck her heart that she couldn't find it there to be angry at him. She understood that he was enjoying the moment since it doesn't come as much. Tempted to hold him so he could stand properly, she thought otherwise. Tae Pyung can get his chance to explain the moment he gets proper rest.

'Just get inside the van now, I'm driving,' she said as she turned around.

'No, baby. Let me sleep for an hour and I will drive. The trip is quite long,' he protested. She looked at him once more, somehow glaring at him for being so stubborn.

'Just get inside the van. We will talk about this later,' she said then walked away.

He took a few moments to get to the van, momentarily stopping to regain his posture. He wondered if the kids are awake and was somehow struck by guilt that they could see him in that state. All the while, Eon Jin was beside him, observing him while he was struggling to make his way to the van.

'Don't worry, the kids are still asleep,' she mentioned gently.

'Thank God,' he thought. At last, he arrived at the passenger side and hopped on, then fastened his seatbelt. Resting his head and whole body fully, he looked at the seat beside him. As Yejin took the seat, he grabbed her hand and held it tight.

'I'm sorry baby,' he said before he closed his eyes.

Yejin could only give a deep sigh and a smile, amused by what she saw earlier. But that didn't mean that he got away with it. There was still an explanation to do.

She drove to the mansion first and met with their host, Mrs. Hyun. Like her, she was at the quarters tending to the drunk husbands. The sun just started to shine and the early morning autumn chill was like a wonderful welcome in contrast to what they experienced last night.

'Hi Yejin,' she said. 'I'm sorry but we need to go early. I have a meeting this afternoon and I guess you know why we have to leave at this time.'

The other lady smiled. 'Yes, I understand. Bin just came home likewise and is already fast asleep in our room. I have packed some food for your trip.'

'Oh thank you so much. Please tell the kids we will call them later after my meeting,' she replied. After a few minutes of conversation, she headed back to the van and started the way back home.

SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind (Book Two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang