Dia delos Padres

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Wait, am I dreaming? Did I hear that right? Appa?

'Ppppaaaa,' it came again and then I felt a bit of liquid dropping on my face. It was then I realized I was asleep, and when I opened my eyes, there was my daughter, on top of my chest.

Deja vu. Pooh did this before with me. I smiled looking at my princess before I caged her in my arms and kissed the top of her head.

'Good morning princess. You called Appa right? Right?' I said as I gently tickled her foot which I knew she found funny because of her reaction. I took my sweet time with my daughter, and I realized after a few moments that I hadn't checked where Pooh and Yejin were.

Knowing those two, I am pretty sure they were in the kitchen, cooking up something. I gently rolled over and tried to get up, until I felt my head spin for a moment which took me back to bed. Lilo was beside me, but she had that surprised look in her eyes before she smiled. I smiled looking at her, but then a sudden jolt prevented me from further smiling.

Damn hangovers. Just how much did I drink last night?

Not wanting to make my daughter think I was not okay, I decided to play peek-a-boo with her, even when I truly wanted to close my eyes and sleep some more. When I started to play with her, she was laughing and hearing the sound of it made the headache feel a little less achy than it was.

'Do you like playing, sweetheart? Appa can play with you and Oppa the whole day,' I said as I gently got up, before taking her in my arms and we went to the restroom for a moment. I placed her on her seat - yes we had one installed just in case we needed to go and she was with us - and did my thing. I washed my face then brushed my teeth and after which, we went out and down the dining room where my wife and son tandem were busily making their signature dish - mandu.

'Eomma, how does it look?' I heard Pooh ask her. I took a peek from where I was and saw Yejin looking at the made mandus. 

'Oh that's lovely, babylove,' she said while she raised up her hand and gave him a high five. Kitchen is their turf although sometimes I cook for them too.

'What did we miss?' I asked as Lilo and I popped up in their midst. Stitch hopped around while barking and this boy wants to be cuddled too. I patted his head and he licked my hand. I turned to where the tag team was and gave them both a kiss.

'Hi Appa, look!' Pooh showed his done mandu. I smiled at him.

'Looks yummy, buddy!' I said, and I guess Lilo approved since she gave out her cute coos. Pooh smiled at me and went back to wrapping the mandus. I am guessing we are having a lot since they were preparing, well, a lot.

I went to Yejin, whom I know I have to talk to later about what happened last night. But when I approached her, she was already smiling at me and gave me a kiss. Am I still dreaming? The last time I had that much drink, I ended up sleeping in the study for a few days before I was allowed to stay in the same room with her.

Oh well, that was a long time ago.

Why did that real Hyun Bin make me drink a 43% alcohol content drink and Min Tae Gu gave me those shots of Jagermeister?

'Hi baby, did you sleep well?' she asked as she looked at me. Was there something amiss?

'Yeah, I did baby. And then this princess woke me up with her drool while calling me,' I replied. She laughed.

'Oh yeah? She called you already?' she asked as she went back to the kitchen. I nodded and we sat down on the opposite table. Yejin then gave me a cup of coffee and toast.

SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind (Book Two)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora